481 research outputs found

    Sierra de Teruel (Espoir) : Música y cine durante al Guerra Civil española

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    Sierra de Teruel, retitulada Espoir en 1944, es una película realizada en España en 1939, de tendencia republicana, dirigida por André Malraux y con música del compositor francés Darius Milhaud. Esta película fue encargada por el gobierno de Juan Negrín, con la intención de concienciar a los países adscritos en el pacto de no intervención para participar en la guerra en favor de la República (Michalczyk 1978: 344). En este caso, la música de Milhaud presente en la última secuencia de la película, refleja las intenciones originales del director. En este artículo se analizará la música de Milhaud atendiendo al contexto de creación del film y a la relación de complementariedad que crean la música y las imágenes, observando cómo la música funciona finalmente como un elemento narrativo másSierra de Teruel, retitled Espoir in 1944, is a Republican-leaning Spanish film created in 1939 by André Malraux with Darius Milhaud's music. This film was commissioned by the government of Juan Negrín with the intention of raising awareness in the countries with non-interventionist policies. The republican government wanted to encourage these nations to participate in the war in favor of the Republic (Michalczyk 1978: 344). In this case, the music composed by Milhaud is only present in the last sequence of the film, reflecting the original intentions of the director. This article will examine Milhaud's music attending to the context of the film production and studying the complementary relationship about music and images, noticing how music works finally as an additional narrative element

    Audiovisual Warfare : Music and International Persuasion in Documentary Films during the Spanish Civil War

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABDuring the Spanish Civil War, cinema became one of the most powerful weapons of propaganda. The music of the films, full of anthems and political references, was an essential tool for displaying the documentary's intentions and for influencing spectators' reactions. Between 1936 and 1939, there was a surge in the production of documentaries targeting international audiences, as they were an invaluable resource for engaging the European countries that had signed the Non-Intervention Agreement against involvement in the Spanish conflict. The objective of this article is to analyse the music of the documentaries set in Spain that were exhibited internationally during the years of the war. We will study the politically tendentious uses of anthems and popular songs on the soundtracks, as well as the importance of the figure of the composer - for those documentaries with original music - attending to the social and political circumstances surrounding their participation in the production

    La llegada de los primeros sistemas cinematográficos sonoros a España (1895-1929)

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    Durant la darrera dècada del segle XIX, inventors i creadors com Thomas A. Edison o els germans Lumière treballaven àrduament amb la finalitat de fixar i reproduir el so i les imatges. Evidència d'això són els nombrosos invents que es van crear durant aquests anys, i que actualment es consideren els precursors del cinema, com ho van ser el Kinetòfon, el Vitascopi o el Cinematògraf. La majoria d'aquestes novetats tecnològiques eren presentades en exhibicions que generaven una gran expectativa, i atreien públic de totes les classes socials, que abarrotava les sales, teatres o hotels en els que es duien a terme. Així, el present treball realitza una revisió hemerogràfica de les publicacions sorgides en els diaris i revistes de l'Espanya del canvi de segle, per portar a terme un estudi de la recepció social que van tenir els primers equips cinematogràfics al país, que permeti, al mateix temps, entendre les funcions que complia la música en relació a la imatge en aquests invents, així com els procediments de sonorització dels primers equips cinematogràfics.Durante la última década del siglo XIX, inventores y creadores como Thomas A. Edison o los hermanos Lumière trabajaban arduamente con el fin de fijar y reproducir el sonido y las imágenes. Evidencia de ello son los numerosos inventos que se crearon durante esos años, y que actualmente se consideran los precursores del cine, como lo fueron el Kinetófono, el Vitascopio o el Cinematógrafo. La mayoría de estas novedades tecnológicas eran presentadas en exhibiciones que generaban una gran expectativa, y atraían a público de todas las clases sociales, que abarrotaba las salas, teatros u hoteles en las que se llevaban a cabo. Así, el presente trabajo realiza una revisión hemerográfica de las publicaciones surgidas en los periódicos y revistas de la España del cambio de siglo, para llevar a cabo un estudio de la recepción social que tuvieron los primeros equipos cinematográ-ficos en el país, que permita, asimismo, entender las funciones que cumplía la música en relación con la imagen en estos eventos, así como los procedimientos de sonorización de los primeros equipos cinematográficos.During the final decade of the 19th century, inventors such as Thomas A. Edison and the Lumière brothers worked assiduously to find a way to preserve and reproduce sound and images. The numerous inventions conceived in this period such as the Kinetophone, the Vitascope and the Cinematograph are testament to this and are nowadays considered the forerunners of cinema. Most of these new technologies were presented at public screenings which generated a high level of interest. They attracted people from all social classes, who packed out the halls, theatres and hotels where they were held. This paper presents a review of the newspaper and magazine articles published in Spain at the turn of the century in order to study the social reception of the first film equip-ment in the country, as well as to understand the role of music in relation to the images at these events and how the first film systems dealt with sound

    A software service supporting software quality forecasting

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    Software repositories such as source control, defect tracking systems and project management tools, are used to support the progress of software projects. The exploitation of such data with techniques like forecasting is becoming an increasing need in several domains to support decision-making processes. However, although there exist several statistical tools and languages supporting forecasting, there is a lack of friendly approaches that enable practitioners to exploit the advantages of creating and using such models in their dashboard tools. Therefore, we have developed a modular and flexible forecasting service allowing the interconnection with different kinds of databases/data repositories for creating and exploiting forecasting models based on methods like ARIMA or ETS. The service is open source software, has been developed in Java and R and exposes its functionalities through a REST API. Architecture details are provided, along with functionalities’ description and an example of its use for software quality forecasting.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Key facilitators to continuous improvement: a Spanish insight

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyse the nature of the facilitators of continuous improvement (CI), proposing a classification of them and identifying the different profiles of companies based on them. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve this objective, first, a literature review was done in order to identify the main facilitators; second, some of them were included in a survey based on experts' opinions; third, a survey was conducted amongst people responsible for implementing CI; and finally factorial and cluster analysis were applied. Findings: Based on the results, three main factors were identified: "cultural facilitators", "tactical facilitators" and "human resources involvement facilitators". Additionally, five clusters were defined. Practical implications: As many companies still struggle when implementing CI, the results of this study can help all them to focus on the most important aspects in order to guarantee the sustainability of the CI system. Originality/value: From a theoretical point of view, this work contributes to the CI field by analysing the nature of the main facilitators companies can find when implementing these initiatives. Thus, not only does this study provide a hierarchy of the most important facilitators, but also classifies them. As far as authors are concerned, this is the first attempt to categorise CI facilitators

    HiME: Hierarchical i* Modeling Editor

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    In this paper, we present HiME, a tool for editing i* models. The distinguishing characteristic of HiME is its ability to deal with inheritance. It includes specific operations for declaring an actor as heir of another and then stating the relationships between the intentional elements of both actors.Peer ReviewedPostprint (updated version

    Algebraic definition of iStar2.0 models

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    iStar2.0 was delivered in 2016 with the intention of becoming a standard de facto for the i* community. It includes a lightweight definition of the language adorned with a metamodel (in the form of a UML class diagram) that is useful for most purposes. However, in some contexts, a more precise algebraic definition including a notion of satisfaction is needed. This paper presents such elements. First, an algebraic definition of iStar2.0. Then, some auxiliary operations. Last, the notion of satisfaction over i* models using first order logic. Satisfaction is still defined mainly in a syntactic form, relying upon the satisfaction of the individual intentional elements comprising the model.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Continuous improvement enablers: Defining a new construct

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    ABSTRACT: Purpose: Continuous improvement is a means of promoting and working through business excellence. However, due to the complexity of the implementation process, many companies fail. Some authors consider that this partly due to the lack of studies which develop and validate theoretical constructs in order to push theory in the CI field. Therefore, this study aims at identifying and better understanding the factors that could act as enablers when implementing a CI initiative by designing and analyzing a new theoretical construct. Design/methodology/approach: After conducting a rigorous literature review and consulting a group of experts, Rasch Measurement Theory was used in order to validate the construct and rank the enablers. Findings: After validating the construct, a hierarchy of priority was obtained, being the following enablers the most important ones: establishing clear objectives, training, recognizing the achievements and learning from the CI process itself and motivation. Practical implications: Identifying the key enablers could help those companies that are about to start with the implementation process. Additionally obtaining a general classification could help managers to make good decisions and handle these enablers, fostering the most important one. Originality/value: This paper provides additional evidence regarding the main enablers that an organization that decides to implement CI can foster. Additionally, as far as authors are concerned, this is the first paper that defines a theoretical construct concerning continuous improvement enablers. Going one-step further, this paper obtains a hierarchy of priority, identifying the main enablers according to managers' opinions

    Specialization in the iStar2.0 language

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    iStar2.0 has been proposed as a standard language for building goal- and agent-oriented models. It is an evolution of the former i* language, with the purpose of homogenising existing syntactical and semantic variations of basic i* constructs that researchers in the field introduced along the years. In its first version (2016), iStar2.0 was intentionally kept simple, and some constructs were merely introduced but not formally defined. One of them is the notion of specialization. The specialization relationship is offered by iStar2.0 through the is-a construct defined over actors (subactor x is-a superactor y). Although the overall meaning of this construct is highly intuitive, its semantics when it comes to the fine-grained level of the models is not defined in the standard. In this paper we provide a formal definition of the specialization relationship ready to be incorporated into a next release of the iStar2.0 standard language. We root our proposal over existing work on conceptual modeling in general, and object-orientation in particular. Also, we use the results of a survey that provides some hints about what definition do iStar2.0 modelers expect from specialization. As a consequence of this twofold analysis, we identify, define and specify a set of specialization operations that can be applied over iStar2.0 models. Correctness conditions for them are also formally stated. The result of our work is a formal proposal of specialization for iStar2.0 that allows its use in a well-defined manner and contributes to its standardization.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The eco-social transition in generalist television channels in Spain: Presence and Themes

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    La transición ecosocial es la transformación de las sociedades hacia modos de vida armónicos con la naturaleza, especialmente en el contexto actual de crisis ecosistémica. Resultan fundamentales en este proceso las dinámicas y rutinas mediáticas relacionadas con la configuración de la agenda setting, avaladas por las teorías del framing y el priming, pudiendo los medios convertirse en un referente inspirador para la sociedad, o por el contrario actuar de parapeto, tal y como asumimos en este artículo. Esta investigación analiza la presencia de temáticas de transición ecosocial en las programaciones y los principales informativos de las cadenas generalistas de televisión con cobertura estatal en España: TVE1, La2, Antena3, Cuatro, Telecinco y LaSexta. El diseño metodológico se basa, por un lado, en el análisis cuantitativo de las parrillas de programación durante cuatro semanas. Por otro lado, se han analizado los informativos de las cadenas citadas, cuantificando aquellas noticias relacionadas con temáticas que puedan favorecer la transición ecosocial, ya sea por poner el enfoque en problemáticas ecosistémicas o por presentar alternativas de la economía circular, entre otros mecanismos. Los resultados muestran que solamente las cadenas públicas difunden programas de tipo ecológico, y en ningún caso esta programación supera el 2% del total de sus parrillas. En relación con la presencia en los informativos de cobertura nacional, no alcanza el 4% de sus contenidos. Esta ínfima incidencia indica que aún queda mucho por hacer. Investigación derivada de la aplicación de Irscom (Indicador de Rentabilidad Social en Comunicación, LabCOMandalucía, Universidad de Málaga) a cadenas de televisión.The Eco-social transition is the transformation of societies towards ways of life in harmony with nature, especially within the context of the current ecosystem crisis. The dynamics and media routines related to the configuration of the agenda setting are fundamental to this process, supported by the theories of framing and priming. In this sense, the media might become an inspiring reference for society or, on the contrary, simply act as a parapet, as we indeed assume in this article. This study analyses the presence of eco-social transition themes in the programming and main news programmes of the general television channels with state coverage in Spain: TVE1, La2, Antena3, Cuatro, Telecinco and LaSexta. The methodological design is based, on the one hand, on the quantitative analysis of the programming schedules for four weeks. On the other hand, the news programmes of the aforementioned channels were analysed, quantifying those pieces of news related to topics that might favour the eco-social transition, either by focusing on ecosystem problems or by presenting circular economy alternatives, among other mechanisms. The results show that only the public channels broadcast ecological programmes, and nowhere does this programming exceed 2% of the total of their programming. In relation to the presence of these topics in the news with national coverage, it does not attain 4% of its content. This minimal incidence indicates that much remains to be done. Research derived from the application of Irscom (Indicator of Social Profitability in Communication, LabCOMandalucía, University of Malaga) to television channels.Investigación enmarcada en la aplicación del IRSCOM (Indicador de Rentabilidad Social en Comunicación, LabCOMandalucía, Universidad de Málaga) a cadenas de televisión: Proyecto UMA18-FEDERJA-187)