386 research outputs found

    Análisis de las variables emocionales en una intervención didáctica de expresión corporal con alumnado de educación primaria

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    Motivación: Creemos evidente la necesidad de un trabajo emocional en el sistema educativo. Ya que nuestro sistema de conducta está integrado por la razón y la emoción, por lo que es necesario fomentar el desarrollo emocional a través de la manifestación y reconocimiento de las emociones (García, 1997; Ruano 2003). En el presente estudio se propuso medir el impacto de la EC en relación a la vivencia emocional de dos emociones: positiva (alegría) y negativa (ira) en una muestra de alumnos de Primaria. Desarrollo teórico: En el capítulo 1 se referencian las implicaciones curriculares de la expresión corporal (EC) con respecto al curriculum escolar, los aspectos conceptuales, orígenes y sus vinculaciones con otras artes. La investigación está relacionada con las emociones dentro de las actividades corporales (EC) por lo que los aspectos de la emoción, tales como el descriptor emocional, las funciones de la emoción y sus vinculaciones con técnicas corporales y teatrales, se recogen en el capítulo 2. También en este capítulo se vinculan las emociones con el marco teórico (capítulo 1). En el capítulo 3 se abordan las investigaciones más actuales, reconocidas internacionalmente, que utilizan la EC y/o actividades corporales/físicas vinculadas a un trabajo emocional. En el capítulo 4, se recogen todas aquellas cuestiones relacionadas con nuestro diseño experimental: muestra, objetivos e hipótesis del estudio. Conclusiones: Se mantuvieron, sin diferencias significativas, las intensidades de rasgos emocionales entre una emoción y otra (alegría e ira). Se produjeron cambios emocionales entre un estado de reposo y una sesión de EC. No existieron diferencias significativas entre sexos (varones y mujeres), en cuanto a los porcentajes de las intensidades emocionales de las dos emociones aplicadas (alegría e ira). Sin embargo, no pudimos demostrar que no hubiese varianza de rasgos emocionales con las mismas actividades de EC entre una emoción positiva (alegría) y otra negativa (ira). Tampoco se pudo verificar que las características de personalidad influyeran en las intensidades emocionales, dentro de la intervención en las sesiones de EC. Bibliografía: Coterón, J. (2007). Los contenidos de Educación Física en los manuales escolares. Expresión Corporal en la primera etapa de Educación General Básica (1970-1980). Tesis doctoral. Madrid: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Montávez, M. (2012). La expresión corporal en la realidad educativa. Descripción y análisis de su enseñanza como punto de referencia para la mejora de la calidad docente en los centros públicos de educación primaria de la ciudad de Córdoba. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Córdoba: Servicio de Publicaciones. Palmero, F. y Martínez-Sánchez, F. (2010). Motivación y emoción. Madrid: McGraw-Hill. Ruano, K. (2004). La influencia de la Expresión Corporal sobre las emociones: un estudio experimental. Madrid. Tesis doctoral. Coterón J., Sánchez, G., Montávez, M., Llopis, A. y Padilla, C. (2008). Los cuatro ejes de la dimensión expresiva del movimiento. En G. Sánchez, J. Coterón, C. Padilla y K. Ruano, Expresión Corporal. Investigación y acción pedagógica, (pp. 145-155). Salamanca: Amarú

    Assessment of Lipid Quality in Commercial Omega-3 Supplements Sold in the French Market

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    Supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids is considered a valuable strategy to supply the low intake of these fatty acids. Thus, the safety of the supplements is an important milestone. Because of that, we analyzed 20 unflavored supplements sold in the French market for fatty acid and triglyceride composition, for EPA and DHA, and for tocol content, as well as for oxidative status. This study found that only 2.5% of the supplements did not meet their label claims for omega-3 content. TAG analysis showed high variability among the triglyceride distribution, and the same trend was also noticed for the tocol content; in fact, a high variability of the distribution of the six tocols (four tocopherols and two tocotrienols) was found among the samples. Of the tested products, all of them complied with peroxide value, p-anisidine value, and Totox values established by the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED) and were not oxidized.Spanish Ministry of Science, Education and Universities/Spanish State Research Agency PCI2018-093178European Commissio

    Integrated Profiling of Fatty Acids, Sterols and Phenolic Compounds in Tree and Herbaceous Peony Seed Oils: Marker Screening for New Resources of Vegetable Oil

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    Vito Verardo thanks the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) for “Ramon y Cajal” contract (RYC-2015-18795).Tree peonies (Paeonia ostii and Paeonia rockii) are popular ornamental plants. Moreover, these plants have become oil crops in recent years. However, there are limited compositional studies focused on fatty acids. Therefore, this work aims to reveal compositional characteristics, regarding fatty acids, sterols, γ-tocopherol and phenolic compounds, of tree peony seed oils from all major cultivation areas in China, and to compare with herbaceous peony seed oil. For that, an integrative analysis was performed by GC-FID, GC-MS and UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS technologies. The main fatty acid was α-linolenic acid (39.0–48.3%), while β-sitosterol (1802.5–2793.7 mg/kg) and fucosterol (682.2–1225.1 mg/kg) were the dominant phytosterols. Importantly, 34 phenolic compounds, including paeonol and “Paeonia glycosides” (36.62–103.17 µg/g), were characterized in vegetable oils for the first time. Conclusively, this work gives new insights into the phytochemical composition of peony seed oil and reveals the presence of bioactive compounds, including “Paeonia glycosides”.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 31601403Fujian Science & Technology Program 2017N5010Promotion Program for Young and Middle-aged Teacher in Science and Technology Research of Huaqiao University ZQN-PY41

    Bioactive Components in Fermented Foods and Food By-Products

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    Food fermentation is one of the most ancient processes of food production that has historically been used to extend food shelf life and to enhance its organoleptic properties. However, several studies have demonstrated that fermentation is also able to increase the nutritional value and/or digestibility of food. Firstly, microorganisms are able to produce huge amounts of secondary metabolites with excellent health benefits and preservative properties (i.e., antimicrobial activity). Secondarily, fermented foods contain living organisms that contribute to the modulation of the host physiological balance, which constitutes an opportunity to enrich the diet with new bioactive molecules. Indeed, some microorganisms can increase the levels of numerous bioactive compounds (e.g., vitamins, antioxidant compounds, peptides, etc.). Moreover, recent advances in fermentation have focused on food by-products; in fact, they are a source of potentially bioactive compounds that, after fermentation, could be used as ingredients for nutraceuticals and functional food formulations. Because of that, understanding the benefits of food fermentation is a growing field of research in nutrition and food science. This book aims to present the current knowledge and research trends concerning the use of fermentation technologies as sustainable and GRAS processes for food and nutraceutical production

    Nutritional and Functional Advantages of the Use of Fermented Black Chickpea Flour for Semolina-Pasta Fortification

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    Pasta represents a dominant portion of the diet worldwide and its functionalization with high nutritional value ingredients, such as legumes, is the most ideal solution to shape consumers behavior towards healthier food choices. Aiming at improving the nutritional quality of semolina pasta, semi-liquid dough of a Mediterranean black chickpea flour, fermented with Lactiplantibacillus plantarum T0A10, was used at a substitution level of 15% to manufacture fortified pasta. Fermentation with the selected starter enabled the release of 20% of bound phenolic compounds, and the conversion of free compounds into more active forms (dihydrocaffeic and phloretic acid) in the dough. Fermented dough also had higher resistant starch (up to 60% compared to the control) and total free amino acids (almost 3 g/kg) contents, whereas antinutritional factors (raffinose, condensed tannins, trypsin inhibitors and saponins) significantly decreased. The impact of black chickpea addition on pasta nutritional, technological and sensory features, was also assessed. Compared to traditional (semolina) pasta, fortified pasta had lower starch hydrolysis rate (ca. 18%) and higher in vitro protein digestibility (up to 38%). Moreover, fortified cooked pasta, showing scavenging activity against DPPH and ABTS radicals and intense inhibition of linoleic acid peroxidation, was appreciated for its peculiar organoleptic profile. Therefore, fermentation technology appears to be a promising tool to enhance the quality of pasta and promote the use of local chickpea cultivars while preventing their genetic erosion.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) RYC-2015-1879

    Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Hydroethanolic Leaf Extracts from Six Mediterranean Olive Cultivars

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    Phenolic profiles, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities of hydroethanolic olive leaf extracts from six Mediterranean olive cultivars (Croatian: Lastovka, Levantinka, Oblica; Italian: Moraiolo, Frantoio, Nostrana di Brisighella) were investigated. As expected, various distributions of phenolic levels were observed for each cultivar and the total phenolic content showed high variability (ranging from 4 to 22 mg GAE/g of dry extract), with the highest amount of phenolics found in the Oblica sample, which also provided the highest antiradical (ORAC) and reducing activity (FRAP). The screening of individual compounds was performed by HPLC-PDA-ESI-QTOF-MS and the main detected compounds were oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, oleoside/secologanoside, verbascoside, rutin, luteolin glucoside, hydroxyoleuropein, and ligstroside. While the antioxidant activity of the samples was relatively high, they showed no bactericidal and bacteriostatic activity against E. coli and S. Typhimurium; weak activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and Listeria innocua; and inhibitory effects against Campylobacter jejuni at 0.5 mg dry extract/mL. The obtained results support the fact that olive leaf extracts, and especially those from the Oblica cultivar, could potentially be applied in various industries as natural preservatives and effective and inexpensive sources of valuable antioxidants.PRIMA program under project BioProMedFood 1467European CommissionMCIN/AEI RTI2018-099835-A-I0

    Effects of Pre-storage Incubation of Red-Legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa) Eggs on Hatchability and Incubation Length

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    This is the first study to investigate whether pre-storage incubation (PRESI) of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) eggs improves hatchability. To this aim, 420 red-legged partridge eggs were organized in a 2 × 3 factorial design consisting of two levels of storage length (storage for 7 and 42 d) and three levels of PRESI (incubation for 0, 6 and 12 h at 37.8C and 55% RH), resulting in six treatments consisting of 10 replications of 7 eggs each. For each treatment, egg weight losses during conservation and incubation, hatchability, chick weight at hatch, incubation length, and developmental stage at embryonic mortality were measured. It was found that 6 or 12 h of PRESI did not influence on hatchability of the fertile eggs stored during 7 d, and 6 h of PRESI did not improve the hatching rate of 42-d stored fertile eggs. However, 12 h of PRESI highly deteriorated hatchability of 42-d stored fertile eggs, increasing embryo mortality at positive development stage. Pre-storage incubation and the interaction PRESI × storage length increased egg weight loss during the storage period, though they did not influence either incubation length or chick weight at hatch. Thus, in contrast with other poultry species, PRESI does not offset the detrimental effect of the storage length on the hatchability and performance of A. rufa eggs, but even aggravates it in case of 42 d of storage. © 2014 Friends Science PublishersJunta de Andalucía AGR-23

    Phenolic Profile, Antioxidant Activity and Amino Acid Composition of Moringa Leaves Fermented with Edible Fungal Strains

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    Solid-state fermentation (SSF) is widely recognised as a technique to increase the bioactive potential and nutritional value of plant materials. However, the effect of this biotreatment differs for individual substrates. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of SSF with filamentous fungi (Rhizopus, Aspergillus, and Neurospora) on a moringa leaf phenolic profile, antioxidant activity, and amino acid composition. A total of 43 phenolic compounds were determined in the dried leaves analysed by HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS. The leaves contained 11.79 mg/g of free phenolics: flavonols (80.6%, mainly quercetin and kaempferol glycosides), hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives (12.3%), vitexin and vicenin (6.9%), and a small amount of lignan (isolariciresinol isomers). The result of the 1-day fermentation was a slight enhancement in the concentration of individual free phenolics (flavones) and the antioxidant activity of the leaves. However, extending the incubation period caused a significant decrease in those parameters and cannot be recommended for obtaining a food fortificant from moringa leaves. In contrast, the 3-day fermentation with N. intermedia led to a 26% average accumulation of individual amino acids. Therefore, the SSF with Neurospora can be a promising method for improving the nutritional composition of moringa leaves and needs further investigation.MCIN/AEI RTI2018-099835-A-I0

    Effects of storage temperature and length of the storage period on hatchability and performance of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) eggs

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate, in red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) eggs, the effects of 7- and 42-d storage periods with different storage temperatures (15, 12, and 9°C) on egg weight loss, hatchability, chick weight at hatch, incubation length, and development stage at embryonic mortality. A total of 420 red-legged partridge eggs were arranged in a 2 × 3 factorial design with 2 levels of storage length and 3 levels of storage temperature, resulting in 6 treatments consisting of 10 replications of 7 eggs each. We found that the storage length significantly reduced hatchability of the fertile eggs (P = 0.001), increasing late embryonic mortality (P = 0.001). Storage temperature did not influence on the embryonic mortality at any stage (P > 0.05). Egg weight loss during storage increased with the storage length (P 0.05). Nevertheless, incubation period decreased with the storage temperature for 7-d storage, and increased with the storage temperature for 42-d storage (P = 0.005). It can be concluded that in this study red-legged partridge eggs stored well with little deterioration up to 42 d at 9 and 12°C and 80% RH, in contrast to the lesser durability of eggs described in the literature for other poultry species. In case of 7-d storage periods, hatchability of A. rufa fertile eggs is higher when they are stored at 15°C. These findings are useful to address specific demands of game farms that require fertile eggs for hatching whose shelf-life should be long enough to maintain hatchability until further incubation. And, due to the marked reproductive seasonality of red-legged partridge, long-term storage of hatching eggs could permit the distribution of batches of chicks throughout the year.Junta de Andalucía AGR-23

    Adecuació de l'edifici de l'antiga Companya Auxiliar del Comerç i la industria per a la creació d'estudis integrats dins la vivenda

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    El present projecte tracta sobre l’adequació de l’edifici de l’antiga Companyia Auxiliar del Comerç i la Industria per a la creació d’estudis integrats dins la vivenda complint amb les exigències bàsiques de seguretat i utilització del nou Codi Tècnic d’Edificació. L’edifici CACI data del 1899 i esta situat a Badalona. Es tracta d’un edifici aïllat amb una superfície útil de 4273,24 m² i una superfície construïda de 5331,95 m²; repartits en blocs de fins a 6 plantes. Antigament va ser destinada a la industria tèxtil i al sector químic. L’objectiu principal del projecte de rehabilitació i canvi d’ús es treure rendiment d’aquest edifici que considerem que esta molt desaprofitat. Per això volem desenvolupar la creació de vivendes amb petits tallers incorporats aprofitant la carcassa i estructura de la construcció existent, de forma que crearíem un recinte on les persones podrien treballar i fer la seva vida quotidiana. Els objectius del projecte també són, per descomptat, complir amb certs aspectes mediambientals, per tal de aconseguir que l’edifici resultant sigui sostenible (reutilització d’aigües, construcció amb materials reciclats, eficiència tèrmica, abastiment d’aigua calenta mitjançant energia solar, etc.). Pels interessats en el projecte, cal saber que en aquest modifiquem els espais i distribucions interiors del edifici, adequant-lo al seu nou us, i dotant-lo de instal·lacions i serveis necessaris per a la vida contemporània. Es tracta de un edifici històric, amb una estructura en bones condicions, per tant aprofundim en el tema de instal·lacions, tant en la memòria com en els planells de la documentació gràfica. També donem importància a la nova distribució, a enderrocs, plaques solars, amidaments, etc. Estem a favor d’instal·lacions basades en energia renovable, de baix cost de manteniment i gran valor mediambiental. Contemplem la possibilitat d’incorporar sistemes d’acumulació d’energia mitjançat plaques solars i altres elements d’estalvi, com és, evitar pèrdues amb bons aïllaments tèrmics i acústics