4,793 research outputs found

    Bartolomé de Medina: estudiante en la Universidad de Salamanca

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    El presente trabajo pretende dar a conocer nuevos datos sobre la biografía del maestro dominico Bartolomé de Medina. Para ello vamos a centrarnos en el período que va desde la fecha de su nacimiento (1527) hasta el año en el que consigue ganar la Cátedra de Durando (1573). La razón de esta limitación cronológica se debe a que su labor académica como catedrático de la Universidad de Salamanca ya ha sido documentada por sus biógrafos José Barrientos y Alonso Getino.This paper tries to present new data about the biography of the Dominican Bartolomé de Medina. To do this we will focus on the period from the date of his birth (1527) until the year in which he obtained the Chair of Durando (1573). The reason for this limitation is that his academic work as a professor at the University of Salamanca has been documented by his biographers José Barrientos and Alonso Getino

    Estudio de la influencia del factor innovación sobre la facturación de las empresas españolas durante el año 2013.

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    El objetivo de este TFG está basado en hacer un estudio exhaustivo de la facturación de las empresas españolas durante 2013, basandome en los siguientes factores: periodo de creación de la empresa, tamaño, número de empleados, entre otros. Por lo cual, concluyo que las empresas españolas poseen una dimensión pequeña por lo que, para intorducirse en un mercado globalizado, tendrán que invertir en I+D+i para intorducirse en nuevos mercados.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Features of non-kinship foster care children with birth family contact in Andalusia

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    The aim of the presentation is to describe the personal features of non-kinship foster care children who have visits with their birth family in Málaga, Granada and Jaén (provinces of Andalusia, Spain). This study was funded by the research project Application of a psychoeducational intervention program to improve visits between foster children and their biological families (Reference EDU2016 77094-P). SPSS v.21.0 was used to carry out the descriptive and frequency analysis of socio-demographic information collected by the Child File Summary Form designed for this study. There are 212 non-kinship foster care children who have visits with their birth family. Their mean age is 8.09 years old (SD= 4.73). The more frequent types of foster care are both long-term and short-term placement (30.7%, respectively), followed by specialized long-term foster care (20.3%), urgency placement (10.8%) and specialized short-term foster care (7.5%). The period of time they have been into the Child Protection System is on average 4.08 years (SD= 3.88) and into the current placement is on average 2.53 (SD= 2.95). Thus, 44.8% of foster children were in residential care and 30.2% were in previous foster care. The latter could have been with the current foster care family. Also, 41.0% of foster children were placed at least with one sibling. It is important to know the features of foster children in order to apply the main principle of “the best interests of the child” to the whole decision-making process about the child’s protection and welfare. In our project, these decisions concern foster care placement and birth family contact to maintain and strengthen family affective bonds and child’s identity formation. Our findings contribute to develop: (a) initiatives to improve children’s well-being; (b) support and social resources required by families; and (c) socio-educative tools for the social workers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Study of the Acidification of Sherry Musts With Gypsum and Tartaric Acid

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    Must acidification is a necessary operation in hot regions due to the low natural acid content of the grapes grown there. Tartaric acid is what is most usually used for this purpose. Using gypsum (CaSO 4 • 2H20 ) allows the amount of tartaric acid needed to reach a given pH to be reduced. This paper is a study of the acidification of musts produced in Sherry area (Southern Spain) to a pH of 3.25 with tartaric acid alone and tartaric acid acting together with 2 g/L of gypsum. Using gypsum causes a reduction in must pH of approximately 0.2 units and allows the tartaric acid dosage to be cut down by 1.5 to 2.5 g/L. The concentration of sulfates in the fermented wine lies below 2.5 g/L (the maximum authorized by the European Community), and the calcium concentration is 130 mg/L. Both levels are compatible with a correct winemaking. The acid buffering power of the wine and the alkalinity of the ash are reduced by the use of gypsum, which makes later acidification easier. Other wine component levels are not affected

    Quasi-filiform Leibniz algebras of maximum length

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    The n-dimensional p-filiform Leibniz algebras of maximum length have already been studied with 0 p 2. For Lie algebras whose nilindex is equal to n − 2 there is only one characteristic sequence, (n − 2, 1, 1), while in Leibniz theory we obtain two possibilities: (n−2, 1, 1) and (n−2, 2). The first case (the 2-filiform case) is already known. The present paper deals with the second case, i.e., quasi-filiform non Lie Leibniz algebras of maximum length. Therefore this work completes the study of maximum length of Leibniz algebras with nilindex n − p with 0 p 2.Junta de Andalucía FQM-14

    p-Filiform Leibniz algebras of maximum length

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    The descriptions (up to isomorphism) of naturally graded p-filiform Leibniz algebras and p-filiform (p 3) Leibniz algebras of maximum length are known. In this paper we study the gradation of maximum length for p-filiform Leibniz algebras. The present work aims at the classification of complex p-filiform (p 4) Leibniz algebras of maximum length

    Classification of some nilpotent class of leibniz superalgebras

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    The aim of this work is to present the description of Leibniz superalgebras up to isomorphism with characteristic sequence (n|m − 1, 1) and nilindex n + m

    3-filiform Leibniz algebras of maximum length

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    This work completes the study of the solvable Leibniz algebras, more precisely, it completes the classi cation of the 3- liform Leibniz algebras of maximum length [4]. Moreover, due to the good structure of the algebras of maximum length, we also tackle some of their cohomological properties. Our main tools are the previous result of Cabezas and Pastor [3], the construction of appropriate homogeneous basis in the considered connected gradation and the computational support provided by the two programs implemented in the software Mathematica.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2013–43687–

    An Overview of Analytical Methods to Determine Pharmaceutical Active Compounds in Aquatic Organisms

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    There is increasing scientific evidence that some pharmaceuticals are present in the marine ecosystems at concentrations that may cause adverse effects on the organisms that inhabit them. At present, there is still very little scientific literature on the (bio)accumulation of these compounds in different species, let alone on the relationship between the presence of these compounds and the adverse effects they produce. However, attempts have been made to optimize and validate analytical methods for the determination of residues of pharmaceuticals in marine biota by studying the stages of sample treatment, sample clean-up and subsequent analysis. The proposed bibliographic review includes a summary of the most commonly techniques, and its analytical features, proposed to determine pharmaceutical compounds in aquatic organisms at different levels of the trophic chain in the last 10 years.MCIN/AEI PID2020-117641RB-I00FEDER/Regional Government of Andalusia-Ministry of Economy and KnowledgeERDF 2014-2020 program B.RNM.362.UGR20 P20_0055