21 research outputs found

    ¿Puede el uso de enjuagues bucales con cloruro de cetilpiridinio reducir la transmisión del SARS-CoV-2?

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    Los pacientes confirmados de COVID-19 presentan una elevada carga viral en la cavidad oral. Por ello, desde los comienzos de la pandemia, la comunidad científica puso el punto de mira en los enjuagues bucales formulados con antisépticos como el cloruro de cetilpiridinio (CPC) para reducir el riesgo de contagio entre la población, que incluso llegaron a recomendarse en la práctica clínica y dental sin conocerse su eficacia real. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar aquellos estudios in vitro y ensayos clínicos que han evaluado de forma rigurosa la aplicación de estos colutorios de uso diario para determinar su actividad inhibitoria frente al SARS-CoV-2 en la saliva, y conocer la correlación de los estudios entre las condiciones experimentales y las que ocurren en la cavidad bucal de los pacientes

    Morphology does not allow differentiating the species of the Phlebotomus perniciosus complex: Molecular characterization and investigation of their natural infection by Leishmania infantum in Morocco

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    Morphological and DNA-based complemented approaches were applied for characterization of sympatric populations of Phlebotomus longicuspis and Phlebotomus perniciosus in Morocco. Both sand fly species are generally recorded in sympatry in North Africa but on few occasions have been molecularly characterized. The diagnostic confusion of these species has led to errors in their geographical distribution and probably, in the assignment of their role in the transmission of L. infantum. Sand flies were caught inside households in El Borouj, central Morocco, in 2014–2015. For female sand flies, detection of L. infantum natural infection and blood meal identification were carried out. According to morphological identification, Phlebotomus longicuspis s.l. (34.7%) was the second most abundant Phlebotomus species after P. sergenti, followed by atypical Phlebotomus perniciosus (7.1%); 11.6% of the male specimens of P. longicuspis s.l. were identified as P. longicuspis LCx according to the number of coxite setae. The density of Larroussius species was very high (31 Larroussius/light trap/night) in the peripheral neighbourhood of Oulad Bouchair (p = 0.001) where the first case of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania infantum was detected in 2017. Phylogenetic trees based on three independent genes highlighted three well-supported clusters within P. perniciosus complex that could be interpreted as corresponding to P. perniciosus, P. longicuspis s.s. and an undescribed species, all coexisting in sympatry. Some females with typical morphology of P. longicuspis were genetically homologous to P. perniciosus. The taxa cannot be differentiated by morphological methods but characterized by a distinctive genetic lineage for which the synapomorphic characters are described. Leishmania infantum was detected in females of all clusters with a low parasite load. Population genetics will help to assess the threat of the geographical spreadUniversity of Granada (Centro de Iniciativas de Cooperación al Desarrollo, CICODE, 2013)Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Blue SHG enhancement by silver nanocubes photochemically prepared on a RbTiOPO4 ferroelectric crystal

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Blue SHG enhancement by silver nanocubes photochemically prepared on a RbTiOPO4 ferroelectric crystal, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201401603. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsSilver nanocubes with low size dispersion have been selectively photo-deposited on the positive surface of a periodically poled RbTiOPO 4 ferroelectric crystal. The obtained nanocubes show preferential orientations with respect to the substrate suggesting ep itaxial growth. The plasmonic resonances supported by the nanocubes are exploited to enhance blue SHG at the domain wallsThis work has been supported by the Spanish Government under projects MAT2010–17443, MAT2011–29255-C02–02 and MAT2013– 43301-R, Comunidad de Madrid under grant S2009/1756 and Generalitat de Catalunya under project 2009SGR23

    La investigación universitaria sobre educación : dilemas y prácticas

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    Se presentan los resultados de investigaciones realizadas en un contexto institucional: la Facultad de Educación Elemental y Especial (FEEYE), de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo durante el bienio 2011-2013 y son resultado de los proyectos subsidiados por la Secretaría de Ciencia, Técnica y Posgrado de la misma Universidad a partir del programa de incentivo a docentes investigadores o subsidiados por la unidad académica

    Molecular diagnosis of Pseudoterranova decipiens s.s in human, France

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    Background: Anisakis and Pseudoterranova are the main genera involved in human infections caused by nematodes of the Anisakidae family. Species identification is complicated due to the lack of differential morphological characteristics at the larval stage, thus requiring molecular differentiation. Pseudoterranova larvae ingested through raw fish are spontaneously eliminated in most cases, but mechanical removal by means of endoscopy might be required. To date, only very few cases of Pseudoterranova infection have been reported in France. Case presentation: A 19-year-old woman from Northeastern France detected, while brushing her teeth, a larva exiting through her mouth. The patient who presented with headache, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps reported having eaten baked cod. The worm was a fourth-stage larva with a size of 22 × 0.9 mm, and molecular biology identified it as Pseudoterranova decipiens sensu stricto (s. s.). In a second P. decipiens infection case, occurring a few months later, a worm exited through the patient’s nose after she had eaten raw sea bream. Conclusion: These two cases demonstrate that Pseudoterranova infection is not uncommon among French patients. Therefore, molecular techniques should be more widely applied for a better characterization of anisakidosis epidemiology in France

    Changes in humoral immune response after SARS-CoV-2 infection in liver transplant recipients compared to immunocompetent patients

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    The protective capacity and duration of humoral immunity after SARS-CoV-2 infection are not yet understood in solid organ transplant recipients. A prospective multicenter study was performed to evaluate the persistence of anti-nucleocapsid IgG antibodies in liver transplant recipients 6 months after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) resolution. A total of 71 liver transplant recipients were matched with 71 immunocompetent controls by a propensity score including variables with a well-known prognostic impact in COVID-19. Paired case-control serological data were also available in 62 liver transplant patients and 62 controls at month 3 after COVID-19. Liver transplant recipients showed a lower incidence of anti-nucleocapsid IgG antibodies at 3 months (77.4% vs. 100%, p <.001) and at 6 months (63.4% vs. 90.1%, p <.001). Lower levels of antibodies were also observed in liver transplant patients at 3 (p =.001) and 6 months (p <.001) after COVID-19. In transplant patients, female gender (OR = 13.49, 95% CI: 2.17-83.8), a longer interval since transplantation (OR = 1.19, 95% CI: 1.03-1.36), and therapy with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors (OR = 7.11, 95% CI: 1.47-34.50) were independently associated with persistence of antibodies beyond 6 months after COVID-19. Therefore, as compared with immunocompetent patients, liver transplant recipients show a lower prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and more pronounced antibody levels decline

    Vocabulario de la sociedad civil, la ruralidad y los movimientos sociales en América Latina

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    El Vocabulario de la Sociedad Civil, la Ruralidad y los Movimientos Sociales en América Latina tiene como objetivo desarrollar vocablos relacionados con temas de gran trascendencia para la vida colectiva de la población Latinoamericana; pretende introducir a estudiantes, personas del ámbito académico y activistas en la comprensión de estas categorías de análisis. A través de la mirada de 70 especialistas que participaron en este vocabulario, es posible comprender muchos de los términos que se utilizan dentro de la investigación social y áreas relacionadas con las ciencias políticas, ambientales y rurales, a partir de una mayor explicación y detalle. Es por ello que se inserta este trabajo desde una mirada colectiva y amplia de los conceptos que se exponen. En este libro podrá encontrar las ideas de varios autores y autoras de distintas universidades, con una visión multi, inter y transdisciplinaria. El esfuerzo que se realizó para conjuntar varios términos y analizar su compleja red de interpretaciones, permitirá que este manuscrito pueda ser consultado por estudiantes, personas del ámbito científico-académico, y ciudadanía; porque contiene el estado del arte, la historia del paulatino avance de múltiples conceptos y su vigencia en el contexto actual

    Actividad anti-Anisakis de diversos productos, epidemiología molecular y nuevos métodos de identificación de las especies hermanas A. simplex s.s. y A. pegreffii

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    La anisakiasis es una infección accidental del tracto gastrointestinal (GI) humano por anisákidos, que puede causar síntomas clínicos agudos, los cuales se alivian mediante la extracción de las larvas cuando se encuentran en zonas accesibles del tracto GI. Se han propuesto varios tratamientos con el objetivo de evitar la intervención quirúrgica, utilizándose los inhibidores de la bomba de protones para disminuir la inflamación y epigastralgia. Por otro lado, se ha relacionado una edad superior a 60 años con una menor incidencia de casos de anisakiasis, circunstancia que podría estar justificada por el aumento de pH gástrico en estas edades, teniendo en cuenta que el desarrollo de la larva está favorecido por el pH ácido del medio. Estas premisas nos han llevado a explorar la posibilidad de que el aumento del pH gástrico, tras la administración de distintos antiácidos, fuera eficaz en el tratamiento de esta parasitosis.Tesis Univ. Granada.Subvención de la Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía Ref. nº P07-CVI-03249, del proyecto de Investigación “Estudio epidemiológico y profiláctico de dos parasitosis emergentes: Leishmaniosis y Anisakiosis