1,487 research outputs found

    Entretenimiento y fe en las ondas. Las emisiones religiosas de Radio Nacional de España durante el primer franquismo (1939-1959)

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    Este artículo es parte de la investigación iniciada por el autor en el marco del proyecto “Historia del entretenimiento en España durante el franquismo: cultura, consumo y contenidos audiovisuales (cine, radio y televisión)1”. Uno de los aspectos sobre los que se reflexiona es la importante influencia de la iglesia en la vida socio-política del régimen y cómo influyó en las emisiones radiofónicas de la época, especialmente en las de Radio Nacional de España; una presencia que sufrió diferentes alzas y bajas a lo largo de toda la dictadura en sus diferentes etapas. A partir de este presupuesto se aborda el tipo de mensaje y su influencia dentro de las propias emisiones religiosas y las formulas empleadas desde la emisora estatal para lograr el éxito de estas emisiones.This article is part of the results obtained by the author within the framework of the project “History of the entertainment in Spain during the Francoism: audio-visual culture, consumption and contents (cinema, radio and television)”. One of the aspects on which it is reflected is the important influence of the church in the sociopolitical life of the regime and how it influenced in the wireless emissions of the time, especially in those of Radio Nacional de España; a presence that underwent different rises and losses throughout all the dictatorship in its different stages. From this budget the type of message is approached and its influence within the own religious emissions and the ways from Radio Nacional to achieve the success of these emissions

    Videojuegos: El desafío de un nuevo medio a la Comunicación Social

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    The Academia field of computer game research is one of the most promising interdisciplinary areas of research for mass communication researchers. The phenomenon didn’t get attention from academic fields until 20 years ago and, however, need, from social communication point of view, an important theorical effort

    Al oído de las mujeres españolas. Las emisiones femeninas de Radio Nacional de España durante el primer franquismo (1937-1959)

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    This paper presents what was the prototype of women who tried to build the franquism during the first twenty years of regime, through radio waves. It focuses specifically on state´s main broadcaster´s emissions: Radio Nacional de España. To investigate topics, clichés and prejudices regarding the most common addresses the types of messages and their hypothetical influence within the hypothetical emissions targeted at women and the formulas used, from the state´s broadcaster, to achieve its success.El presente artículo muestra el prototipo de mujer que trató de construir el Estado franquista durante los primeros veinte años de régimen, a través de las ondas de la radio. Se centra específicamente en las emisiones del principal organo de radiodifusión estatal: Radio Nacional de España. Para investigar los tópicos y prejuicios más extendidos al respecto se abordan los tipos de mensajes, su hipotética influencia dentro de las propias emisiones dirigidas a mujeres y las formulas empleadas, desde la emisora estatal, para lograr su éxito

    From Yoke to the Cross. Radio Nacional de España: A Radio in Transition (1945-1951)

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    Este artículo plantea un análisis de Radio Nacional de España como medio oficial del franquismo en un periodo histórico determinado: los años de cambio en la dirección entre una Falange con posiciones cercanas a la órbita de los países del eje y su paso a posiciones menos beligerantes a medida que la suerte de la II Guerra Mundial cambiaba de dirección. En ese proceso, Radio Nacional de España fue un testigo sonoro de excepción y en este trabajo se analizan el proceso de construcción de la radiodifusión estatal desde una perspectiva institucional, los cambios sufridos como institución y algunos hitos de su programación dentro de un contexto histórico específico.This paper offers an analysis about Radio Nacional de España like official médium of the francoism in a specific historical period: the years of change in the direction by Falange with positions near the orbit of the countries of the axis and their passage enters less belligerent positions as the luck of II the World war changed. In that process, National Radio of Spain was a witness of exception and -in this paper- we analyze the process of construction of the state broadcasting from an institutional perspective, Radio nacional changes and its broadcasts in a specific historical context

    New Frontiers for Political Communication in Times of Spectacularization

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    Political spectacularization is a broad global phenomenon challenging contemporary digital political communication under new features that define interactive digital narratives. In this sense, the use of politainment formulas in digital contexts to reconnect the electorate with political leaders and institutions through a more direct and interactive communication deserves further understanding of its implications on the devaluation of political information and the loss of democratic quality. This thematic issue sheds some light on how the spectacularization of political communication, which increasingly takes place in online contexts, affects and is affected by these processes, where entertainment is crucial to engage citizens. In this editorial, we provide a short overview of how research on politainment has started to shift its attention away from traditional media toward the wide array of lenses of politainment among digital platforms. The articles in this thematic issue reflect this shift but also show its consequences in terms of political engagement. Finally, we outline further research steps, which should establish a more nuanced and multifaceted understanding of the complex relationship between political communication, entertainment, and new digital communication formulas, which is crucial to advance knowledge in the field

    Games as Political Actors in Digital Journalism

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    The goal of this study is to explore the role of digital games as political actors in digital journalism. The development of digital games designed to frame journalistic messages led to the emergence of newsgames. This trend impacts online mass media outlets’ performance as political actors in democratic polities. In this article, we explore the current relationship between political communication and newsgames by answering the following research question: How do online mass media outlets use newsgames to report, interpret, and critically analyze democratic polities? In this study, an inductive grounded theory approach was used to analyze 29 political newsgames published in 25 mass-media digital outlets across 11 different countries. The findings reveal that mass media outlets employ political newsgames to perform four distinct functions when covering political events: analytical reportage, commentary, critical scrutiny, and representation

    Videojuegos: El desafío de un nuevo medio a la Comunicación Social

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    The Academia field of computer game research is one of the most promising interdisciplinary areas of research for mass communication researchers. The phenomenon didn’t get attention from academic fields until 20 years ago and, however, need, from social communication point of view, an important theorical effort

    Videogames: The challenge of a new media to the social communication

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    Producción CientíficaEl estudio académico de los videojuegos es una de las áreas más prometedoras para los investigadores de la comunicación social. Un fenómeno que no recibió atención académica hasta hace 20 años, y que, todavía, requiere un importante esfuerzo teórico desde el ámbito de la historia de la comunicación social.The Academia field of computer game research is one of the most promising interdisciplinary areas of research for mass communication researchers. The phenomenon didn´t get attention from academic fields until 20 years ago and, however, need, from social communication point of view, an important theorical effort

    Adoctrinando el futuro: las emisiones infantiles y juveniles de Radio Nacional de España durante el primer franquismo

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    Artikulu honetan eskaintzen zaizkigu Gerra Zibilean eta Lehen Frankismoan zehar haurrei eta gazteei zuzendutako emanaldietan Radio Nacional de España delakoak jarraitutako jardun- gidak. Programazio horren azterketan agertzen dira agintarien helburuak, horiek egiteko irrati-erakunde estatalak gainditu behar izan zituen arazoak, eta -seinalatzen dira- horien ustezko eragina.; This article offers -from different types of sources- the guidelines Radio Nacional de España followed in its emissions to a children and youth audience during the Spanish Civil War and the First Franquism. This research provides goals of their leaders, the problems they had to state to carry out the broadcasts, and -will be pointed- the possible influence of these emissions.; Este artículo ofrece a partir de diferentes tipos de documentación- las guías de actuación que siguió Radio Nacional de España en sus emisiones dirigidas a un público infantil y juvenil durante la Guerra Civil y el Primer Franquismo. En el análisis de esta programación se advierten los propósitos de sus dirigentes, los problemas a los que el ente estatal de radio tuvo que hacer frente para llevarlas a cabo, y -se apunta- la posible influencia de estas emisiones