98 research outputs found

    Diseño, desarrollo y prototipo de un dispositivo de medición de CO2 para espacios interiores.

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    El proyecto consiste en el diseño, desarrollo y prototipo de un medidor de CO2, orientado a estos objetivos: - Facilitar la gestión del riesgo de contagio en espacios interiores - Diseñar, desarrollar y fabricar el prototipo de un medidor de CO2 - Realizar el diseño del circuito eléctrico y programación electrónica para el prototipo. - Realizar el desarrollo del producto hasta dar lugar a prototipo formal y funcional. - Ha de ser optimizado reduciendo su coste en la medida de lo posible.<br /

    Activation mechanisms of invariant natural killer T cells (iNKTs)

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    RESUMEN: Aunque se ha logrado un conocimiento amplio acerca de las células T asesinas naturales (iNKT), aún no existe consenso sobre sus mecanismos de activación. Dichas células reconocen diferentes antígenos glicolipídicos presentados por medio de la molécula CD1d, los cuales pueden ser endógenos, exógenos derivados de organismos como bacterias y sintéticos desarrollados para aplicaciones clínicas. Existe mucho interés en entender cómo estas distintas variantes glicolipídicas inducen diferentes tipos de polarización, pero ha sido muy difícil llegar a un consenso, debido a que la respuesta depende de varios factores como la naturaleza, la internalización y el procesamiento de los glicolípidos. Además, la activación de las células iNKT la determinan el tipo y estado de activación de la célula presentadora de antígeno, las moléculas coestimuladoras, los mecanismos de transactivación y la localización de los complejos CD1d-glicolípido en distintas microrregiones de la membrana plasmática, como las balsas lipídicas. Esta revisión explora la evidencia sobre los factores que afectan la activación de las células iNKT con el fin de entender su potencial inmunomodulador.ABSTRACT: A great amount of knowledge on natural killer T cells (iNKTs) is now available, but a consensus about their activation mechanisms has not been reached. These cells recognize different glycolipid antigens through the CD1d molecule. Such antigens may be endogenous, derived from bacteria (foreign) and synthetic, the latter have been developed for clinical applications. There exists much interest in understanding how these different glycolipid compounds induce different types of polarization, but it has been difficult to reach a consensus due to the fact that responses depend on different factors such as: the nature of the molecule, the internalization process and the presentation of the glycolipids. Moreover, activation of iNKT cells is determined by the type and state of the antigen presenting cell, the co-stimulatory molecules, the transactivation mechanisms and the location of the glycolipid-CD1d complexes on the plasma membrane, such as the lipid rafts. This review explores the evidence about the factors that affect activation of iNKT cells in order to understand their immune-modulatory potential


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    Introduction: The light field microscope is a technique accessible tomajority of biological laboratories, as well as their adaptation to fluorescence. Due to a decrease in depth of field, several focalization planes arepresent in which it can be confirmed that the sample has an appreciable volume. Materials and methods: Using the light field microscope,with fluorescent substances that preserve the natural characteristics of thespecimen, make it possible to focus the sample in different parts of thespecimen at a measurable distance given by the fine focus (0.1 mm per rotation). Results and discussion: Points that are focused are related to thedisplacement of the object (or the objective), acquiring focused and spatially localized planes, generating high contrast surfaces. Conclusions:The dimensions of the sample are recognized; combining it with the optimization, obtains qualitative data of the same and the improvement in theimages obtained by the microscopy of clear field.Introducción: El microscopio de campo claro es una técnica accesible a la mayoría de laboratorios biológicos, así como su adaptación a la fluorescencia. Debido a una disminución en la profundidad de campo, se encuentran presentes varios planos de focalizaciónen los cuales se puede confirmar que la muestra posee un volumenapreciable. Materiales y métodos: Haciendo uso del microscopio decampo claro, junto a sustancias fluorescentes que preservan las características naturales del espécimen, se hace posible focalizar la muestraen diferentes partes de la misma, a una distancia medible dada por elenfoque fino (0.1 mm por rotación). Resultados y discusión: Los puntos que son enfocados se relacionan con el desplazamiento del objeto(o del objetivo), adquiriendo planos focalizados y localizados espacialmente, generando superficies de alto contraste. Conclusiones: Sereconocen las dimensiones de la muestra; combinándolo con la optimización, se obtienen datos cualitativos de la misma y el mejoramientoen las imágenes obtenidas por la microscopia de campo claro

    Assessing an integral treatment for landfill leachate reverse osmosis concentrate

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    Producción CientíficaAn integral treatment process for landfill leachate reverse osmosis concentrate (LLROC) is herein designed and assessed aiming to reduce organic matter content and conductivity, as well as to increase its biodegradability. The process consists of three steps. The first one is a coagulation/flocculation treatment, which best results were obtained using a dosage of 5 g L−1 of ferric chloride at an initial pH = 6 (removal of the 76% chemical oxygen demand (COD), 57% specific ultraviolet absorption (SUVA), and 92% color). The second step is a photo-Fenton process, which resulted in an enhanced biodegradability (i.e., the ratio between the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and the COD increased from 0.06 to 0.4), and an extra 43% of the COD was removed at the best trialed reaction conditions of [H2O2]/COD = 1.06, pH = 4 and [H2O2]/[Fe]mol = 45. An ultra violet-A light emitting diode (UVA-LED) lamp was tested and compared to conventional high-pressure mercury vapor lamps, achieving a 16% power consumption reduction. Finally, an optimized 30 g L−1 lime treatment was implemented, which reduced conductivity by a 43%, and the contents of sulfate, total nitrogen, chloride, and metals by 90%. Overall, the integral treatment of LLROC achieved the removal of 99.9% color, 90% COD, 90% sulfate, 90% nitrogen, 86% Al, 77% Zn, 84% Mn, 99% Mg, and 98% Si; and significantly increased biodegradability up to BOD5/COD = 0.4.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Proyecto CTM2016-77948-R)Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid - (Proyecto (S2018/EMT-4459

    Characterization of volcanic materials using shallow geophysical techniques: 1. Electrical resistivity imaging

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    Volcanic deposits and structures are characterized by a high variability in both geometry and physical properties. These changes are common not only in a vertical direction but in the horizontal one too. As a result, the geophysical study of this kind of materials has to be performed using a technique that combines a good horizontal and vertical resolution. Electrical resistivity imaging has been applied to the study of three profiles in different places of Tenerife island. The examples shown in this work are the location of lava tubes, the determination of the depth to the boundary of different lava flows, and the geometry at depth of a basaltic dyke intruding in pyroclastic deposits. In all the cases, the technique has revealed as a useful tool to determine the geometry and depth of different volcanic materials and therefore, the geophysical characterization of volcanic area