64 research outputs found

    An Architecture forRepresenting Biological Processes based on Networks of Bio-inspired Processors

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    n this paper we propose the use of Networks of Bio-inspired Processors (NBP) to model some biological phenomena within a computational framework. In particular, we propose the use of an extension of NBP named Network Evolutionary Processors Transducers to simulate chemical transformations of substances. Within a biological process, chemical transformations of substances are basic operations in the change of the state of the cell. Previously, it has been proved that NBP are computationally complete, that is, they are able to solve NP complete problems in linear time, using massively parallel computations. In addition, we propose a multilayer architecture that will allow us to design models of biological processes related to cellular communication as well as their implications in the metabolic pathways. Subsequently, these models can be applied not only to biological-cellular instances but, possibly, also to configure instances of interactive processes in many other fields like population interactions, ecological trophic networks, in dustrial ecosystems, etc

    Procjena genotoksičnosti insekticida Lannate-90® i njegovih biljnih i životinjskih metabolita u kulturi ljudskih limfocita

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    This study evaluated direct and metabolic genotoxic effects caused by Lannate-90®, a methomyl-based formulation (90 % active ingredient), in human lymphocyte cultures using sister chromatid exchange assay (SCE). Two processes were used for the plant promutagens evaluation: in vivo activation, applying the insecticide systemically in plants for 4 h and subsequently adding plant metabolites containing extracts to lymphocyte cultures; and in vitro activation, where the insecticide was incubated with Vicia faba S10 mix plus human lymphocyte culture. Direct treatment with the insecticide significantly increased SCE frequency in human lymphocytes (250-750 mg L-1), with cellular death observed at 1000 mg L-1 concentration. Using the extracts of Vicia faba treated with Lannate-90® to treat human lymphocytes, a dose-response relationship was observed. In lymphocyte cultures treated directly with the insecticide for 2 h, a negative response was obtained. When S10 mix was added, SCE frequency did not change significantly. Meanwhile, a mixture of S9 mammalian metabolic mix and Lannate-90® increased the SCE frequency, with an observed concentration-dependent response. Although Lannate-90® induced cellular death at the highest concentrations, it did not cause a delay in cell proliferation in any of the treatments, confirming its genotoxic action. This study is one of the first to evaluate and compare the direct effect of Lannate-90® in two bioassays, animal and vegetal, and the effect of plant and animal metabolism on its genotoxic potential.Korištenjem testa izmjena sestrinskih kromatida (eng. Sister Chromatide Exchange Assay – SCE) u kulturama ljudskih limfocita ispitivani su izravni i metabolički genotoksični učinci insekticida Lannate-90®, formulacije koja se temelji na metomilu (90 % aktivni sastojak). Za procjenu biljnih promutagena provedena su dva postupka: in vivo aktivacija, kod koje se insekticid četiri sata sustavno primjenjivao na biljci, a potom su kulturama limfocita dodani biljni metaboliti s ekstraktom, i aktivacija in vitro, kod koje je insekticid inkubiran mješavinom S10 biljke Vicia faba i kulturom ljudskih limfocita. Izravno tretiranje insekticidom značajno je povećalo učestalost SCE-a u ljudskim limfocitima (250-750 mg L-1), a stanična smrt uočena je pri koncentraciji od 1000 mg L-1. Nakon tretiranja ljudskih limfocita ekstraktima biljke Vicia faba koji su tretirani insekticidom Lannate-90®, primijećen je odnos između doze i učinka. Kod kultura limfocita koje su dva sata bile izravno tretirane insekticidom primijećen je negativan odgovor. Kada je dodana S10 mješavina za metaboličku aktivaciju, učestalost SCE-a nije se značajnije promijenila. Naspram tomu, metabolička mješavina S9 za kultivirane stanice sisavaca i Lannate-90® povećali su učestalost SCE-a, uz zamijećen koncentracijski ovisan odgovor. Premda je Lannate-90® inducirao staničnu smrt pri najvišim koncentracijama, nije uzrokovao zastoj stanične proliferacije ni u jednom postupku, čime se potvrđuje njegovo genotoksično djelovanje. Ovo je ispitivanje među prvima kojim se procjenjivao i uspoređivao izravan učinak insekticida Lannate-90® u dvama biološkim testovima, životinjskom i biljnom, te učinak biljnog i životinjskog metabolizma na njegov genotoksični potencijal

    Genotoxicity of the Neonicotinoid Insecticide Poncho (Clothianidin) on CD1 Mice Based on Alkaline Comet and Micronucleus Assays

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    Poncho is a commercial formulation of neonicotinoid insecticides and a new agrochemical in Mexico, and it has the active ingredient clothianidin. The genotoxic effects of this commercial formulation of clothianidin on CD1 male mice were analyzed using micronucleus and comet alkaline assays. Three concentrations of clothianidin (20, 40, and 80 mg/kg/body weight) as well as negative (deionized water) and positive controls (cyclophosphamide 40 mg/g/body weight) were intraperitoneally injected into groups of mice every 3 days for 21 days. Peripheral blood samples were drawn from the caudal vein and divided to carry out the comet alkaline and micronuclei assays. DNA damage was evaluated using three genotoxicity parameters: the comet frequency, the tail length, and the moment from 100 nuclei. Additionally, the micronuclei frequency was quantified in 2000 peripheral blood erythrocytes using Giemsa stain. The results of the comet assay showed that the neonicotinoid insecticide Poncho leads to a significant increase in these three genotoxic parameters and in micronuclei frequency in the peripheral blood erythrocytes of mice treated with either concentration as compared with negative controls. At 80 mg/kg/body weight of Poncho, higher micronuclei frequencies and many more DNA strand breaks were observed compared with the negative controls. This study demonstrates that the commercial neonicotinoid insecticide Poncho induces genotoxic effects in CD1 male mice

    ¡Aprendamos jugando!: la yincana como recurso didáctico y motivador

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    En esta comunicación presentamos la experiencia llevada a cabo por un grupo de estudiantes internos del Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales de la Universidad de Sevilla que estudian el Grado en Educación Primaria. La experiencia llevada cabo ha sido la organización y puesta en marcha de una yincana con alumnado de 3º del CEIP Olivar de Quinto. El objetivo de la yincana es didáctico tanto para el alumnado de Primaria como para el universitario. Con este tipo de acciones de carácter lúdico, se pretenden trabajar los contenidos de forma integral. Además para los universitarios, es una oportunidad de acercarse a la realidad de un centro escolar, y realizar actividades con un carácter más innovador

    COVID 19 y políticas salariales

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    COVID-19 y políticas salariales: Satisfacción salarial, beneficios sociales e información en tiempo de crisis” es el resultado de los análisis estadísticos realizados por un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de Granada y la empresa Edenred España con el fin de conocer en profundidad cómo ha afectado a la retribución la crisis sanitaria sufrida en los años 2020 y 2021.Edenred España S.A

    The role of an electronic alert system to detect acute kidney injury in hospitalized patients: DETECT-H Project

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    Background and aims: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with higher mortality and length of stay (LOS) for hospitalized patients. To improve outcomes, an electronic detection system could be a useful tool for early diagnosis. Methods: A fully automated real-time system for detecting decreased glomerular filtration rate in adult patients was developed in our hospital, DETECT-H project. AKI was established according to KDIGO guidelines. Results: In six months, 1241 alerts from 11,022 admissions were issued. Overall incidence of AKI was 7.7%. Highest AKI stage reached was: stage 1 (49.8%), 2 (24.5%) and 3 (25.8%), in-hospital mortality was 10.9%, 22.7%, 33.9% respectively and 57.1% in AKI requiring dialysis; mortality in stable CKD was 4.3%. Median LOS was 8 days versus 5 days for all patients. AKI was associated with a mortality of 3.18 (95% CI 1.80–5.59) and a LOS 1.52 (1.11–2.08) times as high as that for admissions without AKI. Multivariate analysis indicated that a LOS higher than 8 days was associated with AKI. Previous CKD was noted in 31.9% and AKI in 45.3% at discharge. As compared to the use of the detect system, only one third of CKD patients and half of AKI episodes were identified. Conclusions: CKD and in-hospital AKI are under-recognized entities. Mortality and LOS are increased in-hospital patients with renal dysfunction. AKI severity was associated with higher mortality and LOS. An automated electronic detection system for identifying renal dysfunction would be a useful tool to improve renal outcomes. Resumen: Introducción y objetivos: El fracaso renal agudo (FRA) aumenta la mortalidad y la estancia hospitalarias (EH). El empleo de sistemas de detección electrónica podría ser una herramienta beneficiosa para mejorar estos resultados. Métodos: Se desarrolló un sistema de detección automático a tiempo real de pacientes ingresados con función renal alterada, denominado proyecto DETECT-H. El FRA se estableció de acuerdo con las guías KDIGO. Resultados: En 6 meses, 1.241 alertas fueron recogidas de 11.022 ingresos. La incidencia global del FRA fue del 7,7%. La distribución en función del estadio máximo del FRA alcanzado fue: estadio 1: 49,8%, estadio 2: 24,5% y estadio 3: 25,8%; con una mortalidad hospitalaria del 10,9, 22,7 y 33,9%, respectivamente. En el caso del FRA con necesidad de diálisis fue del 57,1%. La mortalidad en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) estable fue del 4,3%. La mediana de EH en pacientes detectados fue 8 vs. 5 días para todos los pacientes hospitalizados. El FRA se asoció con una mortalidad 3,18 (1,8-5,59) y una EH 1,52 (1,11-2,08) veces superior que aquellos ingresos sin FRA. El análisis multivariante indicó que el FRA se asociaba con la EH > 8 días.En los informes de alta, la presencia de ERC previa solo fue registrada en el 31,9% de los pacientes con ERC y el FRA hospitalario en el 45,3%. Conclusiones: La ERC y el FRA intrahospitalario son entidades infradiagnosticadas. La mortalidad y la EH están aumentadas en pacientes con disfunción renal. La gravedad del FRA se asoció con mayor mortalidad y EH. Un sistema de detección automático para identificarlos podría ser útil para mejorar estos resultados. Keywords: Acute kidney injury, Automated electronic detection system, Chronic kidney disease, Diagnosis, Health information technology, Mortality, Palabras clave: Fracaso renal agudo, Sistema de detección electrónica automática, Enfermedad renal crónica, Diagnóstico, Tecnología de información de la salud, Mortalida

    Procjena genotoksičnosti insekticida Lannate-90® i njegovih biljnih i životinjskih metabolita u kulturi ljudskih limfocita

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    This study evaluated direct and metabolic genotoxic effects caused by Lannate-90®, a methomyl-based formulation (90 % active ingredient), in human lymphocyte cultures using sister chromatid exchange assay (SCE). Two processes were used for the plant promutagens evaluation: in vivo activation, applying the insecticide systemically in plants for 4 h and subsequently adding plant metabolites containing extracts to lymphocyte cultures; and in vitro activation, where the insecticide was incubated with Vicia faba S10 mix plus human lymphocyte culture. Direct treatment with the insecticide significantly increased SCE frequency in human lymphocytes (250-750 mg L-1), with cellular death observed at 1000 mg L-1 concentration. Using the extracts of Vicia faba treated with Lannate-90® to treat human lymphocytes, a dose-response relationship was observed. In lymphocyte cultures treated directly with the insecticide for 2 h, a negative response was obtained. When S10 mix was added, SCE frequency did not change significantly. Meanwhile, a mixture of S9 mammalian metabolic mix and Lannate-90® increased the SCE frequency, with an observed concentration-dependent response. Although Lannate-90® induced cellular death at the highest concentrations, it did not cause a delay in cell proliferation in any of the treatments, confirming its genotoxic action. This study is one of the first to evaluate and compare the direct effect of Lannate-90® in two bioassays, animal and vegetal, and the effect of plant and animal metabolism on its genotoxic potential.Korištenjem testa izmjena sestrinskih kromatida (eng. Sister Chromatide Exchange Assay – SCE) u kulturama ljudskih limfocita ispitivani su izravni i metabolički genotoksični učinci insekticida Lannate-90®, formulacije koja se temelji na metomilu (90 % aktivni sastojak). Za procjenu biljnih promutagena provedena su dva postupka: in vivo aktivacija, kod koje se insekticid četiri sata sustavno primjenjivao na biljci, a potom su kulturama limfocita dodani biljni metaboliti s ekstraktom, i aktivacija in vitro, kod koje je insekticid inkubiran mješavinom S10 biljke Vicia faba i kulturom ljudskih limfocita. Izravno tretiranje insekticidom značajno je povećalo učestalost SCE-a u ljudskim limfocitima (250-750 mg L-1), a stanična smrt uočena je pri koncentraciji od 1000 mg L-1. Nakon tretiranja ljudskih limfocita ekstraktima biljke Vicia faba koji su tretirani insekticidom Lannate-90®, primijećen je odnos između doze i učinka. Kod kultura limfocita koje su dva sata bile izravno tretirane insekticidom primijećen je negativan odgovor. Kada je dodana S10 mješavina za metaboličku aktivaciju, učestalost SCE-a nije se značajnije promijenila. Naspram tomu, metabolička mješavina S9 za kultivirane stanice sisavaca i Lannate-90® povećali su učestalost SCE-a, uz zamijećen koncentracijski ovisan odgovor. Premda je Lannate-90® inducirao staničnu smrt pri najvišim koncentracijama, nije uzrokovao zastoj stanične proliferacije ni u jednom postupku, čime se potvrđuje njegovo genotoksično djelovanje. Ovo je ispitivanje među prvima kojim se procjenjivao i uspoređivao izravan učinak insekticida Lannate-90® u dvama biološkim testovima, životinjskom i biljnom, te učinak biljnog i životinjskog metabolizma na njegov genotoksični potencijal

    Evaluation of Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Effects in Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Exposed In Vitro to Neonicotinoid Insecticides News

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    Calypso (thiacloprid), Poncho (clothianidin), Gaucho (imidacloprid), and Jade (imidacloprid) are commercial neonicotinoid insecticides, a new class of agrochemicals in México. However, genotoxic and cytotoxic studies have not been performed. In the present study, human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were exposed in vitro to different concentrations of the four insecticides. The genotoxic and cytotoxic effects were evaluated using the alkaline comet and trypan blue dye exclusion assays. DNA damage was evaluated using two genotoxicity parameters: tail length and comet frequency. Exposure to 9.5 × 10−6 to 5.7 × 10−5 M Jade; 2.8 × 10−4 to 1.7 × 10−3 M Gaucho; 0.6 × 10−1 to 1.4 × 10−1 M Calypso; 1.2 × 10−1 to 9.5 × 10−1 M Poncho for 2 h induced a significant increase DNA damage with a concentration-dependent relationship. Jade was the most genotoxic of the four insecticides studied. Cytotoxicity was observed in cells exposed to 18 × 10−3 M Jade, 2.0 × 10−3 M Gaucho, 2.0 × 10−1 M Calypso, 1.07 M Poncho, and cell death occurred at 30 × 10−3 M Jade, 3.3 × 10−3 M Gaucho, 2.8 × 10−1 M Calypso, and 1.42 M Poncho. This study provides the first report of genotoxic and cytotoxic effects in PBL following in vitro exposure to commercial neonicotinoid insecticides

    Role of personal aptitudes as determinants of incident morbidity, lifestyles, quality of life, use of the health services and mortality (DESVELA cohort): qualitative study protocol for a prospective cohort study in a hybrid analysis

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    IntroductionMaintaining or acquiring healthier health-oriented behaviours and promoting physical and mental health amongst the Spanish population is a significant challenge for Primary Health Care. Although the role of personal aptitudes (characteristics of each individual) in influencing health behaviours is not yet clear, these factors, in conjunction with social determinants such as gender and social class, can create axes of social inequity that affect individuals’ opportunities to engage in health-oriented behaviours. Additionally, lack of access to health-related resources and opportunities can further exacerbate the issue for individuals with healthy personal aptitudes. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the relationship between personal aptitudes and health behaviours, as well as their impact on health equity.ObjectivesThis paper outlines the development, design and rationale of a descriptive qualitative study that explores in a novel way the views and experiences on the relationship between personal aptitudes (activation, health literacy and personality traits) and their perception of health, health-oriented behaviours, quality of life and current health status.Method and analysisThis qualitative research is carried out from a phenomenological perspective. Participants will be between 35 and 74 years of age, will be recruited in Primary Health Care Centres throughout Spain from a more extensive study called DESVELA Cohort. Theoretical sampling will be carried out. Data will be collected through video and audio recording of 16 focus groups in total, which are planned to be held in 8 different Autonomous Communities, and finally transcribed for a triangulated thematic analysis supported by the Atlas-ti program.DiscussionWe consider it essential to understand the interaction between health-related behaviours as predictors of lifestyles in the population, so this study will delve into a subset of issues related to personality traits, activation and health literacy.Clinical trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT04386135

    The microRNAs as potential biomarkers for predicting the onset of aflatoxin exposure in human beings: a review

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    The identification of aflatoxins as human carcinogens has stimulated extensive research efforts, which continue to the present, to assess potential health hazards resulting from contamination of the human food supply and to minimize exposure. The use of biomarkers that are mechanistically supported by toxicological studies will be important tools for identifying stages in the progression of development of the health effects of environmental agents. miRNAs are small non-coding mRNAs that regulate post-transcriptional gene expression. Also, they are molecular markers of cellular responses to various chemical agents. Growing evidence has demonstrated that environmental chemicals can induce changes in miRNA expression. miRNAs are good biomarkers because they are well defined, chemically uniform, restricted to a manageable number of species, and stable in cells and in the circulation. miRNAs have been used as serological markers of HCC and other tumors. The expression patterns of different miRNAs can distinguish among HCC-hepatitis viruses related, HCC cirrhosis-derivate, and HCC unrelated to either of them. The main objective of this review is to find unreported miRNAs in HCC related to other causes, so that they can be used as specific molecular biomarkers in populations exposed to aflatoxins and as early markers of exposure, damage/presence of HCC. Until today specific miRNAs as markers for aflatoxins-exposure and their reliability are currently lacking. Based on their elucidated mechanisms of action, potential miRNAs that could serve as possible markers of HCC by exposure to aflatoxins are miR-27a, miR-27b, miR-122, miR-148, miR-155, miR-192, miR-214, miR-221, miR-429, and miR-500. Future validation for all of these miRNAs will be needed to assess their prognostic significance and confirm their relationship with the induction of HCC due to aflatoxin exposure