42 research outputs found


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    This study of the diversity of sea urchins of the Class: Sub-Class Echinodermata, was carried out in three ecosystems on the coast of the Kusapín District in the Ngäbe Buglé Comarca, Bocas del Toro from February to May 2022, registering a total of 223 individuals, belonging to 5 orders, 5 families, 6 genera and 9 species. The richest families were Toxopneustidae with 3 species for 33.3% of the total, where its most abundant species was Tripneustes ventricosus, with 26 individuals for 11.66%, and the Echinometridae family with 2 species for 22.2% of the total population, where Echinometra lucunter reported 38 individuals for 17.04% of the total and Echinometra viridis reported 30 individuals for 13.45% of the total. The alpha diversity of the sea urchins according to the Shannon Wiener index was (H´) = 0.339 in the rocky littoral; (H´) = 1.889 for seagrasses and (H´) = 1.507 for coral reefs. The dominance index showed that in the rocky coast d= 0.756; in seagrasses d= 0.166 and in coral reefs d= 0.238 due to the abundance of Diadema antillarum and Eucidaris tribuloides. The equity index registered similarity between the ecosystems of seagrasses and coral reefs and D. antillarum is the most extracted species in the Municipality as food.Este estudio de diversidad de erizos de la Clase: Sub-Clase Echinodermata, se realizó en tres ecosistemas de la costa del Distrito de Kusapín en la Comarca Ngäbe Buglé, Bocas del Toro de febrero a mayo de 2022, registrándose un total de 223 individuos, pertenecientes a 5 órdenes, 5 familias, 6 géneros y 9 especies. Las familias con mayor riqueza fueron Toxopneustidae con 3 especies para un 33.3% del total, donde su especie más abundante fue Tripneustes ventricosus, con 26 individuos para un 11.66% y la familia Echinometridae con 2 especies para un 22.2 % de la población total, dondeEchinometra lucunter reportó 38 individuos para un 17.04% del total y Echinometra viridis reportó 30 individuos para el 13.45% del total. La diversidad alfa de los erizos de mar según el índice de Shannon Wiener fue de (H´) = 0.339 en el litoral rocoso; (H´) = 1.889 para los pastos marinos y (H´) = 1.507 en los Arrecifes de coral. El índice de dominancia demostró que en el Litoral rocoso d= 0.756; en pastos marinos d= 0.166 y en arrecifes de coral d= 0.238 debido a la abundancia de Diadema antillarum y Eucidaris tribuloides. El índice de equitatividad registró semejanza entre los ecosistemas de pastos marinos y arrecifes de coral y D. antillarum es la especie más extraída en el Municipio como alimento


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    To identify the macro-fungi present in a path of loma bonita, in the township of Empalme, Bocas del toro, three random samplings were carried out during the rainy season in May 2021 and three types of substrates were reviewed for register the macro fungi. As a result of the work carried out, 18 specimens were identified up to the genus level, of which 3 correspond to the Ascomycota Division grouped into 2 orders, 2 families and 3 genera; and 14 correspond to the Basidiomycota Division; represented by 4 orders, 12 families and 14 genera. The presence of the Myxomycota Division represented by the Order Trichiida, the family Trichiidae, and the genus Trichia spp. The main substrate of the macro fungi was trunk with 76% of the species of which 47% was for decomposing trunks. The alpha diversity results showed that in both transects there is an apparent normal diversity that may increase at the end of the rainy season. With this information, an approximation was obtained to the taxonomic composition of the macro-fungi in two transects of the tropical forest of the loma bonita trail, Bocas del Toro.Con el objetivo de identificar los macrohongos presentes en un sendero de loma bonita, en el corregimiento de Empalme, Bocas del Toro, se efectuaron tres muestreos aleatorios durante la época de lluvias en el mes de mayo de 2021 y se revisaron tres tipos de sustratos para registrar los macrohongos. Como resultado del trabajo realizado se identificaron 18 especímenes hasta nivel de género, de las cuales 3 corresponden a la División Ascomycota agrupadas en 2 órdenes, 2 familias y 3 géneros; y 14 corresponden a la División Basidiomycota; representado por 4 órdenes, 11 familias y 14 géneros. También se registró la presencia de la División Myxomycota representado por el Orden Trichiida, la familia Trichiidae, y el género Trichia spp. El principal sustrato de los macrohongos fue tronco con el 76% de las especies de las cuales el 47% fue para troncos en descomposición. Los resultados de diversidad alfa demostraron que en ambos transectos existe una aparente diversidad normal que puede aumentar al finalizar la estación lluviosa.  Con esta información se obtuvo una aproximación a la composición taxonómica de los macrohongos en dos transectos del bosque tropical del sendero de loma bonita, Bocas del Toro


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    This research presents the diversity of the aquatic and semiaquatic birds in Changuinola Lagoon, Bocas Del Toro, throughout the months of march to july of 2018. The goal of the research was to relate the species richness of the aquatic and semiaquatic birds with the physicochemical factors present in the lagoon. An amount of 213 individuals, belonging to eight orders, 11 families, 23 genres and 30 species were registered. The wealthiest families were Ardeidae recording 10 species for a total of 33.33% and the family Alcedinidae recording five species for a 16.67 % of total. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index for the total waterbird sample was H´ = 3.06. According to its abundance range Bubulcus ibis and Pelecanus occidentalis, are the most abundant species. Duncan's test showed that there is an association between pH and wealth of the birds. The unacceptable values ??of Nitrates and dissolved oxygen indicated toxicity of the medium. It is concluded that the physicochemical parameters modify the wealth and abundance of birds.Este estudio presenta la diversidad de aves acuáticas y semiacuáticas en una zona de la Laguna de Changuinola, Bocas del Toro, durante los meses de marzo a julio de 2018. El objetivo del estudio fue relacionar la riqueza de especie de las aves acuáticas y semiacuáticas con los factores fisicoquímicos presentes en la laguna. Se censaron 213 individuos, pertenecientes a ocho órdenes, 11 familias, 23 géneros y 30 especies. Las familias de mayor riqueza fueron Ardeidae registrando 10 especies para un 33.33% del total y Alcedinidae registrando cinco especies para un 16.67 % de total. El índice de diversidad de Shannon-Wiener para el total de la muestra de aves acuáticas fue de H´ = 3.06. Según los rangos de abundancia Bubulcus ibis y Pelecanus occidentalis, son las especies más abundantes. La prueba de Duncan permitió demostrar que existe una asociación entre el pH y la riqueza de las aves. Los valores no aceptables de nitratos y oxígeno disuelto indican toxicidad del medio. Se concluye que los parámetros fisicoquímicos modifican la riqueza y la abundancia de las aves


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    In the Siraín river, Kankintú district, Ngäbe Buglé region, the spatial distribution of amphibians was determined using GIS technologies. 11 species belonging to six families were found in six samplings during the years 2016, 2018 and 2022. Unlike the structure of amphibian communities for similar forest types in Central America, a low specific richness was obtained, with few individuals and with diversity Shannon (H= 2.02), which may be related to the anthropogenic impact on the forests and rivers of Kankintú. Of the species found, D. auratus and O. pumilio presented conservation status with a vulnerability measure according to national law.En el río Siraín, distrito de Kankintú, comarca Ngäbe Buglé se determinó la distribución espacial de los anfibios utilizando tecnologías SIG. Se encontraron 11 especies pertenecientes a seis familias en seis muestreos durante los años 2016, 2018 y 2022. A diferencia de la estructura de las comunidades de anfibios para tipos de bosque similares en América Central, se obtuvo una baja riqueza específica, con pocos individuos y con diversidad de Shannon (H= 2.02), lo que puede estar relacionado con el impacto antrópico a los bosques y a los ríos de Kankintú. De las especies encontradas D. auratus y O. pumilio, presentaron estado de conservación con medida de vulnerabilidad según ley nacional


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    To determine the temporal variation of the herpetofauna in the Wetso Ecological Center, PILA, Bocas del Toro, seven samplings were carried out during the rainy season of 2019 and the dry season of 2021, in the populations of amphibians and reptiles. As a result, 47 species were identified, of which 25 correspond to amphibians grouped in an order, 9 families, 19 genera; another 22 species correspond to reptiles; including two orders, 12 families, and 17 genera. For amphibians, the Shannon Wiener diversity index reached H'= 2.89 and the evenness index (J'= 0.98), for reptiles the Shannon Wiener diversity index reached H'= 2.21 and the evenness index (J'= 0.90). The most abundant or common species for amphibians was O. pumilio with 14.56% and for reptiles G. albogularis with 34.2%. The correlation between richness and average daily precipitation (mm), showed that there is a direct relationship between the richness of the observed herpetofauna and precipitation, with r= 0.70 for amphibians, and r= - 0.75 for reptiles. With this information, a seasonal pattern was presented, being the rainy season favorable for amphibians and the dry season favorable for reptiles.Con el objetivo de determinar la variación temporal de la herpetofauna en el Centro Ecológico Wetso, PILA, Bocas del Toro, se realizaron siete muestreos durante la estación lluviosa del 2019 y la estación seca del 2021, en las poblaciones de anfibios y reptiles. Como resultado, se identificaron 47 especies, de las cuales 25 corresponden a anfibios agrupadas en un orden, 9 familias, 19 géneros; otras 22 especies corresponden a reptiles; incluyendo dos órdenes, 12 familias y 17 géneros. Para anfibios el índice de diversidad de Shannon Wiener alcanzó H’= 2.89 y el índice de equitatividad (J’= 0.98), para los reptiles el índice de diversidad de Shannon Wiener alcanzó H’= 2.21 y el índice de equitatividad (J’= 0.90). Las especie más abundante o común para anfibios fue O. pumilio con 14.56% y para los reptiles G. albogularis con 34.2%. La correlación entre riqueza y precipitación promedio diaria (mm), demostró que hay una relación directa entre la riqueza de la herpetofauna observada y la precipitación, con r= 0.70 para anfibios, y r= - 0.75 para reptiles. Con esta información se presentó un patrón estacional, siendo la estación lluviosa favorable para los anfibios y la estación seca favorable para los reptiles

    Fish Intelligence, Sentience and Ethics

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    Fish are one of the most highly utilised vertebrate taxa by humans; they are harvested from wild stocks as part of global fishing industries, grown under intensive aquaculture conditions, are the most common pet and are widely used for scientific research. But fish are seldom afforded the same level of compassion or welfare as warm-blooded vertebrates. Part of the problem is the large gap between people’s perception of fish intelligence and the scientific reality. This is an important issue because public perception guides government policy. The perception of an animal’s intelligence often drives our decision whether or not to include them in our moral circle. From a welfare perspective, most researchers would suggest that if an animal is sentient, then it can most likely suffer and should therefore be offered some form of formal protection. There has been a debate about fish welfare for decades which centres on the question of whether they are sentient or conscious. The implications for affording the same level of protection to fish as other vertebrates are great, not least because of fishing-related industries. Here, I review the current state of knowledge of fish cognition starting with their sensory perception and moving on to cognition. The review reveals that fish perception and cognitive abilities often match or exceed other vertebrates. A review of the evidence for pain perception strongly suggests that fish experience pain in a manner similar to the rest of the vertebrates. Although scientists cannot provide a definitive answer on the level of consciousness for any nonhuman vertebrate, the extensive evidence of fish behavioural and cognitive sophistication and pain perception suggests that best practice would be to lend fish the same level of protection as any other vertebrate

    Genomic investigations of unexplained acute hepatitis in children

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    Since its first identification in Scotland, over 1,000 cases of unexplained paediatric hepatitis in children have been reported worldwide, including 278 cases in the UK1. Here we report an investigation of 38 cases, 66 age-matched immunocompetent controls and 21 immunocompromised comparator participants, using a combination of genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and immunohistochemical methods. We detected high levels of adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) DNA in the liver, blood, plasma or stool from 27 of 28 cases. We found low levels of adenovirus (HAdV) and human herpesvirus 6B (HHV-6B) in 23 of 31 and 16 of 23, respectively, of the cases tested. By contrast, AAV2 was infrequently detected and at low titre in the blood or the liver from control children with HAdV, even when profoundly immunosuppressed. AAV2, HAdV and HHV-6 phylogeny excluded the emergence of novel strains in cases. Histological analyses of explanted livers showed enrichment for T cells and B lineage cells. Proteomic comparison of liver tissue from cases and healthy controls identified increased expression of HLA class 2, immunoglobulin variable regions and complement proteins. HAdV and AAV2 proteins were not detected in the livers. Instead, we identified AAV2 DNA complexes reflecting both HAdV-mediated and HHV-6B-mediated replication. We hypothesize that high levels of abnormal AAV2 replication products aided by HAdV and, in severe cases, HHV-6B may have triggered immune-mediated hepatic disease in genetically and immunologically predisposed children

    Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker initiation on organ support-free days in patients hospitalized with COVID-19

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    IMPORTANCE Overactivation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) may contribute to poor clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19. Objective To determine whether angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) initiation improves outcomes in patients hospitalized for COVID-19. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS In an ongoing, adaptive platform randomized clinical trial, 721 critically ill and 58 non–critically ill hospitalized adults were randomized to receive an RAS inhibitor or control between March 16, 2021, and February 25, 2022, at 69 sites in 7 countries (final follow-up on June 1, 2022). INTERVENTIONS Patients were randomized to receive open-label initiation of an ACE inhibitor (n = 257), ARB (n = 248), ARB in combination with DMX-200 (a chemokine receptor-2 inhibitor; n = 10), or no RAS inhibitor (control; n = 264) for up to 10 days. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was organ support–free days, a composite of hospital survival and days alive without cardiovascular or respiratory organ support through 21 days. The primary analysis was a bayesian cumulative logistic model. Odds ratios (ORs) greater than 1 represent improved outcomes. RESULTS On February 25, 2022, enrollment was discontinued due to safety concerns. Among 679 critically ill patients with available primary outcome data, the median age was 56 years and 239 participants (35.2%) were women. Median (IQR) organ support–free days among critically ill patients was 10 (–1 to 16) in the ACE inhibitor group (n = 231), 8 (–1 to 17) in the ARB group (n = 217), and 12 (0 to 17) in the control group (n = 231) (median adjusted odds ratios of 0.77 [95% bayesian credible interval, 0.58-1.06] for improvement for ACE inhibitor and 0.76 [95% credible interval, 0.56-1.05] for ARB compared with control). The posterior probabilities that ACE inhibitors and ARBs worsened organ support–free days compared with control were 94.9% and 95.4%, respectively. Hospital survival occurred in 166 of 231 critically ill participants (71.9%) in the ACE inhibitor group, 152 of 217 (70.0%) in the ARB group, and 182 of 231 (78.8%) in the control group (posterior probabilities that ACE inhibitor and ARB worsened hospital survival compared with control were 95.3% and 98.1%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this trial, among critically ill adults with COVID-19, initiation of an ACE inhibitor or ARB did not improve, and likely worsened, clinical outcomes. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT0273570

    Diversidad de aves acuáticas asociada a parámetros fisicoquímicos en la Laguna de Changuinola, Bocas del Toro, Panamá

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    Este estudio presenta la diversidad de aves acuáticas y semiacuáticas en una zona de la Laguna de Changuinola, Bocas del Toro, durante los meses de marzo a julio de 2018. El objetivo del estudio fue relacionar la riqueza de especie de las aves acuáticas y semiacuáticas con los factores fisicoquímicos presentes en la laguna. Se censaron 213 individuos, pertenecientes a ocho órdenes, 11 familias, 23 géneros y 30 especies. Las familias de mayor riqueza fueron Ardeidae registrando 10 especies para un 33.33% del total y Alcedinidae registrando cinco especies para un 16.67 % de total. El índice de diversidad de Shannon-Wiener para el total de la muestra de aves acuáticas fue de H ́ = 3.06. Según los rangos de abundancia Bubulcus ibisy Pelecanus occidentalis, son las especies más abundantes. La prueba de Duncan permitió demostrar que existe una asociación entre el pH y la riqueza de las aves. Los valores no aceptables de nitratos y oxígeno disuelto indican toxicidad del medio. Se concluye que los parámetros fisicoquímicos modifican la riqueza y la abundancia de las aves

    Diversidad y comercialización de la clase: subclase ECHINOIDEA en tres ecosistemas de la zona costera del Municipio de Kusapín, en la Comarca Ngäbe Buglé

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    Este estudio de diversidad de erizos de la Clase: Sub-Clase Echinodermata, se realizó en tres ecosistemas de la costa del Distrito de Kusapín en la Comarca Ngäbe Buglé, Bocas del Toro de febrero a mayo de 2022, registrándose un total de 223 individuos, pertenecientes a 5 órdenes, 5 familias, 6 géneros y 9 especies. Las familias con mayor riqueza fueron Toxopneustidae con 3 especies para un 33.3% del total, donde su especie más abundante fue Tripneustes ventricosus, con 26individuos para un11.66 % y la familia Echinometridae con 2 especies para un 22.2 % de la población total, donde Echinometra lucunter reportó38 individuos para un 17.04% del total y Echinometra viridis reportó30 individuos para el 13.45% del total. La diversidad alfa de los erizos de mar según el índice de Shannon Wiener fue de (H ́) = 0.339en el litoral rocoso; (H ́) = 1.889para los pastos marinos y(H ́) = 1.507enlos Arrecifes de coral .El índice de dominancia demostró que en el Litoral rocoso d= 0.756; en pastos marinos d= 0.166y en arrecifes de coral d= 0.238 debido a la abundancia de Diadema antillarum y Eucidaris tribuloides. El índice de equitatividad registró semejanza entre los ecosistemas de pastos marinos y arrecifes de coral y D. antillarumes la especie más extraída en el Municipio como alimento