2,378 research outputs found

    El acceso a la condición de funcionario de la unión europea mediante oposición general. Estudio de caso.

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado trata del reclutamiento de los funcionarios de las Instituciones de la Unión Europea. Se contiene en el mismo una exposición de los preceptos del Estatuto de los Funcionarios que regulan dicho reclutamiento, así como las Normas Generales por las que se rigen las oposiciones generales, que constituyen una modalidad de procedimiento de concurso para seleccionar a los candidatos que acceden a la condición de funcionarios. Utilizando una reciente convocatoria de oposición general para seleccionar candidatos para cubrir puestos funcionarios de Administradores (AD 5), se exponen las distintas fases de este procedimiento de selección, los problemas surgidos en la aplicación de las normas por las que se regula y la jurisprudencia aparecida para resolver los mismos.This essay is about the recruitment of civil servants for the diferent institutions of the European Union. It contains a statement of the provisions of the Staff Regulations governing such recruitment, as well as the General Rules governing open competitions, which are a form of competitive process to select candidates who access civil servant status. Using a recent call for open competition to select candidates to fill staff Administrators (AD 5), the various stages of this selection procedure and the different types of problems appeared in the application of the rules by which is regulated are discussed, as well as the case-law developed to solve them

    El acceso a la condición de funcionario de la Unión Europea mediante oposición general. Estudio de caso

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado trata  del reclutamiento de los funcionarios de las Instituciones de la Unión Europea. Se contiene en el mismo una exposición de los preceptos del Estatuto de los Funcionarios que regulan dicho reclutamiento, así como las Normas Generales por las que se rigen las oposiciones generales, que constituyen una modalidad de procedimiento de concurso para seleccionar a los candidatos que acceden a la condición de funcionarios. Utilizando una reciente convocatoria de oposición general para seleccionar candidatos para cubrir puestos funcionarios de Administradores (AD 5), se exponen las distintas fases de este procedimiento de selección, los problemas surgidos en la aplicación de las normas por las que se regula y la jurisprudencia aparecida para resolver los mismos

    Afectación tumoral del sistema nervioso periférico

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    Se han estudiado 18 pacientes con afectación del S.N.P. por lesiones tumorales tratados en nuestra unidad en un período de 8 años. La mayoría de estos tumores tenían una localización intraneural (14 casos), eran de naturaleza benigna (13 casos) y afectaban al miembro superior. La prueba diagnóstica más exacta fue la R.M.N. Destacamos la existencia en nuestra seria de algunos tumores de rara presentación en la clínica, como un caso de fibrolipoma, condroma intraneural y neurosarcoma de la variedad "Tritón", respectivamente.Eighteen patients who had tumours of peripheral nerves have been studied retrospectively. They were treated in our department for eight years. Most of these tumours were placed intraneuraly (14 cases), were benignant (13 cases), and located in the upper limb. The most precise test for diagnosis was the MRI. We want to emphasize the existence in our series of some tumours which rarely appears in clinic, for example a Fibrolipoma, a intraneural chondroma and a malignant triton tumour

    Metaheuristic approaches for optimal broadcasting design in metropolitan MANETs

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    11th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 12-16, 2007Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are composed of a set of communicating devices which are able to spontaneously interconnect without any pre-existing infrastructure. In such scenario, broadcasting becomes an operation of tremendous importance for the own existence and operation of the network. Optimizing a broadcasting strategy in MANETs is a multiobjective problem accounting for three goals: reaching as many stations as possible, minimizing the network utilization, and reducing the duration of the operation itself. This research, which has been developed within the OPLINK project (http://oplink.lcc.uma.es), faces a wide study about this problem in metropolitan MANETs with up to seven different advanced multiobjective metaheuristics. They all compute Pareto fronts of solutions which empower a human designer with the ability of choosing the preferred configuration for the network. The quality of these fronts is evaluated by using the hypervolume metric. The obtained results show that the SPEA2 algorithm is the most accurate metaheuristic for solving the broadcasting problem.Publicad

    Quadriceps femoris muscle: anatomical variations, population frequencies and clinical implications

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    Recently, the classical anatomy of the quadriceps femoris has been questioned after the publication of various morphological variations that differ from the classical description. Therefore, it is necessary to collect information to reach an agreement on its structure. For this, a systematic review was carried out using the Web of Science, Pubmed and ProQuest scientific databases, obtaining a total of 29 papers finally included in the systematic review after being subjected to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results obtained showed an important and variable prevalence of new configurations described, such as additional heads in the rectus femoris, a different origin of the vastus intermedius, various portions of the vastus lateralis, or the involvement of the vastus medialis in the patellofemoral musculature. For this reason, understanding the anatomy of the quadriceps femoris is a matter that has not yet been fully resolved, with high variability among people that must be studied prior to the application of an invasive and/or surgical procedure

    Plant growth promotion of the forage plant Lupinus albus Var. Orden Dorado using Pseudomonas agronomica sp. nov. and Bacillus pretiosus sp. nov. added over a valorized agricultural biowaste

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    IntroductionThe overexploitation of natural ecosystems and the evolution of climate change currently force us to design new strategies for more sustainable agronomic uses. The recovery of plant residues, as an alternative to agrochemicals, can help alleviate these problems, for example, through its use for the synthesis of biofertilizers. In this work, the effect of the organic fertilizer matrix ORGAON® from the valorization of horticultural waste is tested, to which two strains of bacteria (and their consortium) are added (SAICEU11T identified as Bacillus pretiosus and SAICEU22T identified as Pseudomonas agronomica), selected for their demonstrated ability to promote plant growth (PGPB), on the lupine forage plant (Lupinus albus).MethodsFor the synthesis of the biofertilizer, both strains were added to the ORGAON® organic matrix separately, until reaching a final optical density (OD) of 0.5 McFarland in each case in the irrigation matrix. As a control, sterile ORGAON® (ORGAON®st) was used, also supplemented with the PGPB strains and a chemical fertilizer widely used in agronomy (Chem-F). With these treatments, a 6-week experiment was started under controlled laboratory conditions and on agricultural substrate, to recreate field conditions as accurately as possible. All the tests were carried out with 9 repetitions and 3 replicates of each treatment. After harvest, the improvements on the following biometric variables were studied for each treatment: total weight (Weight_T, g), shoot weight (Weight_S, g), root weight (Weight_R, g), number of leaves (Leaves, No.), shoot length (Length_S), root length (Length_R) and number of secondary roots (Roots, No.). Likewise, the identification of the tested strains and their description as new species was carried out. For this, they were studied from the phenotypic point of view (Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), metabolic profile, PGP activities, fatty acid profile and Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF)) and genotypic (sequencing of the main housekeeping genes and sequencing of the whole genome, genomic characteristics (dDDH and ANI) and phylogenetic analysis).Results and discussionAfter the statistical analysis of the results, it is shown that the individual addition of both strains on the ORGAON® and ORGAON®st organic matrix improve certain biometric variables. In the case of the SAICEU11T (Bacillus pretiosus) strain, the variables root weight (Weight_R, g), total weight (Weight_T, g) and length of the plant, and number of secondary roots (Roots, No.) significantly improve, while in the case of the strain SAICEU22T (Pseudmonas agronomica), a significant improvement of root length (Length_R) and number of secondary roots (Roots, No.) is demonstrated. On the other hand, the genotaxonomic analysis showed that both species have not been described to date. The identification based on the main housekeeping genes, show that for the Bacillus strain (SAICEU11T) the sequence similarity of the 16S rRNA was 100%, gyrB 92.69%, rpoB 97.70% and rpoD 94.67%. For the Pseudomonas strain (SAICEU22T) the results were 100% for 16S rRNA, 98.43% for rpoD and 96.94% for gyrB. However, in both cases, the dDDH and ANI values, as well as the phylogenetic analysis, show that both species are below the species threshold, which would support the hypothesis that both are new species, in line with the chemotaxonomic results obtained by MALDI-TOF spectrometry and fatty acid profile. To verify the biosafety in their handling and release into the natural environment, we have ruled out the presence of genes that encode virulence factors or resistance to antibiotics, concluding that they are suitable for use in the field to improve the yield of crop plants. Type strains are SAICEU11T (= DSM 114702T = CECT30674T) for Bacillus pretiosus and SAICEU22T (= DSM 114959T = CECT30673T) for Pseudomonas agronomicae

    Resultados contrapuestos en una experiencia piloto de docencia inversa

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    El uso de la tecnología de la información y las comunicaciones permite explorar nuevas alternativas para la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En esta comunicación se exponen los resultados obtenidos en relación con la docencia de la materia de Teoría de Autómatas durante el segundo año de la experiencia piloto de implantación de la docencia inversa en el Grado de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Los buenos resultados obtenidos por el equipo en el primer año sugirieron mantener el protocolo de trabajo y autoevaluación previa a la clase presencial. La experiencia limitada del primer año se mantuvo en un grupo exclusivo de matrícula voluntaria, extendiéndose además de forma puntual en la docencia de distintos grupos de matrícula ordinaria para valorar el efecto en grupos de mayor tamaño. Los resultados obtenidos en el segundo año no son comparables a los obtenidos el curso anterior, siendo necesaria una modificación del protocolo si se busca utilizar la docencia inversa en grupos de tamaño medio/alto

    HLA in Las Alpujarras Mts., South-East Spain: A Renaissance process of population artificial substitution

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    Spain was invaded in 711 CE by mostly Berber North Africans carrying Muslim religion to a mostly Christian/Catholic Kingdom. A fight to expel Muslims soon started and were apparently driven out of Iberia (Spain) starting in 1492 CE. However, many of these expelled people were of Iberian old ancestry that had become Muslims at Las Alpujarras Mts. (South-East Spain). Also, Muslim North Africans converted to Christianity either remained there or came back after they more definetively were expelled by 1609 CE. Las Alpujarras region was also repopulated by northern Spaniards mostly from Galicia. Our HLA study of present day Alpujarrans shows that typical North Spain and European Atlantic façade HLA extended haplotypes are very frequent in nowadays Las Alpujarras region, i. e.: HLA-(A*29-B*44)-DRB1*07:01-DQA1*02:01-DQB1*02:01 and (A*02-B*27)-DRB1*15:01-DQA1*01:02-DQB1*06:02. It is concluded that repopulation had a noticeable success even in today Alpujarran population