73 research outputs found

    Causal Relationship between Financial Development and International Trade: Evidence from Turkey

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    Over the past few decades, the links between financial development and international trade has preoccupied the minds of economists. However, the direction of causality still remains unresolved in both theory and empirics. In this paper we investigate the causal relationship between financial development and international trade with Toda Yamamoto, using data from 1961 to 2012 about Turkey. According to empirical findings, there is bidirectional causality between financial development and international trade. Also, financial development leads international trade indirectly through both economic growth and exchange rate. On the other hand, there is bidirectional causal relationship between economic growth and financial development

    The Role of Financial Ratios in Determining the Stock Prices

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    Bu çalışma ile hisse senedi fiyatlarının belirlenmesinde etkili olan finansal oranlar panel veri yöntemiyle incelenmektedir. Bu amaçla İMKB’de işlem gören ve imalat sektöründe faaliyet gösteren 73 şirkete ait 1990-2009 yılları arasındaki veri seti kullanılmaktadır. Ampirik sonuçlar kârlılık ve likidite oranlarının hisse senedi getirileri üzerinde pozitif bir etkiye sahip olduklarını ortaya koymaktadır. Bununla birlikte borçluluk göstergesi olarak ele alınan kaldıraç oranı da benzer etkiye sahiptir. Ancak faaliyet oranlarının hisse senedi getirisini etkilemediği görülmektedir. Sonuç olarak ise finansal oranların hisse senedi getirisini belirlemedeki rolünün düşük olduğu söylenebilir .In this study, financial ratios being effective in determining stock prices are investigated by panel data analysis. In this aim, data set belonging to 73 companies indexed in Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) and operating in manufacturing sector over the period of 1990-2000 is used. Empirical results suggest that profitability and liquidity ratios have a positive effect on stock returns. Moreover, leverage ratio taken as an indicator of indebtedness has the same effect. However, it is seen that operating ratios have no impact on stock returns. Consequently, it may be said that the role of financial ratios in determining the stock returns is low

    Silikon Yağının Bakteriyel Selüloz Üretiminde Verime Olan Etkisi

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    Bu çalışmada, CAS kayıt numarası 63148-58-3 olan silikon yağı kullanılarak bakteriyel selüloz (BC) üretiminde verime olan etkisi incelenmiş ve bazı özelliklerine bakılarak literatür ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, hazırlanan Hestrin ve Schramm (HS) ortamına Gluconacetobacter hansenii (Kontrol-BC) ve Gluconacetobacter hansenii + Silikon (Silikon-BC) yağı ilave edilerek 14 gün bekletilmiştir. Oluşan BC tabakalarının morfolojik özellikleri SEM ile incelenmiştır.  Su tutma kapasitesi Kontrol-BC ve Silikon-BC için sırasıyla; 68,31 ve 173,82 katı olarak bulunmuştur. Selüloz verimleri ise sırasıyla Kontrol-BC’de 1,054 g/l ve Silikon-BC de ise 1,234 g/l olarak belirlenmiştir. Diğer taraftan, FTIR ve TGA analizleri de yapılarak karşılaştırılmış ve benzer yapıda oldukları görülmüştür. XRD analizi sonuçlarına göre Silikon-BC ilaveli örneklerin kristalinitesinin kontrol örneğine göre daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlara göre, silikon yağının selüloz verimi üzerinde olumlu etkisi olduğu saptanmıştır

    Transcanal Endoscopic Type 1 Cartilage Tympanoplasty in Children

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    Objective:Transcanal endoscopic type 1 tympanoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that enables better visualization of deep and narrow spaces compared to conventional microscopic methods. In our study, we aimed to evaluate air-bone gap difference, graft success, and hearing gain according to the perforation size and location in pediatric patients who underwent transcanal endoscopic type 1 cartilage tympanoplasty.Methods:Fifty pediatric patients who underwent transcanal endoscopic type 1 cartilage tympanoplasty for chronic otitis media were included in the study. Tragal cartilage grafts were used in all patients. Air conduction pure tone audiometry hearing results (500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz), mean air-bone gap levels, operating times, postoperative gap closure, and graft success rates were evaluated.Results:Mean operating time was 43.34±8.56 minutes. Overall graft success was 94% (47/50). Mean hearing levels at all frequencies (500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz) were found to have significantly improved after the operation (p<0.001). Mean preoperative air conduction pure tone threshold and mean air–bone gap had statistically significantly improved by the 6th postoperative month (p<0.001).Conclusion:Transcanal endoscopic type 1 cartilage tympanoplasty was found to be a minimally traumatic, easy and safe method with a low complication rate. In pediatric patients, this method allows for high rates of anatomic and functional recovery with optimal surgery time regardless of the location and the size of the perforation

    A Simple Procedure may Cause Severe Results

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    Capillary blood sampling via a heel puncture is a common procedure performed on hospitalized neonates. If not performed properly, a heelstick can lead to complications. The clinical and financial impact of complications can be significant. Also in some situations, the procedure could be complicated with skin infections, hematomes, soft tissue infections, arthritis and osteomyelitis. We report an infant complicated with arthitis and soft tissue infection secondary to heel puncture and we want to emphesize the importance of neonatal procedures

    Sosyal Bilgiler öğretiminde örnek olay yönteminin öğrencilerin çevre bilincine ve çevreye yönelik tutumlarına etkisi

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    Bu araştırma; örnek olay incelemesi yöntemi ile desteklenmiş öğrenme – öğretme süreci ile mevcut programa dayalı yürütülen öğretim arasında “İlköğretim 6. Sınıf Sosyal Bilgiler” dersinin “Ülkemizin Kaynakları” ünitesinde öğrenci başarısı ve tutumu üzerinde anlamlı bir farklılaşmanın olup olmadığını ve örnek olay incelemesi yöntemi ile desteklenmiş öğrenme – öğretme süreci ile ilgili öğrenci duygu ve düşüncelerini ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Deneysel modelin ön test – son test kontrol gruplu desenine göre gerçekleştirilen araştırma; 2008 – 2009 Eğitim ve Öğretim yılında, İstanbul ili Fatih ilçesi Yunus Emre İlköğretim Okulu 6. sınıflarından 30 kişilik deney grubu ve 30 kişilik kontrol grubu ile sürdürülmüştür. Araştırma sürecinde, öncelikle deney ve kontrol grubuna ön başarı testi ve ön tutum ölçeği uygulanmış, grupların ön test ve ön tutum başarı puanları arasında anlamlı bir farklılaşmanın olmadığı tespit edildikten sonra deneysel işleme geçilmiştir. Toplam 6 hafta devam eden deneysel işlemin tamamlanmasından sonra, deney ve kontrol grubuna son başarı testi ve son tutum ölçeği uygulanmış, deney grubundaki öğrencilerle uygulamanın etkililiği ile ilgili görüşme yapılmış ve uygulamanın bitiminden 6 hafta sonra kalıcılık testi uygulanmıştır. Başarı testi ve tutum ölçeğinden elde edilen veriler SPSS programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Görüşme formundan elde edilen veriler ise betimsel analiz yöntemi ile çözümlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, örmek olay incelemesi öğrenme yöntemi desteklenmiş öğretimin yürütüldüğü deney grubu ile mevcut programa dayalı öğretimin yürütüldüğü kontrol grubunun son test başarı puan ortalamaları, son tutum puan ortalamaları ve kalıcılık testi puan ortalamaları arasında deney grubu lehine anlamlı bir farklılaşma olduğu ve örnek olay yöntemi ile desteklenmiş öğretimin, öğrencilerin derse katılımını ve derse karşı olan ilgisini artırdığı, sosyal bilgiler dersine karşı olumlu tutum geliştirdiklerini, temel beceri ve değerlerinin gelişimine olumlu katkı sağladığı sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Örnek olay incelemesi yöntemi, sosyal bilgiler öğretimi, çevre eğitimi, öğrenci başarısı ve tutumu ABSTRACT THE IMPACT OF THE CASE METHOD IN SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHING ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND ATTITUDES OF THE STUDENTS This study was conducted to find out whether there was a significant difference between the case study method aided learning- teaching process and teaching based on the existing program with regard to the achievement and attitudes of the students in the unit " The Resources of Our Country" of Social Studies of Elementary School 6th grade and to reveal the thoughts and feelings of the students about the case study method aided learning- teaching process. The study conducted according to the pre- test- post- test control group designs of the experimental model was implemented on 30 subjects in the experimental group and 30 subjects in the control group from the 6th grade of Yunus Emre Elementary School in Fatih, Istanbul in 2008-2009 Education Years. During the study, initially, pre-achievement test and pre-attitude scale were applied to the experimental and control group and the experimental process started after it was determined that there were no significant differences between the groups' pre-test and pre- attitude achievement scores. After the experimental process lasting totally six weeks was completed, post- achievement test and post- attitude scale were applied to the experimental and control group and the students in the experimental group were interviewed about the impact of the application and the permanence test was applied after 6 weeks of application finished. SPSS program was used to analyze the data collected from the success test and attitude scale. However, the data collected from the interview form was analyzed via descriptive analysis method. At the end of the study, the results reached were that there was a significant difference in terms of post-test achievement score means, post-attitude score attitudes and permanence test score means between the experimental group on which the case study learning method aided teaching was implemented and the control group on which the teaching based on the existing was implemented in favour of the experimental group and case method aided teaching, increased the attention and attendence of the students to the classes, enabled the students to take positive attitudes to the social studies and contributed to their basic skills and values. Keywords: Case study method, social studies teaching, environmental education, student achievement and attitude

    Sosyal Bilgiler öğretiminde örnek olay yönteminin öğrencilerin çevre bilincine ve çevreye yönelik tutumlarına etkisi

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    ÖZETBu araştırma; örnek olay incelemesi yöntemi ile desteklenmiş öğrenme – öğretme süreci ile mevcut programa dayalı yürütülen öğretim arasında “İlköğretim 6. Sınıf Sosyal Bilgiler” dersinin “Ülkemizin Kaynakları” ünitesinde öğrenci başarısı ve tutumu üzerinde anlamlı bir farklılaşmanın olup olmadığını ve örnek olay incelemesi yöntemi ile desteklenmiş öğrenme – öğretme süreci ile ilgili öğrenci duygu ve düşüncelerini ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Deneysel modelin ön test – son test kontrol gruplu desenine göre gerçekleştirilen araştırma; 2008 – 2009 Eğitim ve Öğretim yılında, İstanbul ili Fatih ilçesi Yunus Emre İlköğretim Okulu 6. sınıflarından 30 kişilik deney grubu ve 30 kişilik kontrol grubu ile sürdürülmüştür. Araştırma sürecinde, öncelikle deney ve kontrol grubuna ön başarı testi ve ön tutum ölçeği uygulanmış, grupların ön test ve ön tutum başarı puanları arasında anlamlı bir farklılaşmanın olmadığı tespit edildikten sonra deneysel işleme geçilmiştir. Toplam 6 hafta devam eden deneysel işlemin tamamlanmasından sonra, deney ve kontrol grubuna son başarı testi ve son tutum ölçeği uygulanmış, deney grubundaki öğrencilerle uygulamanın etkililiği ile ilgili görüşme yapılmış ve uygulamanın bitiminden 6 hafta sonra kalıcılık testi uygulanmıştır. Başarı testi ve tutum ölçeğinden elde edilen veriler SPSS programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Görüşme formundan elde edilen veriler ise betimsel analiz yöntemi ile çözümlenmiştir.Araştırma sonucunda, örmek olay incelemesi öğrenme yöntemi desteklenmiş öğretimin yürütüldüğü deney grubu ile mevcut programa dayalı öğretimin yürütüldüğü kontrol grubunun son test başarı puan ortalamaları, son tutum puan ortalamaları ve kalıcılık testi puan ortalamaları arasında deney grubu lehine anlamlı bir farklılaşma olduğu ve örnek olay yöntemi ile desteklenmiş öğretimin, öğrencilerin derse katılımını ve derse karşı olan ilgisini artırdığı, sosyal bilgiler dersine karşı olumlu tutum geliştirdiklerini, temel beceri ve değerlerinin gelişimine olumlu katkı sağladığı sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Örnek olay incelemesi yöntemi, sosyal bilgiler öğretimi, çevre eğitimi, öğrenci başarısı ve tutumuABSTRACTTHE IMPACT OF THE CASE METHOD IN SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHING ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND ATTITUDES OF THE STUDENTSThis study was conducted to find out whether there was a significant difference between the case study method aided learning- teaching process and teaching based on the existing program with regard to the achievement and attitudes of the students in the unit " The Resources of Our Country" of Social Studies of Elementary School 6th grade and to reveal the thoughts and feelings of the students about the case study method aided learning- teaching process. The study conducted according to the pre- test- post- test control group designs of the experimental model was implemented on 30 subjects in the experimental group and 30 subjects in the control group from the 6th grade of Yunus Emre Elementary School in Fatih, Istanbul in 2008-2009 Education Years. During the study, initially, pre-achievement test and pre-attitude scale were applied to the experimental and control group and the experimental process started after it was determined that there were no significant differences between the groups' pre-test and pre- attitude achievement scores. After the experimental process lasting totally six weeks was completed, post- achievement test and post- attitude scale were applied to the experimental and control group and the students in the experimental group were interviewed about the impact of the application and the permanence test was applied after 6 weeks of application finished. SPSS program was used to analyze the data collected from the success test and attitude scale. However, the data collected from the interview form was analyzed via descriptive analysis method.At the end of the study, the results reached were that there was a significant difference in terms of post-test achievement score means, post-attitude score attitudes and permanence test score means between the experimental group on which the case study learning method aided teaching was implemented and the control group on which the teaching based on the existing was implemented in favour of the experimental group and case method aided teaching, increased the attention and attendence of the students to the classes, enabled the students to take positive attitudes to the social studies and contributed to their basic skills and values. Keywords: Case study method, social studies teaching, environmental education, student achievement and attitude

    Interest rates, the yield curve and bank profitability in an emerging market economy

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    We investigate how the level of the short-term interest rate and the slope of the yield curve affect bank profitability in an emerging market economy using a dynamic panel model for the period 2002-2014. The estimation results suggest that while the short-term interest rate and the slope of the yield curve have a negative and significant impact on profits in the short run, the effects of these variables turn out to be positive in the long run, as expected. Hence, our findings indicate that monetary policy significantly influences bank profits in Turkey. The results also emphasize that bank profits in an emerging market exhibit much more sensitivity to interest rates than bank profits in an advanced economy such as the UK. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Some physical properties of heat-treated hornbeam (carpinus betulus l.) wood

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    Thermal treatment of wood alters its structure due to degradation of wood polymers (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin), so the physical properties of wood are either improved or worsen. In this study, the effect of thermal treatment on density, equilibrium moisture content (EMC), and color of hornbeam wood was investigated. The color and density (air-dry and oven-dry density) were determined for the control and heat-treated samples, as well as their equilibrium moisture content at relative humidities of 35, 50, 65, 80, and 95%. The data showed that thermal treatment resulted mainly in darkening of the wood and the reduction of its density and EMC. It was found that the treatment temperature had a much more significant impact on color changes than the duration of the treatment. Generally, heat-treated wood color becomes darker than nontreated wood, so it can be used as decorative material. Because the EMC is lower, the heat-treated wood can be used in saunas and pool sides. Also, heat-treated wood can be used in outdoor applications because of lower density


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    The purpose of this study is to design and verify a fuzzy logic controller for a Quadrotor ,which is a nonlinear system due to its mathematical model, in real time experimental setup. In this sense performances of the fuzzy controllers were compared with the performances of PID controllers that were designed for the same Quadrotor. Controllers were verified and their performances were augmented in an experimental setup that facilitates to set parameters in real time. When nonlinear dynamics of system due to mathematical model are increasing, designed fuzzy controller trajectory pursuit and robustness performance is getting better than PID controller’s performance. When the improvement in microprocessor technology is considered, fuzzy logic controller, which do not require dense mathematical operations in design process, design and verification for the control of nonlinear dynamic systems is very simple and fast