251 research outputs found

    A Q-Learning-Based Approach for Simple and Multi-Agent Systems

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    This study proposes different machine learning-based solutions to both single and multi-agent systems, took place on a 2-D simulation platform, namely, Robocode. This dynamic and programmable platform allows agents to interact with the environment and each other by employing a variety of battling strategies. Q-Learning is one of the leading and popular machine learning-based solutions to be applied to such a problem. However, especially for continued spaces, the control problem gets deeper. Essentially, one of the main drawbacks of reinforcement learning (RL) is to design an appropriate reward function that the function can be described by only employing few parameters for simple tasks, whereas estimating the goal of the reward function may be a challenging problem. Recent studies prove that neural network-based approaches can handle these challenges and achieve to learn control strategies from 2-D or 1-D data. Besides those problems of RL algorithms for single robots, once the number of robots increases and the systems need to behave as multi-agent systems, the overall design requirements become more complex. Accordingly, the proposed system is validated by considering different battle scenarios. The performance of the Q-Learning-based system and the supervised learning techniques are compared by employing different scenarios for this problem. Results reveal the superiority of the ANN-based approach over other methods

    an appraisal of dÄ°scussions on the definition and scope of IstiĂąra al- Makniyya

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    TeƟbĂźh iliƟkisi ĂŒzerine kurulan ve mecĂązın bir tĂŒrĂŒ olan istiĂąre, beyĂąn ilminin en önemli ve en problemli konularından bir tanesidir. Ä°stiĂąre sanatının mĂŒĆŸebbehĂŒn bihin dĂŒĆŸmesi sonucu oluƟan kısmına istiĂąre-i mekniyye denir. BelĂągat Ăąlimleri, Kur’ñn Ăąyetlerinde, Hz. Peygamber kelamında ve pek çok edebĂź metinde örnekleri bulunan bu sanatın tanımı ve kapsamı hakkında kafa yormuƟ, pratikteki uygulamasında hemfikir olsalar da teorik arka planı hakkında ciddi tartÄ±ĆŸmalara girmiƟlerdir. Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmada öncelikle SekkĂąkĂź (ö. 626/1229), SekkĂąkĂź öncesi ve SekkĂąkĂź sonrasında öne çıkan belĂągatçıların konuyla ilgili görĂŒĆŸlerine yer verilmiƟtir. Bu bağlamda CumhĂ»run, SekkĂąkü’nin, HatĂźb el-KazvĂźnĂź (ö. 739/1338) ve Ä°sĂąmuddĂźn Ä°sferĂąyü’nin (ö. 945/1538) görĂŒĆŸĂŒ olmak ĂŒzere Ä°stiĂąre-i mekniyenin tanımı ile ilgili öne çıkan dört görĂŒĆŸe yer verilmiƟtir. Konuyla iliƟkisi bağlamında görĂŒĆŸlerine yer verilen dilcilerin mecĂąz ve genel istiĂąre anlayÄ±ĆŸlarına da yer verilmiƟtir. Sonuç bölĂŒmĂŒnde istiĂąre-i mekniyyenin tanımına dair tespit edilen dört farklı görĂŒĆŸĂŒn genel bir değerlendirilmesi yapılmÄ±ĆŸtır. Değerlendirme sonucu istiĂąre-i mekniyyeye dair yapılan bu tanımların, mecĂąz tanımı veya genel istiĂąre tanımıyla çeliƟmesi yönĂŒyle barındırdıkları problemler ortaya konmuƟtur.Istiara, which is based on the relationship of analogy and is a type of metaphor, is one of the most important and most problematic issues of the science of al-beyĂąn. The part of the art of istiara formed as a result of the fall of mĂŒĆŸabbehĂŒ bih is called istiĂąre al-makniyya. The scholars of eloquence have thought about the definition and scope of this art, examples of which are found in the verses of the Qur'an, Hadiths, and many literary texts. Although they agree on the practical application of istiara al-makniyya, they have entered into serious discussions about its theoretical background. In this work, first, the opinions of the prominent eloquence before and after SakkākÄ« (d. 626/1229) on the subject are given. The understanding of metaphors and understanding of general istiĂąra of the linguists, whose opinions are included in the context of the relationship with the subject, are also included. In the conclusion section, a general evaluation of the four different views on the definition of istiĂąra al-makniyya was made. As a result of the evaluation, it has been revealed that these definitions made about the istiĂąra al-makniyya are problematic in terms of conflicting with the definition of metaphor or the definition of general istiĂąra

    Multiagent Systems for 3D Reconstruction Applications

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    3D models of scenes are used in many areas ranging from cultural heritage to video games. In order to model a scene, there are several techniques. One of the well-known and well-used techniques is image-based reconstruction. An image-based reconstruction starts with data acquisition step and ends with 3D model of the scene. Data are collected from the scene using various ways. The chapter explains how data acquisition step can be handled using a multiagent system. The explanation is provided by literature reviews and a study whose purpose is reconstructing an area in 3D using a multiagent UAV system

    A novel framework using deep auto-encoders based linear model for data classification

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    This paper proposes a novel data classification framework, combining sparse auto-encoders (SAEs) and a post-processing system consisting of a linear system model relying on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. All the sensitive and high-level features are extracted by using the first auto-encoder which is wired to the second auto-encoder, followed by a Softmax function layer to classify the extracted features obtained from the second layer. The two auto-encoders and the Softmax classifier are stacked in order to be trained in a supervised approach using the well-known backpropagation algorithm to enhance the performance of the neural network. Afterwards, the linear model transforms the calculated output of the deep stacked sparse auto-encoder to a value close to the anticipated output. This simple transformation increases the overall data classification performance of the stacked sparse auto-encoder architecture. The PSO algorithm allows the estimation of the parameters of the linear model in a metaheuristic policy. The proposed framework is validated by using three public datasets, which present promising results when compared with the current literature. Furthermore, the framework can be applied to any data classification problem by considering minor updates such as altering some parameters including input features, hidden neurons and output classes. Keywords: deep sparse auto-encoders, medical diagnosis, linear model, data classification, PSO algorithmpublishedVersio

    Chomsky’nin Üretici Dil Bilgisi Kuramı ile Klasik Nahiv Ä°lminde Selika (Dil Yetisi)

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    Seliqa (linguistic innate) associated with the debate on the origin of languages in one respect, has occupied the agenda of Islamic linguists of the classical period as well as Western linguists of the modern period. Islamic linguists in the Arabic language in particular, Western linguists in general, have put forward different views in the sense of what this phenomenon, whether it is an innate or an intellectual ability. The aim of this study is that Jāhiz (d. 255/869), one of the representatives of classical Arabic linguistics who sees seliqa as a geographical and sociological phenomenon, and Ibn JinnÄ« (d. 392/1002), who sees it as a system with standard rules, and JurjānÄ« (d. 471/1078), who saw it as a structuralist and superficial phenomenon, and Noam Chomsky, who developed the modern Generative Grammar theory and put forward a different understanding of seliqa in accordance with this language theory, is a Western linguist in the modern era, to express their views on language seliqa in a comparative way. In the last part of the study, it is mentioned the views of Temmam Hassan who is the one of the representatives of modern Arabic linguistics and the author of this study, about the language seliqa.Bir yönĂŒyle dillerin kökeni tartÄ±ĆŸmalarıyla iliƟkili olan dil selikası (yetisi), hem klasik dönem MĂŒslĂŒman dilbilimcilerin hem de modern dönem Batılı dilbilimcilerin gĂŒndemini meƟgul etmiƟtir. MĂŒslĂŒman dilbilimcileri Arap dili özelinde, Batılı dilbilimciler ise genel olarak dilde bu olgunun ne ifade ettiği, edimsel bir beceri mi yoksa fıtri bir yeti mi olduğu konusunda farklı görĂŒĆŸler öne sĂŒrmĂŒĆŸlerdir. Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmanın amacı, klasik dönem Arap dilbilim temsilcilerinden olan ve selikayı coğrafi ve sosyolojik bir olgu olarak gören CĂąhiz (ö. 255/869), standart kurallara sahip bir sistem olarak gören Ä°bn CinnĂź (ö. 392/1002) ile yapısalcı ve yĂŒzeysel bir olgu olarak gören CĂŒrcĂąnü’nin (ö. 471/1078), modern dönem Batılı dilbilimci, Üretici DönĂŒĆŸĂŒmsel Dilbilgisi kuramını geliƟtiren ve bu kurama uygun farklı bir selika anlayÄ±ĆŸÄ± ortaya koyan Noam Chomsky’nin dil selikası hakkındaki görĂŒĆŸlerini mukayeseli bir Ɵekilde ortaya koymaktır. ÇalÄ±ĆŸmanın sonunda da modern dönem Arap dilbilim temsilcilerinden ve çalÄ±ĆŸmanın yazarı olan TemmĂąm HassĂąn’ın dil selikası hakkındaki görĂŒĆŸleri yer almaktadır

    Recoil analysis for heavy Ion beams

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    Given that there are 94 clinics and more than 200,000 patients treated worldwide, proton and carbon are the most used heavily charged particles in heavy-ion (HI) therapy. However, there is a recent increasing trend in using new ion beams. Each HI has a different effect on the target. As each HI moves through the tissue, they lose enormous energy in collisions, so their range is not long. Ionization accounts for the majority of this loss in energy. During this interaction of the heavily charged particles with the target, the particles do not only ionize but also lose energy with the recoil. Recoil occurs by atom-to-atom collisions. With these collisions, crystalline atoms react with different combinations and form cascades in accordance with their energies. Thus, secondary particles create ionization and recoil. In this study, recoil values of Boron(B), Carbon(C), Nitrogen(N), and Oxygen(O) beams in the water phantom were computed in the energy range of 2.0-2.5 GeV using Monte Carlo simulation and the results were compared with carbon. Our findings have shown that C beams have 35.3% more recoil range than B beams, while it has 14.5% and 118.7% less recoil range than N and O beams, respectively. The recoil peak amplitude of C beams is 68.1% more than B beams, while it is 13.1% less than N and 22.9% less than O beams. It was observed that there is a regular increase in the recoil peak amplitude for C and B ions, unlike O and N where such a regularity could not be seen. Moreover, the gaps in the crystal structure increased as the energy increases


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    In the title compound, C24H28N2O3S, the pendant methyl C atom bonded to the cyclo­hexane ring is disordered over two sites in a 0.580 (11):0.420 (11) ratio. The cyclo­hexane ring adopts a distorted chair conformation while the thia­zolidine ring has an envelope conformation. The two phenyl rings make a dihedral angle of 71.8 (2)° with each other. The conformation is stabilized by an intra­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond. In the crystal structure, an inter­molecular hydrogen bond O—H⋯O occurs

    A Goal Oriented Navigation System Using Vision

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    This paper addresses a goal oriented navigation framework in a behavior-based manner for autonomous systems. The framework is mainly designed based on a behavioral architecture and relies on a monocular vision camera to obtain the location of goal. The framework employs a virt ual physic based method to steer the robot towards the goal while avoiding unknown obstacles, located along its path. Simulation results validate the performance of the proposed framework
