54 research outputs found

    Efficient and tunable Aharonov-Bohm quantum heat engine

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    We propose a quantum heat engine based on an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer in a two-terminal geometry, and investigate its thermoelectric performances in the linear response regime. Sizeable thermopower (up to 0.3mV\sim 0.3\,\text{mV}/K) as well as ZTZT values largely exceeding unity can be achieved by simply adjusting parameters of the setup and temperature bias across the interferometer leading to thermal efficiency at maximum power approaching 30%30\% of the Carnot limit. This is close to the optimal efficiency at maximum power achievable for a two-terminal heat engine. Changing the magnetic flux, the asymmetry of the structure, a side-gate bias voltage through a capacitively-coupled electrode and the transmission of the T-junctions connecting the AB ring to the contacts allows to finely tune the operation of the quantum heat engine. The exploration of the parameters' space demonstrates that the high performances of the Aharonov-Bohm two-terminal device as a quantum heat engine are stable over a wide range of temperatures and length imbalances, promising towards experimental realization.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Glauber coherence of single electron sources

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    Recently demonstrated solid state single electron sources generate different quantum states depending on their operation condition. For adiabatic and non-adiabatic sources we determine the Glauber correlation function in terms of the Floquet scattering matrix of the source. The correlation function provides full information on the shape of the state, on its time-dependent amplitude and phase, which makes the coherence properties of single electron states essential for the production of quantum multi-particle states.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figure

    Distributions of electron waiting times in quantum-coherent conductors

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    The distribution of electron waiting times is useful to characterize quantum transport in mesoscopic structures. Here we consider a generic quantum-coherent conductor consisting of a mesoscopic scatterer in a two-terminal setup. We extend earlier results for single-channel conductors to setups with several (possibly spin-degenerate) conduction channels and we discuss the effect of a finite electronic temperature. We present detailed investigations of the electron waiting times in a quantum point contact as well as in two mesoscopic interferometers with energy-dependent transmissions: a Fabry-P\'erot interferometer and a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. We show that the waiting time distributions allow us to determine characteristic features of the scatterers, for instance the number of resonant levels in the Fabry-P\'erot interferometer that contribute to the electronic transport.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Coherence of Single Electron Sources from Mach-Zehnder Interferometry

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    A new type of electron sources has emerged which permits to inject particles in a controllable manner, one at a time, into an electronic circuit. Such single electron sources make it possible to fully exploit the particles' quantum nature. We determine the single-particle coherence length from the decay of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations as a function of the imbalance of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer connected to a single electron source. The single-particle coherence length is of particular importance as it is an intrinsic property of the source in contrast to the dephasing length.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Autonomous quantum thermal machine for generating steady-state entanglement

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    We discuss a simple quantum thermal machine for the generation of steady-state entanglement between two interacting qubits. The machine is autonomous in the sense that it uses only incoherent interactions with thermal baths, but no source of coherence or external control. By weakly coupling the qubits to thermal baths at different temperatures, inducing a heat current through the system, steady-state entanglement is generated far from thermal equilibrium. Finally, we discuss two possible implementations, using superconducting flux qubits or a semiconductor double quantum dot. Experimental prospects for steady-state entanglement are promising in both systems.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Adiabatic versus nonadiabatic emission

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    We investigate adiabatic and nonadiabatic emission of single particles into an edge state using an analytically solvable dynamical scattering matrix model of an on-demand source. We compare adiabatic and nonadiabatic emissions by considering two geometries: a collider geometry where two emitters are coupled to two different edge states and a series geometry where two emitters are coupled to the same edge state. Most effects observed for adiabatic emitters also occur for nonadiabatic emitters. In particular this applies to effects arising due to the overlap of wave packets colliding at a quantum point contact. Specifically we compare the Pauli peak (the fermionic analog of the bosonic Hong-Ou-Mandel dip) for the adiabatic and nonadiabatic collider and find them to be similar. In contrast we find a striking difference between the two operating conditions in the series geometry in which particles are emitted into the same edge state. Whereas the squared average charge current can be nullified for both operating conditions, the heat current can be made to vanish only with adiabatic emitters

    Unifying paradigms of quantum refrigeration: fundamental limits of cooling and associated work costs

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    In classical thermodynamics the work cost of control can typically be neglected. On the contrary, in quantum thermodynamics the cost of control constitutes a fundamental contribution to the total work cost. Here, focusing on quantum refrigeration, we investigate how the level of control determines the fundamental limits to cooling and how much work is expended in the corresponding process. \jona{We compare two extremal levels of control. First coherent operations, where the entropy of the resource is left unchanged, and second incoherent operations, where only energy at maximum entropy (i.e. heat) is extracted from the resource. For minimal machines, we find that the lowest achievable temperature and associated work cost depend strongly on the type of control, in both single-cycle and asymptotic regimes. We also extend our analysis to general machines.} Our work provides a unified picture of the different approaches to quantum refrigeration developed in the literature, including algorithmic cooling, autonomous quantum refrigerators, and the resource theory of quantum thermodynamics.Comment: 17 + 28 pages, 10 figure

    Critical heat current for operating an entanglement engine

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    Autonomous entanglement engines have recently been proposed to generate steady-state bipartite and multipartite entanglement exploiting only incoherent interactions with thermal baths at different temperatures. In this work, we investigate the interplay between heat current and entanglement in a two-qubit entanglement engine, deriving a critical heat current for successful operation of the engine, i.e. a cut-off above which entanglement is present. The heat current can thus be seen as a witness to the presence of entanglement. In the regime of weak-inter qubit coupling, we also investigate the effect of two experimentally relevant parameters for the qubits, the energy detuning and tunnelling, on the entanglement production. Finally, we show that the regime of strong inter-qubit coupling provides no clear advantage over the weak regime, in the context of out-of-equilibrium entanglement engines.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, discussion on strong inter-qubit coupling adde