97 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the taxonomic status of Scorzonera hieraciifolia (Asteraceae) in the light of current data

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    Bu çalışmada, halofitik endemik Scorzonera hieraciifolia (Asteraceae)’nın morfolojisi, küresel ölçekteki tehtit seviyesi ve taksonomik durumu yeni veriler ışığında ele alınmıştır. Türün doğal yayılış gösterdiği alanlardan yeni toplanan ve ulusal/uluslararası herbaryumlarda saklanan örnekler üzerinden yapılan detaylı incelemeler S. hieraciifolia taksonunun kısa kıvrık tüylü (crisped) gövde tabanı; basit (lanseolat, ovat veya eliptik) veya birleşik (pinnat derin linear parçalı) yaprak ayası; ovat ve ucu boynuzsu uzantılı dış fillarileri (corniculate); tüysüz veya seyrek uzun kıvrık yünsü tüylü (lanate), 4-6 mm uzunlukta, siğilli (verrucose) yüzey süslemeli ve saplı (stipitate) akenleri ile karakterize olduğunu göstermiştir. Türün halihazırda tuzlu bataklık ve bozkır alanlarda tespit edilen popülasyonlarının (10 farklı alan) güçlü olduğu ancak küresel iklim değişimleri etkisiyle tuzcul alanlarda oluşabilecek değişimlerden etkilenebileceği öngörülerek küresel ölçekte tehdite yakın (NT) kategorisinde değerlendirilmiştir. Gerek literatür gerekse TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenen proje kapsamında elde edilen güncel veriler değerlendirilerek türün yayılış alanları ortaya konulmuştur. Son olarak S. hieraciifolia yakın (akraba) türler ile morfolojik ve korolojik açısından karşılaştırılarak taksonomik durumu netleştirilmiştir.In this study, the morphology, global threat level and taxonomic status of the halophytic endemic Scorzonera hieraciifolia (Asteraceae) was investigated of new data. Detailed examinations on newly collected samples from the natural areas of the species and the specimens kept in national/international herbaria indicated that S. hieraciifolia is characterized by crisped hairs at the stem base; simple (lanceolate, ovate or elliptical) or compound (pinnate with deeply linear segments) leaves, ovate and corniculate outer phyllaries; glabrous or lanate, 4-6 mm length, verrucose and stipitate achenes. The populations of the species currently detected in salt marsh and steppe areas (10 different areas) are appraised strong, however considering that it could be affected by changes that may occur in saline areas due to global climate changes. It has evaluated in near threatened (NT) category in a global scale. The distribution areas of the species were revealed by evaluating both the literature and current data obtained within the scope of the project supported by TUBITAK. Finally, the taxonomic status of S. hieraciifolia has been clarified by comparing with close (relative) species in terms of morphology and chorology

    Pollen morphology and anatomical features of Lilium (Liliaceae) taxa from Turkey

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    Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628;WOS: 000342440900005In this study, pollen grains and anatomical features of Turkish lilies were investigated under the electron (SEM) and light (LM) microscope. LM and SEM observations showed that the pollen grains are monosulcate, heteropolar, elliptical in polar view and oblate. Numerical results based on combined palynological and anatomical characters were discussed and compared with traditional taxonomic treatments. It was found that the midrib shape, mesophyll type, P/E (polar/equatorial), sulcus length, and lumina width are the most valuable traits in separating the examined taxa. the numerical analysis showed that Lilium candidum L. differs from the rest Turkish Lilium and also confirmed a close relationship between L. szovitsianum Fisch. & Av,-Lall. and L. armenum Miscz. ex Grossh. Also this study is the first report dealing with anatomical and palynological features of all Turkish lilies.RUBAP [2009.102.03.4]The authors extend their thanks to RUBAP (Project number 2009.102.03.4) for the financial support

    Naiv hepatit C enfeksiyonlu hastaların on-altı yıllık prognozu

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    Objectives: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the clinical course of treatment-naive patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) who were followed up in various centers in Turkey. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study performed with the participation of 15 centers. Patients aged 18 years and older with HCV infection were included. Results: A total of 391 treatment-naive patients infected with HCV were included in this study. During the follow-up period, the final values of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate transaminase, and total protein were significantly decreased when compared to the initial values (p<0.001, p<0.001, and p=0.005, respectively). In the study group, 19.2% of the patients underwent liver biopsy and 4.1% underwent transient elastography (FibroScan). An increased histological activity index (HAI) score and fibrosis in the second biopsy were observed in one patient, only increased HAI in two patients and increased fibrosis in one patient, as shown on the FibroScan. In the 16 years of the study period, cirrhosis was radiologically detected in only one patient. Conclusion: Even if rapid progression is not observed, close monitoring of the clinical findings related to liver failure and fibrosis with invasive or non-invasive methods may be useful.Amaç: Bu çalışmada ülkemizin çeşitli merkezlerinde takip edilen naiv hepatit C virüs (HCV) ile enfekte hastaların klinik seyrini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışma retrospektif olarak 15 merkezin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmaya 18 yaş üstü, HCV enfeksiyonu olan hastalar dahil edilmiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmada 391 tedavi-naiv HCV enfeksiyonlu hasta yer almıştır. Hastaların takip süresinde son alanine aminotransferase, aspartate transaminase ve total protein değerleri ilk düzeyine göre önemli düzeyde azalmıştır (sırasıyla p<0,001, p<0,001, p=0,005). Çalışma grubunda hastaların %19,2’sine karaciğer biyopsisi, %4,1’ine elastografi (FibroScan) uygulanmıştır. Takip esnasında bir hastada ikinci biyopside histolojik aktivite indeksi (HAI) ve fibroziste artma, iki hastada sadece HAI’da artma, birinde FibroScan ile fibrozis değerinde artma olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bir hastada 16 yıl içinde radyolojik olarak siroz saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Hızlı progresyon gözlenmemekle birlikte hastaların izleminde karaciğer yetmezliği ile ilgili klinik bulguların ve invaziv veya noninvaziv yöntemlerle fibrozisin yakın takibi yararlı olabilir

    Contribution to chromosome numbers and phylogeny of Turkish Vincetoxicum Wolf (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae)

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    We report chromosome counts for ten taxa of Vincetoxicum sensu stricto (s. str.) (Apocynaceae) from Turkey (of which two are endemic), including the first chromosome counts for V. canescens subsp. pedunculata, V. funebre, V. fuscatum subsp. boissieri, V. parviflorum and V. tmoleum. Two taxa of V. fuscatum proved to be tetraploid (2n=44) and the remaining eight taxa diploid (2n=22). Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on nrDNA (ITS) and cpDNA (trnT-trnL) (including 31 newly generated sequences) confirm the position of the Turkish Vincetoxicum in the Vincetoxicum s. str. clade. Vincetoxicum fuscatum, V. parviflorum, V. speciosum, as well as the Turkish endemic V. fuscatum subsp. boissieri, were clearly resolved as species-level clades, whereas the delimitation of the rest of the Turkish taxa was less clear based on molecular data

    A new Vincetoxicum (Apocynaceae) species from Eastern Anatolia and its relationship based on biosystematic properties

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    Vincetoxicum anatolicum (Apocynaceae), a new species from eastern Turkey, is described and illustrated. Additionally, a revised key for Turkish Vincetoxicum is provided and the seed micromorphology and palynological properties of the new species is described for the first time. The new species is morphologically similar to V. fuscatum and V. parviflorum, but it can be distinguished by its 8-12 mm long peduncles, yellow to light brown corolla with crisped hairs on the inner surface, and ovate corona segments partly fused with intermediate teeth, as well as by palynological properties like obovate pollinia and rugulate exine sculpture. However, phylogenetic analyses showed that the new species, attributed to the 'Vincetoxicum s.str. clade', is clustered in the same subclade as V. funebre, V. rehmannii and V. scandens rather than with the species morphologically most similar to it.Recep Tayyip Erdogan University 2015.53007.102.03.0


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    The purpose of this study is to determine teacher candidates’ opinions on the Light and QR-Code Assisted Brain Lobes and their Tasks model, which is a unique design that differentiates itself from other studies in the literature. The study employed the basic qualitative research approach. Teacher candidates studying at the Faculty of Education of a state university in Ankara in the fall semester 2021-2022 were included in the study. The study group consisted of 50 teacher candidates studying in the Biology Education and Science Education. The Material Assessment form was the data collection tool for the study. The first part of the form, contains a material evaluation rubric. The second part of the form had semi-structured interview questions aimed at getting more detailed views from participants about the model. From the material evaluation rubric, a material evaluation score was obtained. A five-stage thematic analysis method was used in the analysis of qualitative data obtained through open-ended questions. As a result, the model can be considered a teaching material that can be used effectively in the teaching of the relevant subject. It was determined that teacher candidates expressed many positive opinions about the model designed to teach the brain lobes.

    Anatomical properties of Epilobium and Chamaenerion from a taxonomical perspective in Turkey

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    In the present study, the anatomical features of stem, leaf, and fruit of 22 Epilobium L. and 4 Chamaenerion Seguier taxa were studied using light microscopy with the aim to find out taxonomically significant characters for the examined taxa. Principal component analysis indicated that the row number of collenchyma, presence of periderma and phloem fibers in the stem, the shape of midrib and idioblast, leaf type, and the shape of fruit in cross section are the most valuable anatomical traits delimiting the investigated taxa at generic and partly specific level. Additionally, the dendrograms resulted from unweighted pair-group method supported to describe members of Chamaenerion with circular or cordate midrib, equifacial leaf, cylindrical idioblast, and pericarp composed of T-form lobes and circular or rectangular central column and Epilobium with semicircular midrib, bifacial leaf, circular idioblast, and pericarp composed of m-form lobes and rectangular central column.Recep Tayyip Erdogan University FBA-2016-52