3,400 research outputs found

    Análisis dogmático y hermenéutico de los derechos de los terceros de buena fe en el proceso de restitución de tierras colombiano

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    Artículo de investigaciónCon la presente investigación jurídica se pretende analizar por medio del método dogmático y hermenéutico el vacio normativo que posee la Ley de Restitución de Tierras en cuanto a la protección de los derechos que fueron adquiridos por los poseedores buena fe al ejercer la declaración de pertenencia establecida en el artículo 375 del Código General del Proceso de bienes inmuebles en los cuales residían víctimas de conflicto armado colombiano, pues no regula ni establece ningún tipo de protección legal para aquellas personas que de buena fe adquirieron bienes inmuebles por medio de mencionada acción sin tener conocimiento de que estos eran producto del desplazamiento o despojo armado, lo cual ha generado una dispendiosa disputa legal encaminada a tener el justo título de dichos bienes. Lo anterior teniendo en cuenta que en el contexto colombiano la defensa y garantía de los derechos humanos de las víctimas del conflicto armado, se materializó con la expedición de la Constitución Política de 1991 pues, en dicho plexo normativo el constituyente derivado – es decir las Asamblea Nacional Constituyente – determinó de forma expresa que todas las personas son titulares de los denominados derechos fundamentales, por razón de su existencia humana.38 p.RESUMEN ABSTRACT INTRODUCCIÓN 1. Análisis hermenéutico de la protección normativa de la propiedad en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano 2. El desplazamiento forzado, el despojo y el abandono de tierras en el contexto colombiano. 3. Examen de la restitución de tierras en la ley de víctimas y de su relación con la declaración de pertenencia CONCLUSIONES. REFERENCIASPregradoAbogad

    Clay mineralogy of soils from SW Spain with high iron content

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    26 páginas.-- 2 graficas.-- 8 tablas.-- 26 referencias. -- Trabajo enviado para su publicación en la revista SOIL SCIENCE.-- (no se llegó a publicar).- Se convirtió en este otro artículo "Occurrence of talc in soils with high iron content from the south-west of Spain" publicado en Australian Journal of Soil Research 34: 635-651 (1996) http://hdl.handle.net/10261/65016The mineralogy of the clay fraction of four soil one alfisol and three inceptisols developed on cambian limestone, and to consider the mode of formation in terms of pedogenic processand classification has been determined. In soils I and II there is a high proportion of goethite accompanied by hematite at the bottom of the profiles, according to the data goethite is originated directly from the bedrock and hematite is produced by dehydration of goethite. The most characteristic is the presence of maghemite in the upper horizon of these profiles. Its presence is related with the weathering of hematite, that may produce goethite and later maghemite by dehydration. The non-ferrous minerals of soil are: talc, chlorite and interstratified talc-chlorite, profile II has in addition to kaolinite, vermiculite and illite. In soil IV a high proportion of goethite and hematite has been found, a high relation exist between bath iron oxides. The hematite is originated directly from the bedrock and goethite is produced from hematite. The high proportion of kaolin is characteristic, showing an external contribution or extensive pedogenic processes. Soil III is constituted by goethite and hematite and it is difficult to determine, the origen of these iron oxides. The non-ferrous minerals are kaolinite, chlorite and illite.N

    Damping low-frequency oscillations in power systems using grid-forming converters

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    The increasing incorporation of renewable energy in power systems is causing growing concern about system stability. Renewable energy sources are connected to the grid through power electronic converters, reducing system inertia as they displace synchronous generators. New grid-forming converters can emulate the behavior of synchronous generators in terms of inertia provision and other grid services, like power-frequency and voltage-reactive regulation. Nevertheless, as a consequence of synchronous generator emulation, grid-forming converters also present angle oscillations following a grid disturbance. This paper proposes two novel power stabilizers for damping low-frequency oscillations (LFOs) in the power system. The first power stabilizer provides power oscillation damping through active power (POD-P), and it is implemented in a grid-forming converter, using the active power synchronization loop to damp system oscillations by acting on the converter angle. The second one provides power oscillation damping through reactive power (POD-Q), and it is implemented in a STATCOM, using the voltage control loop to damp system oscillations. Both proposals are first assessed in a small-signal stability study and then in a comprehensive simulation. Moreover, two cases are considered: damping the oscillations of a single machine connected to an infinite bus through a tie-line, and damping the inter-area oscillations in a two-area system. Simulation results, as well as the stability study, demonstrate the ability of both stabilizers to damp power system oscillations, being the POD-P more effective than the POD-Q, but at the cost of requiring some kind of energy provision at the DC bus.This work was supported by the Spanish Research Agency under Project PID2019-106028RB-I00/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Arte y símbolo para el poder: intervención en la Cruz Alzada Procesional de Osuna

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    El proceso de investigación e intervención de la Cruz Alzada Procesional de Osuna (Sevilla) ha constituido una de las prácticas en metales más interesantes del Centro de Intervención del IAPH. En el marco de la metodología interdisciplinar de este Centro, a los trabajos de conservación y restauración, los medios no destructivos de examen de la fotografía, la química o la biología, o los estudios históricos, se añadieron las aportaciones de un maestro orfebre. El presente artículo pretende transferir, ante la escasez de textos divulgativos en español de experiencias en la restauración de platería, los pormenores de la intervención. Del mismo modo se presentan las conclusiones de las investigaciones aplicadas, con especial incidencia en la datación, contextualización y análisis histórico de la obra, así como la caracterización material de los elementos que la constituyen, las técnicas de ejecución primigenias y las alteraciones del original hasta nuestros días

    Bitcoin, un activo de inversión alternativo

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    Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.ECO). Banca e finanzas. Curso 2019/2020[Resumen]: El interés por las criptomonedas, especialmente Bitcoin, ha ido in crescendo desde su aparición en 2009. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio y análisis de esta criptomoneda como un activo alternativo de inversión especulativo con el objeto de valorar su atractivo frente a los mercados bursátiles tradicionales. A lo largo del trabajo se examinan de manera exhaustiva los rasgos definitorios de la criptomoneda y la evolución de las series de tiempo tanto de Bitcoin como del índice bursátil S&P 500 atendiendo a las variables precio, rentabilidad y volatilidad dentro del contexto económico de post-crisis entre los años 2009 y 2020. Adicionalmente, se han realizado estimaciones sobre su evolución futura empleando modelos regresivos y autorregresivos con el fin de acercarnos lo máximo posible a su desempeño próximo. [Abstract]: Interest in cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, has been increasing since its appearance in 2009. This project focuses on the study and analysis of this cryptocurrency as an alternative speculative investment asset in order to assess its attractiveness against traditional stock markets. Throughout the work, the defining features of the cryptocurrency and the evolution of the time series of both Bitcoin and the S&P 500 stock market index are examined exhaustively, taking into account the variables price, profitability and volatility within the post-crisis economic context between 2009 and 2020. In addition, forecasts have been made about its future performance using regressive and autoregressive models in order to get as close as possible to its next evolutionTraballo fin de mestrado (UDC.ECO). Banca e finanzas. Curs

    La tarifa plana de la Seguridad Social: efectos colaterales

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    The objective of this study is the analysis of the Royal Decree-Law 3/2014, of 28 February, on urgent measures to promote employment and permanent employment, in which the flat rate of Social Security was adopted, which is a significant reduction in employers' contributions for common contingencies when indefinite contracts are concluded. The design of the law is not stringent with the requirements for permanent contracts, so that its effectiveness will be greatly reduced –deadweight–. Furthermore, it is unfair to companies that have made greater efforts in maintaining employment. It is also a regressive reduction of social contribution from the view of tax law and also arises in the context of an overall economic policy based on wage devaluation / social costs. Similarly, the measure affects the labour market due to a broad scope of application, instead of encouraging the employment of workers with greater difficulties or less qualified, as it is advised by international organizations. The incentive will be an important revenue deduction from Social Security contributions, given the alleged tax benefits that it proposes, it would have justified his compensation with the State Budget. Moreover, it will also have impact on the calculation of the downward adjustment of pensions, recently approved by Law 23/2013. Therefore, it should be part of a more general debate about funding of the pension system –now only focused on expenditures and not on incomes– and the Recommendations of the Toledo arrangement about the future of the pension system in Spain.El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis del Real Decreto-Ley 3/2014, de 28 de febrero, de medidas urgentes para el fomento del empleo y la contratación indefinida, por la que se aprueba la llamada tarifa plana de la Seguridad Social, que consiste en una importante reducción de las cotizaciones empresariales por contingencias comunes cuando se celebren contratos indefinidos. El diseño de la norma no es riguroso con los requisitos para la contratación indefinida, de forma que su eficacia quedará muy reducida –peso muerto–. Además, es inequitativa con las empresas que han hecho mayor esfuerzo en el mantenimiento del empleo. Se trata, además, de una reducción de cuotas regresiva desde la óptica fiscal y que se incardina en el marco de una política económica general basada en la devaluación salarial/costes sociales. De igual forma, la medida incide en el mercado de trabajo puesto que tiene un ámbito de aplicación muy general, en vez de incentivar el empleo de trabajadores con mayores dificultades o menos cualificados, como aconsejan los organismos internacionales. El incentivo supondrá una importante minoración de ingresos en las cotizaciones sociales que, dados los supuestos beneficios fiscales que pretende, hubiera justificado su compensación con los Presupuestos del Estado. Además, tendrá repercusión en el cálculo a la baja de la revalorización de las pensiones, recientemente aprobada por la Ley 23/2013. Todo ello debe enmarcarse en un debate más general sobre financiación del sistema de pensiones –que ahora solo se centra en los gastos y no en los ingresos– y de las Recomendaciones del Pacto de Toledo sobre el futuro del sistema de pensiones en España

    Application of piecewise-linear switched-capacitor circuits for random number generation

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    An unconventional application of switched-capacitor (SC) circuits is discussed. A systematic method for the design of piecewise-linear (PL) parasitic-insensitive SC chaotic discrete maps is given. A simple circuit which generates a random one-bit digital sequence is reported. Simulation results show that the random behavior is not significantly altered by large (about 5%) variations in the values of the design parameters, which makes monolithic implementation feasible. Simulation results and layout for a 2- mu m double-metal CMOS prototype are included

    The Subjective Well-Being Challenge in the Accounting Profession: The Role of Job Resources

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    The main activity of the accountant is the preparation and audit of the financial information of a company. The subjective well-being of the accountant is important to ensure a balanced professional judgment and to offer a positive image of the profession in the face of the incorporation and retention of talent. However, accountants are subjected to intense pressures that affect their well-being in the performance of their tasks. In this paper, the job demands–resources theoretical framework is adopted to analyze the relationships between job demands, job resources, and the subjective well-being of a large sample of 739 accounting experts at the European level. Applying a structural equations model, the results confirm, on the one hand, the direct effects provided in the theoretical framework and, on the other, a new mediating role of job demands–subjective well-being relationship resources

    Efficacy of a treatment program based on positive psychology for drug use in juvenile offenders.

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    One of the factors that increase the likelihood of adolescents starting to exhibit and consolidate anti-social behavior is drug use, with a consistent pattern of consumption of different substance found in young offenders (Aebi, Bessler & Steinhausen, 2021). A cognitivebehavioral group treatment program inspired by the positive psychology approach was developed and applied to drug use in minors deprived of liberty (experimental group); the results were compared to those of a group of adolescents with the same type of drug use in the same center (active control group) at two points in time: during and after incarceration. The fall in the rate of problems associated with drug use after incarceration in the experimental group was statistically significant compared to the control group, and the effect size of the experimental condition was large (ῆ2 = 0.55), much higher than the control group (ῆ2 = 0.16). The treatment program has proven to be an effective tool for reducing problems associated with drug use and is especially effective in reducing alcohol and cannabis consumption. Keywords: Young offender; drug use; treatment; cognitive-behavioral; positive psychology.post-print205 K