51 research outputs found

    El decolorant i els bronquis del perruquer

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    L'exposició a les sals de persulfat, molt freqüents en la indústria cosmètica, són una de les causes més freqüents de l'asma ocupacional, especialment dins del gremi de la perruqueria. Aquest estudi analitza l'evolució de 10 pacients en funció del seu grau d'exposició al agent. Els que van evitar el contacte van mostrar una millor hiperresposta bronquial, mentre que els que el van mantenir van mostrar un pitjor pronòstic de l'asma ocupacional.La exposición a las sales de persulfato, muy frecuentes en los productos decolorantes, son una de las causas más frecuentes del asma ocupacional, especialmente en el gremio de la peluquería. Este estudio analiza la evolución de 10 pacientes en función de su grado de exposición al agente. Quienes evitaron el contacto mostraron una mejor hiperrespuesta bronquial, mientras que quienes lo mantuvieron mostraron un peor pronóstico del asma ocupaciona

    Razine aeroalergena soje za vrijeme iskrcavanja na lučkom doku

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    Soya is an important worldwide agricultural product widely shipped and imported in bulk. It contains a number of recognised allergens and the use of soya products and its dockside unloading have been associated with occupational asthma and community episodes of asthma. Two recognised inhalation soya allergens, soya trypsin inhibitor (STI) and hydrophobic soya protein (HSP), were measured in personal and static air samples collected at a United Kingdom (UK) dock during 3 days of unloading three bulks of processed soya beans and soya pelletised husk. Static samples included task-related and those taken at the workplace perimeter and neighbouring sites. Soluble total protein (STP) and gravimetric dust analyses were also undertaken. While gravimetric dust results in personal air samples were below half of the current UK exposure limit of 10 mg m-3 for grain dust, and generally less than 0.5 mg m-3 for the static samples, airborne concentrations for STI and HSP ranged between 0-3,071 and 11-12,629 ng m-3, respectively, while the correlation between the two specific allergen measurements was generally good (Rank Spearman coefficient 0.74). The data from this investigation suggest that HSP is a more sensitive indicator of soya exposure than STI, but only for soya husk, while STI may be equipotent in detecting exposure to both hull and bean derived soya products. Both assays appear sensitive techniques for investigating the control of exposure to allergenic soy material. The endotoxin level in the husk bulk was 15-60-fold that found in the two chipped bean bulks.Soja je gotovo u cijelome svijetu važan poljoprivredni proizvod, pa se prevozi često i u velikim količinama. Sadrži mnoštvo poznatih alergena, a korištenje proizvoda od soje i rukovanje njima prilikom iskrcavanja robe povezivani su s pojavama profesionalne astme. Razine dvaju inhalacijskih alergena, soja tripsin inhibitora (STI) i hidrofobnog proteina sojina zrna (HSP), mjerene su u uzorcima zraka prikupljenim osobnim uzorkovačem i stacionarnim uzorkovačima u jednom britanskom lučkom doku tijekom 3 dana iskrcavanja triju pošiljaka prerađena sojina zrna i kuglica sojine mahune. Također je provedena analiza ukupnih topivih proteina i gravimetrijska analiza prašine. Rezultati gravimetrijske analize uzoraka prikupljenih osobnim uzorkovačem bili su dobrano ispod polovice trenutačne granice izloženosti u Velikoj Britaniji (10 mg m-3 za prašinu sjemena) i općenito ispod 0,5 mg m-3 kod statičnih uzoraka, a razine STI-a i HSP-a u zraku prikupljenom stacionarnim uzorkovačem bile su unutar raspona 0-3.071, odnosno 11-12.629 ng m-3. Korelacija između ta dva alergena bila je dobra (Rank Spearmanov koeficijent 0,74). Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazali su da je HSP precizniji pokazatelj izloženosti soji od STI-a, no samo za sojine mahune; STI bi mogao biti precizniji pokazatelj u pogledu proizvoda od sojine ljuske ili zrna. Obje su se vrijednosti pokazale preciznim tehnikama za praćenje izloženosti sojinim alergenima. Razina endotoksina u pošiljci sojinih mahuna bila je 15 do 60 puta veća od one u dvjema pošiljkama usitnjenog zrna

    Persistence of Asthmatic Response after Ammonium Persulfate-Induced Occupational Asthma in Mice

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    Since persulfate salts are an important cause of occupational asthma (OA), we aimed to study the persistence of respiratory symptoms after a single exposure to ammonium persulfate (AP) in AP-sensitized mice. BALB/c mice received dermal applications of AP or dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) on days 1 and 8. On day 15, they received a single nasal instillation of AP or saline. Airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) was assessed using methacholine provocation, while pulmonary inflammation was evaluated in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and total serum immunoglobulin E (IgE), IgG1 and IgG2a were measured in blood at 1, 4, 8, 24 hours and 4, 8, 15 days after the single exposure to the causal agent. Histological studies of lungs were assessed. AP-treated mice showed a sustained increase in AHR, lasting up to 4 days after the challenge. There was a significant increase in the percentage of neutrophils 8 hours after the challenge, which persisted for 24 hours in AP-treated mice. The extent of airway inflammation was also seen in the histological analysis of the lungs from challenged mice. Slight increases in total serum IgE 4 days after the challenge were found, while IgG gradually increased further 4 to 15 days after the AP challenge in AP-sensitized mice. In AP-sensitized mice, an Ig-independent response is induced after AP challenge. AHR appears immediately, but airway neutrophil inflammation appears later. This response decreases in time; at early stages only respiratory and inflammatory responses decrease, but later on immunological response decreases as well

    Persistence of respiratory and inflammatory responses after dermal sensitization to persulfate salts in a mouse model of non-atopic asthma

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    Exposure to ammonium persulfate (AP) has been reported to be the main cause of occupational asthma in hairdressers. The aim of this study is to assess how long the asthmatic response to AP can be induced after dermal sensitization in a mouse model. BALB/c mice received dermal applications of AP or dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (control) on days 1 and 8. They then received a single nasal instillation (challenge) of AP or saline on days 15, 22, 29, 36, 45, 60 and 90. Respiratory responsiveness to methacholine was measured 24 h after the challenge using a non-specific methacholine provocation test. Pulmonary inflammation was analysed in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and total serum immunoglobulin (Ig) E, IgG1 and IgG2a were measured in serum samples. Histological analysis of lung slides was performed. Mice dermally sensitized and intranasally challenged with AP showed respiratory responsiveness to methacholine as long as 45 days after initial sensitization, as well as increased percentage of neutrophils in BAL compared with the control group. At day 60, dermally sensitized mice still presented bronchial hyperresponsiveness, while the percentage of neutrophils returned to baseline levels similar to those of controls. Total serum IgE increased significantly on day 22 after dermal sensitization. Total serum IgG1 and IgG2a increased from 45 days after dermal sensitization and remained high at 90 days. Both respiratory responsiveness to methacholine and airway inflammation responses decrease with increasing time between sensitization and challenge. Respiratory responsiveness to methacholine tends to persist longer than inflammation

    Long-term results of sirolimus treatment in lymphangioleiomyomatosis: a single referral centre experience

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    There are few published data on long-term treatment with sirolimus in lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). The objective of this study was to describe the long-term effect of sirolimus in a series of LAM patients followed up in a referral centre, focusing on pulmonary function. We retrospectively reviewed a series of 48 patients with LAM diagnosed, followed up and treated with sirolimus in a single centre. Response to sirolimus was evaluated at 1 and 5 years. A negative sirolimus response was defined as an FEV1 decline greater than - 75 ml/year. A mixed-effects model was used to estimate the longitudinal changes in FEV1 (average slope), both as absolute (ml/year) and as predicted values (%predicted/year). From a total of 48 patients, 9 patients underwent lung transplantation and 4 died during the study. Mean (95% CI) FEV1 slope over 5 years was - 0.14 (- 26.13 to 25.85) ml/year in the whole LAM group, 42.55 (14.87 to 70.22) ml/year in the responder group, - 54.00 (- 71.60 to - 36.39) ml/year in the partial responder group and - 84.19 (- 113.5 to - 54.0) ml/year in the non-responder group. After 5 years of sirolimus treatment 59% had a positive response, 30% had a partial response and 11% had a negative response. Our study found that sirolimus treatment had a positive long-term effect on most LAM patients

    Desarrollo y validación de ensayos rápidos para la detección de aeroalérgenos ocupacionales/ambientales: soja i proteinas séricas de paloma

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    Tanto el asma ocupacional como la neumonitis por hipersensibilidad, como es el pulmón del cuidador de aves, son patologías respiratorias que se pueden prevenir o disminuir su aparición mediante la evitación de la fuente antigénica. Para poder actuar de forma preventiva es de utilidad el disponer de ensayos rápidos que sean capaces de estimar la presencia de alérgeno de forma inmediata. En el marco de este proyecto de dos años de duración tenemos por objeto el desarrollar y estandarizar dos métodos rápidos, inmunocromatográficos, para la determinación de alérgenos de soja y de proteínas séricas de paloma. Alérgenos que han sido seleccionados por su importancia en el medio como agentes causales de asma y neumonitis por hipersensibilidad, respectivamente. También tenemos por objeto determinar la carga de alérgeno de soja en la fracción de partículas menores de 10 micrómetros (PM10) en los alrededores del puerto de Barcelona y comprarla con los niveles en los filtros de partículas suspendidas totales (TSP). Como pasos previos al desarrollo de los ensayos rápidos se han producido anticuerpos específicos frente al extracto de cáscara de soja de bajo peso molecular y frente al suero de paloma, se ha desarrollado un ELISA tipo sándwich para cada alérgeno y parte de los anticuerpos se ha conjugado con oro coloidal. El ensayo inmunocromatográfico para la soja presenta un límite de detección de 6.25ng/ml y ha sido validado mediante el análisis de 119 muestras ambientales, presentando una elevada especificidad y sensibilidad. El ensayo inmunocromatográfico para la determinación de antígenos séricos de paloma requiere ser validado. Mediante un métodos de ELISA de inhibición se han determinado los niveles de alérgeno de soja en filtros PM10 y TSP. A pesar de la buena correlación entre los niveles de alérgeno en ambos filtros, se observó una amplia variación en la proporción PM10/TSP entre días.Allergen avoidance can help prevent or reduce occupational asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis such as bird breeder’s lung. In order to prevent these lung diseases from ocurring it is helpful to have rapid tests able to estimate the presence of allergen immediately. During this two years project, we aim to develop and standardize two rapid immunochromatographic tests to determine soy allergens and pigeon serum antigens. Those allergens have been chosen for their importance in our environment as causative agents of asthma or hypersensitivity pneumonitis, respectively. We also aim to determine the burden of soy bean allergen in soy particles smaller than 10 micrometers (PM10) in the vicinity of the port of Barcelona and compare those levels with levels in the filters of total suspended particles (TSP). As a previous step for the development of both immunochromatographic tests, specific antibodies were produced against soybean hull low molecular weight extract and pigeon serum, a sandwich ELISA was developed for each allergen and part of the antibodies was conjugated to colloidal gold. The limit of detection of the immunochromatographic test to determine soy allergens was 6.25 ng/ml and the test was validated by analysing 119 environmental samples and showed high sensitivity and specificity. The immunochromatographic test for determining pigeon serum antigens require validation. Soy allergen levels in PM10 and TSP filters were analysed by inhibition ELISA method

    Cytomegalovirus Infection in Lung Transplantation: Importance of Specific Cellular Immune Response Assessment

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    s article reviews the importance of CMV infection in lung transplantation, the importance of prophylaxis, and the importance of using biomarkers to guide this prophylaxis

    Sputum inflammatory profile before and after specific inhalation challenge in individuals with suspected occupational asthma.

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to establish the sputum inflammatory profile and changes in levels of leukotriene B₄ (LTB₄) and a panel of Th1/Th2 cytokines in subjects with suspected occupational asthma (OA) following specific inhalation challenge (SIC) to high-molecular-weight (HMW) and low-molecular-weight (LMW) agents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty-one consecutive subjects undergoing SIC for suspected OA were enrolled. Sputum induction was performed the day before and 24 h after exposure to the offending agent. Total and differential cell counts were assessed. LTB₄ and a 10 Th1/Th2 cytokines were measured in sputum supernatant. RESULTS: Thirty-four patients tested positive to SIC and were diagnosed with OA (in 10 due to HMW agents and in 24 to LMW agents). SIC was negative in 17 subjects. As compared to baseline an increase was found in the percentage of sputum eosinophils and neutrophils, and in IL-10 concentration after SIC (p = 0.0078, p = 0.0195, and p = 0.046, respectively), and a decrease was seen in LTB₄ level (p = 0.0078) in patients with OA due to HMW agents. An increase in the percentage of sputum neutrophils after SIC (p = 0.0040) was observed in subjects without OA exposed to LMW agents. IL-8 levels after SIC were higher in patients without OA compared with patients with OA (p = 0.0146). CONCLUSION: When conducting airway inflammation studies in OA, patients should be divided according to the causal agent (HMW or LMW). In OA patients exposed to HMW agents, an increase in the number of neutrophils can be found in parallel to the increase of eosinophils, although this does not contradict an IgE-mediated mechanism. Exposure to LMW agents can result in increased neutrophilic inflammation in patients with airway diseases unrelated to OA. There is variability in the responses observed in patients with OA exposed to LMW agents