73 research outputs found

    Infectómica y Vacunómica aplicada al estudio del Rotavirus

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    Muere un niño cada 50 seg como consecuencia de una infección por rotavirus. Hoy sabemos que la exposición repetida al virus de rotavirus, ya sea de forma natural, o a través de dosis sucesivas de vacuna, genera protección. Sin embargo, los mecanismos implicados son prácticamente desconocidos. La IgA sérica frente a rotavirus, constituye el mejor marcador conocido de protección frente a rotavirus, pero además de no ser una técnica de uso rutinario, no se correlaciona bien con la protección clínica. El objetivo de este proyecto de tesis es realizar un abordaje "wholeomics" (aplicación integrada de las diferentes ciencias "ómicas") a la evaluación de la respuesta frente a rotavirus, tanto por infección natural (inmunogenómica) como mediante vacunación (vacunómica), para entender la inmunidad de esta enfermedad e identificar nuevos biomarcadores de protección

    Rotavirus infection beyond the gut

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    The landscape of rotavirus (RV) infection has changed substantially in recent years. Autoimmune triggering has been added to clinical spectrum of this pathology, which is now known to be much broader than diarrhea. The impact of RV vaccines in these other conditions is becoming a growing field of research. The importance of host genetic background in RV susceptibility has been revealed, therefore increasing our understanding of vaccine effectiveness and giving some clues about the limited efficacy of RV vaccines in low-income settings. Also, interaction of RV with intestinal microbiota seems to play a key role in the process of infection vaccine effect. This article reviews current findings on the extraintestinal impact of RV infection and their widening clinical picture, and the recently described mechanisms of host susceptibility to infection and vaccine effectiveness. RV infection is a systemic disease with clinical and pathophysiological implications beyond the gut. We propose an “iceberg” model for this pathology with almost hidden clinical implications away from the gastrointestinal tract and eventually triggering the development of autoimmune diseases. Impact of current vaccines is being influenced by host genetics and gut microbiota interactions and these factors must be taken into account in the development of public health programs.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Proyecto de Investigación en Salud, Acción Estratégica en Salud): project GePEM ISCIII/PI16/01478/Cofinanciado FEDER (AS) and project ReSVinext ISCIII/PI16/01569/Cofinanciado FEDER (FMT); Consellería de Sanidade, Xunta de Galicia (RHI07/2-intensificación actividad investigadora, PS09749 and 10PXIB918184PR), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Intensificación de la actividad investigadora 2007-2012, PI16/01569), Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS; PI070069/PI1000540) del plan nacional de I + D + I (FMT), and 2016-PG071 Consolidación e Estructuración REDES 2016GI-1344 G3VIP (Grupo Gallego de Genética Vacunas Infecciones y Pediatría, ED341D R2016/021) (AS and FMT)S

    Further considerations on rotavirus vaccination and seizure-related hospitalization rates

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    Response to letter to the editor: Sánchez A, López-Lacort M, Muñoz-Quiles C, Martinez-Beneito MA, Díez-Domingo J. Letter to the editor regarding “Rotavirus infection beyond the gut”. Infect Drug Resist. 2019;12:707-708 https://doi.org/10.2147/IDR.S202716S

    Adaptación y validación al español del cuestionario de identificación paliativa SPICT-ESTM

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    OBJETIVO Adaptar culturalmente al español y validar el SPICTTM, una herramienta breve y sencilla para apoyar una mejor identificación de pacientes crónicos que presentan necesidades de atención paliativa. MÉTODOS Para este estudio se diseñó un proyecto multicéntrico y nacional entre centros de Galicia, Islas Baleares y Andalucía. Para el proceso de traducción y adaptación transcultural del SPICTTM al castellano, se siguieron los pasos propuestos por Beaton et al. con sucesivas traducciones y posterior consenso de expertos mediante la metodología debriefing. Tras finalizar la validación de contenido se procedió a la validación de las propiedades psicométricas. Se diseñó un estudio longitudinal prospectivo en 188 pacientes de Galicia, Baleares y Andalucía. Fue analizada la consistencia interna y la fiabilidad test-retest a los 10 días por el mismo investigador. RESULTADOS A más del 90% de los participantes SPICT-ESTM les parece sencillo cumplimentarlo, y consideran que está escrito en un lenguaje comprensible. El tiempo medio para aplicar el cuestionario sin conocimiento previo fue de 4 minutos y 45 segundos. Para la evaluación de la consistencia interna del instrumento, se ha utilizado la fórmula Kuder Richardson 20. La consistencia interna es de 0,71. El índice de concordancia del test Kappa se encuentra entre 0,983 y 0,797 para los distintos ítems. CONCLUSIONES En este estudio se ha demostrado la equivalencia de contenido con el original. Además, la validación de las propiedades psicométricas establece que SPICT-ESTM mantiene una adecuada fiabilidad y estabilidad. Si añadimos la satisfacción mostrada por los profesionales y la facilidad de uso, SPICT-ESTM es una herramienta adecuada para la identificación de pacientes paliativos con enfermedades crónicas y necesidad de cuidados paliativos.OBJECTIVE To culturally adapt and validate the SPICTTM to Spanish, which is a brief and simple tool to support a better identification of chronic patients who have palliative care needs. METHODS For this study, we designed a multicenter and national project between the centers of Galicia, Balearic Islands, and Andalusia. For the process of translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the SPICTTM to Spanish, we followed the steps proposed by Beaton et al. with successive translations and subsequent consensus of experts using the debriefing methodology. After the content validation was completed, the psychometric properties were validated. A prospective longitudinal study was designed with 188 patients from Galicia, the Balearic Islands, and Andalusia. The internal consistency and reliability of the test and retest was analyzed for 10 days by the same researcher. RESULTS For more than 90% of the participants of the SPICT-ESTM, it seems simple to be filled out, and they consider it written in an understandable language. The average time to apply the questionnaire without prior knowledge was 4 minutes and 45 seconds. To evaluate the internal consistency of the instrument, we used the Kuder-Richardson formula 20. Internal consistency is 0.71. The agreement index of the Kappa test is between 0.983 and 0.797 for the different items. CONCLUSIONS In this study, we demonstrate the equivalence of content with the original. In addition, the validation of the psychometric properties establishes that the SPICT-ESTM maintains adequate reliability and stability. If we add the satisfaction shown by the professionals and the ease of use, the SPICT-ESTM is an adequate tool for the identification of palliative patients with chronic diseases and palliative care needs

    Case Report: Two Monochorionic Twins With a Critically Different Course of Progressive Osseus Heteroplasia

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    Progressive osseous heteroplasia (POH; OMIM 166350) is a rare autosomal-dominant genetic disorder in which extra-skeletal bone forms within skin and muscle tissue. POH is one of the clinical manifestations of an inactivating mutation in the GNAS gene. GNAS gene alterations are difficult matter to address, as GNAS alleles show genetic imprinting and produce several transcript products, and the same mutation may lead to strikingly different phenotypes. Also, most of the publications concerning POH patients are either clinical depictions of a case (or a case series), descriptions of their genetic background, or a tentative correlation of both clinical and molecular findings. Treatment for POH is rarely addressed, and POH still lacks therapeutic options. We describe a unique case of POH in two monochorionic twins, who presented an almost asymptomatic vs. the severe clinical course, despite sharing the same mutation and genetic background. We also report the results of the therapeutic interventions currently available for heterotopic ossification in the patient with the severe course. This article not only critically supports the assumption that the POH course is strongly influenced by factors beyond genetic background but also remarks the lack of options for patients suffering an orphan disease, even after testing drugs with promising in vitro resultsThis study received support from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Proyecto de Investigación en Salud, Acción Estratégica en Salud): project GePEM ISCIII/PI16/01478/Cofinanciado FEDER) (AS) and project ReSVinext ISCIII/PI16/01569/Cofinanciado FEDER (FM-T); Consellería de Sanidade, Xunta de Galicia (RHI07/2-intensificación actividad investigadora, PS09749 and 10PXIB918184PR), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Intensificación de la actividad investigadora 2007–2012, PI16/01569), Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS; PI070069/PI1000540) del plan nacional de I + D + I and fondos FEDER (FM-T), and 2016-PG071 Consolidación e Estructuración REDES 2016GI-1344 G3VIP (Grupo Gallego de Genética Vacunas Infecciones y Pediatría, 3) (AS and FM-T)S

    Physical sports activities for autistic spectrum disorder in special education centers from Galicia: teachers’ perception and barriers towards practice

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    Existe evidencia científica que pone énfasis en la influencia positiva de la Actividad Física (AF) sobre la salud, teniendo las personas que son físicamente activas una mayor calidad de vida que las sedentarias. Concretamente, la práctica de AF que combina intensidad moderada y vigorosa mejora la salud fisiológica y psicológica de niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA). El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la oferta de actividades físico-deportivas en Centros de Educación Especial (CEE) de Galicia que imparten la Educación Básica Obligatoria (equivalente a la Educación Primaria) y que cuentan con alumnado con TEA, así como los factores que influyen en el uso de la AF en las clases, sean de Educación Física (EF) o no. La muestra analizada estuvo conformada por 29 docentes de CEE, a los que se les envió un cuestionario elaborado ad hoc. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el 51,72% del profesorado afirma que todo el alumnado con TEA de su centro tiene clase de EF. Así mismo, el 62,1% de los docentes indican que solo un cuarto del alumnado con TEA realiza AF en el recreo. Natación, psicomotricidad y atletismo son las actividades extraescolares o complementarias que más se practicanThere is scientific evidence that emphasizes the positive influence of Physical Activity (PA) on health, with people who are physically active having a higher quality of life than those who are sedentary. Specifically, the practice of PA that combines moderate and vigorous intensity improves the physiological and psychological health of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The aim of this research was to analyse the offer of physical-sports activities in Special Education Centres (CEE) in Galicia that provide Compulsory Basic Education (equivalent to Primary Education) and that have students with ASD, as well as the factors that influence the use of PA in classes, whether they are specialists of Physical Education (PE) or not. The analyzed sample consisted of 29 CEE teachers, who were sent an ad hoc questionnaire. The results obtained show that 51.72% of the teaching staff affirms that 100% of the students with ASD in their centre have a PE class. Likewise, 62.1% of the teachers indicate that only a quarter of the students with ASD do PA at recess. Swimming, psychomotor skills and athletics are the most practiced extracurricular or complementary activitiesS

    Prediction of Alzheimer's disease dementia with MRI beyond the short-term: Implications for the design of predictive models

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) volumetric measures have become a standard tool for the detection of in-cipientAlzheimer'sDisease(AD)dementiainmildcognitiveimpairment(MCI).Focusedonprovidinganearlierand more accurate diagnosis, sophisticated MRI machine learning algorithms have been developed over therecentyears,mostofthemlearningtheirnon-diseasepatternsfromMCIthatremainedstableover2–3years.Inthis work, we analyzed whether these stable MCI over short-term periods are actually appropriate trainingexamples of non-disease patterns. To this aim, we compared the diagnosis of MCI patients at 2 and 5years offollow-up and investigated its impact on the predictive performance of baseline volumetric MRI measures pri-marily involved in AD, i.e., hippocampal and entorhinal cortex volumes. Predictive power was evaluated interms ofthe areaunder the ROCcurve(AUC), sensitivity,andspecificity inatrialsample of248 MCIpatientsfollowed-up over 5years. We further compared the sensitivity in those MCI that converted before 2years andthose that converted after 2years. Our results indicate that 23% of the stable MCI at 2years progressed in thenextthreeyearsandthatMRIvolumetricmeasuresaregoodpredictorsofconversiontoADdementiaevenatthemid-term, showing a better specificity and AUC as follow-up time increases. The combination of hippocampusand entorhinal cortex yielded an AUC that was significantly higher for the 5-year follow-up (AUC=73% at2yearsvs.AUC=84%at5years),aswellasforspecificity(56%vs.71%).Sensitivityshowedanon-significantslightdecrease(81%vs.78%).Remarkably,theperformanceofthismodelwascomparabletomachinelearningmodels at the same follow-up times. MRI correctly identified most of the patients that converted after 2years(with sensitivity>60%), and these patients showed a similar degree of abnormalities to those that convertedbefore 2years. This implies that most of the MCI patients that remained stable over short periods and subse-quentlyprogressedtoADdementiahadevidentatrophiesatbaseline.Therefore,machinelearningmodelsthatuse these patients to learn non-disease patterns are including an important fraction of patients with evidentpathological changes related to the disease, something that might result in reduced performance and lack ofbiological interpretability.This work was partially supported by the project PI16/01416(ISCIIIco-fundedFEDER) and RYC-2015/17430 (RamónyCajal,Pablo Aguiar). Data collection and sharing for this project was funded by the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)(National Institutes of Health Grant U01AG024904) and DODADNI (Department of Defense award number W81XWH-12-2-0012)S

    A qPCR expression assay of IFI44L gene differentiates viral from bacterial infections in febrile children

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    The diagnosis of bacterial infections in hospital settings is currently performed using bacterial culture from sterile site, but they are lengthy and limited. Transcriptomic biomarkers are becoming promising tools for diagnosis with potential applicability in clinical settings. We evaluated a RT-qPCR assay for a 2-transcript host expression signature (FAM89A and IFI44L genes) inferred from microarray data that allow to differentiate between viral and bacterial infection in febrile children. This assay was able to discriminate viral from bacterial infections (P-value = 1.04 × 10-4; AUC = 92.2%; sensitivity = 90.9%; specificity = 85.7%) and showed very high reproducibility regardless of the reference gene(s) used to normalize the data. Unexpectedly, the monogenic IFI44L expression signature yielded better results than those obtained from the 2-transcript test (P-value = 3.59 × 10-5; AUC = 94.1%; sensitivity = 90.9%; specificity = 92.8%). We validated this IFI44L signature in previously published microarray and whole-transcriptome data from patients affected by different types of viral and bacterial infections, confirming that this gene alone differentiates between both groups, thus saving time, effort, and costs. Herein, we demonstrate that host expression microarray data can be successfully translated into a fast, highly accurate and relatively inexpensive in vitro assay that could be implemented in the clinical routine.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIXunta de Galicia. Consellería de SanidadeFondo de Investigación SanitariaI+D+I y Fondos FEDE

    Salivary epidermal growth factor correlates with hospitalization length in rotavirus infection

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    The IFI27 interferon gene expression has been found to be largely increased in rotavirus (RV)-infected patients. IFI27 gene encodes for a protein of unknown function, very recently linked to epidermal proliferation and related to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) protein. The EGF is a low-molecular-weight polypeptide that is mainly produced by submandibular and parotid glands, and it plays an important physiological role in the maintenance of oro-esophageal and gastric tissue integrity. Our aim was to determine salivary EGF levels in RV-infected patients in order to establish its potential relationship with IFI27 increased expression and EGF-mediated mucosal protection in RV infection. We conducted a prospective comparative study using saliva samples from 27 infants infected with RV (sampled at recruitment during hospital admission and at convalescence, i.e. at least 3 months after recovery) and from 36 healthy control children. Median (SD) EGF salivary concentration was 777 (529) pg/ml in RV-infected group at acute phase and 356 (242) pg/m at convalescence, while it was 337 (119) pg/ml in the healthy control group. A significant association was found between EGF levels and hospitalization length of stay (P-value = 0.022; r(2) = -0.63). The salivary levels of EGF are significantly increased during the acute phase of natural RV infection, and relate to length of hospitalization. Further assessment of this non-invasive biomarker in RV disease is warranted.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIXunta de Galicia. Consellería de Sanidad