112 research outputs found

    La Puerta del Olivar de Atocha en el Parque del Retiro

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    Se identifica la hasta ahora desconocida procedencia de una puerta de cantería situada actualmente en el Parque del Retiro de Madrid, evidenciando que se trata de la puerta que comunicaba el parque con el Olivar de Atocha. Se fija su probable construcción en 1824, proponiendo su atribución al arquitecto Isidro Velázquez. Igualmente se acota su primer traslado y segunda posición hacia 1884, refiriendo a su vez su segundo traslado en 1958, hasta alcanzar su actual y tercera posición en el entorno del parque

    Estudio e integración de tecnologías para la asistencia de personas con diversidad funcional intelectual en actividades de la vida diaria

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de lectura: mayo de 2015Hoy en día nos encontramos nuevas tecnologías en casi todas las actividades que realizamos, tanto en el mundo laboral (como son los ordenadores), como en el tiempo de ocio (salas de proyección digitales en tres dimensiones, videoconsolas, lectores de libros electrónicos, etc.). Además, y casi sin darnos cuenta, nos hemos acostumbrado a llevar una cierta capacidad de cómputo y comunicación encima: el teléfono móvil inteligente o smartphone. En los últimos años, la cantidad de tareas que pueden realizar estos terminales ha aumentado considerablemente gracias a las mejoras producidas en su hardware y en su software. Este tipo de terminales se han convertido en algo más que dispositivos con los que poder realizar llamadas. Ahora nos permiten acceder a Internet por banda ancha, revisar el correo electrónico y las redes sociales, disfrutar de contenido multimedia y realizar otras tareas que antes sólo se podían hacer en un ordenador. Además, todas estas acciones se pueden llevar a cabo de forma ubicua, sin importar dónde nos encontremos, gracias a la movilidad que ofrecen estos dispositivos. Dentro de estas nuevas actividades, además de las orientadas a la productividad o el ocio digital, en los últimos años ha surgido interés en la aplicación de este tipo de tecnologías para la ayuda de personas con algún tipo de necesidad especial. Este tipo de desarrollos, tanto centrados en smartphones como en otro tipo de dispositivos, se suelen etiquetar como “Assistive Technologies" (Tecnologías para la asistencia). Actualmente, resultan un tema de alto interés científico, no sólo por los resultados teóricos o desarrollos técnicos a los que se pueda llegar, sino por su alto impacto en la sociedad. Así , gracias a la investigación en estas áreas, algunas personas con diversidad funcional pueden llevar una vida m as autónoma e independiente e, incluso, acceder a oportunidades a las que antes no podrán como, por ejemplo, un empleo. Esta tesis se centra en la investigación de este tipo de tecnología, enfoc ándose en el uso de smartphones como herramientas para la asistencia en tareas de la vida diaria de personas con diversidad funcional intelectual. En concreto, se propone el sistema AssisT pronunciado como “asiste". Esta propuesta surge ante la falta de sistemas de asistencia integral, es decir, que ofrezcan el soporte que necesita el usuario en las diferentes tareas que ha de realizar a lo largo del día. Además, el sistema se ha diseñado para adaptarse a las necesidades de la persona, la actividad que vaya a realizar y el contexto del usuario. Para ello, AssisT cuenta con tres módulos: “AssisTTask", “AssisT-Out" y “AssisT-In", que ofrecen asistencia en la realización de tareas instrumentales, desplazamientos en entornos exteriores y desplazamientos en entornos interiores, respectivamente. Para el diseño, desarrollo y evaluaci ón de cada uno de los módulos se ha seguido un proceso centrado en el usuario, en el que se ha contado con la participación activa de expertos en el cuidado y educación de personas con diversidad funcional intelectual. Durante las evaluaciones de los diferentes módulos, se han realizado un total 206 sesiones de prueba en las que han participado 45 usuarios con diversidad funcional intelectual de diferente índole y severidad. Los resultados de las evaluaciones han sido muy satisfactorios, validando las diferentes soluciones tomadas, planteando al sistema AssisT como una opción viable y funcional de sistema para la asistencia integral y ofreciendo propuestas de diseño y mejora para nuevas aplicaciones de este tipo.New technologies are present in almost all activities of our lives, either in the work place (e.g. computers) or our leisure time (3D digital movie theatres, ebooks or videogames). Besides, we are unconsciously carrying a signi cant amount of computing and communication capabilities with us: our smartphones. In the last years, thanks to the improvements in their hardware and software, the number and variability of tasks that can be performed with these devices is growing up to a level beyond phone calls and short-text messaging. Current devices allow us to access the Internet through wideband connections, checking the email or social networks, playing multimedia content and many other tasks that used to be restricted to computers. Moreover, all of these actions can be carried out ubiquitously, regardless our location, thanks to the mobility they o er. Apart from productivity or digital leisure activities, in the last years the interest on the application of these technologies to help people with special needs has increased. These developments, either focused on smartphones or any other device, are commonly tagged as \Assistive Technologies". The interest of the scienti c community relies on the theoretical results and technical developments, but also on the high impact that these works may cause on the society. Thus, thanks in part to the research done in this area, people with disabilities are able to live more independent and autonomously. And even, access to new opportunities, such as getting a job. This thesis is focused on the application of smartphones as assistive devices to help people with cognitive disabilities in their daily life activities. Particularly, it presents the \AssisT " project. This approach arises to address the need of integrated assistive systems, this is, systems of support that cover all the users' activities during the day. Besides, it has been designed to adapt to users' needs, the activity and their context. To do that, the system is composed of three modules: \AssisT-Task", \AssisT-Out" and \AssisT-In", which provide assistance on instrumental activities, navigation outdoors and navigation indoors, respectively. The evaluation and development processes have followed a user centred design. To do that, experts from education and care of people with cognitive disabilities have participated actively. During the evaluation of the different modules a total of 206 sessions have taken place, in which 45 users with cognitive disabilities have participated. The results extracted form the evaluation processes have been very positive. Therefore, the di erent solutions and approaches have been valid- ated. Thus, \AssisT" can be considered as a feasible and functional integrated assistive system, setting the design bases and improvements for future developments

    Supporting self-evaluation for children with mental disabilities through Augmented Reality

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    Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, Boise© Association for Computing Machinery 2019. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in {SourcePublication}, https://doi.org/10.1145/3311927.3325307Self-evaluation is the ability to assess one's work, and is a key element in the psycho-pedagogical development of children with special needs in their path towards autonomy and self-determination. Acquiring this skill requires explicit training and materials, and it is often cumbersome and time-consuming. In this paper we present a study to ascertain to what extent systems based on Augmented Reality (AR) are a suitable and less expensive alternative to help children with cognitive disabilities to train self-evaluation skills in special education schools. For this purpose, we have developed tablet application (BART) that offers assistance to children with special needs to self-evaluate basic arithmetic operations. The system was designed through the involvement of 2 educators, 2 experts on psycho-pedagogy, and 2 software designers. The contribution of this paper is the description of BART, an innovative system for children with special needs and a concrete plan for an empirical study that is to be carried out on a short-term basis. Here we describe the methodology that is to be applied to the proposed study and outline the main expectations about the results and their implications in the issue of self-evaluation skills acquisition for children in special education

    Overcoming barriers to an accessible e-learning ecosystem for people on the autism spectrum: A preliminary design

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    Proceedings of International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, AthensAlong the COVID-19 pandemic, people with autism spectrum disorders faced additional disadvantages and challenges for continuing with their learning and support therapies remotely.We have carried out research in several phases since the first wave of the pandemic, to obtain the global picture of the benefits and issues that come with online education and assistance for individuals on the spectrum. Based on our findings, we present in this poster a preliminary inclusive design that address accessibility barriers for people with autism when facing remote learning, so they can have a continuous and independent development of their learning process.This research is supported by the Project Indigo! (Ministry of Science and Innovation with reference number PID2019- 105951RB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039 / 501100011033) and by the Madrid Regional Government through the e-Madrid-CM Project under Grant S2018/TCS-4307, co-funded by the European Structural Funds (FSE and FEDER)

    Orchestrating special education during the COVID-19 lockdown. A mapping study of the technologies and challenges

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    © 2022 IEEE.  Personal use of this material is permitted.  Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The COVID-19 lockdown entailed changes at all levels. Particularly, closing schools and moving to online education from one day to another revealed limitations in the education system and difficulties to approach remote learning and assistance, particularly, in the case of special education needs. In order to collect how special education was orchestrated along the pandemic, what technologies were involved and the impact they had, we run a survey in which a total of 295 teachers, specialists and relatives of people with autism spectrum conditions participated. This paper contributes analyzing the orchestration of remote special education and provide applicable solutions to build a learning platform adapted to people with special needs, which covers the challenges encountered. In addition, a mapping of technologies is provided that can serve as an ICT selection criteria and benefit people on the spectrum.The authors acknowledge the eMadrid Network (e-Madrid- CM project), which is funded by the Madrid Regional Government (Comunidad de Madrid) with grant No. S2018/TCS- 4307, a project which is co-funded by the European Structural Funds (FSE and FEDER). This work also received partial support from the Project Indigo! (Ministry of Science and Innovation with reference number PID2019-105951RB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039 / 501100011033). This publication reflects the views only of the authors and founders cannot be made responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Towards more supportive ICT for children with autism spectrum disorders:lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic

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    COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted daily routines, causing isolation and quarantine. Technologyhas emerged as a crucial tool for sustaining essential activities, but children with autismspectrum disorders have faced distinct challenges due to their intricate interaction with it. Weemployed an online survey to analyse the impact of technology use in online learning, remoteassistance and daily life of children with autism along COVID-19, and we have identifiedbenefits and challenges with assistive technology exposed by the pandemic. Findings aredivided in (1) seven themes where COVID-19 impacted this population the most and theirrelationship with technology (remote communication, learning, emotional management,entertainment management, executive functions, activities of daily living, and physical activityand motor skills), and (2) a mapping of technological categories that define the working areasspecifically aimed to cover the special needs of children with autism whenever face-to-faceinteractions are not possible (attention, authoring tools, calculation, e-learning, emotions,entertainment, experience of self, language and communication, memory, planning and timemanagement, social networking, and social skills). These results help provide a more well-rounded knowledge of how to improve technology to make it accessible to autistic children, tohandle and avoid services interruption in similar scenarios.This work was co-funded by the Project Indigo! (Ministry ofScience and Innovation with reference number PID2019-105951RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by theMadrid Regional Government through the e-Madrid-CMProject under Grant S2018/TCS-4307, co-funded by the Euro-pean Structural Funds (FSE and FEDER).BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY1

    Long-Term Operational Data Analysis of an In-Service Wind Turbine DFIG

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    (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.[EN] While wind turbine (WT) power capacities continue to increase and new offshore developments are being deployed, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs continue to rise, becoming the center of attention in the wind energy sector. The electric generator is among the top three contributors to failure rates and downtime of WTs, where the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is the dominant technology among variable speed WTs. Thus, the early detection of generator faults, which can be achieved through predictive maintenance, is vital in order to reduce O&M costs. The goal of this paper is to analyze a long-term monitoring campaign of an in-service WT equipped with a DFIG. A novel method named the harmonic order tracking analysis is used with two main objectives: first, to facilitate the data interpretation for non-trained maintenance personnel, and second, to reduce the amount of data that must be stored and transferred for the diagnosis of the DFIG. This method is applied and validated for the first time on an operating WT.This work was supported in part by the Agreement signed between the UCLM and the Council of Albacete to promote research in the Campus of Albacete, and in part by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant (AWESOME Project) under Grant 642108. The authors would like to thank Ingeteam Power Technology S.A. UP Service, part of the AWESOME Project Consortium providing the wind turbine data.Artigao, E.; Sapena-Bano, A.; Honrubia-Escribano, A.; Martinez-Roman, J.; Puche-Panadero, R.; Gómez-Lázaro, E. (2019). Long-Term Operational Data Analysis of an In-Service Wind Turbine DFIG. IEEE Access. 7:17896-17906. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2895999S1789617906

    Developing Software for Motivating Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities to do Outdoor Physical Activity

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    Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society, Seoul, Republic of KoreaPeople with intellectual disabilities (IDs) often have a sedentary lifestyle that can lead to long-term issues like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and depression. Few games and apps promoting physical activity for people with IDs exist, and they do not have a focus on the motivational aspect. This paper aims to find how to develop software that can motivate people with IDs to do physical activity outdoors. For this purpose, we have followed a design and creation research strategy using several qualitative methods such as semi-structured interviews with health care workers, special education experts and software engineers; a focus group with occupational therapists, physical therapists and software engineers; and a preliminary pilot user test with 3 users and 2 caregivers aiming to a test of the software on the field and at the refinement of its specifications. Having social interaction during the physical activity turned out to be a major motivational aspect of the system, whereas rewards systems did not attract much of the users' attention. Regarding the adapted navigational assistance, easy-to-read text, visual communication and street-level pictures were the key features to achieve successful and understandable guidance outdoors for people with intellectual disabilities