35 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Anticandidal Effects of Essential Oils of Commercial Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia Miller) in Combination With Ketoconazole Againts Some Candida Berkhout Strains

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    DergiPark: 590839trkjnatUçucuyağlarınstandart antifungal maddeler ile kombinasyonları, sentetik ilaçların olumsuzetkilerini azaltabilir ve kandidiyaz dahil olmak üzere çeşitli patolojilerekarşı alternatif bir yaklaşım olarak kullanılabilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Farmakope kalitesindeki Lavanta (Lavandula angustifolia Miller) uçucu yağlarının ketokonazol ilekombinasyonlarının patojen Candida albicans ATCC 10231, C. krusei NRRL Y-7179 ve C. glabrata ATCC 66032 suşlarına karşıantikandidal  etkinliğini belirlemektir.İncelenen uçucu yağların kimyasal  içeriklerihem gaz kromatografisi/alev iyonlaşma dedektörü (GK / AİD) hem de gazkromatografisi/kütle spektrometresi (GK/KS) yöntemleriyle belirlenmiştir. Esansiyelyağlarınantikandidal aktiviteleri, mikrodilüsyon metodu ile in vitro olarak incelenmiştir. Lavanta uçucu yağları ve ketokonazolkombinasyon çalışmaları dama tahtası yöntemi kullanılarak test edilmiştir.  Lavanta uçucu yağları ile ketokonazolkombinasyon çalışması sonuçları, test edilen tüm Candida suşlarına karşı “aditif” ve “indiferent” etkili olduğugörülmüştür. Sonuç olarak, lavanta uçucu yağlarının ketokonazol kombinasyonuile gözlemlenen etkiler, patojenik Candida suşlarına karşı kullanımdaetkili olabilir.Application of combination studies with essential oils andstandard antifungal drugs may reduce adverse effects of synthetic drugs andserve as alternative approach against various pathologies includingcandidiasis. The aim of the present study was to determine the interactionof two commercial lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Miller) essential oils in combination with ketoconazoleagainst clinical and standard strains of the human pathogens Candida albicans ATCC 10231, C.krusei NRRL Y-7179 and C. glabrataATCC 66032. The chemical compositions of the investigated essential oils wereconfirmed both by gas chromatography/flame ionization detector (GC/FID) and gaschromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) methods. Anticandidal activities ofthe essential oils were screened in vitroby the microdilution method. The resulting interaction of combining lavenderessential oils and ketoconazole was tested using the checkerboard method. Theresults showed that the interaction between essential oils and ketoconazolerevealed additive and indifferent effects against the tested strains. In conclusion, the effectsobserved by the combination of lavender essential oils and ketoconazole may beencouraging to be used against pathogenic Candidastrains

    Biological activities of the fruit essential oil, fruit, and root extracts of ferula drudeana korovin, the putative anatolian ecotype of the silphion plant

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    In the present study, preliminary phytochemical investigations were performed on the fruit essential oil and antioxidant-rich methanolic extracts of the fruits and roots of Ferula drudeana, the putative Anatolian ecotype of the Silphion plant, to corroborate its medicinal plant potential and identify its unique characteristics amongst other Ferula species. The essential oil from the fruits of the endemic species Ferula drudeana collected from Aksaray was analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The main components of the oil were determined as shyobunone (44.2%) and 6-epishyobunone (12.6%). The essential oil of the fruits and various solvent extracts of the fruits and roots of F. drudeana were evaluated for their antibacterial and anticandidal activity using microbroth dilution methods. The essential oil of the fruits, methanol, and methylene chloride extracts of the fruits and roots showed weak to moderate inhibitory activity against all tested microorganisms with MIC values of 78–2000 µg/mL. However, the petroleum ether extract of the roots showed remarkable inhibitory activity against Candida krusei and Candida utilis with MIC values of 19.5 and 9.75 µg/mL, respectively. Furthermore, all the samples were tested for their antioxidant activities using DPPH• TLC spot testing, online HPLC–ABTS screening, and DPPH/ABTS radical scavenging activity assessment assays. Methanolic extracts of the fruits and roots showed strong antioxidant activity in both systems

    Is Placing Prophylactic Dural Tenting Sutures a Dogma?

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    Objective In this study, we investigated if and when dural tenting sutures are necessary during craniotomy. Methods Results from 437 patients aged 18 to 91 years (average, 43.5 years) who underwent supratentorial craniotomy between 2014 and 2019 were evaluated. The patients were categorized into 1 of 3 groups, patients who had at least 3 prophylactic dural tenting sutures placed before opening of the dura (group 1), at least 3 dural tenting sutures placed after surgery was completed, during closure (group 2), or no dural tenting sutures (group 3 [control]). All such sutures in groups 1 and 2 were placed in the circumference of the craniotomy and dural junction. No central dural tenting sutures were placed in any of the patients. Results Among the 437 patients, 344 underwent surgery for the first time and 93 were undergoing a second surgery. Cranial computed tomography imaging was performed for each patient 1 hour, 3 days, and 1 month after surgery. In group 1, 3 patients had a cerebral cortex contusion and 2 patients had acute subdural hematoma after the sutures were placed. In groups 2 and 3, none of the patients had a cerebral cortex contusion or acute subdural hematoma. Fewer complications were observed when dural tenting sutures were placed during postsurgical closure. Conclusion Placing dural tenting sutures is an important technique for ensuring hemostasis. However, when not needed, they seem to cause inadvertent complications. As our results suggest, knowing when and where to use them is equally important

    Primary vesicoureteral reflux (pVUR) is common dissase and genetically.

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    TEZ11540Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2016.Kaynakça (s. 66-74) var.vi, 75 s. : res. (bzs. rnk.), tablo ; 29 cm.Primer vezikoüreteral reflü üriner sistem anomalili çocuklarda yaygın görülen ve genetik olarak heterojen bir hastalıktır. Bu çalışmada HOX B7 gen mutasyonu ile primer VUR arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırdık Materyal ve Metod: Mayıs 2014 – Temmuz 2014 tarihleri arasında reflü araştırması için kliniğimize başvuran çekilen voiding sistoüretrogram primer VUR gösterilen 29 çocuk hasta çalışmaya alındı. Diğer ürolojik malformasyonu olan hastalar çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Her hastadan ayrıntılı anamnez alındı. Kan örneklerinden DNA’lar elde edildi. Elde edilen sekanslarda HOX B7 gen mutasyonuna bakıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı 69 (±37.4) aydır. 21 (% 72) hastada tekrarlayan idrar yolu enfeksiyonu mevcuttu. 25 (% 86) hasta profilaksi alıyordu. 18 (% 62) hastada DMSA ‘da renal skar mevcuttu. 20 (% 68) hastada genetik polimorfizm saptandı (14.ve 15. ekzon). 17 hastada ekzon 14 mutasyonu mevcuttu. Bu mutasyon protein kodlamayan bir alanda olmasına rağmen gen datasında bu mutasyonun hastalığa neden olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışmamız göstermiştir ki HOX B7 gen mutasyonu, çocuk hasta populasyonunda primer VUR’a neden olabilabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Ancak VUR mekanizmasındaki rolünün anlaşılabilmesi için daha çok çalışmaya ihtiyaç vardır.Introduction: Primary vesicoureteral reflux (pVUR) is common dissase and genetically heterogenous urinary abnormality tract in children. To explore that mutation of Hox B7 gene may cause primary VUR. Methods: Between May 2014 – July 2014, 29 patient were identified from referred to our urology clinic for the evaluation of VUR. PVUR was diagnosed by a voiding cystouretrogram. Other urological malformation were ruled out. A quastionnaire fill to patients with pVUR aprroved. Genomic DNA was extracted from all patients blood samples. The resulting sequences based candidate gene approach was used to screen the Hox B7 mutations Results: Mean age of patients 69 (±37.4) months, 21 (72%) patients has recurrent urinary tract infection and 25 (86%) patient was taken the prophylaxis. 18 (62%) patient has renal scarring on scintigraphy. We found 20 (68%) patients single genetic polymorphism Hox B7 (exon 14 and 15) 17 patients has polymorphism on exon 14. This mutation seen at non encoding protein area. But data results shows that this mutation may cause the disease. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that Hox B7 gene mutation may cause pVUR in the pediatric population but needed more study for understanding role of VUR mechanis

    Relation of apparent diffusion coefficient with Ki-67 proliferation index in meningiomas

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    WOS: 000368418500004PubMed ID: 26537690Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Ki-67 proliferation indexes and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values of low-grade and atypical/anaplastic (high-grade) meningiomas. Methods: Pre-operative diffusion-weighted imaging and histopathological evaluation of 44 patients with meningiomas were performed retrospectively. Regions of interest (ROIs) were manually drawn on the ADC images. In total six ROI measurements were taken in three consecutive slices, and the average of the mean ADC value was used. The relationship between the ADC and Ki-67 values was investigated, and the ADC values of the low-grade and high-grade meningiomas were compared. Results: 31 (70%) patients had low-grade the meningiomas. 10 (23%) patients had atypical and 3 (7%) had anaplastic meningiomas. ADC values of the low-grade and high-grade meningiomas were 0.81 +/- 0.12 x 10(-3) and 0.66 +/- 0.08 x 10(-3) mm(2) s(-1), respectively. Ki-67 proliferation indexes were 2.19% +/- 1.14% for low-grade and 11.20% 6 9.80% for high-grade meningiomas. A statistically significant negative correlation between Ki-67 proliferation index and ADC values of the low-grade and high-grade meningiomas was detected (r(2) - 0.326, p < 0.001). High-grade meningiomas had lower ADC values than that of low-grade meningiomas. There was statistically significant difference between the ADC values of the lowgrade and high-grade meningiomas (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Our data provide an inverse correlation between the ADC and Ki-67 proliferation index values of meningiomas. ADC values can be used for histopathological characterization of the meningiomas and presurgical planning. Advances in knowledge: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Ki-67 proliferation indexes and ADC values of low-grade and atypical/ anaplastic (high-grade) meningiomas. In addition, we compared the ADC and Ki-67 proliferative index values of the low-grade and atypical/anaplastic (high-grade) meningiomas. We concluded that there was an inverse correlation between the ADC and Ki-67 proliferation index values in meningiomas, and we have found statistically significant difference between the ADC values of the lowgrade and high-grade meningiomas. ADC values can be used for histopathological characterization of the meningiomas and pre-surgical planning

    Epileptic Seizures Provoked by Pseudoephedrine

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    Bilimsel zemin: Nöbetleri kontrol altında olan epileptik hastalarda, başka rahatsızlıklar için verilen santral sinir sistemi stimülanı veya epileptik eşiği düşüren ilaçlar nöbetleri tekrar ortaya çıkarabilir. OLGU: Jeneralize tonik-klonik nöbetleri antiepileptik ilaçla kontrol altında olan 13 yaşında bir kız hastada, sinüzit tedavisi için psödoefedrin verilmesinin ardı sıra jeneralize tonik-klonik nöbetler ortaya çıktı. ilacın kesilmesiyle tekrar nöbet görülmedi. Uzun süren izleminde hasta yakınması olmadığını bildirdi. YORUM: Santral sinir sistemi stimülanı olan efedra grubundan psödoefedrin içeren ilaçlar epileptik hastalara verilirken, nöbet ortaya çıkabileceği göz önünde bulundurulmalıdı

    Biological activities of the essential oil, fruit and root extracts of ferula drudeana korovin

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    Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Pharmacognosy on Natural Products at a Crossroad - Current and Future Directions -- JUL 14-17, 2013 -- St Louis, MOWOS: 000338695100234…Amer Soc Pharmacognos

    Management of Rectourethral Fistula following a Gunshot Injury with Gracilis Flap: A Case Report

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    Rectourethral fistulas are uncommon and can be classified as congenital or acquired. We present a case of rectourethral fistula following a shotgun injury and describe a surgical method of closing poorly healing defects between the urethra and rectum by means of a muscular flap of the gracilis muscle (GM). A 20-year-old man underwent laparotomy and colostomy for gunshot trauma. In postoperative first week, the patient began complaining of urine coming from the rectum. Retrograde urethrography revealed a fistulous opening connecting the prostatic urethra and the rectum. The transperineal approach with a GM flap interposition is currently the most commonly used method and one of the effective procedures for treating complex fistulae. Morbidity after a GM flap interposition is known to be low. GM transposition is a useful and effective method for the treatment of rectourethral fistula