551 research outputs found

    Genetic variation of powdery mildew resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    In interactions between beneficial or pathogenic microbes and host organisms, particular host proteins, referred to as compatibility factors, are considered to be essential for the establishment of compatibility. Induced resistance of the dicot plant Arabidopsis thaliana to powdery mildew fungi based on the lack of compatibility factors has been previously shown in the pmr mutants in the Col-0 ecotype. With respect to natural resistance of Arabidopsis to powdery mildews, only resistance mediated by the unusual resistance (R) gene RPW8 was identified in different accessions. In this study, an approach based on natural variation was conducted to analyze powdery mildew resistance in A. thaliana with an emphasis on the identification of new compatibility factors. To this end, loci mediating resistance were mapped in accessions, in which resistance to the compatible powdery mildew Golovinomyces orontii was likely due to a defect in a compatibility factor (i.e. these accessions showing monogenic and recessively or semi-dominantly inherited resistance). In six accessions, the resistance locus was mapped to the lower arm of chromosome III. In other ecotypes analyzed, resistance was likely to be of polygenic origin. The occurrence of only few accessions selected for putative dominantly inherited resistance mediated by prototypical R-genes indicated that this type of resistance to powdery mildews is probably very rare if not non-existent in A. thaliana. The results of allelism tests between resistant accessions yielded an unexpectedly high percentage of susceptible plants in the F2 progeny, a contradiction to the expected segregation of either two either identical or closely linked genes. It was suggested that this phenomenon could either reflect epistatic effects or be the consequence of pairing between two homologous epialleles (paramutation). A comparative microscopic analysis of resistance in selected accessions revealed differences in timing and strength of defense responses in the plant; either due to different loci responsible for resistance or owing to different genetic backgrounds. In general, resistance to G. orontii was characterized by a reduced production of fungal conidiophores on the leaf surface, pronounced cell death, callose deposition and hydrogen peroxide accumulation, but only in some accessions by reduced host cell entry and retarded hyphal growth. Fine mapping of resistance in segregating F2 populations via mapping populations and analysis of recombinant inbred lines allowed a restriction of the putative target gene region, within which several candidate genes were analyzed. One of these genes was RPW8, an atypical R-gene. Based on results from dsRNAi-mediated RPW8 transcript depletion, RPW8 was proposed to be responsible for resistance to G. orontii in accessions Bu-0, Co-3, Do-0, Ei-4, Ei-5, Kas-1, Nok-3, Ob-0 and Sha. The observed recessive or semi-dominant inheritance of resistance indicated a dosage-dependent effect of RPW8-mediated resistance. Sequence analysis of the conceptual RPW8 protein in several accessions revealed a region of high variability between the predicted transmembrane and coiled-coil domains. It is suggested that powdery mildew resistance in A. thaliana appears to be either of polygenic origin or due to RPW8

    Functional and biochemical characterization of viral and host factors involved in the Zika virus replication cycle

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    Arboviruses are one of the greatest threats to human health since they cause millions of infections each year. The mosquito-borne flavivirus Zika virus (ZIKV), which is listed as a priority disease, has been declared a public health emergency of global concern by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016. Even though most infections are asymptomatic or manifest only moderate symptoms, infections have been related to neurological disorders such as the Guillain-Barré syndrome and microcephaly. Despite years of intensive research, there are presently no effective antiviral therapies or vaccines. Their development requires further studies of the fundamental principles of the ZIKV life cycle to provide the necessary knowledge for the development of effective therapeutic measures. Upon ZIKV infection, the cell’s endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is significantly remodeled resulting in the formation of defined ER membrane invaginations termed vesicle packets (VPs), which are thought to be the sites where viral RNA replication takes place. Since their formation is coupled to viral replication, it has been challenging to retrieve mechanistic information on VP biogenesis thus far, as perturbations that reduce viral replication inevitably impact VP formation. To overcome this hurdle, my first project was to develop an expression system supporting the formation of ZIKV VPs to enable research focusing entirely on their biogenesis and the factors involved. I was able to demonstrate that ZIKV VPs are forming upon expression of the viral replicase (NS1-NS5) via a construct comprising in addition the 5’ and 3’ untranslated region (UTRs). Ultrastructural characterization of VPs in transfected cells revealed that the VPs are morphologically identical to those produced in infected cells. This newly created system was given the name pIRO (plasmid-induced replication organelle). A thorough deletion mutagenesis study focusing on RNA elements contained in the 5’ and 3’UTR revealed that for VP formation the 5’UTR is largely dispensable. In contrast, the 3’UTR was required as deletion of distinct RNA elements contained therein decreased the efficiency of VP induction. In conclusion, I was able to show that ZIKV VP formation occurs independent of RNA elements with the size and morphology of VPs being independent of the length of the viral RNA. The second part of my PhD thesis was devoted to characterizing the mode of action of a novel ZIKV NS4A inhibitor. This topic was a perfect fit to the first part of my thesis, given the essential role of NS4A in VP formation. The inhibitor was developed by a collaborator who did a large-scale cell-based high-content screen, resulting in the identification of (2E)-N-benzyl-3-(4-butoxyphenyl) prop-2-enamide (SBI-0090799). This compound exhibits potent and wide- spread antiviral activity against numerous ZIKV strains in vitro. Using a combination of biochemical, virological, and imaging-based techniques, I confirmed that SBI-0090799 inhibits ZIKV replication by blocking the de novo formation of ZIKV VPs. Resistance mutations mapping to NS4A rescued viral RNA replication and restored VP formation in cells treated with high concentrations of the compound. These findings suggest that SBI-0090799 perturbs VP formation by interfering with NS4A, either by preventing it from inducing ER membrane curvature or inhibiting it from binding viral or cellular factors contributing to VP formation. Thus, the mechanism of action of SBI-0090799 is comparable to the one of hepatitis C virus NS5A inhibitors that are in clinical use. The third part of my PhD study aimed to unravel the role of cholesterol in the viral replication cycle. Although it has already been shown that cholesterol plays a critical role in virus entry, particularly at the stage of viral envelope fusion with the endosome, as well as virion assembly, direct viral protein-cholesterol interactions have not been determined thus far. To fill this gap in knowledge I performed chemo-proteomics in ZIKV-infected human cells, using a photoactivatable and clickable cholesterol probe, to identify cholesterol binding viral proteins. I discovered that both the structural protein prM and its cleavage product, the M protein, can be efficiently cross-linked to cholesterol. Combining bioinformatics analyses and site-directed mutagenesis, alongside with cholesterol binding assays, I was able to show that the M protein has two functional cholesterol binding domains (CRAC motifs) in its transmembrane domains (TMD) 2 and 3 (CRAC2 and CRAC3, respectively). Using reverse genetics studies, I could show that the M protein’s ability to bind cholesterol is not required for the processing of the viral polyprotein, viral RNA replication, and subcellular localization of the uncleaved prM protein. However, mutations affecting the cholesterol binding motif 2 (CRAC2) significantly impaired viruses in their ability to infect cells having low cholesterol levels. Furthermore, I was able to show that complete exchange of the cholesterol binding motif 3 (CRAC3) severely affected virus particle assembly. In line with these results, atomistic molecular dynamics simulations confirmed cholesterol binding to membrane-associated wild type M protein, whereas M proteins containing mutations in CRAC2 and CRAC3 lost cholesterol interactions. In conclusion, I was able to uncover a bifunctional role for the cholesterol interaction of the M protein in the ZIKV life cycle: facilitating virus entry requiring CRAC2 and virus particle assembly requiring CRAC3

    Guillaume de Machaut: Notation and the Compositional Process

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    In recent scholarship it has been increasingly emphasized that Machaut, particularly in his later secular chansons, developed a new ideal of vertical sound, namely one which rested on a three- rather than a two-voice basis. The present article links this innovation to the composer's layered concept of notation and to the linear individuality of each of the three voices as evidenced by his use of repeated rhythmic motifs in the ballades of the late narrative poem. Le voir dit.En recientes estudios se ha enfatizado cada vez más que Machaut, particularmente en sus últimas chansons profanas, desarrolló un nuevo ideal de verticalidad musical, basado concretamente en tres, en lugar de dos voces. El presente artículo relaciona esta innovación con el concepto de notación estratificada del compositor y con la individualidad lineal de cada una de las tres voces, como se pone de manifiesto por su uso de motivos rítmicos repetidos en las baladas del poema narrativo tardío, Le voir dit

    Mode and change of mode in the 13th-century motet

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    The many different versions in which motets were notated in various manuscripts from the 13th century testify to the great flexibility of this genre. The present paper pursues those few clues in practical and theoretical sources which indicate that the rhythmic mode itself was often subject to change within a particular group of motets. Evidence of this practice is found in the early group of the manuscripts and then, again, in tlie later, more liturgically oriented sources, including Las Huelgas. In the former, first and second modes could be interchanged to correspond to Latin or French texts, respectively, and in later times the notated combination of third and fifth modes, now considered out of date, could simply be performed as sixth and second modes. In both cases the change of mode appears to represent a quasi-improvisatory practice which could be performed without altering the written version, i.e. it was probably much more common than the sources themselves indicate.La mayoría de las diferentes versiones en las que eran anotados los motetes en varios manuscritos desde el siglo XIII dan fe de la gran flexibilidad de este género. El presente artículo se centra en las pocas claves existentes en las fuentes prácticas y teóricas que indican que el modo rítmico en sí mismo estaba, a menudo, sujeto a cambios dentro de un grupo concreto de motetes. La evidencia de esta práctica se halla en un grupo temprano de manuscritos y después, de nuevo, en los posteriores, que son fuentes más orientadas hacia la liturgia, incluyendo Las Huelgas. Al principio, el primero y segundo modos podían ser intercambiados para corresponderse con textos en latín o en francés, respectivamente, y en posteriores ocasiones la combinación anotada de tercer y quinto modos, ahora considerada anticuada, podía ser interpretada simplemente como sexto y segundo modos. En ambos casos el cambio de modo aparece para representar una práctica casi improvisatoria la cual podía ser interpretada sin alterar la versión escrita, o sea, era una práctica posiblemente más común que lo que indican las propias fuentes

    Force delivery from a transpalatal arch for the correction of unilateral first molar cross-bite

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    The forces and moments delivered by prefabricated transpalatal arches of the makes Unitek, GAC, and Ormco were studied in laboratory experiments. The Unitek and GAC arches were made of steel, and the Ormco arch of beta-titanium alloy (TMA). Three types of activation were investigated: for bilateral expansion in a statically indeterminate system and for unilateral expansion in a statically determinate system with and without torque activation. In addition to the arch design, composition, and mode of activation, the influence of arch size and degree of activation were studied. It was found that activation for unilateral expansion with the inclusion of torque in the statically determinate system produced forces and moments suitable for the correction of a unilateral cross-bit

    Die Türkenfrage im Spannungsfeld der Reformation

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    Der prätherapeutische Einfluss oraler Plattenepithelkarzinome auf die Sprachverständlichkeit der Patienten - eine automatisierte, objektive Funktionsanalyse

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    1. Objective Squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth can accompany morphological changes in the oral cavity, thereby leading to severe functional limitations including problems with speaking. The aim of this study was to measure and evaluate the speech intelligibility of a large population of patients with oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma prior to treatment using an automatic, objective system. Interactive factors of speech intelligibility were examined and assessed. The results of this study may provide an objective basis for comparisons between pre- and post-therapeutic assessments of speech recognition and a foundation for therapeutic decisions based on functional aspects. 2. Materials and Methods This study included 172 patients (125 men with an average age of 60.63 years and 47 women with an average age of 62.09 years) with oral squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth. The tumors were classified as T1 (n=70), T2 (n=58), and T4 (n=44) and were located at the alveolar crest (n=51), floor of the mouth (n=50), edge of the tongue (n=42), palate (n=8), maxilla (n=9), and cheek (n=12). For an objective analysis of speech intelligibility, patients read a standardized text and data on speech intelligibility were collected and assessed using an automatic speech recognition program. The outcome of the speech intelligibility was assessed as a percentage of correctly identified words in a word order, the so-called word recognition rate (WR). Dependence of the WR on the age, gender, tumor classification, and the tumor location were evaluated using statistical analysis. Forty well-speaking persons with an age and gender profile comparable to the patients served as the control group. 3. Results Patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma demonstrated a highly significant lower pre-therapeutic word recognition rate compared with the control group (p<0.001). In the present study, patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma located in the mandible alveolar crest had the lowest WR compared to patients with tumors in other locations of the mouth (p=0.046). Patients with tumors of the lower jaw had significantly lower WRs than patients with tumors in the upper jaw (p=0.006). Women achieved significantly better word recognition than men (p=0.001). Age and lymph node involvement had no significant influence on the speech intelligibility of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth prior to therapy. 4. Conclusions In the pre-therapeutic, diagnostic setting, oral squamous cell carcinomas are directly associated with deterioration of speech intelligibility. The effects on speech intelligibility differed depending on tumor location. Automatic speech recognition has diagnostic potential for an objective, standardized assessment of speech recognition in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth before beginning therapy. The objective, pre-therapeutic status determined in this study in a large cohort of patients could be the basis for further scientific research and an essential aspect for the choice of therapy.1. Hintergrund und Ziele Orale Plattenepithelkarzinome können mit morphologischen Veränderungen der Mundhöhle einhergehen und damit zu funktionellen Einschränkungen führen. Als ein wesentlicher Bestandteil oraler Funktionen kann hierbei das Sprechen betroffen sein. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Sprachverständlichkeit an einem großen Kollektiv von nicht therapierten Patienten mit Plattenepithelkarzinom der Mundhöhle mittels eines automatisierten und objektiven Verfahrens zu erfassen, zu bewerten und auf beeinflussende Faktoren zu untersuchen. Das Ergebnis dieser Studie kann eine objektive Basis für Vergleiche von prä- zu posttherapeutischen Sprachverständlichkeits-bewertungen und damit eine Grundlage für die auf funktionellen Aspekten basierenden Therapieentscheide sein. 2. Material und Methoden Die Studie umfasste 172 Patienten (125 Männer des Durchschnittsalters von 60,63 Jahren, 47 Frauen des Durchschnittsalters von 62,09 Jahren) mit Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Mundhöhle der Klassifikationen T1 (n=70), T2 (n=58) und T4 (n=44), welche am Unterkiefer-Alveolarkamm (n=51), Mundboden (n=50), Zungenrand (n=42), Gaumen (n=8), Oberkiefer (n=9) sowie an der Wange (n=12) lokalisiert waren. Zur objektiven Analyse der Sprachverständlichkeit wurden Sprachdaten über einen gelesenen, standardisierten Text erhoben und mit Hilfe eines automatischen Spracherkennungsprogramms bewertet. Gemessen wurde dabei die Verständlichkeit als Prozentsatz richtig erkannter Wörter einer Wortreihe, die sogenannte Worterkennungsrate (WR). Mittels statistischer Analysen wurde die WR in Abhängigkeiten von Alter, Geschlecht, Tumorklassifikationen und Tumorlokalisationen untersucht. 40 sprachgesunde Testpersonen mit vergleichbarem Alters- und Geschlechtsprofil dienten als Kontrollgruppe. 3. Ergebnisse Patienten mit Plattenepithelkarzinom der Mundhöhle zeigten prätherapeutisch hochsignifikant (p<0.001) niedrigere Sprachverständlichkeitswerte als die Kontrollgruppe. In dieser Studie wies die Lokalisation eines Plattenepithelkarzinoms der Mundhöhle am Unterkiefer-Alveolarkamm die signifikant niedrigste Sprachverständlichkeit auf (p=0.046) verglichen mit den anderen in dieser Studie untersuchten Tumorlokalisationen der Mundhöhle. Tumoren im Unterkiefer wiesen im Vergleich zum Oberkiefer signifikant (p=0.006) niedrigere Worterkennungsraten auf. Frauen erzielten eine signifikant bessere Sprachverständlichkeit (p=0.001) als Männer. Das Alter sowie die Lymphknotenbeteiligung hatten keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Sprachqualität von Patienten mit Plattenepithelkarzinom der Mundhöhle vor der Therapie. 4. Praktische Schlussfolgerungen Im prätherapeutischen, diagnostischen Stadium, zeigte sich, dass Plattenepithelkarzinome der Mundhöhle in direktem Zusammenhang mit einer Verschlechterung der Sprachverständlichkeit stehen. Je nach Lokalisation des Tumors sind die Auswirkungen auf die Sprachverständlichkeit unterschiedlich. Das automatische Spracherkennungssystem bietet eine diagnostische Möglichkeit zur objektiven und standardisierten Bewertung der Sprachverständlichkeit von Patienten mit Plattenepithelkarzinom der Mundhöhle bereits vor Beginn der Therapie. Der durch diese Studie ermittelte objektive, prätherapeutische Status an solch umfangreichem Patientengut ist Grundlage für weitere wissenschaftliche Forschungen und wesentlicher funktioneller Aspekt für die Therapiewahl

    Formen früher Mehrstimmigkeit in deutschen Handschriften des späten Mittelalters

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