11 research outputs found

    Biuletyny Informacji Publicznej w bibliotekach. Prawa i obowiązki oraz analiza przypadków

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    Autor przedstawia wszystkie aspekty tworzenia BIP przez biblioteki. Dokonuje także analizy stron www bibliotek i BIP, który tworzą. Pokazuje, jak biblioteki realizują obowiązek ustawowy o BIP, wskazuje na błędy i niedostatki, daje porady, co powinno i jak być realizowane, by było zgodne z prawem. Artykuł jest podsumowaniem części prac projektu BIBLIOSKAN, zrealizowanego w ramach programu Obywatele dla Demokracji, finansowanego z Funduszy EOG

    Biblioskan. Monitoring i ewaluacja w bibliotekach publicznych

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    Książka będąca podsumowaniem projektu “Biblioskan - kontrola obywatelska w łódzkich bibliotekach publicznych” finansowanego z Funduszy EOG w ramach programu Obywatele dla Demokracji. Publikacja na licencji CC BY 4.0Fundusze EOG w ramach programu Obywatele dla Demokracji

    Accuracy Evaluation of Selected Mobile Inspection Robot Localization Techniques in a GNSS-Denied Environment

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    Locating an inspection robot is an essential task for inspection missions and spatial data acquisition. Giving a spatial reference to measurements, especially those concerning environmental parameters, e.g., gas concentrations may make them more valuable by enabling more insightful analyses. Thus, an accurate estimation of sensor position and orientation is a significant topic in mobile measurement systems used in robotics, remote sensing, or autonomous vehicles. Those systems often work in urban or underground conditions, which are lowering or disabling the possibility of using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) for this purpose. Alternative solutions vary significantly in sensor configuration requirements, positioning accuracy, and computational complexity. The selection of the optimal solution is difficult. The focus here is put on the assessment, using the criterion of the positioning accuracy of the mobile robot with no use of GNSS signals. Automated geodetic surveying equipment is utilized for acquiring precise ground truth data of the robot’s movement. The results obtained, with the use of several methods, compared: Wheel odometry, inertial measurement-based dead-reckoning, visual odometry, and trilateration of ultra-wideband signals. The suitability, pros, and cons of each method are discussed in the context of their application in autonomous robotic systems, operating in an underground mine environment

    Application of the Infrared Thermography and Unmanned Ground Vehicle for Rescue Action Support in Underground Mine—The AMICOS Project

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    Extraction of raw materials, especially in extremely harsh underground mine conditions, is irrevocably associated with high risk and probability of accidents. Natural hazards, the use of heavy-duty machines, and other technologies, even if all perfectly organized, may result in an accident. In such critical situations, rescue actions may require advanced technologies as autonomous mobile robot, various sensory system including gas detector, infrared thermography, image acquisition, advanced analytics, etc. In the paper, we describe several scenarios related to rescue action in underground mines with the assumption that searching for sufferers should be done considering potential hazards such as seismic, gas, high temperature, etc. Thus, possibilities of rescue team activities in such areas may be highly risky. This work reports the results of testing of a UGV robotic system in an underground mine developed in the frame of the AMICOS project. The system consists of UGV with a sensory system and image processing module that are based on an adaptation of You Only Look Once (YOLO) and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) algorithms. The experiment was very successful; human detection efficiency was very promising. Future work will be related to test the AMICOS technology in deep copper ore mines

    Application of UAV in Search and Rescue Actions in Underground Mine—A Specific Sound Detection in Noisy Acoustic Signal

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    The possibility of the application of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in search and rescue activities in a deep underground mine has been investigated. In the presented case study, a UAV is searching for a lost or injured human who is able to call for help but is not able to move or use any communication device. A UAV capturing acoustic data while flying through underground corridors is used. The acoustic signal is very noisy since during the flight the UAV contributes high-energetic emission. The main goal of the paper is to present an automatic signal processing procedure for detection of a specific sound (supposed to contain voice activity) in presence of heavy, time-varying noise from UAV. The proposed acoustic signal processing technique is based on time-frequency representation and Euclidean distance measurement between reference spectrum (UAV noise only) and captured data. As both the UAV and “injured” person were equipped with synchronized microphones during the experiment, validation has been performed. Two experiments carried out in lab conditions, as well as one in an underground mine, provided very satisfactory results

    System obiektowy = obiektowa baza danych + obiektowa aplikacja

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    This article presents main ideas and implemented elements of distributed object-oriented database system (DOOD). Military University of Technology researches on unification of project and development of object systems with dedicated programming language is based on DOOD system.  Provided language, that supports both imperative and declarative features, allows automatic distribution of tasks, mainly because of implemented static and dynamic cost counting algorithms. This article also introduces some key elements like indexes, management console, language analysis, query planner or execution.Praca prezentuje koncepcje i wykonane elementy rozproszonego obiektowego systemu baz danych (DOOD System ), który stanowi podstawę do badań związanych z unifikacją procesu projektowania i implementacji rozproszonych systemów obiektowych, wraz z opracowaniem języka programowania łączącego w sobie własności języka deklaratywnego i imperatywnego. Język tego typu pozwoli na zautomatyzowanie procesu rozproszonego przetwarzania danych przy wykorzystaniu statycznych i dynamicznych mechanizmów szacowania kosztów przetwarzania. Prezentowana jest również koncepcja architektury DOOD wraz z podstawowymi elementami, np. mechanizm zarządzania, skład obiektów, mechanizm indeksowania, analizy języka, generator planów i środowisko wykonawcze

    Środowisko wykonawcze rozproszonej obiektowej bazy danych

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    This paper contains an overall view of main elements of an executive environment of distributed object database MUTDOD (Military University of Technology Distributed Object Database), which is designing at Military University of Technology in Warsaw.Materiał zawiera ogólny zarys głównych mechanizmów środowiska wykonawczego rozproszonej, obiektowej bazy danych MUTDOD (ang. Military University of Technology Distributed Object Database), która jest tworzona w Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej w Warszawie