6 research outputs found

    Optimisation of a TALE nuclease targeting the HIV co-receptor CCR5 for clinical application

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    Disruption of the C-C-Chemokine-receptor-5 (CCR5) gene induces resistance towards CCR5-tropic HIV. Here we optimised our previously described CCR5-Uco-TALEN and its delivery by mRNA electroporation. The novel variant, CCR5-Uco-hetTALEN features an obligatory heterodimeric Fok1-cleavage domain, which resulted in complete abrogation of off-target activity at previously found homodimeric as well as 7/8 in silico predicted, potential heterodimeric off-target sites, the only exception being highly homologous CCR2. Prevailing 18- and 10-bp deletions at the on-target site revealed microhomology-mediated end-joining as a major repair pathway. Notably, the CCR

    CRISPR-to-Kill (C2K)–Employing the Bacterial Immune System to Kill Cancer Cells

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    CRISPR/Cas9 was described as a bacterial immune system that uses targeted introduction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) to destroy invaders. We hypothesized that we can analogously employ CRISPR/Cas9 nucleases to kill cancer cells by inducing maximal numbers of DSBs in their genome and thus triggering programmed cell death. To do so, we generated CRISPR-to-kill (C2K) lentiviral particles targeting highly repetitive Short Interspersed Nuclear Element-Alu sequences. Our Alu-specific sgRNA has more than 15,000 perfectly matched target sites within the human genome. C2K-Alu-vectors selectively killed human, but not murine cell lines. More importantly, they efficiently inhibited the growth of cancer cells including patient-derived glioblastoma cell lines resistant to high-dose irradiation. Our data provide proof-of-concept for the potential of C2K as a novel treatment strategy overcoming common resistance mechanisms. In combination with tumor-targeting approaches, the C2K system might therefore represent a promising tool for cancer gene therapy

    Chaperone-mediated autophagy in neuronal dendrites utilizes activity-dependent lysosomal exocytosis for protein disposal

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    Summary: The complex morphology of neurons poses a challenge for proteostasis because the majority of lysosomal degradation machinery is present in the cell soma. In recent years, however, mature lysosomes were identified in dendrites, and a fraction of those appear to fuse with the plasma membrane and release their content to the extracellular space. Here, we report that dendritic lysosomes are heterogeneous in their composition and that only those containing lysosome-associated membrane protein (LAMP) 2A and 2B fuse with the membrane and exhibit activity-dependent motility. Exocytotic lysosomes dock in close proximity to GluN2B-containing N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptors (NMDAR) via an association of LAMP2B to the membrane-associated guanylate kinase family member SAP102/Dlg3. NMDAR-activation decreases lysosome motility and promotes membrane fusion. We find that chaperone-mediated autophagy is a supplier of content that is released to the extracellular space via lysosome exocytosis. This mechanism enables local disposal of aggregation-prone proteins like TDP-43 and huntingtin