77 research outputs found

    Role of environmental factors in mesenchymal stem cell biology

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    Ankara : The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2009.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2009.Includes bibliographical references leaves 87-99.Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) have the abilities of self-renewal and differentiation into fat, bone, cartilage, and muscle tissues. Besides intrinsic mechanisms that control the fate of the MSCs, extrinsic physiological factors also play role in this decision. Therefore, our aim is to explore the effects of possible environmental factors, involved in MSC maintenance by using rat MSCs as a model. We studied the effects of hypoxia and estrogen on growth regulation and cellular proliferation in MSCs. MSCs cells exhibited high colony number in hypoxic conditions and the expansion of MSCs was increased addition of the estrogen. In addition, estrogen prevents apoptosis, under hypoxic condition. The effects of estrogen on the expression levels of Notch genes (Notch1, Notch2, Notch3 and Notch4) were also investigated. In order to understand the possible mechanism of estrogen response, an experimental and in silico approach are used. The expression levels of Notch1 and Notch 3 were decreased treatment and the expression level of Notch 4 was increased upon estrogen treatment. In addition, bioinformatics analysis showed that, estrogen upregulates ERG family transcription factors, ELF family transcription factors, HOXL4 family transcription factors, KLF family transcription factors and transcription factor SOX3, which bind to Notch 1 transcriptional regulatory region, implying indirect effects of estrogen on Notch 1 expression. Twenty biomaterials were also investigated in order to assess whether they provide an appropriate environment for MSCs expansion. It was found that eight of the biomaterials out of twenty designated as, CA-1, CA-2, CA-3, CI-K, CI-A, CIII-1, CIII-2 and CIII-3, were appropriate candidates to expand MSCs. The combination polymers designated as HPMA/PEG provided appropriate conditions when prepared in the proportion of 1:0 (CA-1), 1:1 (CA-2) and 2:1 (CA-3). The appropriate proportion of polymers designated as HEMA/PEG/HPC was 2:1:1(CIII-1), 3:0:1 (CIII-2) and 1:1:0 (CIII-5).Gültekin, SinanM.S

    Comparison of mean platelet volume values among different causes of pulmonary hypertension

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    Background: Pulmonary hypertension is caused by a heterogenous group of disorders with diverse pathophysiological mechanisms, with ultimate structural changes in the pulmonary vascular bed. Platelet activation plays an important role in the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension, while it is unknown whether it contributes to pathogenesis in other conditions. We aimed to investigate platelet activation in different causes of pulmonary hypertension by means of mean platelet volume measurement. Methods: A total of 67 patients with different causes of pulmonary hypertension, and 31 controls, were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with pulmonary hypertension were further grouped according to underlying disease, including pulmonary arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension due to left ventricular failure, and pulmonary hypertension due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. All patients and controls&#8217; past medical data, admission echocardiograms and complete blood counts were reviewed. Results: Patients with pulmonary hypertension had higher mean platelet volume levels compared to healthy controls (8.77 &#177; 1.18 vs 7.89 &#177; 0.53; p < 0.001), and statistical significance was still present when pulmonary arterial hypertension patients were not included in the pulmonary hypertension group (8.59 &#177; 1.23 vs 7.89 &#177; 0.53; p < 0.001). Among patients with pulmonary hypertension, the pulmonary arterial hypertension group and the pulmonary hypertension due to left ventricular failure group had higher mean platelet volumes compared to healthy controls. Mean platelet volume did not correlate with pulmonary artery pressure. Conclusions: Our results indicate that mean platelet volume is not only elevated in pulmonary arterial hypertension, but also due to other causes of pulmonary hypertension. (Cardiol J 2012; 19, 2: 180&#8211;187


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    Di vê xebatê de hevokên temamker ên berkarî yên devoka Torê, wate, entegrasyon (biyekbûn) û cureyên wan hatiye vekolan. Bi awayekî hûrgilî rewşên hevokên temamker ên berkarî yên devoka Torê, bi mînakên meydanî û bi nêrîneke ezmûnî hatine ravekirin. Di beşa yekem de bi taybetî lêkerên ku dikarin hevokên temamker ên berkarî bigirin hatine ravekirin. Li ser sê cur lêker hatiye rawestin û ev sê cure lêker ev in: lêkerên modal, lêkerên pêhisîn-pêzanîn-vegotinê (PPV) û lêkerên manîpûlatîf (dançêker). Ev cure lêker li gorî taybetiyên xwe bi hevokên temamker ên berkarî re tên bikaranîn. Di beşa duyem de jî ji aliyê entegrasyona morfolojîk (biyekbûna binyadî) ve hevokên temamker ên berkarî hatine lêkolîn. Hevokên temamker ên berkarî ji aliyê morfolojiyê (şêwezanî) ve dibin sê beş: hevokên temamker ên berkarî yên subjonktîf (raweya daxwazî, subjunctive), hevokên temamker ên berkarî yên îndîkatîf (raweyên pêşker) û hevokên temamker ên berkarî yên navdêrandî (nominalized). Li gorî bikaranîna di risteyê de hevokên temamker ên berkarî yên subjonktîf pirtir girêdayî hevoka bingehîn in. Bi piranî bi lêkerên modal û manîpûlatîf re tên bikaranîn. Hevokên temamker ên berkarî yên îndîkatîf pirtir weke hevokên serbixwe dikarin tevbigerin, lewma li gorî yên subjonktîf serbesttir in. Hevokên temamker ên berkarî yên îndîkatîf bi lêkerên PPVyê (pêhisîn-pêzanîn-vegotin) re tên bikaranîn. Hevokên temamker ên berkarî yên navdêrandî yên ku herî kêm tên bikaranîn in. Pirtir weke navdêran tevdigerin û qertafên navdêrî digirin. Di beşa sêyem de li ser entegrasyona sîmantîk (biyekbûna wateyî) a hevokên temamker ên berkarî hatiye rawestin. Li ser mijarên weke hev-referantî, serkeftin, niyet, kontrola karayî, temas, hev-demî, cureyên vegotinê, ketina bikeran hatiye vekolan. Lêkerên ku dikarin hevokên temamker ên berkarî bistînin (modal, PPV, manîpûlatîf) û hevokên temamker ên berkarî yên ku bi wan re tên bikaranîn beş bi beş hatine vegotin. Pirtir ji aliyê wate û entegrasyonê ve cûdahî û hevbeşiyên hevokên temamker ên berkarî hatine eşkerekirin.Bu çalışmada nesne olarak kullanılan yan cümlecikler, anlamları, entegrasyonu ve çeşitleri araştırılmıştır. Nesne görevinde kullanılan yan cümlelerin kullanımları, Tur- Abidin ağzına özgü örneklerle, ayrıntılı bir şekilde ve deneysel bi bakış açısıyla analiz edilmiştir. Birinci bölümde, nesne görevinde kullanılan yan cümleleri alabilen fiiller incelenmiştir. Üç çeşit fiil üzerinde durulmuştur: modal fiiller, duyuşsal-bilişsel- aktarımsal fiiller ve manipulatif fiiller. Bu tür fiiller, kendi özelliklerine göre nesne olarak kullanılan farklı yan cümle türleriyle beraber kullanılır. İkinci bölümde ise morfolojik açıdan nesne olarak kullanılan yan cümlelerin entegrasyonu araştırılmıştır. Nesne olarak kullanılan yan cümleler morfolojik açıdan üçe ayrılır: subjunktif yan cümleler, indikatif yan cümleler ve adlaşmış yan cümleler. Cümledeki kullanımına bakıldığında subjunktif yan cümlelerin diğer nesne olarak kullanılan yan cümlelere göre temel cümleye daha çok bağlı olduğu fark edilmektedir. Nesne olarak kullanılan subjunktif yan cümleler daha çok modal ve manipulatif fiillerle kullanılır. Nesne olarak kullanılan indikatif yan cümleler, daha özgür ve bağımsız cümleler gibi hareket etmektedir. Bu yüzden indikatif olan yan cümleler subjunktif olanlara göre daha bağımsız davranmaktadır. İndikatif yan cümleler duyuşsal-bilişsel-aktarımsal fiiller ile kullanılır. Nesne olarak kullanılan ad-eylem yan cümleler ise daha az kullanılmaktadır. Ad-eylem olan yan cümleler daha çok isim gibi görünmektedir ve isim eklerini alır. Üçüncü bölümde, nesne olarak kullanılan yan cümlelerin semantik entegrasyonu (anlamsal bütünlüğü) üzerinde durulmuştur. Hem-referanslık, başarı, niyet, öznenin kontrolü, temas, hem-zemanlık, aktarım çeşitleri, öznelerin düşmesi gibi konular incelenmiştir. Nesne olarak kullanılan yan cümleleri alabilen fiiller (modal, manipulatif, duyuşsal-bilişsel-aktarımsal) ve aldıkları yan cümleler bölüm bölüm anlatılmıştır. Daha çok nesne olarak kullanılan yan cümlelerin anlam ve entegrasyon açısından farklılık ve benzerlikleri tespit edilmiştir.In this study, the complement clauses, and the meaning, kinds and integration of them are analized. The complement clauses, their usages, and typological perspective are analized with details, by giving the examples of Tor-Abidin dialect. In the first chapter, especially, verbs that can take complement clauses are studied. There are three kinds of verbs that can take complement clauses: modal verbs, PCU verbs, and manipulative verbs. These kinds of verbs are used with complement clauses according to their features. In the second chapter, the morphological integration of complement clauses is analized. According to morphological features, coplement clauses are divided into three sections: subjunctive complement clauses, indicative complement clauses, and nominalized complement clauses. The integration of subjunctive complement clauses with main clause is stronger than other’s. Subjunctive complement clauses are used with modal and manipulative verbs. On the other hand, indicative complement clauses behave like independent clauses. Therefore they are more free than subjunctive complement clauses. Indicative complement clauses are used with PCU verbs. Nominalized complement clauses are the least common complement clauses in regard to tehir usage. Generally, they behave like nouns and take nominal affixes. In the third chapter the semantical integration of complement clauses is examined. The subjects like co-referantiality, success, intend, agentive control, contact, co- temporality, utterance types, co-deletion are discussed. The verbs that can take complement clauses (modal, PCU, manipulative verbs) are examined section by section. Mostly, coplement clauses, their differences and similarities according to their meaning and integration is presented

    Knowledge Levels of Paramedic Program Senior Year Students on Frequently Used Drugs and Interventional Procedures: A Comparative Study

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    Aim: This study aimed to determine and compare the knowledge level of senior year students studying the paramedic program at Dokuz Eylul(DEU), Ege (EU) and Izmir Katip celebi (IKCU) universities on frequently used drugs and interventional procedures


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    Introduction: This study was conducted to determine ageism-related attitudes of paramedics working at the 112 emergency ambulance services and students attending the paramedic programmes