60 research outputs found

    Possibilities and potential impacts of development in electromobility in the Visegrad Group countries

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    Možnosti a potenciální dopady rozvoje elektromobility v zemích Visegrádské skupiny Abstrakt Elektromobilita je v současné době velmi aktuální a hojně diskutované téma, a to v souvislosti s významnými negativními dopady silniční dopravy na životní prostředí. Často se však prezentují pouze její pozitivní stránky ve srovnání s konvenčními automobily se spalovacím motorem. Mezi opomíjená negativa se řadí nejen dopady na životní prostředí v souvislosti s extrakcí potřebných surovin, ale také v důsledku jejich nabíjení elektrickou energií. Záměrem této práce je proto snaha o vyhodnocení potenciálních dopadů elektromobility na energetiku a životní prostředí v zemích Visegrádu, a to až do roku 2030. K dosažení cíle této práce bude využit scénářový přístup, který se využívá právě ke zjištění budoucího stavu. Cílem této práce však není přesně predikovat budoucnost, nýbrž na základě předem definovaných vstupních parametrů a proměnných vyhodnotit a porovnat potenciální dopady elektromobility v jednotlivých zemích. Jak bude ukázáno, tyto dopady nejsou v některých zemích zcela nezanedbatelné, a proto je nutné s nimi, před dalším rozvojem elektromobility, počítat. Klíčová slova: elektromobilita, bateriová elektrická vozidla, vozidla se spalovacím motorem, země Visegrádské skupiny, scénáře1 Possibilities and potential impacts of development in electromobility in the Visegrad Group countries Abstract Electromobility is currently a very current and widely discussed topic, in connection with the significant negative impacts of road transport on the environment. However, often are presented only its positive aspects in comparison with conventional cars with internal combustion engine. Neglected negatives include not only the impact on the environment in connection with the extraction of the necessary raw materials, but also due to their charging with electricity. The aim of this work is therefore to evaluate the potential impacts of electromobility on energy and the environment in the Visegrad group countries, until 2030. To achieve the goal of this work will be used scenario approach, which is used to determine the future state. However, the aim of this work is not to accurately predict the future, but to evaluate and compare the potential impacts of electromobility in individual countries based on predefined input parameters and variables. As will be shown, these impacts are not entirely negligible in some countries and must therefore be considered before the further development of electromobility. Key words: electromobility, electric mobility, battery electric vehicles, vehicles with internal...Department of Social Geography and Regional DevelopmentKatedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvojeFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Discussion of socio-geographic aspects of renewable energy sources in Czechia

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    4 Diskuse sociálně-geografických aspektů obnovitelných zdrojů energie v Česku Abstrakt Moderní společnost je v každém ohledu života a ekonomiky zcela závislá na dodávkách elektřiny. Úkolem každé rozvinuté země je proto ochrana a zajištění dostatečného množství energie v potřebné kvalitě. V opačném případě může nedostatek či přerušení dodávek paralyzovat život a ekonomiku země. Problém současné energetiky spočívá v tom, že je založena na neobnovitelných zdrojích energie, jejichž množství je omezené. Navíc mají negativní dopad na životní prostředí. Omezené možnosti řešení situace však poskytují i obnovitelné zdroje energie. Tato práce proto analyzuje předpoklady, možnosti a potenciál rozvoje obnovitelných zdrojů v oblasti české elektroenergetiky, a to ve vztahu k energetické poloze, životnímu prostředí, elektroenergetice, společnosti a ekonomice. Cílem práce je kritické zhodnocení kladů a záporů implementace alternativních zdrojů energie do energetického mixu. Klíčová slova: obnovitelné zdroje energie, alternativní zdroje energie, energetický mix, solární energie, větrná energie, vodní energieDiscussion of socio-geographic aspects of renewable energy sources in Czechia Abstract Modern society is completely dependent on electricity supplies in every aspect of life and the economy. The task of every developed country is protection and ensuring sufficient energy in the required quality. Otherwise, the lack or interruption of supply may paralyze the country's life and economy. The current energy problem lies on the fact that it is based on non-renewable energy sources with limited quantity. In addition, they have a negative impact on the environment. Renewable energy sources also provide limited solutions to the situation. This bachelor's thesis therefore analyses the assumptions, possibilities and potential of the development of renewable sources in Czech electricity, in relation to the energy position, environment, electricity, society and economy. The aim of the thesis is critical evaluation of the pros and cons of the implementation of alternative energy sources in the energy mix. Key words: renewable energy sources, alternative sources of energy, energy mix, solar energy, wind energy, water energyDepartment of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Discussion of socio-geographic aspects of renewable energy sources in Czechia

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    Discussion of socio-geographic aspects of renewable energy sources in Czechia Abstract Modern society is completely dependent on electricity supplies in every aspect of life and the economy. The task of every developed country is protection and ensuring sufficient energy in the required quality. Otherwise, the lack or interruption of supply may paralyze the country's life and economy. The current energy problem lies on the fact that it is based on non-renewable energy sources with limited quantity. In addition, they have a negative impact on the environment. Renewable energy sources also provide limited solutions to the situation. This bachelor's thesis therefore analyses the assumptions, possibilities and potential of the development of renewable sources in Czech electricity, in relation to the energy position, environment, electricity, society and economy. The aim of the thesis is critical evaluation of the pros and cons of the implementation of alternative energy sources in the energy mix. Key words: renewable energy sources, alternative sources of energy, energy mix, solar energy, wind energy, water energ

    Possibilities and potential impacts of development in electromobility in the Visegrad Group countries

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    1 Possibilities and potential impacts of development in electromobility in the Visegrad Group countries Abstract Electromobility is currently a very current and widely discussed topic, in connection with the significant negative impacts of road transport on the environment. However, often are presented only its positive aspects in comparison with conventional cars with internal combustion engine. Neglected negatives include not only the impact on the environment in connection with the extraction of the necessary raw materials, but also due to their charging with electricity. The aim of this work is therefore to evaluate the potential impacts of electromobility on energy and the environment in the Visegrad group countries, until 2030. To achieve the goal of this work will be used scenario approach, which is used to determine the future state. However, the aim of this work is not to accurately predict the future, but to evaluate and compare the potential impacts of electromobility in individual countries based on predefined input parameters and variables. As will be shown, these impacts are not entirely negligible in some countries and must therefore be considered before the further development of electromobility. Key words: electromobility, electric mobility, battery electric vehicles, vehicles with internal..