7 research outputs found

    Guerrilla art and the quest for equality: the contribution of men with intellectual disabilities to equality work.

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    Á undanförnum misserum hafa orðið breytingar í umræðunni um jafnrétti þar sem áhersla er lögð á jafnrétti allra í stað þess að beina sjónum fyrst og fremst að jafnrétti kynjanna. Þrátt fyrir þessar breytingar hefur fatlað fólk, og þá sérstaklega fólk með þroskahömlun, áfram verið jaðarsett í íslenskri jafnréttis- og hagsmunabaráttu. Þar sem konur með þroskahömlun hafa verið meira áberandi í hagsmunabaráttu fatlaðs fólks er mikilvægt að beina sjónum að því hvernig hægt er að virkja karla með þroskahömlun til vitundar um jafnréttismál og þátttöku í jafnréttisstarfi. Í greininni verður fjallað um aðgerðir tveggja karla með þroskahömlun í þágu jafnréttis sem fóru fram í miðbæ Reykjavíkur sumarið 2016. Aðgerðirnar voru liður í verkefninu Jafnrétti fyrir alla sem styrkt var af Jafnréttissjóði og Rannsóknasjóði HÍ og hafði það að markmiði að skoða viðhorf karla með þroskahömlun til jafnréttismála og leita leiða til að virkja þá til þátttöku í jafnréttisstarfi. Aðgerðirnar voru í anda skærulistar (e. guerrilla art) sem sköpuð er í leyfisleysi þegar enginn sér til og felur í sér ádeilu á ríkjandi menningu og samfélagsskipan. Tilgangurinn er að vekja almenning til vitundar um samfélagsleg málefni. Í greininni er aðgerðunum lýst og hvernig þátttakendur sköpuðu sér rými í miðbænum þar sem þeir höfðu skilgreiningarvaldið og trufluðu gangandi vegfarendur sem stöldruðu við til að skoða veggspjöld, lásu falin skilaboð eða skrifuðu í ferðadagbækur. Aðgerðirnar voru liður í samvinnurannsókn þar sem karlar með þroskahömlun og ófatlaður háskólakennari unnu náið saman og allir aðilar voru virkir þátttakendur í rannsóknarferlinu. Samvinnurannsóknum er ætlað að vera valdeflandi og gefa fólki með þroskahömlun tækifæri til að hafa áhrif á það hvernig fjallað er um líf þess og reynslu. Það takmarkar hins vegar valdið að hafa ekki raunverulegan aðgang að fræðasamfélaginu. Ráðstefnur eru gjarnan haldnar í óaðgengilegu húsnæði, ráðstefnugjöldin eru há og fyrirlesarar nota óþarflega mörg og flókin orð, og hið sama á við um nefndarstörf. Það er því mikilvægt að leita annarra og óhefðbundinna leiða til að gera sig gildandi innan fræðasamfélagsins og jafnréttisbaráttunnar, en skærulistin var einmitt liður í því.People with intellectual disabilities have been marginalized within the disability movement and not had access to ideas on gender equality or equality work (Björnsdóttir and Traustadóttir, 2010). This has led to an overemphasis on traditional gender roles within the special education and support systems where gender/sexuality has been normalized in the lives of people with intellectual disabilities (Björnsdóttir, Stefánsdóttir and Stefánsdóttir, 2017). It has been recognized that disabled women are subject to multiple discrimination and are at greater risk of violence and abuse than non-disabled women or men (Snæfríðar- and Gunnarsdóttir, and Traustadóttir, 2015). Consequently, there has been more focus on the lived experiences of disabled women within the academic fields of disability studies and gender studies than on the lives of disabled men. However, research suggests that men with intellectual disabilities are denied opportunities equal to others to develop their gender and sexual identities and are often considered to be asexual eternal children or sexual predators who need to be managed and controlled (Björnsdóttir, Stefánsdóttir and Stefánsdóttir, 2017). In January 2016, two men with intellectual disabilities were hired by the University of Iceland’s School of Education to work on a research project which aims to explore the access of men with intellectual disabilities to ideas on gender equality and equality work. This article discusses the actions of two men with intellectual disabilities who performed guerrilla art, in downtown Reykjavík, in the summer of 2016, in their quest for equality. Guerrilla art is created anonymously, performed without permission and critiques the dominant culture and social order. The purpose is to raise public awareness about various social issues. The article describes the actions and explains how the men are both contributing to equality work and disability activism. In recent years equality work in Iceland has expanded from a strict focus on gender equality to broader notions of diversity and human rights (Þorvaldsdóttir, 2014). The guerrilla project was initially focused on gender equality but developed into a broader notion of equality where disability, gender, and other categories of oppression intersect. The men are, therefore, not in the role of self-advocates per se, but rather as activists demanding equality for all. The article describes how the men carved out space in Reykjavík’s city centre for their activism where they had the power to define intellectual disabilities in relation to equality. Their presence and their actions in the city centre were disrupting; pedestrians stopped and looked at their posters, read hidden messages in library books, wrote their thoughts in travel journals and shared their experience on social media. The French philosopher Michel De Certeau (1984) distinguishes between place and space. The dominant social groups strategically organize places of order and stability. An example of a place is the University of Iceland, the campus with buildings, offices, classrooms and laboratories, departments and programs managed by the staff, laws and regulations. Strict rules state who have access to university life, academics and activities. Another example of a place is downtown Reykjavik where the guerrilla art was performed. There are buildings, streets, sidewalks and walkways and we are supposed to walk along the sidewalks and cross streets on walkways. De Certeau (1984) called it “tactic” when people would use the place wrongly, for example by walking on the street. The guerrilla art was their tactic and the men used it to carve out space where they had the power to disrupt the existing social order. They are disrupting by asking pedestrians to stop and reflect on their society. Who are welcome? Who have access? What is equality? The disruption transformed the place into a space for equality work. The guerrilla art project is part of an ongoing inclusive research where men labelled as having intellectual disabilities collaborate on research with a non-disabled university teacher. In inclusive research, people with intellectual disabilities are not viewed as passive research subjects and they have opportunities to participate in the research process and often take on valued social roles as co-researchers. Inclusive research is supposed to be empowering for people with intellectual disabilities since they get an opportunity to contribute on the discussion of disability and acquire control over how people with intellectual disabilities are presented in research (Walmsley and Johnson (2003). However, barriers to full inclusion to academia, the place of research, are oppressive. Conferences are often held in inaccessible buildings, conference fees are expensive and speakers commonly use an excessive number of complex words and the same applies to committee meetings. It is, therefore, important to look for other non-traditional ways to make their presence felt within academia, and the guerrilla art event was part of that. By collaborating on this academic article we are also carving space within academia where people with intellectual disabilities are recognized for their contribution to the generation of knowledge about equality and disability. However, we also fear that this article has reduced the empowering experience of creating guerrilla art to something different, a traditional academic construction which is consequently inaccessible to most people with intellectual disabilities. We have been funded by research funds and are obligated to produce our research outcomes and hopefully we are also disrupting academia by sharing this collaborative knowledge production.Peer Reviewe

    Results of pre-hospital cardiac resuscitation in the Reykjavik area 2004-2007.

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnInngangur: Á Reykjavíkursvæðinu sinnti neyðarbíll með lækni hjartastoppum á árunum 1982-2007. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að kanna árangur endurlífgunar utan sjúkrahúsa á höfuðborgarsvæðinu árin 2004-2007 og bera saman við niðurstöður fyrri rannsókna. Efniviður og aðferðir: Þýði rannsóknarinnar náði til allra einstaklinga sem fóru í hjartastopp árin 2004-2007 utan sjúkrahúsa á höfuðborgarsvæðinu af völdum hjartasjúkdóma þar sem endurlífgun var reynd. Gögn voru skráð samkvæmt Utstein-staðli um grunnþætti endurlífgunar. Niðurstöður: Á rannsóknartímabilinu höfðu 289 einstaklingar farið í hjartastopp. Var endurlífgun reynd hjá 279 (97%) og hjartasjúkdómur talin orsök hjartastopps í 200 tilvikum. Meðalaldur rannsóknarþýðisins var 67,7 ár og 76% voru karlar. Meðaltal útkallstíma var 6,3 mínútur. Lifandi á sjúkrahús komust 107 (54%) og 50 (25%) útskrifuðust af sjúkrahúsi miðað við 16-19% í fyrri uppgjörum (p=0,16). Hlutfall sleglatifs/sleglahraðtakts var 50%, rafleysu 30% og rafvirkni án dæluvirkni 20%. Árin 2004-2007 útskrifuðust 70% þeirra sem lögðust inn á gjörgæslu/legudeild og voru með sleglatif/sleglahraðtakt á fyrsta riti borið saman við 49% árin 1999-2002 (p=0,01). Í 120 (60%) tilvikum var vitni að hjartastoppi og í 62% af þeim tilvikum var grunnendurlífgun beitt fyrir komu neyðarbíls miðað við 54% í síðasta uppgjöri (p=0,26). Marktækur munur var á lifun ef vitni var að hjartastoppi 37 (31%) á móti 5 (8%) ef ekki var vitni (p<0,01). Ályktanir: Fjórðungur þeirra sem reynt er að endurlífga úr hjartastoppi útskrifast lifandi af sjúkrahúsi. Er árangurinn sambærilegur við síðustu uppgjör á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (16-19%) en mjög góður samanborið við erlendar niðurstöður (3-16%). Lifun sjúklinga sem lögðust inn á gjörgæslu/legudeild med sleglatif/sleglahraðtakt sem fyrsta takt var marktækt aukin miðað við fyrri uppgjör. Lifun var marktækt betri ef vitni var að hjartastoppi.Introduction In the Reykjavik area, a physician staffed ambulance -responded to cardiac arrests from 1982-2007. The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of attempted pre-hospital cardiac resuscitations in the period from 2004-2007 and compare to previous studies. Material and methods: All cases of attempted prehospital resuscitations in cardiac arrests of presumed cardiac etiology. Data was gathered according to the Utstein template. Results: Of a total of 289 cases in cardiac arrest, resuscitation was attempted in 279 and 200 of those were presumed to have a cardiac etiology. Men were 76% of the patients and the average age was 67.7 years. Average response time was 6.3 min. One hundred and seven (54%) survived to hospital admission and 50 (25%) survived to discharge compared to 16-19% in previous studies (p=0.16). The presenting rhythm was ventricular fibrillation/ventricular tachycardia (VF/VT) in 50% of the cases, 30% was in asystole and 20% in pulseless electrical activity (PEA). Of those admitted to intensive care unit/ department and had ventricular fibrillation on the first rhythm strip 70% were discharged during 2004-2007 compared to 49% during 1999-2002 (p=0.01). Bystander CPR was provided in 62% of witnessed cases compared to 54% in a previous study (p=0.26). One hundred and twenty (60%) were witnessed cases of which 37 (31%) survived to hospital discharge compared to 5 (8%)of non witnessed cases (p<0.01). Conclusion: One in every four cardiac arrest patients in the Reykjavik area survives to discharge. This is similar to previous studies in the area (16-19%) and high compared to international studies 3-16%. Survival of those admitted to intensive care unit/ department and had ventricular fibrillation on the first rhythm strip was significantly higher compared to previous studies. Survival was found to be significantly higher if the cardiac arrest was witnessed

    A homozygous loss-of-function mutation leading to CYBC1 deficiency causes chronic granulomatous disease

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein) Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.Mutations in genes encoding subunits of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase complex are recognized to cause chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), a severe primary immunodeficiency. Here we describe how deficiency of CYBC1, a previously uncharacterized protein in humans (C17orf62), leads to reduced expression of NADPH oxidase’s main subunit (gp91phox) and results in CGD. Analyzing two brothers diagnosed with CGD we identify a homozygous loss-of-function mutation, p.Tyr2Ter, in CYBC1. Imputation of p.Tyr2Ter into 155K chipgenotyped Icelanders reveals six additional homozygotes, all with signs of CGD, manifesting as colitis, rare infections, or a severely impaired PMA-induced neutrophil oxidative burst. Homozygosity for p.Tyr2Ter consequently associates with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Iceland (P = 8.3 × 10−8; OR = 67.6), as well as reduced height (P = 3.3 × 10−4; −8.5 cm). Overall, we find that CYBC1 deficiency results in CGD characterized by colitis and a distinct profile of infections indicative of macrophage dysfunction.We wish to thank the family of the two probands, as well as all the other individuals who participated in the study and whose contribution made this work possible.Peer Reviewe

    EuReCa ONE—27 Nations, ONE Europe, ONE Registry A prospective one month analysis of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes in 27 countries in Europe

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    AbstractIntroductionThe aim of the EuReCa ONE study was to determine the incidence, process, and outcome for out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) throughout Europe.MethodsThis was an international, prospective, multi-centre one-month study. Patients who suffered an OHCA during October 2014 who were attended and/or treated by an Emergency Medical Service (EMS) were eligible for inclusion in the study. Data were extracted from national, regional or local registries.ResultsData on 10,682 confirmed OHCAs from 248 regions in 27 countries, covering an estimated population of 174 million. In 7146 (66%) cases, CPR was started by a bystander or by the EMS. The incidence of CPR attempts ranged from 19.0 to 104.0 per 100,000 population per year. 1735 had ROSC on arrival at hospital (25.2%), Overall, 662/6414 (10.3%) in all cases with CPR attempted survived for at least 30 days or to hospital discharge.ConclusionThe results of EuReCa ONE highlight that OHCA is still a major public health problem accounting for a substantial number of deaths in Europe.EuReCa ONE very clearly demonstrates marked differences in the processes for data collection and reported outcomes following OHCA all over Europe. Using these data and analyses, different countries, regions, systems, and concepts can benchmark themselves and may learn from each other to further improve survival following one of our major health care events

    Upphafskenningar eignaréttar

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    Barátta fyrri kynslóða fyrir auknum réttindum hefur leitt til viðurkenndra mannréttinda fyrir mannkynið. Ríki hins vestræna heims hafa gengið lengst í viðurkenningu á þeim og má segja að þar séu mannréttindi samhljóma. Byggir það á því að þau eiga rætur að rekja til sömu atburða og grundvallast á sömu upphafskeningunum. Ríki hins vestræna heims hafa flest sett sér stjórnarskrár sem tilgreina réttindi þessi og er eignaréttur er eitt þeirra. Fræðimenn á sviði eignaréttar telja hann mikilvægan ríkjum sem almenningi en á mismunandi forsendum. Þannig telja þeir að styrkur ríkis geti endurspeglast af eignum þess. Fyrir þegnana er hann mikilvægur af þeirri ástæðu þeir mega treysta því að fá notið réttinda sem þeir afla sér. Hins vegar innihalda eignaréttarákvæðin í stjórnarskránum skerðingarheimild fyrir stjórnvöld sem þau geta grundvallað eignarnám á að uppfylltum ákveðnum skilyrðum; að lagaboð komi til; að almenningsþörf krefji;og að fullt verð komi fyrir. Þó hafa eignaskerðingar án bóta viðgengist og byggja þær á sjónarmiðum sem kunna að vera í andstöðu við upphaflegan tilgang stjórnskipulegrar verndar eignaréttarins. Í þessari ritgerð er reynt að varpa ljósi á hverjar upphafskenningar eignaréttarins. Tilgangurinn er að athuga hvort eignaréttarverndin hafi tekið breytingum sem samræmast ekki tilgangi upphafskenningana og, ef svo er, hverjar afleiðingar þess séu á stjórnskipulega vernd eignaréttarins. Til þess að gera það var horft til skrifa upphafskenningamanna í ljósi tveggja umdeildra eignarandlaga, aflaheimilda og skipan vatnamála. Niðurstaðan er sú að breytingar hafa átt sér stað á eignarétti sem gera stöðu hans óljósa, t.d. í ljósi þessara tveggja sviða. Að mati höfundar er þörf er á skýra stöðu eingaréttarins á nýjan leik til að traust geti ríkt á nýjan leik til samræmis við upphafskenningarnar.Throughout the ages generations have strived for acknowledgement of human rights. It has lead to a great progress. The Western world has recognized Human Rights which are unanimous. They are based upon the same roots and share the same origins of principles. Most Western states have assured these rights by setting forth constitutions which specify the rights, instruments of a great value. Property Rights are amongst them. Scholars on the field of Property Rights, consider them highly important both for states and citizens. The strength of state can be shown in its possessions. For citizens it is considered important of the simple fact that they can peacefully enjoy their properties. On the other hand the constitutional clauses of property rights also authorize states to take possessions belonging to the citizens with expropriation. That they can do by fulfill certain conditions; that it is done Due process of law; that it is done for public use; and that done by just compensation. Still takings are executed which do not meet all these requirements. In this thesis the origins of property rights are researched and if states and courts of law have changed the protection of property rights. Mainly the focus is on the original concept of property rights but in the light of modern law of two natural sources, fisheries and water. Law´s regarding them have been evolving throughout last century. The conclusion is that some changes have been made on the protection which can lead to uncertainty of the rights which needs to be cleared

    Results of pre-hospital cardiac resuscitation in the Reykjavik area 2004-2007.

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnInngangur: Á Reykjavíkursvæðinu sinnti neyðarbíll með lækni hjartastoppum á árunum 1982-2007. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að kanna árangur endurlífgunar utan sjúkrahúsa á höfuðborgarsvæðinu árin 2004-2007 og bera saman við niðurstöður fyrri rannsókna. Efniviður og aðferðir: Þýði rannsóknarinnar náði til allra einstaklinga sem fóru í hjartastopp árin 2004-2007 utan sjúkrahúsa á höfuðborgarsvæðinu af völdum hjartasjúkdóma þar sem endurlífgun var reynd. Gögn voru skráð samkvæmt Utstein-staðli um grunnþætti endurlífgunar. Niðurstöður: Á rannsóknartímabilinu höfðu 289 einstaklingar farið í hjartastopp. Var endurlífgun reynd hjá 279 (97%) og hjartasjúkdómur talin orsök hjartastopps í 200 tilvikum. Meðalaldur rannsóknarþýðisins var 67,7 ár og 76% voru karlar. Meðaltal útkallstíma var 6,3 mínútur. Lifandi á sjúkrahús komust 107 (54%) og 50 (25%) útskrifuðust af sjúkrahúsi miðað við 16-19% í fyrri uppgjörum (p=0,16). Hlutfall sleglatifs/sleglahraðtakts var 50%, rafleysu 30% og rafvirkni án dæluvirkni 20%. Árin 2004-2007 útskrifuðust 70% þeirra sem lögðust inn á gjörgæslu/legudeild og voru með sleglatif/sleglahraðtakt á fyrsta riti borið saman við 49% árin 1999-2002 (p=0,01). Í 120 (60%) tilvikum var vitni að hjartastoppi og í 62% af þeim tilvikum var grunnendurlífgun beitt fyrir komu neyðarbíls miðað við 54% í síðasta uppgjöri (p=0,26). Marktækur munur var á lifun ef vitni var að hjartastoppi 37 (31%) á móti 5 (8%) ef ekki var vitni (p<0,01). Ályktanir: Fjórðungur þeirra sem reynt er að endurlífga úr hjartastoppi útskrifast lifandi af sjúkrahúsi. Er árangurinn sambærilegur við síðustu uppgjör á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (16-19%) en mjög góður samanborið við erlendar niðurstöður (3-16%). Lifun sjúklinga sem lögðust inn á gjörgæslu/legudeild med sleglatif/sleglahraðtakt sem fyrsta takt var marktækt aukin miðað við fyrri uppgjör. Lifun var marktækt betri ef vitni var að hjartastoppi.Introduction In the Reykjavik area, a physician staffed ambulance -responded to cardiac arrests from 1982-2007. The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of attempted pre-hospital cardiac resuscitations in the period from 2004-2007 and compare to previous studies. Material and methods: All cases of attempted prehospital resuscitations in cardiac arrests of presumed cardiac etiology. Data was gathered according to the Utstein template. Results: Of a total of 289 cases in cardiac arrest, resuscitation was attempted in 279 and 200 of those were presumed to have a cardiac etiology. Men were 76% of the patients and the average age was 67.7 years. Average response time was 6.3 min. One hundred and seven (54%) survived to hospital admission and 50 (25%) survived to discharge compared to 16-19% in previous studies (p=0.16). The presenting rhythm was ventricular fibrillation/ventricular tachycardia (VF/VT) in 50% of the cases, 30% was in asystole and 20% in pulseless electrical activity (PEA). Of those admitted to intensive care unit/ department and had ventricular fibrillation on the first rhythm strip 70% were discharged during 2004-2007 compared to 49% during 1999-2002 (p=0.01). Bystander CPR was provided in 62% of witnessed cases compared to 54% in a previous study (p=0.26). One hundred and twenty (60%) were witnessed cases of which 37 (31%) survived to hospital discharge compared to 5 (8%)of non witnessed cases (p<0.01). Conclusion: One in every four cardiac arrest patients in the Reykjavik area survives to discharge. This is similar to previous studies in the area (16-19%) and high compared to international studies 3-16%. Survival of those admitted to intensive care unit/ department and had ventricular fibrillation on the first rhythm strip was significantly higher compared to previous studies. Survival was found to be significantly higher if the cardiac arrest was witnessed

    EuReCa ONE⿿27 Nations, ONE Europe, ONE Registry

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