364 research outputs found

    Nódulos tumorales renales bilaterales

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    Historia Clínica: Varón de 65 años, con un adenocarcinoma gástrico diseminado, tratado con quimioterapia. En la autopsia se observan múltiples nódulos tumorales en la corteza de ambos riñones, cuyo tamaño oscila entre unos pocos milímetros y varios centímetros (Fig. 1). Para la discusión del caso, se inserta, en primer término, únicamente la fotografía macroscópica de uno de los riñones

    New Eunicellin-Type Diterpenes from the Panamanian Octocoral Briareum Asbestinum

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    Gorgonian octocorals are considered a prolific source of secondary metabolites with a wide range of biological activities, including anti-inflammatory activity. In particular, the genus Briareum is known for producing a wealth of diterpenes with complex chemical structures. The chemical study of the methanolic extract of Briareum asbestinum collected in Bocas del Toro, on the Caribbean side of Panama, led to the isolation of three new eunicellin-type diterpenes: briarellin T (1), asbestinin 27 (2), asbestinin 28 (3) and the previously described asbestinin 17 (4). The structures of the new compounds were determined by extensive NMR analyses and HRMS. Anti-inflammatory activity assays showed a significant reduction of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β and IL-8 as well as a downregulation of COX-2 expression in LPS-stimulated THP-1 macrophages. These findings support the potential use of these marine compounds as therapeutic agents in the treatment of inflammatory diseases

    Myofascial pain syndrome. Literature update on the subject of a clinical case

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    En el presente artículo se resume una evaluación literaria de los últimos 17 años en relación al síndrome de dolor miofascial en el cual se recopila la información más relevante para su diagnóstico, además se presenta un caso clínico en el cual se pudo determinar la etiología psicológica que comenzó el trastorno patológico. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con disminución en la apertura bucal, mialgia y puntos gatillo en los músculos masetero y temporal. Se diagnosticó síndrome de dolor miofascial posterior a realizar pruebas musculares, exámenes radiográficos y de laboratorio con la finalidad excluir etiologías sistémicas. El tratamiento indicado consistió en la aplicación de una férula oclusal, fisioterapia, relajantes musculares, corticoesteroides, antiinflamatorios y la interconsulta con un psicólogo. En la primera consulta se midió una apertura bucal de 1,2 cm, en la segunda cita 1,6 cm, en la última consulta se registró una apertura máxima de 4,8 cm después del tratamiento farmacológico, en conjunto con el profesional en psicología. Se concluye que los problemas psicológicos tienen una gran repercusión en el sistema gnatológico y que resulta de gran apoyo la interconsulta psicológica.This article summarizes a literature evaluation of the past 17 years in relation to the myofascial pain syndrome in which the most relevant information for a diagnosis is collected, also presents a clinical case in which psychological etiology that began the pathological disorder could be determined. The case of a patient with decrease in the mouth opening, myalgia and points trigger muscle masseter and temporal is presented. Pain myofascial was diagnosed after muscle testing, radiographic and laboratory exams in order to exclude systemic etiologies. The indicated treatment consisted in the application of a splint occlusal, physiotherapy, relaxing muscles, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatories and the consultation with psychologist. In the first appointment an oral opening of 1.2 cm was recorded, in the second appointment the record was 1.6 cm, in the last query the record was 4.8 cm after drug treatment in conjunction with professional in psychology. It is concluded that psychological problems has a major impact in gnatologic system and psychological consultation turned out great support for this syndrome

    Estudio preliminar de las alteraciones del campo geomagnético natural provocadas por los materiales de construcción.

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    La perspectiva del arquitecto en los aspectos de calidad ambiental, y salud en un contexto sostenible, se amplía al considerar las radiaciones como elemento a tener en cuenta en el diseño arquitectónico. En ese sentido, además del confort higrotérmico y de la calidad del aire, se puede considerar la calidad electromagnética del espacio en relación a la salud de las personas. En este trabajo, se experimenta sobre la influencia del campo geomagnético en relación con diversos materiales de construcción, para ello se toman datos con un geomagnetómetro. Se observa que los materiales de construcción por sus propiedades magnéticas tienen la capacidad de modificar en mayor o menor medida el campo geomagnético natural sobre el cual se desarrolla la vida. Se concluye que la consideración de la relación entre la magnitud del campo geomagnético y los materiales de construcción puede formar parte del criterio de elección de materiales para una arquitectura saludable y sostenible

    Detection of indigenous organic matter in rocks from the interpretation of carbon molecular forms in the laser-induced plasma

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    Detection of indigenous organic matter (IOM) in rocks using molecular-laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is reported. IOM refers to carbon-based compounds of variable complexity intimately associated with mineral and amorphous phases both in condensed phases and in a dispersed state spatially associated to mineral aggregates. The presence of IOM may provide valuable information in astrobiology about the possibility of past or present life on planetary bodies. Kerogen, charcoal, bitumen, and graphite are only some examples of IOM that may appear in rocks. This paper reports the detection of kerogen in oil shale (a sedimentary rock also containing dolomite, calcite, pyrite, quartz, and albite) from the LIBS study of CN and C2 emissions under simulated Martian conditions. A set of oil shale samples with variable concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC) ranging from 2.78% to 12.74% were analyzed. A careful LIBS analysis of molecular species associated within hydrocarbons confirmed the presence of organic matter derived from kerogen. A linear correlation between the CN and C2 emissions and the %TOC was observed. Using a simulated Martian atmosphere as surrounding gas, the limit of detection for organic matter was calculated in 0.42% TOC. Additionally, the potential interferences in geological samples for LIBS detection of molecular species were also evaluated. Results demonstrate that common elements in rocks such as Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na and Si do not interfere with the detection of organics. In contrast, Ti at concentrations above 0.4% may induce false positive results using the CN emission at 388.34 nm. To overcome this inconvenience, the CN emission at 387.14 nm may be used which, although less sensitive, is free from titanium interference.Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work was supported by Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020, Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía, Reference UMA18-FEDERJA-272 and by Project PID2020-119185GB-I00 from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain. An author, L. García-G´omez, is grateful to the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for the concession of a FPI grant from Project PID2020-119185GB-I00

    Evaluación del grado de satisfacción experimentado por los drogodependientes de tres dispositivos residenciales en la Comunidad de Madrid

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    Les valoracions que expressen els destinataris dels diferents recursos de caràcter socioeducatiu constitueixen una font d’informació molt útil a l’hora de perfilar i orientar les possibles accions per part dels professionals dels recursos socioeducatius. En aquest sentit, amb el present treball es pretén avaluar el grau de satisfacció experimentat pels usuaris drogodependents de tres dispositius residencials públics de la Comunitat de Madrid, gestionats per l’Associació Epsilon. Amb aquesta finalitat, al llarg de tres anys s’ha passat un qüestionari voluntari a tots els usuaris d’aquests recursos. El criteri d’inclusió emprat per a la selecció de la mostra final de l’estudi es va establir d’acord amb dues exigències: una permanència mínima en el recurs major a un mes i l’entrega complimentada de, com a mínim, tres preguntes del qüestionari. Això va configurar una mostra final de seixanta persones. Els resultats mostren un elevat índex de satisfacció de qüestions referides al context socioeducatiu i a l’equip educatiu.The opinions expressed by users of the various socio-educational resources are a very useful source of information in shaping and guiding the possible actions of social education professionals. This being so, the present study sets out to assess the degree of satisfaction experienced by dependent drug users at three public residential facilities in the Community of Madrid, managed by the Asociación Epsilon. To this end, over three years all users of those resources were invited to complete a voluntary questionnaire. The inclusioncriteria used to select the final study sample was based on two requirements: a minimum stay in the facility of one month and the completion of at least three survey questions. This resulted in a final sample of sixty people. The findings show a high rate of satisfaction in areas relating to the socio-educational context and the social education team.Las valoraciones que expresan los destinatarios de los diferentes recursos de carácter socioeducativo constituyen una fuente de información muy útil a la hora de perfilar y orientar las posibles acciones por parte de los profesionales de los recursos socioeducativos. En este sentido, con el presente trabajo se pretende evaluar el grado de satisfacción experimentado por los usuarios drogodependientes de tres dispositivos residenciales públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid, gestionados por la Asociación Epsilon. A tal fin, a lo largo de tres años se pasó un cuestionario voluntario a todos los usuarios de dichos recursos. El criterio de inclusión utilizado para la selección de la muestra final de estudio se estableció de acuerdo a dos exigencias: una permanencia mínima en el recurso mayor a un mes y la entrega cumplimentada de, al menos, tres preguntas del cuestionario. Esto configuró una muestra final de sesenta personas. Los resultados muestran un elevado índice de satisfacción en cuestiones referidas al contexto socioeducativo y al equipo educativo

    Detection of indigenous organic matter in rocks from the interpretation of carbon molecular forms in the laser-induced plasma.

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    Oil shale, a sedimentary rock containing organic matter and a variety of inorganic minerals including carbonates and kerogens, serves as a significant source of organic material on Earth [1]. Kerogen, the most abundant form of organic matter, differs in chemical composition based on the microorganisms that contributed to its formation [2]. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a powerful analytical technique used on the Mars rover, allowing elemental characterization of Martian rocks, soils, and sediments. This study presents the first-ever detection of natural organic matter in oil shale using LIBS under simulated Martian conditions. Through an analysis of emitting species including CN and C2, LIBS successfully identifies the presence of organic compounds in this sedimentary rock. The ability to detect and characterize natural organic matter in oil shale, known for its potential to suggest the existence of ancient life, holds significant relevance in astrobiology. Furthermore, this information contributes to the identification of biosignatures and aids in the development of planetary exploration strategies. Oil shale samples were analyzed using LIBS under simulated Martian conditions after being crushed, pressed into pellets, and subjected to pyrolysis to remove organic matter. The analysis revealed significant changes in the infrared spectra, confirming the absence of aliphatic hydrocarbons after pyrolysis [3]. The LIBS results demonstrated the presence of molecular species associated with hydrocarbons, such as CN and C2, through distinct spectral emissions. The absence of these emissions in the pyrolyzed sample further supported the detection of organic matter originating from kerogen.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Towards the automatic 3D parametrization of non-planar surfaces from point clouds in HBIM applications

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    Producción Científica3D laser scanning and photogrammetric 3D reconstruction generate point clouds from which the geometry of BIM models can be created. However, a few methods do this automatically for concrete architectural elements, but in no case for the entirety of heritage assets. A novel procedure for the automatic recognition and parametrization of non-planar surfaces of heritage immovable assets is presented using point clouds as raw input data. The methodology is able to detect the most relevant architectural features in a point cloud and their interdependences through the analysis of the intersections of related elements. The non-planar surfaces detected, mainly cylinders, are studied in relation to the neighbouring planar surfaces present in the cloud so that the boundaries of both the planar and the non-planar surfaces are accurately defined. The procedure is applied to the emblematic Castle of Torrelobatón, located in Valladolid (Spain) to allow the cataloguing of required elements, as illustrative example of the European defensive architecture from the Middle age to the Renaissance period. Results and conclusions are reported to evaluate the performance of this approach

    Up-Regulation of the Nrf2/HO-1 Antioxidant Pathway in Macrophages by an Extract from a New Halophilic Archaea Isolated in Odiel Saltworks

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    The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) plays an important role in the progression of many inflammatory diseases. The search for antioxidants with the ability for scavenging free radicals from the body cells that reduce oxidative damage is essential to prevent and treat these pathologies. Haloarchaea are extremely halophilic microorganisms that inhabit hypersaline environments, such as saltworks or salt lakes, where they have to tolerate high salinity, and elevated ultraviolet (UV) and infrared radiations. To cope with these extreme conditions, haloarchaea have developed singular mechanisms to maintain an osmotic balance with the medium, and are endowed with unique compounds, not found in other species, with bioactive properties that have not been fully explored. This study aims to assess the potential of haloarchaea as a new source of natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. A carotenoid-producing haloarchaea was isolated from Odiel Saltworks (OS) and identified on the basis of its 16S rRNA coding gene sequence as a new strain belonging to the genus Haloarcula. The Haloarcula sp. OS acetone extract (HAE) obtained from the biomass contained bacterioruberin and mainly C18 fatty acids, and showed potent antioxidant capacity using ABTS assay. This study further demonstrates, for the first time, that pretreatment with HAE of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages results in a reduction in ROS production, a decrease in the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 levels, and up-regulation of the factor Nrf2 and its target gene heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), supporting the potential of the HAE as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of oxidative stress-related inflammatory diseases.This research was funded by the Operative FEDER Program-Andalucía 2014-2020 (US-1380844 and UHU-1257518), Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-110438RBC22-AEI/FEDER), the Andalusian government (I+D+i-JA-PAIDI-Retos projects 2020-PY20) and the “VII Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia” of The University of Seville. The work was partially funded by national funds from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) in the scope of the projects UIDB/04565/2020 and UIDP/04565/2020 of the Research Unit iBB-Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences, and of the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the i4HB-Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy. P.G.-V acknowledges financial support from the “Margarita Salas” grant for the training of young doctors, University of Huelva

    Detection of kerogens in sedimentary rocks by LIBS. Implications for the search for biosignatures on Mars.

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    Congreso Internacional dedicado a la aplicaciones de LIBSOil shale is a sedimentary rock that naturally contains organic matter. In its chemical composition presents a wide range of inorganic minerals including carbonates, silicates, etc. and kerogens – a mixture of fossil hydrocarbons. Kerogen is insoluble in normal organic solvents, being the most abundant source of organic matter on Earth [1,2]. Chemical composition of a particular kerogen differs as a function of the source microrganisms that participated to the sediment and may be classified into three categories [3]. Type I kerogen, produced by algae or eventually bacteria and is the less abundant; type II, derived from other aquatic organisms (phytoplankton and zooplankton); the most common on Earth is type III, generated from organic plant matter. To the best of our knowledge, this work demonstrates for the first time the detection of natural organic matter in different rock of oil shales with a total organic carbon content between (2.78 % and 15.06 %) using LIBS under Martian conditions. A linear correlation was found between the net CN intensity and the concentration of total organic material of the samples under CO2 and Martian atmosphere. The fact that natural organic matter can be detected and characterized by LIBS in this kind of sedimentary rock – known for suggesting the existence ancient life - through its emitting species such as CN or C2 is of great relevance in astrobiology. Results presented here, may provide essential understanding on the search for biosignatures on Mars and for the development of planetary exploration strategies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec