155 research outputs found

    Установление границ охранной зоны линейного сооружения – магистральный газопровод "НГПЗ - Парабель"

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    Составлено графическое описание местоположения границ зон с особыми условиями использования территорий границ охранной зоны линейного сооружения – магистральный газопровод "НГПЗ - Парабель".A graphic description of the location of the boundaries of the zones with special conditions for the use of the territories of the boundaries of the protection zone of the linear structure – "the NGPZ-Parabel" gas pipeline has been compiled

    Implementation of parallel NetCDF in the ParFlow hydrological model: A code modernisation effort as part of a big data handling strategy

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    State-of-the-art geoscience simulations are tending towards ever increasing model complexity. This is due to the incorporation of multi-physics and fully coupled model systems, often in combination with higher spatial resolutions. In addition, simulations are being run for longer time periods in order to model phenomena such as climate change and water resources. These factors combined lead to a big data challenge. This data challenge is typically characterized by the TB-scale data volumes involved, namely I/O, where data variety, velocity and complexity are smaller issues in comparison. In this context, the NIC Scientific Big Data Analytics project “Towards a high-performance big data storage, handling and analysis framework for Earth science simulations” has been working since autumn 2015 on a code modernisation effort, towards a big data readiness of geoscience simulation codes, and data processing and analysis applications. The simulation code considered is the massively MPI-parallel hydrological model ParFlow. Thus far, work has centred around the modernisation of ParFlow's parallel I/O: A standalone C code was used to assess and test the pNetCDF and the HDF5-based NetCDF4 I/O libraries' features and their parallel read and write performance. Tuning and scaling studies on the JSC/JURECA HPC system led to optimised runtime environment settings and a near linear scaling behaviour of the API. This MPI C-code can be used as a showcase implementation for parallel I/O for some of the Geoverbund ABC/J modelling groups. The NetCDF4 interface was chosen as it constitutes a quasi-standard in geosciences and ensures consistent and efficient data flow paths and compression. The I/O testing and the scaling experiments have been done in a JUBE2-based benchmarking framework which also integrates the Score-P profiling and tracing infrastructure, the Scalasca performance optimisation tool and the Darshan HPC I/O characterisation tool. This JUBE2-based framework was then further extended to act as a portable generic testing platform for all benchmarking, development and testing work with ParFlow, including idealised and real data reference test cases for weak and strong scaling studies, a variety of compiler options, as well as common profiling tools, which are all embedded in an easy to use run environment. To further improve ParFlow's I/O functionality, we propose adding NetCDF4 interfaces that write to a shared compressed NetCDF file concurrently with one MPI task per node. The proposed code will automatically adjust for the computational set up, such as gathering of data on single node, number of nodes, I/O interfaces and MPI ranks per node. Another obvious big data challenge for complex geoscience simulations is post-processing terabytes of data. Therefore we plan to develop on-the-fly processing and visualisation for ParFlow, once the I/O optimisation is finished. This will be a joint effort with the JSC Cross Sectional Team Visualisation, in order to implement an in-situ, i.e. during runtime, processing and visualisation functionality, using the VisIt software. Additionally, this will help to improve scalability and performance whilst substantially reducing total processing time and model output

    Land atmosphere coupling in EURO-CORDEX evaluation experiments

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    Interactions between the land surface and the atmosphere play a fundamental role in the weather and climate system through their influence on the energy and water cycles. Here we present results of summertime land-atmosphere coupling strength in a subset of the ERA-Interim driven EURO-CORDEX model ensemble (1989-2008) including an evaluation of the coupling related variables soil moisture and surface energy fluxes of latent heat (LE) and sensible heat (H). Most of the regional climate models (RCMs) reproduce soil moisture and surface fluxes for the different European climate zones reasonably well. However, for some regions and models differences are identified, also compared to FLUXNET surface flux measurements used as observational reference. To quantify the coupling strength the H-LE-correlation method has been confirmed as useful and valid for the comparison of different RCMs. An important advantage of the method is that it can be applied to standard RCM output variables (H, LE) as well as to observations, although long time series of high quality flux measurement data are needed, which are available only for a few locations across Europe. For the full 20-year period of summer seasons the EURO-CORDEX simulations agree in the large-scale patterns, with strong coupling in Southern Europe and weak coupling for Northern Europe, also in agreement with the FLUXNET observations. For large parts of Central Europe, however, the model ensemble diverges between strong and weak coupling strength. Compared to the FLUXNET measurements more models tend to overestimate than underestimate the coupling strength. Higher model resolution leads to more small-scale heterogeneity but not necessarily to a change in the large-scale patterns. Diversity in the ensemble can be both explained by the different characteristics of the individual land surface models (LSMs) as well as different climate conditions in the models