1,564 research outputs found


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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 109-Hasan Ali-Can Yüce

    A Novel Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Approach for Measuring Weak Electric Currents Inside the Human Brain

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    Huz ma safa da ma keder

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 87-Cemil Meriçİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Logophoric Centers as Antecedents of NOC PRO: Evidence from Turkish Subject Infinitives

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    This paper questions the mechanism behind the control structure observed in subject infinitival clauses in Turkish. After comparing the main points of the proposals in the Movement Theory of Control in Boeckx, Hornstein, and Nunes (2010), pragmatics based Non-Obligatory Control analysis in Landau (2013), and the UPro Approach in McFadden and Sundaresan (2016), I conclude with the claim that these are logophoric center sensitive NOC structures

    Abdominal Trauma

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    Abdominal injuries may be life threatening and should be approached cautiously. After trauma, the abdomen may be sanctuary for occult bleeding that, if not discovered and corrected expeditiously, may lead to deleterious consequences. Patients with abdominal trauma should have rapid assessment, stabilization, and early surgical consultation to maximize the chances of a successful outcome. Deaths from abdominal trauma result principally from hemorrhage or sepsis. Most deaths from abdominal trauma are preventable. Patients at risk of abdominal injury should undergo prompt and thorough evaluation. In some cases, dramatic physical findings may be due to abdominal wall injury in the absence of intraperitoneal injury. If the results of diagnostic studies are equivocal, diagnostic laparoscopy or exploratory laparotomy should be considered, since they may be lifesaving if serious injuries are identified early

    Control of Wind Turbines during Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Grid Faults

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    Point of view to social responsibility understanding from social media (Facebook sample)

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    Especially because usage speed and usage extensity of the internet spreads on the base in the all parts of our life, it is transferred into a different area to create awareness in social responsibility activities of mutual consumer-producer axis, to increase the dignity of business organization before the potential and current customers and to create a social awareness.In this study, news published within the year of 2013 related with the enterprises taking place in first five according to 8th “Corporate Social Responsibility Leaders” research data realized by Capital Magazine in Turkey with GfK Turkey in the year of 2013 in relation with the social responsibility projects taking place in Facebook were analyzed with quantitative content method

    Geometry And Evolution Of The Eastern Part Of The Hercynian Orogenic System İn Europe And İts Transition To The Scythides

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    Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Yüksek LisansM.Sc. (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Nurbike Göksu SAĞDIÇThe Hercynian Orogen, one of the best-known orogenic belts in the world, still hides many secrets concerning its evolution. This orogen formed through the collision between Laurussia and Gondwana-Land, which resulted in the supercontinent of Pangaea. Pangaea's formation began in the late Devonian with the onset of subduction and continued from the early-medial Carboniferous to the Permo-Triassic by means of collision. However, at the eastern part of this supercontinent, collision never happened and subduction continued in the Permo-Triassic. The coast of the Palaeo-Tethys known as Alpine-type Triassic succession was the scene of high mobility events in the core of the Pangaea in terms of Hercynian and Post-Hercynian stages. It is a fact that when the subduction process was still continuing, a rifting event began in the Permo Triassic at the eastern part of Pangaea by disrupting a magmatic arc. The results show a continuous arc goes from the Rhodope-Pontide Fragment in the north, through the Eastern Carpathians, Tisza Block, Western Carpathians, and Pelagonian Zone, to the Eastern Pontides in the south. Additionally, the lithostratigraphic charts of all the tectonic zones indicate the volcano sedimentary complexes, which show a rifting event as their most likely interpretation. As a consequence of this rifting, a marginal basin started to form beginning from the eastern part and tore westward by tracing the weak zones of the former arc. It began to take shape from the Karakaya Complex, goes through the Pelagonian zone and the Inner Western Carpathians namely Meliaticum into the Tisza Block in the Late Permian-Early Triassic. From the medial to the end of the late Triassic, the entire Hellenic-Dinaric System and Italy began to disintegrate, which started from the Pindos Zone in Hellenides and Sicily in Italy, and joined together into the Southern Alps by passing through all along the coast of the present Adriatic Sea. This presentation shows a reconstruction of the Mediterranean Tethysides at the time of the early Triassic. It was done by palinspastically restoring all the orogenic deformation for which data were to be had painstakingly and not just schematically. It is still incomplete, because it does not show the rift areas of the Sclafani-Imerese, Lagonegro and Pindos-Budva, except to show where they were. It also delineates the lie of the Karakaya and the Meliata rifts and shows that they were one and the same rift. Karakaya was later partly incorporated into the Vardar Ocean. Most of it closed during the earliest Jurassic, whereas the Meliata part was delayed until the late Jurassic. These closures are responses to two events: 1) Palaeo-Tethyan closure in case of Karakaya and 2) the opening of the South Atlantic in case of the Meliata. This paper addresses itself mainly to the solution of the Karakaya-Meliata problem.Hersinyen orojenezi, geç Paleozoyik zamanında Pangea oluşumu sırasında meydana gelmiş büyük bir orojenik kuşaktır. Lavrasya ve Gondwanaland'in çarpışması sonucu meydana gelen Pangea'nın, geç Devoniyen zamanında başlayan dalma-batma ve büyük ihtimalle erken-orta Karboniferden Permo-Triyas zamanına kadar devam eden çarpışma süreçleri batıda mevcutken, daha doğuda bu zaman içerisinde çarpışma hiç gerçekleşmemiş ve dalma batma süreci devam etmiştir. Orojenezin bu kısmında geç Permiyen-erken Triyas zamanında başlayan riftleşme dalma-batma yayını dogudan batıya dogru (bugünki Helenik-Dinarik Sistem ve Panoniyen-Karpatlar Bölgesi) yay ekseni boyunca parçalayarak bir kenar havzası oluşturmaya ve oluşan bu havza erken Jurada kapanmaya başlamıştır. Anahtar metodolijisi karşılaştırmalı orojenez anatomisi olan bu makalede, sistemin en az bilinen ve Türkiye'den Avusturya'ya kadar olan Doğu Avrupa segmentine ait tektonik zonlarının jeolojik yapıları Karboniferden Jura- Kratese zamanına kadar çalışılarak Hersinyen Orojenezi'nin evrimindeki etkileri tartışılmıştır. Karpatlar, Balkanlar ve Anadolu bloklarının, ve diğer Akdeniz bölgelerinin palinspastik rekonstrüksüyonları yapılarak Paleozoyik-erken Mesozoyik zamanındaki orjinal yerleri için bir çözüm sunulmuştur. Sonuç olarak, dalma-batma zonuna ait magmatik yayın Doğu Pontidler'den Batı Karpatlar'a kadar Pelagonyen Zonu'ndan ve Rodop-Pontid Bloğu'ndan geçerek bir süreklilik izlediği görülmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra, bahsi geçen rift zonu Karakaya Karmaşığı'ndan başlayıp Pelangonyen Zonu, İç Helenidler ve Meliata'dan geçerek Batı Karpatlar'a kadar devam etmektedir.M.Sc.Yüksek Lisan


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    This research aims to provide information about the flipped classroom model, that is brought to the literature in terms of distance education and innovative approaches and which has taken place in learning and teaching environments and around the world during the COVID 19 Pandemic process. In addition, the aim is to guide researchers and educators by revealing the negative and positive of this model with the relevant studies in the literature. In the current study, scientific studies about flipped classroom were examined by scanning the literature. The literatur review is carried out in traditional kind of this method, by compiling the literature. The use of innovative approaches in the globalizing world is important for all countries to follow each other and progress at the same level. With the development of technology and its transfer to educational environments, the flipped classroom, that is a most up-to-date approach examples in today's world, the theoretical part, that is, according to Bloom's Taxonomy, which should be taught in the lesson, is transformed into an individual acquisition out of the classroom for the learner, and active in the time he spends with his friends and teacher in the classroom. Through this way, learning activities and high-level learning can be carried out. Thus, the content of the lecture before and during the class time can be differentiated and varied by the educator. These facts can contribute to the differentiating the education process according to the learners individual differences. In this context, in this study, more comprehensive general information about the flipped classroom was brought out, the weak and strong sides of this model were emphasized, the ways of enriching and differentiating the curriculum with such models were emphasized, and suggestions were made to researchers and educators.   Key Words: Flipped Classroom, Curriculum, Education, Learning Mode