36 research outputs found
Needle sticks and injuries due to surgical instruments in health care providers
Objective: Health caregivers are facing various risks andhazards in their working environment. In this study theevaluation and examination of measures to be taken wasaimed among occupational injuries in our hospital in thelast three years.Methods: This study was performed as a retrospectiveinvestigation of 40 records of injury for health care providersthat detected by infection control committee of atertiary care university hospital between May 2010 andApril 2013.Results: Forty health care providers mean aged 28.5±7.8years submission were included. There were 21 male and19 female subjects. Most cases were the nurses (16/40).The majority of the injuries occurred in the surgical wards.Among the submissions, only 3 were working in the emergencyservice. The type of injuries were needle stick in 36cases and injuries due to surgical instruments in 2 casesand mucosal exposure in 2 cases. Following injury, 39cases confirmed that they cleaned the injured area. Inone case, the injured area was exsanguinated by squeezing.The cause of injury was known by 25 cases; however,15 cases did not know the causative material. In one casehepatitis B developed after injury. This case did not applyto the infection committee early stage but referred afterthe development of signs of active hepatitis.Conclusions: Health care providers should be educatedabout the risks of occupational body fluids and blood exposuresand after exposure to blood or blood productsthey should apply to the infection control committee withoutdelay.Key words: Hepatitis B, needle stick, health care provider
The investigation of risk factors in candiduria patients by cosc-control study
Kandidüriye yol açan risk faktörlerini araştırmak üzere bu çalışmayı planladık MATERYAL - METOP; Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi Klinik bakteriyoloji ve İnfeksiyon Hastalıkları Laboratuvarına ve Merkez Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarına çeşitli kliniklerden gönderilen idrar kültürleri sonuçlan değerlendirildi. Yatıştan 72 saat sonra alınan idrar kültüründe 100.000 cfiı/ml kandida üremesi tespit edilen olgular değerlendirmeye alındı. Bunların arasından idrar kültüründe herhangi bir bakteriyel etkenin saptanmadığı, 38° C üzerinde ateşi olan ve piyürisi pozitif olan, 17 yaş üzeri 51 kandidüri olgusu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Kontrol grubunun seçiminde olgunun tespit edildiği klinikte en az 72 saattir yatan idrar kültüründe üremesi olmayan olguları alındı. Olgu ve kontrol grubu için sorgulama formları dolduruldu. Her bir olguya karşılık yaş, yatış süresi, yattığı servis ve cinsiyet benzeştirilerek 3 adet kontrol olacak şekilde 153 tane kontrol olgususeçildi. İstatikse! değerlendirme için Student -t test, kikare testleri kullanıldı, BULGULAR: Her iki gruptada hastaların yaş ortalaması, yatış süresi, yattığı servis benzerdi. Araştırılan risk faktörleri arasında abdominal cerrahi uygulanması kandidüri riskini 4 kat arttırdığı (p:0,001 OR:4,020), malignitenin ise kandidüri riskini 0,2 oranında arttırdığı tespit edildi (P:0,003, OR: 0,218 ). Steroid ve immünsupresif ilaç kullanımının kandidüri riskini 1,4 kat arttırdığı (P:0.335,OR: 1.478), üriner kateter varlığının kandidüri riskini 12 kat arttırdığı bulundu (P:0.000,OR.T2.408). Antibiyotik kullanımı kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında kandidüri riskini 6 kat daha fazla arttırdığı bulundu (OR: 6,00, P:0,000). Diabetli olgularda ise kandidüri gelişme riski kontrol grubuna göre 2 kat daha fazla artmış bulundu (OR:2002, P:0,044). Kandidürili hastalarda izole edilen kandida türleri ise C. albicans % 68.62, C. glabrata %11.76, C. kefry % 9.8, C.famata % 3.92, C. sake % 3.92, C. intermedia % 1.96 olarak bulundu. SONUÇ: Kandida türleri içinde en fazla görülen etken C. albicans' dır. DM, geniş spektrumlu antibiyotik kullanımı, üriner kateter varlığı, steroid ve immüno supressif ilaç kullanımı, malignite ve abdominal cerrahi uygulanmasının kandidüri olma riskini arttırdığı bulundu. Sonuç olarak hastanede yatan hastalarda üriner kateter kullanım süresinin kısaltılması, gereksiz kateter kulammımn azaltılması, endikasyonsuz geniş spekturumlu antibiyotik kullanımından kaçınılması gerekmektedir.We planned this study to investigate the risk factors that cause candiduria in the hospitalized patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The cultures that were sent from various clinics to the laboratory of the clinic of infectious Diseases, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Selçuk Universty and to the laboratory of Central Microbiology were evalueted. The cases that showed 100.000 cfu/ml Candida in urine cultures that were taken after 72 hours of hospitalization were estimated. From these patients who were above 17 years of age, and there was no bacterial agent obtained in the urine cultures, who have fever above 38°C and have pyuriae were take to this study. The number of the cases that were taken to this study was 51. The patients that were take to the control group showed negative urine cultures that were taken 72 hours after hospitalization. The same forms were filled for the control and the case group. The special features of the case and control group were similar. For 5 1 case group 153 control group was taken to the study. For statistical analyse student's t test and ki-kare test was used. RESULTS: The average age of the patients, the hospitalization period, and clinics were resemble each other in the two groups. Between the risk factors that were invastigated the abdominal surgery was incresed the risk of candiduria for 4 folds (p:0,001 OR:4,020), malignity was incresed the risk for candiduria for 0,2 folds (P:0,003, OR: 0,218 ), steroid and immunosupressive therapy was incresed the risk for candiduria for 1,4 folds (P:0.335,OR: 1.478), and urinary catheter was incresed the risk for candiduria for 12 folds (P:0.000, OR: 12.408). Antibiotic usage was increased the candiduria risk 6 folds than the control group (OR: 6,00, P:0,000). In the cases with Diabetes Mellitus the risk of candiduria was 2 folds increased than the control group (OR:2002, P:0,044). The species that were isolated in the patients with candiduria were C. albicans 68.62 %, C. glabrata 1 1.76 %, C. kefiy 9.8 %, C.famata 3.92 %, C. sake 3.92 %, C. intermedia 1.96%. CONCLUSION: In the candiduric patients C.a/bicans was the most seen agent. DM, the usage of wide spectrum antibiotic, urinary catheter, steroid and immunospresive therapy and malignity and abdominal surgery increased the risk for candiduria. As a result, in the hospitalized patients we must decrease the usage of urinary catheter, the time of catheterization and we must be avoid of unnecessary antibiotic usage
Daily life in Bursa during the early Republican era (1923-1950)
1923 yılında Cumhuriyet'in ilan edilmesinin ardından Türkiye genelinde olduğugibi Bursa'da da savaşın yaraları sarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Lozan Antlaşması gereğinceşehirden giden azınlıkların yerine gelen göçmenler Bursa'nın toplumsal yapısındaolduğu kadar ekonomik yapısında da değişiklik yaratmıştır. Göç eden azınlıklarlabirlikte sermaye ve yetişmiş iş gücü açığı doğmuş, Cumhuriyet hükümetinin yaptığıiktisadi inkılâplar bu açığı kapatmaya dönük iken, eğitim ve kültür inkılâpları ile birlikteçağdaş bir toplum hedefine ulaşmayı amaçlamıştır. Bu amaçla birlikte Bursa'da ülkegenelinde olduğu gibi bu alt yapıyı oluşturacak kurumları, doğu slam toplum düzeninive geleneksel kalıpları bırakarak çağdaş uygarlığa yönelebilen insan topluluğuyetiştirecek şekilde oluşturulmuştur. Bu durum Bursa'nın gündelik yaşamında dadeğişiklik yaratmıştır.After declaring republic in 1923, the wounds of war were tried to get wellin Bursa like the whole Turkey. According to pledge of Lozan the immig rantswho have come for the place of minorities that have gone from the city, is thereason of differences both social and economic structure. Deficiency of capitaland experienced man power occured with the immigrated minorities, economicalrevulotions of the government of republic were trying to cover this gap, was theaim of reach modern society with educational and cultural revolutions. For thisaim in Bursa, same as the whole country, departmants are formed to consist thisstructure , which will train human population that can leave East Islamic society's life and traditionel borders and that can turn his face to modern civilizaion. Thissituation made difference also daily life in Bursa
Chemical properties and antioxidant capacity of elaeagnus angustifolia L. fruits
Elaeagnus angustifolia L. (oleaster) is an autumn fruit which is generally consumed dried. Although it grows almost everywhere in Turkey, use of its fruits is limited. We analyzed chemical composition and antioxidant properties of the edible parts of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. fruit. Total moisture, ash, protein, total soluble sugar, fat, crude fibre, total titratable acidity and major mineral content of the fruit were determined. Total polyphenols were investigated using Folin-Ciocalteau method and antioxidant capacity of the fruit was assessed by scavenging 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) in the mesocarp and exocarp tissues. Results showed that potassium is the most abundant mineral in the fruit (8504 mg/kg) which is followed by sodium (1731 mg/kg) and phosphorus (635 mg/kg). Elaeagnus angustifolia L. fruit is a rich source of both several nutrients and antioxidant compounds. Average total phenolic content of aqueous, acetone and methanolic extracts of the mesocarp and exocarp in oleaster fruit were measured as 778 and 559, 390 and 361 and 414 and 524 mg gallic acid equivalents of 100 g(-1) dried mass, respectively. In conclusion, E. angustifolia fruit is a rich source of chemical compounds and has a high mineral content. This fruit can be included in dietary products due to its possible health benefits
A review of intercultural competence from language teachers' perspective
AbstractIn foreign language education, the theory of intercultural competence comes to the foreground in the last 20 years. This attributed importance to culture has carried new demands with it for foreign language teachers. It is of importance to determine the place of culture in the curriculum at tertiary level through examining what is taught and what methods and strategies are used in teaching culture in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes. This study examines the how's and why's of culture teaching in English language classes at preparatory schools in Turkey. The study suggests that the integration of culture into language teaching is a must; however, because of time constraints and excessive requirements of syllabi, it does not yet have a distinguished position in foreign language (FL) education at tertiary level in Turkey
Arsenic, cadmium and lead in medicinal herbs and their fractionation
Arsenic, cadmium and lead were determined for quality control monitoring purposes of Bulgarian herbs and their infusions by inductively Coupled plasma mass spectrometry and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Twelve samples of yarrow (Achillea millefolium), 18 of chamomile (Flores Chamomillae), 8 of bearberry leaves (Folia uvae ursi), 24 of peppermint (Mentha piperitoe folium), 10 of hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa), 14 of oregano (Origanum vulgare) and 12 of thyme (Thymus serpyllum) were analyzed. The studied toxic elements were present in the medicinal plants (12-225 mu g/kg As, 15-268 mu g/kg Cd, 0.2-8.6 mg/kg Pb). Arsenic was found in all herbal infusions at levels up to 0.4 mu g/l. Cadmium was present in infusion!; of chamomile, hibiscus, peppermint and thyme at levels Lip to 0.7 mu g/l. Lead was detected only in hibiscus infusions (2-3 mu g/l). It was established that the major part of arsenic and lead in herbal infusions existed in biomacromolecular fraction. Cadmium appears to be present mainly in cationic form at pH 1 (stomach acidity), but at pH 7.6 (intestine acidity) there is a non-cationic fraction as well
Two-stage Liu estimator in a simultaneous equations model
Two-stage least squares estimation in a simultaneous equations model has several desirable properties under the problem of multicollinearity. So, various kinds of improved estimation techniques can be developed to deal with the problem of multicollinearity. One of them is ridge regression estimation that can be applied at both stages and defined in Vinod and Ullah [Recent advances in regression methods. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1981]. We propose three different kinds of Liu estimators that are named by their implementation stages. Mean square errors are derived to compare the performances of the mentioned estimators and two different choices of the biasing parameter are offered. Moreover, a numerical example is given with a data analysis based on the Klein Model I and a Monte Carlo experiment is conducted. © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
Evaluation of the Effect of Sociodemographic Characteristics on the Satisfaction of Mothers in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Turkey
Background: Patient and parent satisfaction is a significant indicator for the evaluation of quality of care in healthcare systems. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of sociodemographic characteristics on the satisfaction of the parents of newborns admitted in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in maternity and infant disease hospitals. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 113 mothers with infants admitted in the NICU of a state hospital in Turkey during April 1-September 30, 2013.Data were collected using sociodemographic questionnaire and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) healthcare satisfaction scale. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics (mean and percentage), T-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: In this study, mean score of maternal satisfaction with NICU services was 65.66±20.01. No statistically significant differences were observed between maternal age, PedsQL satisfaction subscales, and total score of satisfaction. Moreover, statistically significant associations were observed between the following variables: maternal training and total satisfaction, employment status and subscales of PedsQL, technical skills and general satisfaction, and social security status and emotional support. However, no statistically significant differences were observed between the sociodemographic characteristics of newborns, total score of satisfaction, and mean scores of PedsQL satisfaction subscales in mothers. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, level of maternal satisfaction with NICU services was higher than the international average. Therefore, it is recommended that NICU nurses offer sufficient emotional support for both mothers and neonates in this unit and allow mothers to stay with their infants during hospitalization. Furthermore, it is suggested that training programs be implemented on effective communication skills between nurses and patients