44 research outputs found

    La reforma de los delitos contra la seguridad vial

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    La finalidad del artículo es exponer y valorar la evolución de los denominados delitos contra la seguridad vial en la legislación penal española, desde la primera ley penal especial que los recogía, la de 9 de mayo de 1950, hasta la por ahora última reforma del Código Penal de 1995, por L.O. 5/10, de 22 de junio. Mientras hasta el inicio del presente siglo la legislación se apartaba de tipos penales en los que la lesión aparecía lejana, en la regulación actual se tiende, al menos en este ámbito, a extender el empleo del Derecho Penal, en algunos casos incluyendo figuras ya previstas, casi de forma igual, en el ordenamiento administrativo, hasta el punto de poder decir que aparecen como reforzamiento de preceptos administrativos. Debe destacarse una mayor atención a la reparación civil de las víctimas.The purpose of this article is to present and evaluate the evolution of so-called crimes against road safety in Spanish criminal law, from the fi rst special criminal law that included them, that of May 9th 1950, to the latest reform of the Criminal Code in 1995 (L.O. 5/10, de 22 de junio). As to the beginning of this century legislation didn’t take into account criminal offences in which the damage appeared distant, current regulation tends, at least in this area, to extend the use of criminal law, in some cases even including conducts, almost identical to those already regulated under administrative law, to the point that it can be said, that they appear as a reinforcement of administrative rules. It must be emphasized that the acknowledgment of civil damages to the victims receives a stronger attention

    Principio de legalidad y criterio gramatical como límite a la interpretación de la norma penal

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    El principio de legalidad ha generado auténticos ríos de tinta a lo largo de la historia de la dogmática penal. En la actualidad, sectores autorizados apuntan a una verdadera situación de crisis respecto del mencionado principio, que habría perdido gran parte de su esencia quedando en mero papel mojado. En el presente trabajo los autores abordan la exégesis del principio de legalidad desde una perspectiva práctica, identificada en la actividad interpretativa que corresponde a jueces y tribunales y, en concreto, en el criterio gramatical de interpretación de la norma como límite máximo a dicha actividad. Desde un fundamento esencialmente político del principio de legalidad penal, en este artículo se analizan cuestiones tales como la posibilidad de interpretación analógica, las aportaciones de las definiciones legales (cada vez más utilizadas por el legislador) o las denominadas “interpretaciones literales” en Derecho penal. Todo ello sin perder de vista la imbricación que ostenta el tema con el Derecho constitucional.The rule of law has given rise to rivers of ink throughout the history of criminal dogma. Currently, authorized sectors refer to a crisis in this principle, which allegedly lost much of its essence and resulting in mere dead letter. This paper deals with the exegesis of the rule of law from a practical perspective, identified in the interpretative activity which is the responsibility of judges and courts and, particularly, in the guidelines of grammatical interpretation of the standard as a top limit of such activity. From an essentially political basis of the rule of law principle, the author examines issues such as the possibility of analogical interpretation, the contributions of legal definitions (increasingly used by policy makers), or the so-called “literal interpretations” in criminal law, without ignoring the interdependence between this issue and constitutional law

    Maternal fetal relationship and attachment facility during the pregnancy

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    A diario vemos ejemplos de noticias por las que nos preguntamos qué pasa por la mente de una madre para llegar a tratar de una forma tan negativa a sus hijos. Es conocida la gran importancia que tiene para el desarrollo cognitivo, emocional y social durante la infancia, el establecimiento de una adecuada relación de apego madre-bebé, desde el inicio de su vida. Pero poco se ha estudiado sobre la importancia de la formación de este apego a lo largo del embarazo. Este trabajo trata de otorgar el valor que tiene el hecho de que las mujeres embazadas establezcan, ya durante este periodo vital, un fuerte lazo de apego materno – fetal. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar cómo 117 mujeres embarazadas, de toda Huelva capital, interaccionan a lo largo de la gestación con el que será su futuro bebé. Para ello, se ha utilizado la Escala de la Vinculación Afectiva y la Adaptación Prenatal (EVAP). Las conclusiones a las que llega el estudio aportan orientaciones prácticas para el trabajo con mujeres, familias, y otorga pistas para entender las relaciones que, de forma temprana, se dan en las familias.Daily news often make us wonder what goes through the mind of a mother who comes to treat her children in a negative way. It’s well-known how important is an appropiate rapport between mother and child, from the beginning of life, in order to achieve a cognitive, emotional and social maturation during childhood. But little has been studied about the importance of the formation of this attachment during pregnancy. This paper tries to put a high value on the fact that pregnat women estatblish a strong maternal bond with their fetus. The objective of this research is to analyze how 117 pregnant women, from the town of Huelva, have interacted with their babies-to be for the pregnancy period. For that purpose, the Scale and Adaptation bonding Prenatal (EVAP) has been used. The conclusions reached from our study provide practical guidelines for working with women and families, and help to a better comprenhension of the early relationships in families

    HADES: A multi-agent platform to reduce congestion anchoring based on temporal coordination of vessel arrivals—application to the multi-client liquid bulk terminal in the Port of Cartagena (Spain)

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    Ports are key factors in international trade, and new port terminals are quite costly and time consuming to build. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize existing infrastructure to achieve sustainability in logistics. This problem is more complex in multi-client port terminals, where quay infrastructure is shared among terminal operators who often have conflicting interests. Moreover, the berth allocation problem in liquid bulk terminals implies demanding restrictions due to the reduced flexibility in berth allocation for these types of goods. In this context, this paper presents HADES, a multi-agent platform, and the experience of its pilot use in the Port of Cartagena. HADES is a software platform where agents involved in vessel arrivals share meaningful but limited information. This is done to alleviate potential congestion in multi-client liquid bulk terminals, promoting a consensus where overall congestion anchoring is reduced. A study is presented using a mixed integer linear program (MILP) optimization model to analyze the maximum theoretical reduction in congestion anchoring, depending on the flexibility of vessel arrival time changes. Results show that 6 h of flexibility is enough to reduce congestion anchoring by half, and 24 h reduces it to negligible values. This confirms the utility of HADES, which is also briefly described.The authors would like to thank Port Authority of Cartagena for data supplied, and terminal operators of docks E010 and E011 for their suggestions

    Optimal path planning for selective waste collection in smart cities

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    Waste collection is one of the targets of smart cities. It is a daily task in urban areas and it entails the planning of waste truck routes, taking into account environmental, economic and social factors. In this work, an optimal path planning algorithm has been developed together with a practical software platform for smart and sustainable cities that enables computing the optimal waste collection routes, minimizing the impact, both environmental (CO2 emissions and acoustic damage) and socioeconomic (number of trucks to be used and fuel consumption). The algorithm is executed in Net2Plan, an open-source planning tool, typically used for modeling and planning communication networks. Net2Plan facilitates the introduction of the city layout input information to the algorithm, automatically importing it from geographical information system (GIS) databases using the so-called Net2Plan-GIS library, which can also include positions of smart bins. The algorithm, Net2Plan tool and its extension are open-source, available in a public repository. A practical case in the city of Cartagena (Spain) is presented, where the optimal path planning for plastic waste collection is addressed. This work contributes to the urban mobility plans of smart cities and could be extended to other smart cities scenarios with requests of optimal path planning.This research was partially funded by the Spanish National Project ONOFRE-2, ref. TEC2017-84423-C3-2-P (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE), H2020 EU project ref. H2020-ICT-2016-2 (ID 761727) topic: ICT-7-2016 and Erasmus + Program of EU, ref. 575853-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-EPPKA2-SSA. This publication reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Thanks to A. Gómez-Martínez for his administrative and technical support

    Spatial patterns and seasonal fluctuations of the intertidal Caprellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Tarifa Island, Southern Spain

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    Tarifa Island is located in the Strait of Gibraltar, between the Mediterranean and Atlantic. The unique biogeographical position, together with the substrate heterogeneity and the protection degree resulting from its condition of mari - ne reserve, has contributed to maintain very diverse intertidal ecosystems at their rocky shores. Under absence of anthropogenic influence, we have studied the fluctuations of macroalgae and associated caprellids during two years (December 2005 to December 2007). Samples were taken every two months from the different intertidal levels. Caprella penantis , C. liparotensis and C. equilibra were exclusively distributed in the low intertidal levels dominated by Gelidium corneum ; Caprella grandimana and C. acanthifera were found in the intermediate levels of Corallina elongata , Jania rubens and Gelidium spp. and the caprellids were absent in the upper intertidal levels dominated by Fu - cus spiralis . The caprellid species and the main seaweeds were present during the whole year. The peaks of seaweed biomass were observed from April to June, and were coincident with the peaks in caprellid abundances. The highest caprellid fluctuations were registered in the low levels: although G. corneum maintained high biomass during the whole year, the associated C. penantis had very low densities in winter (<50 ind/m 2 ) and high densities (around 5,000 ind/m 2 ) in early summer. On the other hand, the population of C. grandimana associated to intermediate levels, showed similar densities all the year round. These seasonal patterns could be related to winter storms, which mainly affect to the low intertidal levels, near the subtidal area.La Isla de Tarifa se localiza en el Estrecho de Gibraltar, entre el Mediterráneo y el Atlántico. Su posición biogeográf ica singular, junto con la heterogeneidad del sustrato y el grado de protección como zona de reserva, ha contribuido a mantener ecosistemas intermareales rocosos muy biodiversos. Teniendo en cuenta la ausencia de influencia antrópica en el área de estudio, se estudiaron las fluctuaciones de las algas y caprélidos asociados durante dos años (diciembre 2005 a diciembre de 2007). Las muestras se recolectaron cada dos meses en los distintos niveles del intermareal. Caprella penantis , C. liparotensis y C. equilibra se distribuyeron exclusivamente en los niveles más bajos dominados por Gelidium corneum ; Caprella grandimana y C. acanthifera se encontraron en los niveles intermedios de Corallina elongata , Jania rubens y Gelidium spp., y no se encontraron caprélidos en los niveles superiores dominados por Fucus spiralis . Las especies de caprélidos y las algas principales estuvieron presentes durante todo el año. Los picos de biomasa de algas se registraron de abril a junio, coincidiendo con los picos en las abundancias de los caprélidos. Las mayores fluctuaciones estacionales en los caprélidos se midieron en los niveles inferiores: aunque G. corneum mantuvo una biomasa elevada durante todo el año, el caprélido asociado C. penantis mostró bajas densidades en invierno (<50 ind/m 2 ) y altas densidades (en torno a 5.000 ind/m 2 ) a comienzos del verano. Por otra parte, la población de C. grandimana asociada a los niveles intermedios mostró densidades similares durante todo el año. Estos patrones estacionales podrían estar relacionados con los temporales de invierno, que afectan fundamentalmente a los niveles más bajos del intermareal, próximos a la zona infralitoral

    El aprendizaje de la teoría jurídica del delito a través del sistema de casos

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    El documento recoge la memoria del Proyecto de Innovación "El aprendizaje de la teoría jurídica del delito a través del sistema de casos" (PI nº 151). El método del caso es una de las técnicas que favorece el aprendizaje por descubrimiento. Este tipo de aprendizaje anima al alumno a hacer preguntas en el aula y formular sus propias respuestas, así como a deducir principios de ejemplos prácticos o experiencias

    El aprendizaje de la parte especial del Derecho Penal a través del sistema de casos

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    El objeto del proyecto es elaborar materiales de aprendizaje a través de la metodología del estudios de casos penales, desarrollada en el aula, al estilo del sistema anglosajón, con el fin de conseguir una mejor preparación profesional de los alumnos en el ámbito de la parte especial del derecho penal

    COVID-19: Some unresolved issues

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    Two years after the COVID-19 pandemic, many uncertainties persist about the causal agent, the disease and its future. This document contains the reflection of the COVID-19 working group of the Official College of Physicians of Madrid (ICOMEM) in relation to some questions that remain unresolved. The document includes considerations on the origin of the virus, the current indication for diagnostic tests, the value of severity scores in the onset of the disease and the added risk posed by hypertension or dementia. We also discuss the possibility of deducing viral behavior from the examination of the structure of the complete viral genome, the future of some drug associations and the current role of therapeutic resources such as corticosteroids or extracorporeal oxygenation (ECMO). We review the scarce existing information on the reality of COVID 19 in Africa, the uncertainties about the future of the pandemic and the status of vaccines, and the data and uncertainties about the long-term pulmonary sequelae of those who suffered severe pneumonia.post-print462 K

    New variants of SARS-CoV-2

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    The emergence and spread of new variants of SARS-CoV-2 has produced enormous interest due to their possible implication in the improved transmissibility of the virus, their consequences in the individual evolution of the infection, as well as in the possible escape from the immunity generated by the current vaccines. The variants that attract most attention are those of public health concern, including B.1.1.7 (UK), P.1 (Brazilian) and B.1.351 (South African). This list is extended by the variants of interest that emerge and are expanding in certain countries but are found sporadically in others, such as B.1.427 and B.1.429 (Californians) or B.1.617 (Indian). Whole genome sequencing or strategies specifically targeting the spicule gene are used in the microbiology laboratories for characterization and detection. The number of infected individuals, the sanitary situation of each country, epidemiological measures and vaccination strategies influence its dispersion and new variants are expected to emerge. This emergence can only be avoided today by increasing the vaccinated population in all countries and by not relaxing epidemiological containment measures. It is not excluded that in the future it will be necessary to revaccinate against new variants.post-print186 K