131 research outputs found

    Possible climate change impacts on water resources availability in a large semi-arid catchment in Northeast Brazil.

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    The semiarid region of Northeast Brazil is characterized by water scarcity, vulnerability of natural resources, and pronounced climatic variability. An integrated model has been developed to simulate this complex situation with an emphasis on a large-scale representation of hydrological processes and on the sensitivity to climate change. Regional climate change scenarios were obtained by empirical downscaling with large-scale climate information from different GCMs which differ strongly in their projections for future precipitation. The results show that due to these differences, it is still impossible to give quantitative values of the water availability in a forecast sense, i.e. to assign probabilities to the simulated results. However, it becomes clear that efficient and ecologically sound water management is a key question for further development. The results show that, independent of the climate change, agriculture is more vulnerable to drought impacts in the case of rainfed compared to irrigated farming. However, the capacity of irrigation and water infrastructure to enhance resilience with respect to climatic fluctuations is significantly constrained in the case of a negative precipitation trend

    Handheld Device for Selective Benzene Sensing over Toluene and Xylene

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    More than 1 million workers are exposed routinely to carcinogenic benzene, contained in various consumer products (e.g., gasoline, rubbers, and dyes) and released from combustion of organics (e.g., tobacco). Despite strict limits (e.g., 50 parts per billion (ppb) in the European Union), routine monitoring of benzene is rarely done since low-cost sensors lack accuracy. This work presents a compact, battery-driven device that detects benzene in gas mixtures with unprecedented selectivity (>200) over inorganics, ketones, aldehydes, alcohols, and even challenging toluene and xylene. This can be attributed to strong Lewis acid sites on a packed bed of catalytic WO3 nanoparticles that prescreen a chemoresistive Pd/SnO2 sensor. That way, benzene is detected down to 13 ppb with superior robustness to relative humidity (RH, 10–80%), fulfilling the strictest legal limits. As proof of concept, benzene is quantified in indoor air in good agreement (R2 ≥ 0.94) with mass spectrometry. This device is readily applicable for personal exposure assessment and can assist the implementation of low-emission zones for sustainable environments

    Interannual variations of the terrestrial water storage in the Lower Ob' Basin from a multisatellite approach

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    International audienceTemporal variations of surface water volume over inundated areas of the Lower Ob' Basin in Siberia, one of the largest contributor of freshwater to the Arctic Ocean, are estimated using combined observations from a multisatellite inundation dataset and water levels over rivers and floodplains derived from the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) radar altimetry. We computed time-series of monthly maps of surface water volume over the common period of available T/P and multisatellite data (1993–2004). The results exhibit interannual variabilities similar to precipitation estimates and river discharge observations. This study also presents monthly estimates of groundwater and permafrost mass anomalies during 2003–2004 based on a synergistic analysis of multisatellite observations and hydrological models. Water stored in the soil is isolated from the total water storage measured by GRACE when removing the contributions of both the surface reservoir, derived from satellite imagery and radar altimetry, and the snow estimated by inversion of GRACE measurements. The time variations of groundwater and permafrost are then obtained when removing the water content of the root zone reservoir simulated by hydrological models

    EstimaciĂłn del coeficiente de almacenamiento del acuĂ­fero Pampeano a partir de datos de un gravĂ­metro superconductor

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    El rendimiento específico o porosidad drenable se define como la cantidad media de agua por unidad de volumen de suelo que se drena por unidad de descenso del nivel freático en un perfil que se extiende desde el nivel freático hasta la superficie. Desde un punto de vista hidrogeológico este parámetro resulta de importancia en problemas tales como la estimación de la recarga y el diseño de planes eficientes para la explotación sustentable de aguas subterráneas. El valor de este parámetro se suele estimar mediante ensayos de bombeo y su valor resulta siempre menor al de la porosidad de la formación. En el presente trabajo se propone una técnica para la determinación del rendimiento específico que correlaciona mediciones de gravedad in situ del gravímetro superconductor GWR R038 con variaciones del nivel freático muestreadas en el predio del Observatorio Argentino Alemán de Geodesia (AGGO). Para emplear esta técnica es necesario contar con datos observados durante un periodo de tiempo sin precipitaciones para garantizar un descenso continuo del nivel freático por flujo regional. Bajo estas hipótesis y asumiendo que el problema es unidimensional se obtiene una relación lineal entre las variaciones de gravedad y los niveles freáticos que depende del rendimiento específico. Para la aplicación práctica de esta técnica se seleccionó un período de tiempo de 19 días (9 al 28 de mayo del 2016) donde se observó un perfil de humedad estable y un descenso continuo de los niveles. Los datos gravimétricos fueron corregidos por efectos de marea, carga oceánica, presión atmosférica y movimiento del polo. El valor del rendimiento específico determinado para el acuífero Pampeano es aproximadamente 0.18. Este valor se encuentra dentro del rango de valores admisibles para la textura de este acuífero. La técnica empleada es sumamente novedosa en nuestra región ya que el gravímetro superconductor de AGGO es el único instrumental de su tipo funcionando en América Latina.Eje: Ciencias Hidrológicas y Criósfera.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas (FCAG

    Satellite-based estimates of groundwater storage variations in large drainage basins with extensive floodplains

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    International audienceThis study presents monthly estimates of groundwater anomalies in a large river basin dominated by extensive floodplains, the Negro River Basin, based on the synergistic analysis using multisatellite observations and hydrological models. For the period 2003-2004, changes in water stored in the aquifer is isolated from the total water storage measured by GRACE by removing contributions of both the surface reservoir, derived from satellite imagery and radar altimetry, and the root zone reservoir simulated by WGHM and LaD hydrological models. The groundwater anomalies show a realistic spatial pattern compared with the hydrogeological map of the basin, and similar temporal variations to local in situ groundwater observations and altimetry-derived level height measurements. Results highlight the potential of combining multiple satellite techniques with hydrological modeling to estimate the evolution of groundwater storage

    Soil moisture observation in a forested headwater catchment: combining a dense cosmic-ray neutron sensor network with roving and hydrogravimetry at the TERENO site WĂĽstebach

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    Cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) has become an effective method to measure soil moisture at a horizontal scale of hundreds of metres and a depth of decimetres. Recent studies proposed operating CRNS in a network with overlapping footprints in order to cover root-zone water dynamics at the small catchment scale and, at the same time, to represent spatial heterogeneity. In a joint field campaign from September to November 2020 (JFC-2020), five German research institutions deployed 15 CRNS sensors in the 0.4 km2 Wüstebach catchment (Eifel mountains, Germany). The catchment is dominantly forested (but includes a substantial fraction of open vegetation) and features a topographically distinct catchment boundary. In addition to the dense CRNS coverage, the campaign featured a unique combination of additional instruments and techniques: hydro-gravimetry (to detect water storage dynamics also below the root zone); ground-based and, for the first time, airborne CRNS roving; an extensive wireless soil sensor network, supplemented by manual measurements; and six weighable lysimeters. Together with comprehensive data from the long-term local research infrastructure, the published data set (available at https://doi.org/10.23728/b2share.756ca0485800474e9dc7f5949c63b872; Heistermann et al., 2022) will be a valuable asset in various research contexts: to advance the retrieval of landscape water storage from CRNS, wireless soil sensor networks, or hydrogravimetry; to identify scale-specific combinations of sensors and methods to represent soil moisture variability; to improve the understanding and simulation of land–atmosphere exchange as well as hydrological and hydrogeological processes at the hillslope and the catchment scale; and to support the retrieval of soil water content from airborne and spaceborne remote sensing platforms
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