577 research outputs found

    The state of sewage system economics in rural areas in Poland

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    Infrastructure is the basis of economic activities both in urban and in rural areas. It is also one of main conditions for improving quality of life. Among its most important elements are: water delivery system, as well as sewage treatment network and sewage treatment plants. These devices should create one composite techno-economical system. Non-integrated water delivery contributes to bigger waste of water, and without connection to integrated sewage treatment systems, it can be a serious threat to the environment In Poland, and in rural areas particularly, this situation is highly unsatisfactory. In 2007, share of population connected to water network in rural areas was 73.3%, while for sewage network is was only 21.3%. In many communes, this share was even less than 10%. One can mention a few reasons of this state, mainly: lack of sufficient investment for 40 years after the 2nd World War, big water deficit in rural areas (brought about by droughts and thus, big reduction or decline of water level in shallow homestead wells, being a main water source), big dispersion of rural settlements in the country, limiting economies of scale achievement, and lack of resources available for local authorities. The latter, having not enough resources for infrastructure development, made a decisions to concentrate on water system firstly, while more costly waste management was treated as a second-tier need. In consequence, bigger investment in this field has just started since the half of nineties in the 20th century. Despite this late investment, in December 2007 one could observe that the total length of sewage network was still 4 times shorter than water network. Only 15.5% of rural administrative units were canalized. A quantity of household wastewater purified was 5 times smaller than a quantity of water used. There was also a small number of household sewage treatment plants (figure 4), which can be a good response for dispersed rural settlements. Thus, cesspools (many of them leaking), remain the main way of wastewater collection, being a serious threat for environment. However, there is a hope that this situation will change during next 7 10 years, mainly by obliging Poland to follow the EU Directive 91/271/EEC. This law expects any European Union member state to create, till the end of 2015,more than 2 thousand inhabitants. In Polish National Sewage Treatment Program, almost 1600 administrative units of these kind, were indentified. 1400 of them are totally or partially inhabited by rural community. Releasing this program is, however, determined strongly by local self-government activity and its ability to gain sufficient financial resources for this purpose

    The role IROP of the technical infrastructure development in the rural areas in the region of Łódź

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    Samorządy terytorialne, zwłaszcza na szczeblu gminnym, ze względu na brak wystarczającej ilości własnych środków finansowych, zmuszone są przy podejmowaniu działalności inwestycyjnej do poszukiwania ich na zewnątrz. Jednym z ważniejszych źródeł takiej pomocy są programy unijne przeznaczone dla Polski. Mają one na celu zmniejszenie dysproporcji w rozwoju starych i nowych członków UE. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę projektów inwestycyjnych w zakresie infrastruktury technicznej zrealizowanych na obszarach wiejskich w województwie łódzkim w latach 2004–2008 przy dofinansowaniu ze Zintegrowanego Programu Operacyjnego Rozwoju Regionalnego (ZPORR). Opis dotyczy nie tylko uzyskanych dzięki nim efektów rzeczowych ale również ekono-micznych, społecznych i ekologicznych.Territorial self-governments, especially those at the local level, when lacking sufficient amount of own financial resources, are forced to search for external finances. Today, EU funds are one of the most important sources of this kind of financing. These funds aim at diminishing development disparities between old and new EU members. The aim of this paper is to characterize technical infrastructure investment project, realized in the rural areas in the region of Łódź in years 2004-2008, co-financed by The Integrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP, Polish abbreviation: ZPORR). This description includes not only material effects, but also economical, social and ecological ones

    Idea protez bionicznych w nowoczesnej protetyce

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    Over the past decades, a tremendous progress has been made in creating artificial machines and systems. Breakthroughs in this field have been possible through the collaboration of scientists, biologists, computer scientists, engineers and patients. A particularly promising area is the invention of bionic artificial limbs as well as bionic ear and eye prostheses. The connection of the nervous system with a bionic prosthesis enables it to partly fulfill the functions of a real limb. This is an opportunity for a disabled person to live a fairly normal life. The article discusses the progress made in recent years in creating bionic prostheses and presents the requirements of bionic prostheses, their advantages, disadvantages, applied solutions and directions for their further development

    Occurrence and paleoecological significance of lyssacinosid sponges in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of southern Poland

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    Cretaceous lyssacinosid sponges (Hexactinellida) are rare and poorly recognized. This is the first description of lyssacinosid sponges from the Cretaceous of Poland. The sponges (including six species and three types of root tufts) come from the Upper Turonian-Lower Coniacian of the Opole Trough, Upper Campanian of the Miechów synclinorium, and Upper Campanian of the SE part of the border synclinorium. All localities lie southwards of the previous reports, widening thus the paleogeographic distribution of the group within the North European Province. Cretaceous lyssacinosids seem to be a useful tool in paleoecological interpretations. The presence of thin-walled lyssacinosids with root tufts indicates a soft substrate, slow rate of sedimentation, and calm and deeper water conditions

    Textbook evaluation for early foreign language learning

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    Przedmiotem artykułu jest opracowanie autorskiego katalogu kryteriów pomocnego przy podejmowaniu decyzji o wyborze podręczników i materiałów dydaktycznych do nauki języków obcych na I etapie edukacyjnym. Katalog został sporządzony na podstawie analizy metodycznych założeń wczesnego nauczania języków obcych oraz kryteriów oceny podręczników na wyższych szczeblach edukacyjnych, które powinno się mieć na uwadze również przy ocenie materiałów dydaktycznych przeznaczonych do nauki języków obcych dzieci. Analiza zasad metodycznych skupia się przede wszystkich na zasadach kształcenia kompetencji językowej i odpowiednim doborze treści nauczania. Pozwala ona na wyciągnięcie wniosków, w jakim stopniu wybrany materiał dydaktyczny sprzyja odpowiedniemu rozwojowi języka obcego u dzieci i czy angażuje je emocjonalnie.The subject of the article is the development of a proprietary catalogue of criteria helpful in making decisions about the selection of textbooks and teaching materials for learning foreign languages at the first stage of education. The catalogue was prepared based on an analysis of the methodological assumptions of early foreign language teaching and the criteria for evaluating textbooks at higher levels of education, which should also be taken into account when assessing teaching materials intended for teaching foreign languages to children. The analysis of methodological principles focuses primarily on the principles of language competence education and the appropriate selection of teaching content. It allows concluding to what extent the selected didactic material supports the proper development of a foreign language in children and whether it engages them emotionally.Jolanta Gładysz: @us.edu.plMarek Gładysz: [email protected] Gładysz - Uniwersytet Śląski. Wydział Humanistyczny. Filologia germańskaMarek Gładysz - Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie. Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych. Instytut NeofilologiiBleyhl W., Geschichten erzählen, ein pädagogischer Auftrag mit vielen Ebenen, [in:] Fremdsprachen in der Grundschule. Geschichten erzählen im Anfangsunterricht – Storytelling, W. Bleyhl (Hrsg.), Hannover 2002, S. 8–19.Bleyhl W., Grammatik im Sprachunterricht? Oder: Hilft die Bewusstmachung der sprachlichen Formen und Strukturen beim Sprachenlernen?, [in:] So lernen Kinder erfolgreich Deutsch. International erprobte Konzepte für den DaF/DaZ-Unterricht, B. Widlok (Hrsg.), Berlin 2016, S. 52–56.Bovermann M., Georgiakaki M., Zschärlich R., Paul, Lisa & Co. Deutsch für Kinder. Kursbuch. A 1.1, München 2018.Buczek-Zawiła A., Co naprawdę motywuje najmłodszych uczniów języka angielskiego?, „Poliglota“ 2010, 2 (12), S. 21–28.Budzyńska P., How authentic is language included in English and German language textbooks for primary education in Poland?, „Glottodidactica“ 2018, XLV/1, S. 27–40.Felberbauer M., Von Fröschen, Schweinen, Schmetterlingen und Drachen. Story telling and fantasy trips, „Grundschulunterricht“ 1998, 45 (1), S. 18–21.Fermer D., Nachtmann T., Warum Geschichten ideal zum Sprachenlernen sind und wie eine kleine Puppe dabei helfen kann, [in:] So lernen Kinder erfolgreich Deutsch. International erprobte Konzepte für den DaF/DaZ-Unterricht, B. Widlok (Hrsg.), Berlin 2016, S. 106–111.Funk H., Arbeitsfragen zur Lehrwerkanalyse, [in:] Zur Analyse, Begutachtung und Entwicklung von Lehrwerken für den fremdsprachlichen Deutschunterricht, B. Kast, G. Neuner (Hrsg.), Berlin 1998, S. 105–108.Gerngross G., Krenn W., Puchta H., Ja klar! 1, Recanati 2003.Gładysz J., Empirische Untersuchung der Effizienz des narrativen Ansatzes, „Orbis Linguarum“ 2007, 32, S. 205–230.Gładysz J., Mitarbeit: Sowa K., Storytelling. Bajki i opowiadania do nauki języka angielskiego dla dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i szkolnym, Żory 2014.Gładysz J., Mitarbeit: Sowa K., Erzählen von Geschichten. Bajki i opowiadania do nauki języka niemieckiego dla dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i szkolnym, Żory 2015.Gładysz J., Kriterien für die Auswahl narrativer Texte sowie deren Adaptation und Didaktisierung für die Zwecke des frühen Fremdsprachenlernens am Beispiel des Märchens „Die drei kleinen Schweinchen“ / „The Three Little Pigs“, [in:] Geöffnetes Zeitfenster nutzen! Frühes Fremdsprachenlernen – Zwischen Theorie und Praxis, I. Wowro, M. Jakosz, J. Gładysz (Hrsg.), Göttingen 2019, S. 107–141.Haudeck H., Der Einsatz von Handpuppen und anderer Spielfiguren, [in:] Fremdsprachen in der Grundschule. Grundlagen und Praxisbeispiele, W. Bleyhl (Hrsg.), Hannover 2000, S. 59–68.Hellwig K.-H., Fremdsprachen an Grundschulen als Spielen und Lernen. Dargestellt am Beispiel Englisch, Ismaning 1995.Iluk J., Jak uczyć małe dzieci języków obcych?, Katowice 2002.Iluk J.,Methodische Binsenweisheiten und der alltägliche Fremdsprachenunterricht, [in:]Moderner Fremdsprachenerwerb zwischen Interkulturalität und Multimedia. Reflexionen und Anregungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, H. Pürschel, T. Tinnefeld (Hrsg.), Bochum 2005, S. 164–174.Iluk J., Jakosz M., Narrativer Fremdsprachenunterricht im Vor- und Schulalter aus der Perspektive der interkulturellen Erziehung, „Studia Germanica Gedanensia“ 2017, 37, S. 111–128.Kirsch D., Der narrative Ansatz im frühen Fremdsprachenunterricht, [in:] Fremdsprachenlernen in der Grundschule, Goethe-Institut, The British Council, ENS-Credif (Hrsg.), „Triangle“ 1992, 11, S. 71–77.Klippel F., Englisch in der Grundschule: Handbuch für einen kindgemäßen Fremdsprachenunterricht, Berlin 2000.Komorowska H., Metodyka nauczania języków obcych, Warszawa 2002.Krumm H.-J., Stockholmer Kriterienkatalog, [in:] Zur Analyse, Begutachtung und Entwicklung von Lehrwerken für den fremdsprachlichen Deutschunterricht, B. Kast, G. Neuner (Hrsg.), Berlin 1998, S. 100–105.Leopold-Mudrack A., Fremdsprachenerziehung in der Primarstufe: Voraussetzungen, Konzept, Realisierung, Münster, New York, München, Berlin 1998.Lundquist-Mog A., Widlok B., DLL 8 – Deutsch Lehren Lernen. DaF für Kinder, München 2015.Mindt D., Schlüter N., Englisch in den Klassen 3 und 4. Grundlagen für einen ergebnisorientierten Unterricht, Berlin 2003.Olpińska-Szkiełko M., Glottodydaktyczne implikacje lingwistycznych badań nad dwujęzycznością i koncepcji wychowania dwujęzycznego, „Lingwistyka Stosowana“ / „Applied Linguistics“ / „Angewandte Linguistik“ 2014, 9, s. 103–115.Rösler D., Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Eine Einführung, Stuttgart 2012.Sambanis M., Verstehensbasierte Ansätze im frühen Fremdsprachenunterricht – Weg oder Irrweg?, „Beiträge zur Fremdsprachenvermittlung“ 2005, 43, S. 3–11.Swerlowa, O., Hallo Anna. Język niemiecki dla klas I–III szkoły podstawowej. Podręcznik, Band 1, 2, 3, Poznań 2011.Widlok B. (Hrsg.), Petravić A., Org H., Romcea R., Nürnberger Empfehlungen zum frühen Fremdsprachenlernen. Neubearbeitung, B. Widlok (Hrsg.), München 2010.https://www.goethe.de/ins/pl/de/spr/unt/kum/d/dms.html[Zugriff am 17.09.2018].https://klett.hu/download/ANNA1 TANARI web.pdf [Zugriff am 03.12.2018].25213

    Model of Centauro and strangelet production in heavy ion collisions

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    We discuss the phenomenological model of Centauro event production in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions. This model makes quantitative predictions for kinematic observables, baryon number and mass of the Centauro fireball and its decay products. Centauros decay mainly to nucleons, strange hyperons and possibly strangelets. Simulations of Centauro events for the CASTOR detector in Pb-Pb collisions at LHC energies are performed. The signatures of these events are discussed in detail.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX+revtex4, 14 eps-figures and 3 table

    Opoka – a mysterious carbonate-siliceous rock: an overview of general concepts

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    The opoka is a carbonate-siliceous marine sedimentary rock, forming a thick succession of Upper Cretaceous age in Poland and in other regions of Europe. This rock has been studied for over 150 years, but only the use of modern analytical techniques enables for the formulation of its mineralogical definition, which identifiesthe distinct features of opoka and allows it to be distinguished from other rocks (e.g. chalk, gaize). Parallel to the petrographic research on opoka, its palaeobathymetric interpretations, which were based on the palaeotectonic models of Danish-Polish Trough inversion has been revised. Depending on the model of palaeotectonic history, opoka has been interpreted as a deep-water or shallow facies, without detailed petrographic studies of its mineralogical composition. The paper presents various aspects of opoka, including history of the term, nomenclature, mineralogical composition, microtexture and palaeoecological significance of Cretaceous opoka. New data which permit precise definition of this rock term, and its mineralogical composition are discussed in the light of palaeoecological reconstructions, bathymetry and existing models of opoka distribution

    Criteria for the Selection of Narrative Textsaswell as Their Adaptation and Methodology of Working with Them for the Purposes of Early Foreign Language Learning Usingthe Example of the Fairy Tale Die drei kleinen Schweinchen / The ThreeLittlePigs

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    The first partofthe article includes the criteria used to selectstories for earlyforeign language learning.The description of the criteria concentrates on general and linguistic criteria which constitute akind of guide by choosing the optimal stories used in the early learning process. The focus is mostly on the repeated language patterns and the reason why we shoulduse such stories. Furthermore, the adaptation of the stories on the basis of The three little pigs is shown in English and in German as well. The second and also the main partofthe article is devoted to methodologyofworking with anarrative text using also the example of the story The three little pigs. The methodologyisintended to showwhich didactic activities should be undertaken before, during and after telling the story. The purpose of this partofthe article is therefore to showhow to offer children the best opportunities to developaconstructive and creative comprehension