197 research outputs found

    The flow of a foam in a two-dimensional porous medium

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    International audienceFoams have been used for decades as displacing fluids for enhanced oil recovery and aquifer remediation, and more recently, for remediation of the vadose zone, in which case foams carry chemical amendments. Foams are better injection fluids than aqueous solutions due to their low sensitivity to gravity and because they are less sensitive to permeability heterogeneities, thus allowing a more uniform sweep. The latter aspect results from their peculiar rheology, whose understanding motivates the present study. We investigate foam flow through a two-dimensional porous medium consisting of circular obstacles positioned randomly in a horizontal transparent Hele-Shaw cell. The local foam structure is recorded in situ, which provides a measure of the spatial distribution of bubble velocities and sizes at regular time intervals. The flow exhibits a rich phenomenology including preferential flow paths and local flow nonstationarity (intermittency) despite the imposed permanent global flow rate. Moreover, the medium selects the bubble size distribution through lamella division-triggered bubble fragmentation. Varying the mean bubble size of the injected foam, its water content, and mean velocity, we characterize those processes systematically. In particular, we measure the spatial evolution of the distribution of bubble areas, and infer the efficiency of bubble fragmentation depending on the various control parameters. We furthermore show that the distributions of bubble sizes and velocities are correlated. This study sheds new light on the local rheology of foams in porous media and opens the way toward quantitative characterization of the relationship between medium geometry and foam flow properties. It also suggests that large-scale models of foam flows in the subsurface should account for the correlation between bubble sizes and velocities

    Origin of micropores In late jurassic (Oxfordian) micrites of the eastern Paris basin, France

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    Porous micritic facies, either primary chalks or resulting from secondary destructive micritization, can constitute important hydrocarbon or water reservoirs. Characterization of reservoir properties and the understanding of factors which controlled the distribution of porosity are of primary interest to evaluate the prospective reserves. Middle and late Oxfordian limestones of the eastern Paris Basin show several horizons with porosities higher than 20%. The porosity is mainly microporous and located either within secondary micritized grains or in the micritic matrix. Using SEM, cathodoluminescence, as well as confocal microscopy, stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios, and petrophysical measurements, a scenario for the evolution of the micropores is proposed. Lime mudstones to packstones constitute the majority of the high-porosity facies (HPFs). Inner lagoonal deposits are more micritized and thus more porous than grainstones, and facies rich in leiolitic oncoids and echinoid clasts are less impacted by micritization. Micritization was responsible for an increase of the intragranular porosity in most grain types. During both eogenesis and shallow burial, mineralogical stabilization dissolved aragonitic particles and allowed precipitation of calcite rhombs. This process was probably enhanced below surfaces of subaerial exposure. During burial, Ostwald ripening allowed the growth of larger micrite crystals at the expense of smaller ones during early Berriasian and late Aptian recharges of deep aquifers when the northern margin of the basin was exposed. Overgrowths on micrite crystals were more important in intervals strongly affected by chemical compaction, which favored oversaturation of waters with respect to calcite. In low-porosity horizons (LPFs), the dense micritic texture of oncoids and the monocrystalline architecture of echinoid clasts prevented an intense micritization, while the strong chemical compaction enhanced poronecrosis. Telogenetic fracturing created new fluid pathways that favored inputs of meteoric fluid in porous micrite and allowed the continuation of Ostwald ripening during Cenozoic times. As a whole, mesogenetic inputs of waters undersaturated with respect to calcite in deep aquifers during exposure of basin margins are a more efficient process than early subaerial exposure for enhancing aggrading neomorphism and appearance of microporous micrites. Initial mineralogical heterogeneities also impact the intensity of chemical compaction and thus the stratigraphical distribution of microporous limestones

    3-D mapping of permeable structures affecting a deep granite basement using isotropic 3C VSP data

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    International audienceThis paper illustrates the efficiency of vertical seismic profiling (VSP) for the investigation of dipping and hydraulically conductive structures affecting a granitic basement covered by sediments. A three-component (3C) VSP data set has been acquired in the GPK1 and EPS1 wells of the Soultz-sous-Foreˆts enhanced geothermal system (EGS) located within the Upper Rhine Graben (URG). Our study focuses on the isotropic processing of profiles acquired with vertical vibrator P and their subsequent interpretation. Mainly P-S converted reflections are identified from the analysis of the 3C records. These P-S conversions occur on steep permeable faults that are positioned in space by traveltime modelling. These faults cut the granite basement in several hectometric-scale blocks, and represent the main fluid paths between the boreholes. These faults are thought to be inherited from late Variscan and Alpine deformation periods, reactivated by the current stress field. When properly processed and interpreted, VSP allow the scale gap between surface and borehole data to be bridged

    Estimating porosity and density of calcarenite rocks from P-wave velocity

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    Petrophysical proprieties such as porosity, density, saturation have a marked impact on acoustic proprieties of rocks. Hence, there has been recently a strong incentive to use new geophysical techniques to invert such properties from seismic or sonic measurements for rocks characterization. The P-wave velocity, is non-destructive and easy method to apply in both field and laboratory conditions, has increasingly been conducted to determine the geotechnical properties of rock materials. The P-wave velocity of a rock is closely related to the intact rock properties and measuring the velocity in rock masses describes the rock structure and texture. The present work deals with the use of simple and non destructive technique, ultrasonic velocity to predict the porosity and density of calcarenite rocks that is characteristic in historical monument. The ultrasonic test is based on measuring the propagation time of a P-wave in the longitudinal direction. Good correlations between P-wave velocity, porosity and density were found, which indicate them as appropriate technique for estimating the porosity and density

    Sensitivity of photonic crystal fiber modes to temperature, strain and external refractive index

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    Several strong narrowband resonances are observed in the transmission spectra of fiber Bragg gratings photo-written in photonic crystal fiber that has a refractive index-neutral germanium/fluorine co-doped core. Experimental results for the strain, temperature and refractive index sensitivities of these mode resonances are reported and compared to those of conventional single mode fiber. In particular, we identify three kinds of resonances whose relative sensitivities to strain, temperature and refractive index are markedly different and present numerical simulations to explain these properties. Potential multiparameter optical sensor applications of these mode resonances are briefly discussed

    Architecture séquentielle des dépôts marins à continentaux sur une marge passive (Cénomanien, marge Atlantique marocaine, transversale d'Agadir)

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    Seven sections, covering the upper Albian to lowermost Turonian, have been correlated from full-marine to continental-dominated deposits across a passive margin, along a transect 425 km long, from the present-day Atlantic coast to the "Pre-African Trough" between the Anti-Atlas and the High-Atlas. The thickness of the Cenomanian succession changes from around 500 metres in the fully marine sections to 250 metres in mostly continental facies in the western High-Atlas, about 150 km updip, to a few tens of metres in the Bou Tazoult area. The strata thicken again eastwards into the Pre-African Trough where they can be traced without major facies changes to the Kem Kem embayment and to the Bechar area in Algeria. Over all this eastern area, continental facies are overlain by the fully-marine shallow-water deposits of the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary interval. A first major conclusion is that fluvial aggradation in high-frequency transgressive-regressive sequences is coeval with the seaward-shift of the shoreline, in accordance with the genetic sequence stratigraphic model of Galloway (1989). Both the flatness of the depositional profile and the corresponding very low energy of the marine environment during the transgressions account for the blanket of red continental clays on top of marine facies in updip depositional sequences, which is then preserved under the marine transgressive surface of the next sequence. A second major conclusion is that the high-frequency transgressive-regressive (T-R) sequences do not look like classical parasequences bounded by transgression surfaces. They usually exhibit a surface created by a sea-level fall within the regressive half-cycle. This is interpreted in the following way: regressions did not operate through a regular seaward-shift of the shoreline, but through stepped sea-level falls. The very low slope of the depositional ramp is thought to have enhanced the sequence stratigraphic record of such stepped regressions. Short-term, high-frequency sequences are organized into medium-frequency T-R sequences (seven in the Cenomanian) which show an overall aggrading and slowly retrograding pattern along the whole transect. Comparisons with other basins show that medium-frequency sequences do not fit the third-order depositional sequences described elsewhere, casting doubts about a eustatic mechanism for their deposition.Sept coupes couvrant l'intervalle Albien supérieur-Turonien inférieur ont été corrélées sur plus de 400 km, des faciès entièrement marins jusqu'aux dépôts presque exclusivement continentaux, depuis la côte atlantique et le sillon pré-africain, entre le Haut-Atlas et l'Anti-Atlas marocains. L'épaisseur des dépôts cénomaniens varie d'environ 500 m dans les séries entièrement marines de la côte actuelle, à 250 m dans les séries principalement continentales du Haut-Atlas, pour s'amincir à quelques dizaines de mètres (Bou Tazoult), sur environ 250 km. La série s'épaissit à nouveau vers l'est dans le sillon pré-africain où elle peut être suivie sans changements notables vers le golfe des Kem-Kem et le secteur de Béchar en Algérie. Sur toute la partie orientale de la transversale, les faciès continentaux ou mixtes sont recouverts par les dolomies marines du passage Cénomanien-Turonien. Une première conclusion majeure est que, dans les séquences transgression-régression (T-R) à haute fréquence, l'aggradation fluviatile accompagne sans hiatus le déplacement de la ligne de rivage au cours du demi-cycle régressif, en accord avec le modèle génétique de Galloway (1989). La platitude extrême du profil de dépôt ainsi que la faible énergie correspondante de l'environnement marin expliquent la préservation de la faible couche de dépôts continentaux rouges de fin de séquence au cours de la transgression suivante. Une seconde observation majeure est que ces séquences T-R à haute fréquence ne sont pas organisées comme les "paraséquences" du modèle de stratigraphie séquentielle "d'Exxon", en principe limitées les unes des autres par des surfaces de transgression. Elles comportent toutes en plus une surface de chute du niveau marin relatif dans le demi-cycle régressif. Ceci est interprété de la façon suivante : les régressions de la ligne de rivage ne sont jamais régulières, elles s'effectuent par l'intermédiaire de chutes étagées qui emboîtent vers l'aval les prismes côtiers successifs. Là encore, la pente extrêmement faible du profil de dépôt explique la distorsion géométrique de l'enregistrement stratigraphique du demi-cycle régressif. Les séquences à haute fréquence sont organisées en séquences T-R à moyenne fréquence dont l'empilement au cours du Cénomanien est globalement aggradant-lentement rétrogradant sur la transversale. La comparaison avec d'autres bassins montre que les séquences à moyenne fréquence ne correspondent pas aux séquences de 3º ordre décrites ailleurs, mettant ainsi en doute un mécanisme eustatique pour leur mise en place

    T4 apoptosis in the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection predicts long COVID

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    BackgroundAs about 10% of patients with COVID-19 present sequelae, it is important to better understand the physiopathology of so-called long COVID.MethodTo this aim, we recruited 29 patients hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 infection and, by Luminex®, quantified 19 soluble factors in their plasma and in the supernatant of their peripheral blood mononuclear cells, including inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokines, and endothelium activation markers. We also measured their T4, T8 and NK differentiation, activation, exhaustion and senescence, T cell apoptosis, and monocyte subpopulations by flow cytometry. We compared these markers between participants who developed long COVID or not one year later.ResultsNone of these markers was predictive for sequelae, except programmed T4 cell death. T4 lymphocytes from participants who later presented long COVID were more apoptotic in culture than those of sequelae-free participants at Month 12 (36.9 ± 14.7 vs. 24.2 ± 9.0%, p = 0.016).ConclusionsOur observation raises the hypothesis that T4 cell death during the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection might pave the way for long COVID. Mechanistically, T4 lymphopenia might favor phenomena that could cause sequelae, including SARS-CoV-2 persistence, reactivation of other viruses, autoimmunity and immune dysregulation. In this scenario, inhibiting T cell apoptosis, for instance, by caspase inhibitors, could prevent long COVID

    Staphylococcus aureus infective endocarditis versus bacteremia strains: Subtle genetic differences at stake

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    AbstractInfective endocarditis (IE)(1) is a severe condition complicating 10–25% of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Although host-related IE risk factors have been identified, the involvement of bacterial features in IE complication is still unclear. We characterized strictly defined IE and bacteremia isolates and searched for discriminant features. S. aureus isolates causing community-acquired, definite native-valve IE (n=72) and bacteremia (n=54) were collected prospectively as part of a French multicenter cohort. Phenotypic traits previously reported or hypothesized to be involved in staphylococcal IE pathogenesis were tested. In parallel, the genotypic profiles of all isolates, obtained by microarray, were analyzed by discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC)(2). No significant difference was observed between IE and bacteremia strains, regarding either phenotypic or genotypic univariate analyses. However, the multivariate statistical tool DAPC, applied on microarray data, segregated IE and bacteremia isolates: IE isolates were correctly reassigned as such in 80.6% of the cases (C-statistic 0.83, P<0.001). The performance of this model was confirmed with an independent French collection IE and bacteremia isolates (78.8% reassignment, C-statistic 0.65, P<0.01). Finally, a simple linear discriminant function based on a subset of 8 genetic markers retained valuable performance both in study collection (86.1%, P<0.001) and in the independent validation collection (81.8%, P<0.01). We here show that community-acquired IE and bacteremia S. aureus isolates are genetically distinct based on subtle combinations of genetic markers. This finding provides the proof of concept that bacterial characteristics may contribute to the occurrence of IE in patients with S. aureus bacteremia
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