221 research outputs found

    Impedance spectroscopy and its use for time and cost-effective battery-health-status testing

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    Impedance spectroscopy is the science of recording and evaluating the impedance of electrical circuit elements as the function of the exciting freguency. The electrical circuit elements can be virtually anything that can be excited by AC voltage sources (conventional discrete electric elements, battery cells and even biological tissues). As battery cells are electrochemical devices, studying them using impedance spectroscopy is electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). In this paper we provide a literature overview of impedance spectroscopy, and propose it as a measurement principle for the tĂ­me- and cost- efficient state-of-health testing of individual Li-ion battery cells for the MegaLux solar vehicle racing team at our Faculty

    Hazai xenofóbia-kutatások

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    Előszó helyett A Nyelvtani mozaik címû, új gyakorlati magyar nyelvtan bemutatása

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    Dolazak rimske religije na novoosvojena područja unutar provincije Dalmacije utječe na razvoj autohtonih naroda i njihovih religija. Kroz interpretatio romana, vjerski sustavi indigenih naroda poprimaju tradicionalne elemente rimskog vjerskog sustava. Autohtoni kultovi pod utjecajem različitih i razvijenijih religija u načelu ne gube svoja univerzalna značenja, ali se ipak mijenjaju. Prije dolaska Rimljana, narodi unutar provincije Dalmacije imali su visok stupanj religijskog razvitka, ali bez idesinkrazijskih procesa teško da bi se mogli priključiti i asimilirati u rimski način života. Religijski sinkretizam tekao je u oba smjera između autohtonog stanovništva i novonastanjenog rimskog stanovništva te olakšao cijeli proces. Cilj je rada pojasniti problematiku vezanu uz sinkretističke procese unutar pojedinih kultova putem analize arheološke građe i interpretacije dobivenih rezultata.With the conquest of the new teritoriesthroughout the ancient Dalmatia, incoming Roman religion affected development of the indigenous people and their autochthonous religion. With interpretatio romana, their religion started to incorporate elements of traditional Roman religion, slowly merging. The autochthonous cults, widespread in ancient Dalmatia, did not completely lose their identity but rather were adjusted to new beliefs. People inhabiting ancient Dalmatia had a high level of development, including religion, thus without idiosyncratic process it would be hard to comprehend such adaptation to the Roman way of life. The syncretism was a two way process, amongst the indigenous people as well as the newly inhabitated Roman people. The aim of this paper is to explain the initiation of the religious syncretism within specific exhisting cults by using the archaeological material and interpretation of acquired results

    „Mennyit ér” a fenntarthatóság? – Esettanulmány az externális hatások mérésére azok internalizálására (What is sustainability worth? – A case study of measuring and internalizing negative environmental effects of logistics operation)

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    A fenntarthatóság központi kérdés a gazdálkodástudományban, ezen belül a logisztikában, hiszen a környezetre rótt szennyezésben e vállalati működési területnek is jelentős a szerepe. A szerzők dolgozata egy konkrét hazai esettanulmány segítségével vizsgálja a kérdéskört. Azt elemzik, vajon egy, az Európai Unióban is új kamiontípus (az ún. EuroCombi) alkalmazása a logisztikai folyamatokban milyen externális hatásokkal jár. Elemzésükben kísérletet tesznek ezeknek az externális hatásoknak a pénzben kifejezett mérésére. Azért fontos mindez, mert e mérés és számszerűsítés nélkül lehetetlen ezeknek a hatásoknak az internalizálása, vagyis belsővé tétele. Így mérés nélkül sem az érintett vállalatok tulajdonosai, sem azok belső döntéshozói, de a külső szabályozó szereplők sem tudják bevonni e hatásokat gazdasági döntéseikbe. Ez a mérés nem egyszerű feladat, de nem is lehetetlen. Mindenképpen alapját, előfeltételét képezi azonban annak, hogy ilyen jellegű döntéseknél az érintettek a társadalmi, környezeti érdekeket is érvényesíteni tudják. ____ Sustainability is a key issue today both for practitioners and researchers. This is true especially for logisticians. Logistics is a function that has a significant CO2 emission and also destructs transportation infrastructure that burden our environment. The article is focusing on these issues with the help of a Hungarian case study. It analysis the effect of applying a new, long and heavy type of truck, called EuroCombi. It presents a methodology usable for measuring these negative external effects in Forint. Without proper measurement internalization of costs these externalities generate is impossible. As it will be presented in details, such a measurement is although not very easy but achievable
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