63 research outputs found

    Efecto de la inmunocastración en el peso canal y las piezas nobles en cerdas Ibéricas de cebo

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    A total of 192 Iberian females (Duroc*Iberian), with 110 days of age and 45 ± 3.41 kg BW, were used to study the effect of immunocastration in yield of carcass and prime lean cuts. There were three treatments: surgically castrated females (CC), entire females (CE), and inmunocastrated females (CI) the experimental design was a complete randomized blocks with 48 replicates total (4 pigs in each), 12 replicates per block and 16 per treatment. The feed, the same for all animals, was suministered ad libitum. After sacrifice, 31 pigs were selected for each treatment to assess the performance of carcass and main lean cuts. Treatment CI tended to improve slaughter and carcass weights (p0.05) and significantly less in the CC (p0.05) and significantly less in the CC (p55 %; p0.05) and quadratic for CE and CI (p<0.05). The immunocastration favors the growth of Iberian female; the surgical castration is the least interesting option

    Efecto de la immunocastración y de la castración quirúrgica sobre los rendimientos productivos y la calidad de la canal en cerdas Ibéricas de cebo

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    Se utilizaron 192 cerdas Ibéricas (Duroc x Ibérica) con 110 días de vida y 44,94 ± 3,41 kg de peso, para probar el efecto de la castración inmunológica con Improvac® (Pfizer Animal Health). El ensayo se llevó a cabo en el Centro de Pruebas de Porcino del Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León (Itacyl, Consejería de Agricultura y Ganadería). El experimento se diseñó en bloques al azar, con 3 tratamientos (cerdas castradas quirúrgicamente, enteras e inmunocastradas), 48 réplicas totales de 4 cerdas cada una y 16 réplicas por tratamiento. Los animales se pesaron individualmente cada 15 días y se calculó el consumo de pienso, la ganancia de peso y el índice de conversión. Una vez aplicadas las dos dosis de Improvac® (a las 18 y 22 semanas de edad -60 kg y 84,2 kg de peso, respectivamente-) las diferencias de peso vivo entre enteras e inmunocastradas se volvieron estadísticamente significativas (P < 0,05) por encima de los 100 kg, permaneciendo la significación hasta los 170 kg, y presentando éstas últimas mayor consumo, ganancia media diaria e índice de conversión (21,25, 19,24 y 1,44%, respectivamente; P < 0,05). En relación con las castradas y tras la aplicación de la 2ª dosis, las inmunocastradas aumentaron el consumo (12% de media, en función del peso vivo considerado) y la ganancia diaria (22,24%), disminuyendo la conversión un 7,6% (P < 0,05). Por otra parte, las castradas consumieron más (8,35%), con menor ganancia diaria (2,6%) y una mayor conversión (11%) que las enteras (P < 0,05). Un primer lote de 96 cerdas fue enviado a matadero a los 8,2 meses de edad, con pesos de 162,88 kg (castradas), 164,52 kg (enteras) y 170,76 kg (inmunocastradas). Para las cerdas de este lote, el rendimiento de la canal fue de 78,02 vs 79,14 y 78,79%, para enteras, castradas e inmunocastradas respectivamente (P < 0,05), mientras que el peso de piezas nobles fue mayor en las enteras e inmunocastradas (P < 0,05). En las condiciones de nuestro trabajo, podemos concluir que Ia inmunocastración es una alternativa productiva ventajosa a la castración física en cerdas Ibéricas, recomendándose una separación de 10 ± 2 semanas entre la aplicación de la 2ª dosis de Improvac® y el sacrificio para la obtención del máximo beneficio, e igualmente, con las mismas pautas de aplicación, presenta una conversión más favorable a los distintos pesos de sacrificio comerciales en relación con cerdas enteras. La castración quirúrgica es la opción menos interesante

    Future farming: protein production for livestock feed in the EU

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    Climate change can have a negative impact on agricultural production and food security. Vice versa, agricultural practices themselves contribute to climate change because of land, water, and energy use and anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses and waste. The European Green Deal focusses on ?transition to a sustainable food system that has a neutral or positive environmental impact, helps mitigate climate change and adapt to its impact, and reverses the loss of biodiversity?. Local production of feed proteins in the European Union may result in new agro-ecosystem services that can be integrated to maximize sustainability of agricultural practices. Feed crops with nutritional properties that are both benefcial to functional biodiversity, biocontrol, pollination, and other ecosystem services can be incorporated into livestock diets. However, implementation is hampered by lack of information, embedded habits of specialization, proft maximization priorities, a lack of awareness about the environmental impacts of existing production systems, and a lack of fow of resources and services between the sectors. When economic benefts from investments are not immediately evident, transition can only be successful with government policies that focus on providing knowledge and education, and fnancial support. To convince agriculturists and agricultural workers to adopt sustainable practices, policy changes are needed with close cooperation between, and support from, all actors involved, including producers, non-governmental and civil society organisations, and the retail industry.Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria-INIAConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-CSI

    Myxofibroma of the maxilla. Reconstruction with iliac crest graft and dental implants after tumor resection

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    Odontogenic fibromyxomas are benign odontogenic tumors of mesenchymal origin of rare presentation in the oral cavity, which exhibit locally aggressive behavior and are prone to local recurrence. The controversy has mainly been on therapeutic management with recommendations varying, depending on the clinical cases, from simple curettage of lesion to segmental bone resection. We present a case report describing the reconstruction of an osseous defect in the maxilla and the restoration with dental implants in a 32 year old female patient after radical surgical excision due to an odontogenic fibromyxoma with locally aggressive behavior. The primary reconstruction of maxillary discontinuity defect was carried out by an immediate non-vascularized cortico-cancellous iliac crest graft. Using a computer-guided system for the implant treatment-planning, three dental implants were secondary placed in the bone graft by means of flapless implant surgery. The patient was subsequently restored with an implant-supported fixed prosthesis that has remained in continuous function for a period of three years. The surgical, reconstructive and restorative treatment sequence and techniques are discussed. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Inteligencia Artificial en Medicina y Salud: revisión y clasificación de las aplicaciones actuales y del futuro cercano y su impacto ético y social

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    This paper provides an overview of the current and near-future applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medicine and Health Care and presents a classification according to their ethical and societal aspects, potential benefits and pitfalls, and issues that can be considered controversial and are not deeply discussed in the literature. This work is based on an analysis of the state of the art of research and technology, including existing software, personal monitoring devices, genetic tests and editing tools, personalized digital models, online platforms, augmented reality devices, and surgical and companion robotics. Motivated by our review, we present and describe the notion of “extended personalized medicine”, we then review existing applications of AI in medicine and healthcare and explore the public perception of medical AI systems, and how they show, simultaneously, extraordinary opportunities and drawbacks that even question fundamental medical concepts. Many of these topics coincide with urgent priorities recently defined by the World Health Organization for the coming decade. In addition, we study the transformations of the roles of doctors and patients in an age of ubiquitous information, identify the risk of a division of Medicine into “fake-based”, “patient-generated”, and “scientifically tailored”, and draw the attention of some aspects that need further thorough analysis and public debate

    Use of "ChemSensor" as an early discrimination tool of Iberian pig semen according to their freezability

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    Para favorecer el uso de dosis de inseminación de semen de porcino congelado-descongelado a nivel comercial, sería interesante conocer de antemano si el semen de verraco congelará bien o mal. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el 'ChemSensor' (cromatógrafo de gases-masas unido a un software de análisis quimiométrico) como herramienta precoz de discriminación entre eyaculados según su congelabilidad. Para ello se utilizaron 33 eyaculados de verracos de raza Ibérica de los cuales se cogió una alícuota de 1 ml de semen y se analizó con el 'ChemSensor', el resto del eyaculado fue congelado-descongelado usando un protocolo estandarizado, para determinar su congelabilidad (buenos y malos congeladores) en función del porcentaje de espermatozoides con la membrana plasmática intacta y el porcentaje de espermatozoides móviles totales post-descongelación. Para el análisis con el 'ChemSensor', las muestras se volatilizaron e ionizaron descomponiéndolas en diferentes iones con un tamaño determinado, que se usaron como variables de discriminación, para separar los eyaculados en función de su congelabilidad. El 'ChemSensor' fue capaz de discriminar todos los eyaculados de los buenos congeladores; y dentro del grupo de los malos congeladores solamente una muestra fue clasificada erróneamente. Debido al reducido número de muestras, la distancia obtenida entre grupos (2,62), aunque no muy elevada, podría considerarse como significativa, aunque sería necesario un mayor número de muestras para poder crear un modelo matemático más robusto. En conclusión, el 'ChemSensor' es una posible herramienta adecuada para la discriminación precoz de eyaculados de cerdo Ibérico en función de su congelabilidad

    Effect of environmental temperature, floor type and breed on skatole and indole concentrations in fat of females, immuno-castrated and entire males

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    The present study was divided in two different trials. The aim of the first trial was to determine if the thresholds of detection of skatole and indole are achieved in females and in males vaccinated against the GnRF housed in two different type of floors and subject to control or high environmental temperatures. The aim of the second trial was to assess the effect of sire (Duroc crossbreed and Pietrain crossbreed) and heat stress on the concentration of skatole and indole in entire males. In the first trial, the animals subjected to heat stress on a concrete floor were found to be dirtier and to present higher skatole and indole concentrations than did animals from the control treatment in 100% slatted floors. In the second trial, although the animals were dirtier when subjected to high temperatures, no effect of the temperature was found in skatole/indole concentrations. The Duroc pigs were dirtier and had higher skatole and indole concentrations than did Pietrain pigs. It is concluded that even females or vaccinated males can reach values of skatole/indole close to the thresholds of sensory detection under conditions of dirtiness and heat stress. However, the relationship between heat, dirtiness and skatole/indole concentrations in fat were not confirmed in trial 2 using entire males.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Modulatory Effects of Breed, Feeding Status, and Diet on Adipogenic, Lipogenic, and Lipolytic Gene Expression in Growing Iberian and Duroc Pigs

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    Meat quality depends on tissue composition which is in turn influenced by different factors, such as diet, genotype, age, or sex. We evaluated the effects of breed, 24 h fasting, and dietary energy source (HO: oleic acid versus CH: carbohydrates) on the expression of candidate genes involved in adipogenesis, lipogenesis, and lipolysis in the adipose tissue from Iberian and Duroc growing pigs. The Iberian pigs showed greater feed intake, backfat thickness, and saturated fatty acids (SFA) content in the subcutaneous fat, whereas the Duroc pigs had greater ham weight and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) content. In both breeds, the diet induced changes in the fatty acid (FA) composition of subcutaneous fat samples. The HO group had higher monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and oleic acid, and lower SFA than the CH group. Regarding gene expression, breed and feeding status (fasting versus postprandial) had significant effects on gene expression, with quantitative interactions between them, while diet showed negligible effects. In general, adipogenic and lipogenic genes were upregulated in the Iberian pigs and in postprandial samples. In contrast, the expression of lipolytic genes showed complex interaction effects. Our results agree with the phenotypic differences between the Iberian and Duroc breeds and with the inhibition of lipogenesis by fasting. Quantitative interactions between breed and feeding status effects were observed, which indicates a different response to fasting of the two breeds, with the obese Iberian breed showing a more stable expression of lipogenic genes. These results highlight the complexity of lipid metabolism regulation, especially in relation to lipolysis processes

    Breed, Diet, and Interaction Effects on Adipose Tissue Transcriptome in Iberian and Duroc Pigs Fed Different Energy Sources

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    In this study, we analyzed the effects of breed, diet energy source, and their interaction on adipose tissue transcriptome in growing Iberian and Duroc pigs. The study comprised 29 Iberian and 19 Duroc males, which were kept under identical management conditions except the nutritional treatment. Two isoenergetic diets were used with 6% high oleic sunflower oil (HO) or carbohydrates (CH) as energy sources. All animals were slaughtered after 47 days of treatment at an average live weight of 51.2 kg. Twelve animals from each breed (six fed each diet) were employed for ham subcutaneous adipose tissue RNA-Seq analysis. The data analysis was performed using two different bioinformatic pipelines. We detected 837 and 1456 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) according to breed, depending on the pipeline. Due to the strong effect of breed on transcriptome, the effect of the diet was separately evaluated in the two breeds. We identified 207 and 57 DEGs depending on diet in Iberian and Duroc pigs, respectively. A joint analysis of both effects allowed the detection of some breed–diet interactions on transcriptome, which were inferred from RNA-Seq and quantitative PCR data. The functional analysis showed the enrichment of functions related to growth and tissue development, inflammatory response, immune cell trafficking, and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and allowed the identification of potential regulators. The results indicate different effects of diet on adipose tissue gene expression between breeds, affecting relevant biological pathways