1,139 research outputs found

    Hydrogen mean force and anharmonicity in polycrystalline and amorphous ice

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    The hydrogen mean force from experimental neutron Compton profiles is derived using deep inelastic neutron scattering on amorphous and polycrystalline ice. The formalism of mean force is extended to probe its sensitivity to anharmonicity in the hydrogen-nucleus effective potential. The shape of the mean force for amorphous and polycrystalline ice is primarily determined by the anisotropy of the underlying quasi-harmonic effective potential. The data from amorphous ice show an additional curvature reflecting the more pronounced anharmonicity of the effective potential with respect to that of ice Ih.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, original researc

    BiOCuS: A new superconducting compound with oxypnictide - related structure

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    The discovery of about 50 K superconductivity in the tetragonal Fe-based pnictides has stimulated the search for superconductivity in a wide class of materials with similar structure. Copper forms compounds isostructural to LaOFeAs. Single phase BiOCuS can be prepared by a solid state reaction at temperature lower than 500 C from a mixture of Bi2O3, Bi2S3 and Cu2S. The samples have been characterized by means of EDX analysis, X-ray diffraction, magnetic and electrical measurements. The cell parameters are a = 3.8708 A, c = 8.565 A. Charge carrier doping can be realized either by F substitutions for O, or by Cu off-stoichiometry. The latter doping route leads to the occurrence of superconductivity below Tc = 5.8 K

    The correction of Inelastic Neutron Scattering data of organic samples using the Average Functional Group Approximation

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    The use of the Average Functional Group Approximation for self-shielding corrections at inelastic neutron spectrometers is discussed. By taking triptindane as a case study, we use the above-mentioned approximation to simulate a synthetic dynamic structure factor as measured on an indirect-geometry spectrometer, as well as the related total scattering cross section as a function of incident neutron energy and sample temperature, and the transmission spectra depending on the sample thickness. These quantities, obtained in a consistent way from the Average Functional Group Approximation, are used to calculate the energy-dependent self-shielding correction affecting the sample under investigation. The impact on the intensities of low-energy vibrational modes is discussed, showing that at typical experimental conditions the sample-dependent attenuation factor is about 15% higher compared to the correction at higher energies

    ResponsabilitĂ  per danni nel trasporto aereo internazionale di merci

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    Recenzione a Maria Victoria Petit Lavall La responsabilidad por daños en el transporte aéreo internacional de mercancías, Editorial Comares, Granada, 2007

    Time-resolved prompt-gamma activation analysis at spallation neutron sources and applications to cultural heritage, security, and radiation protection

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    Abstract The present and future developments of time-resolved prompt-gamma activation analysis (T-PGAA) at pulsed neutron sources is discussed in the framework of the successful history of neutron-activation techniques. A brief description of the state of the art and the most important user facilities using standard prompt-gamma activation analysis (PGAA) is provided. Then, we discuss the challenges and the opportunities for T-PGAA at pulsed neutron sources, and the potential impact for applications to cultural heritage, radiation protection, and security. We notice some inversions of trend needed for the further development of T-PGAA with epithermal and fast neutrons, such as the possibility to use fast and high-efficiency Îł-ray scintillators with lower energy resolution (compared to usual high-purity germanium detectors) when the signal from neutron capture resonance is selected. We also suggest how detection systems often used in other fields, such as medical physics, can be of interest and inspiration also in the case of neutron-based investigations. Finally, we present new data of T-PGAA measurements on VESUVIO using neutron energies up to the keV using the scintillators available on the instrument, for samples of gold (of interest in cultural heritage), cadmium (for environmental safety), and tantalum (a material used in biomedical implants)

    The University of Malta (Seismic Monitoring and Research Unit), University of Basilicata and Imaa-CNR (Italy) operations during the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence

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    On 20th May 2012 (02:03 UTC), and on 29th May 2012 (07.00 UTC) two major earthquakes occurred in Northern Italy. The two earthquakes caused 27 people to be killed (7 on 20th May and 20 on 29th May), at least 400 injured, and up to 45,000 homeless in total, with initial estimates placing the total economic loss at several billion Euros. The main goal of this communication is to describe the operations and efforts of several researchers and Institutions during the seismic crises of the Emilia sequence. The acquired data can provide tools to reduce the impact of future earthquakes on the local communities.peer-reviewe

    Imipenem resistance of Pseudomonas in pneumonia: a systematic literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pneumonia, and particularly nosocomial (NP) and ventilator-associated pneumonias (VAP), results in high morbidity and costs. NPs in particular are likely to be caused by <it>Pseudomonas aeruginosa </it>(PA), ~20% of which in observational studies are resistant to imipenem. We sought to identify the burden of PA imipenem resistance in pneumonia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a systematic literature review of randomized controlled trials (RCT) of imipenem treatment for pneumonia published in English between 1993 and 2008. We extracted study, population and treatment characteristics, and proportions caused by PA. Endpoints of interest were: PA resistance to initial antimicrobial treatment, clinical success, microbiologic eradication and on-treatment emergence of resistance of PA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 46 studies identified, 20 (N = 4,310) included patients with pneumonia (imipenem 1,667, PA 251; comparator 1,661, PA 270). Seven were double blind, and 7 included US data. Comparator arms included a β-lactam (17, [penicillin 6, carbapenem 4, cephalosporin 7, monobactam 1]), aminoglycoside 2, vancomycin 1, and a fluoroquinolone 5; 5 employed double coverage. Thirteen focused exclusively on pneumonia and 7 included pneumonia and other diagnoses. Initial resistance was present in 14.6% (range 4.2-24.0%) of PA isolates in imipenem and 2.5% (range 0.0-7.4%) in comparator groups. Pooled clinical success rates for PA were 45.2% (range 0.0-72.0%) for imipenem and 74.9% (range 0.0-100.0%) for comparator regimens. Microbiologic eradication was achieved in 47.6% (range 0.0%-100.0%) of isolates in the imipenem and 52.8% (range 0.0%-100.0%) in the comparator groups. Resistance emerged in 38.7% (range 5.6-77.8%) PA isolates in imipenem and 21.9% (range 4.8-56.5%) in comparator groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In the 15 years of RCTs of imipenem for pneumonia, PA imipenem resistance rates are high, and PA clinical success and microbiologic eradication rates are directionally lower for imipenem than for comparators. Conversely, initial and treatment-emergent resistance is more likely with the imipenem than the comparator regimens.</p

    La Limitazione risarcitoria nel progetto di Convenzione UNCITRAL sul trasporto marittimo di merci

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    La previsione di limiti qualitativi e quantitativi alla risarcibilità dei danni che possano derivare dalla responsabilità vettoriale assume particolare rilievo fra i parametri di cui tenere conto nella valutazione del bilanciamento degli interessi delle parti nella convenzione di diritto uniforme in materia di trasporto. Questo schema è seguito anche dal Progetto di cui oggi ci occupiamo. Sulla limitazione risarcitoria, nel Progetto, è stato redatto specificamente il capitolo 13, che contempla gli articoli da 62 a 64. Si tratta, in effetti, di una deroga non secondaria agli ordinari criteri di allocazione della responsabilità sul debitore, così come, del resto, lo è in generale il regime di responsabilità vettoriale, anche in questo Progetto, sia pure in maniera meno evidente di quanto lo fosse nelle Regole dell'Aja, od in quelle dell'Aja-Visby

    Chemoselective preparation of 1,1-diacetates from aldehydes, mediated by a Keggin heteropolyacid under solvent free conditions at room temperature

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    A simple, general and efficient method has been developed for the conversion of aldehydes to 1,1-diacetates using acetic anhydride, a catalytic amount of non commercial Keggin heteropolyacid (H6 PalMo11O40) (1% mol) in solvent free conditions at room temperature. Aromatic and aliphatic, simple and conjugated aldehydes were protected with excellent yields.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Cancer rate of the indeterminate lesions at low or high risk according to italian system for reporting of thyroid FNA

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    Background: Italian consensus for the classification and reporting of thyroid cytology (ICCRTC) has been used in almost all Italian institutions since 2014. High reliability of ICCRTC in classifying low and high risk indeterminate nodules (Tir 3A and Tir 3B, respectively) was demonstrated. Here we reviewed our casuistry of thyroid indeterminate lesions to analyze the histologic outcome. Methods: All lesions undergone FNA and final histology at S. Andrea Hospital of Rome after a cytologic assessment of Tir 3A and Tir 3B, according to ICCRTC, were included in the study. Results: A number of 157 indeterminate FNA was found after the introduction of ICCRTC. Of these, 75 undergone surgery and were finally included for the study. At histology we found a 33.3% of cancers and a 67.7% of benign lesions. Out of the overall series, 25 were classified as Tir 3A and 50 as Tir 3B. Cancer rate observed in Tir 3A (1/25, 4%) was significantly (p = 0.0002) lower than that of Tir 3B (24/50, 48%). No significant difference was found in age and size between the two subcategories. Conclusions: We confirm in our series that Italian consensus for the classification and reporting of thyroid cytology allows to discriminate indeterminate lesions at low and high risk of malignancy
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