39 research outputs found

    Accessory tendon variation in a case of hallux rigidus

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    Halluks rigidus, birinci metatarsofalangeal eklemdeki dejeneratif artritin neden olduğu, ayak başparmağında sınırlı dorsifleksiyon (plantar şeksiyon göreceli olarak daha az kısıtlanmıştır) ve ağrı ile karakterize bir durumdur. Halluks rigidus nedeniyle opere edilen bir hastada aym zamanda birinci metatarsofalangeal eklemde aksesuar bir tendonun varlığı saptandı. Vakamızdaki aksesuar tendonun hem birinci metatarsofalangeal eklem kapsülünün medialine, hem de sağ ayak başparmağı proksimal falanksı’nın bazis’inin medialine yapıştığı tespit edildi. Hallux rigidus ile bu aksesuar tendonun birlikteliği daha önce bildirilmemişken halluks valgus ile olan birlikteliğinden söz edilmektedir. Bu aksesuar tendonun birinci metatarsofalangeal eklemin biyomekaniğinde oynadığı rol henüz yeterince açıklığa kavuşmamış olup ileri araştırmaları gerektirmektedirHallux rigidus is a condition caused by degenerative arthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint and characterized by pain and limited dorsiflexion of the great toe, but relatively unrestricted plantar flexion. In a patient who was operated for hallux rigidus it was also seen that first metatarsophalangeal jo int has got an accessory tendon. In our case the accessory tendon has been inserted to medial side of the capsule of the first metatarsophalangeal joint and also to medial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of right hallux. Although in some studies coexistance of this variation with hallux valgus has been noted, coexistence ofthis tendon variation with hallux rigidus has not been reported before. The exact role of the accessory tendon on the biomechanics of first metatarsophalangeal joint is not clear enough and necessitates further investigation

    Subclavian steal syndrome with an unusual presentation

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    Steal syndrome has been known since 1960 in the medical literature. It is the pathological process in which blood flows in reverse direction and if vessels supplying the intracranial structures are involved, a variety of neurological symptoms may develop. In this paper, we report a case with left subclavian steal syndrome that presented solely by paroxysmal numbness on the right side of the lip and tongue and discuss the clinical importance from the neurological point of view. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Fixed-Bearing versus Mobile-Bearing Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty: Comparison of Patients with Similar Component and Mechanical Axis Alignment

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    Aim: Unicondylar knee arthroplasty (UKA) is among the treatment options for patients with arthritis limited to one compartment of the knee. Fixed-bearing (FB) and mobile-bearing (MB) inserts are present. This study aimed to compare functional and clinical outcomes and revision rates of patients operated with FB-UKA and MB-UKA. Material and Methods: A total of 131 knees of 118 patients underwent cemented UKA, with a mean follow-up period of 80.58±31.31 months for FB-UKA and 97.66±29.24 months for MB-UKA. Clinical and functional evaluation was performed by the Knee Society Score (KSS) and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) score, at the last follow-up visit. The factors affecting the radiological and functional results, complication, and revision rates were examined under three main titles; i) surgeon-related, ii) patient-related, and iii) component alignment-related factors. Results: There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of age, gender, body mass index, and side. Regarding the KSS scores, 9 (6.87%) knees were within acceptable limits, 62 (47.32%) knees were found to be good, and 60 (45.80%) knees were found to be excellent. No statistically significant difference was found between groups (p=0.497). Regarding the WOMAC scores, the MB-UKA group had significantly lower pain (p=0.049) and stiffness (p=0.014), but similar functional (p=0.591) scores. There was no statistically significant difference regarding revision rates (p=0.931). Conclusion: Similar clinical, functional, and radiological results and low revision rates were found. In terms of pain and joint stiffness, a significant difference was found between groups, in favor of MB-UKA

    Quadrilateral space syndrome: a case report

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    Kuadrilateral boşluk sendromu, aksiller sinirde kuadrilateral boşluk içinde izole nöropati gelişmesidir; çok az görülen bir durumdur. Bu yazıda, sağ omzunda yeri iyi belirlenemeyen ağrı, omuz posteriorunda nokta hassasiyeti bulunması ve manyetik rezonans incelemesinde kuadrilateral boşluk içinde fibröz bant görülmesi üzerine kuadrilateral boşluk sendromu tanısı konan 27 yaşında bir erkek hasta sunuldu. Fibröz bandın eksizyonundan sonra aksiller sinirin serbest hale geldiği: gözlendi. Hastanın şikayetlerinin ameliyattan sonra geçtiği görüldü.Quadrilateral space syndrome is a rare entity caused by isolated compression of the axillary nerve in the quadrilateral space. A twenty-seven-year-old male patient presented with a poorly localized shoulder pain and point tenderness on the posterior aspect of the shoulder. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a fibrous band causing quadrilateral space syndrome. Surgical excision of the fibrous band was performed and the axillary nerve was released. The patient became symptom-free after surgical decompression

    Bilateral Anterior Dislocation of Shoulders Associated with Greater Tuberosity Fractures Following Grandmal Seizure: Case Report

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    Bilateral anterior shoulder dislocations associated with proximal humerus fractures are extremely rare. In the present paper we report patient suffered from bilateral anterior shoulder dislocations associated with greater tuberosity fractures following a grand mal seizure. Reduction was achieved with external rotation method which is safe and easy to perform. After reduction, shoulders were fixed for four weeks in adduction and external rotation in Velpau bandages then gentle physical therapy was started and lasted for four weeks. Eighth weeks examination revealed full range of motion without pain

    Data on axial alignment of the lower extremity of individuals living in the district of Tokat, Turkey

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    Objectives: We investigated frontal plane alignment and orientation features of individuals living in the district of Tokat, Turkey

    Accessory tendon variation in a case of hallux rigidus

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    Halluks rigidus, birinci metatarsofalangeal eklemdeki dejeneratif artritin neden olduğu, ayak başparmağında sınırlı dorsifleksiyon (plantar şeksiyon göreceli olarak daha az kısıtlanmıştır) ve ağrı ile karakterize bir durumdur. Halluks rigidus nedeniyle opere edilen bir hastada aym zamanda birinci metatarsofalangeal eklemde aksesuar bir tendonun varlığı saptandı. Vakamızdaki aksesuar tendonun hem birinci metatarsofalangeal eklem kapsülünün medialine, hem de sağ ayak başparmağı proksimal falanksı’nın bazis’inin medialine yapıştığı tespit edildi. Hallux rigidus ile bu aksesuar tendonun birlikteliği daha önce bildirilmemişken halluks valgus ile olan birlikteliğinden söz edilmektedir. Bu aksesuar tendonun birinci metatarsofalangeal eklemin biyomekaniğinde oynadığı rol henüz yeterince açıklığa kavuşmamış olup ileri araştırmaları gerektirmektedirHallux rigidus is a condition caused by degenerative arthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint and characterized by pain and limited dorsiflexion of the great toe, but relatively unrestricted plantar flexion. In a patient who was operated for hallux rigidus it was also seen that first metatarsophalangeal jo int has got an accessory tendon. In our case the accessory tendon has been inserted to medial side of the capsule of the first metatarsophalangeal joint and also to medial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of right hallux. Although in some studies coexistance of this variation with hallux valgus has been noted, coexistence ofthis tendon variation with hallux rigidus has not been reported before. The exact role of the accessory tendon on the biomechanics of first metatarsophalangeal joint is not clear enough and necessitates further investigation

    Opening focal dome osteotomy in the treatment of varus gonarthrosis associated with medial laxity

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    Objectives: We evaluated the short-term results of opening focal dome osteotomy in the treatment of varus gonarthrosis associated with medial laxity