70 research outputs found

    A statistical approach for estimating mean maximum urban temperature excess.

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    Munkánkban a városi hősziget (UHI) maximális napi kifejlődését vizsgáltuk Szegeden, a beépítettségi paraméterek függvényében. A hőmérsékleti adatok valamint a beépítettségi arány, a vízfelszín-arány, az égbolt láthatósági index és az épületmagasság, valamint ezek területi kiterjesztései közötti kapcsolatot statisztikus modellezéssel határoztuk meg. A kapott modell-egyenleteket mindkét félévre (fűtési és nem-fűtési) többváltozós lineáris regresszió segítségével állapítottuk meg. Az eredményekből világosan látszik, hogy szignifikáns kapcsolat mutatható ki a maximális UHI területi eloszlása és a beépítettségi paraméterek között, ami azt jelenti, hogy e tényezők fontos szerepet jatszanak a városi hőmérsékleti többlet területi eloszlásának kialakításában. A városi paraméterek közül az égbolt láthatósági index és az épületmagasság a leginkább meghatározó tényező, ami összhangban van a városi felszín energia-egyenlegével. | Investigations concentrated on the urban heat island (UHI) in its strongest development during the diurnal cycle in Szeged, Hungary. Task includes development of statistical models in the heating and non-heating seasons using urban surface parameters (built-up and water surface ratios, sky view factor, building height) and their areal extensions. Model equations were determined by means of stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. As the results show, there is a clear connection between the spatial distribution of the UHI and the examined parameters, so these parameters play an important role in the evolution of the UHI intensity field. Among them the sky view factor and the building height are the most determining factors, which are in line with the urban surface energy balance

    Projection of intra-urban modification of night-time climate indices during the 21st century

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    The present paper evaluates the alteration of certain night-time climate indices namely warm nights (Tmin ≧ 17 °C) and tropical nights (Tmin ≧ 20 °C) during the 21st century in the city of Szeged. This examination was performed within the framework of a project founded by International Visegrad Fund, where the change of more climate indices were examined in several Central European cities. In this study the MUKLIMO_3 microclimatic model was used, which ensured the modelling of the local scale processes in the examined area. In the model for the land use we applied the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) system. In order to analyze longer periods the cuboid method was applied, which is a dynamical-statistical downscaling technique. We calculated the indices for 1981-2010 based on measurements and for 2021-2050 and 2071-2100 from the EURO-CORDEX datasets. In this study we present the results of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenarios namely RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5. Our results show that highest values appear in the city centre and the number of the days clearly increases in the 21st century especially according to scenario RCP 8.5. The values depend on the built-up types and there are more days towards to the densely built-up LCZs. Moreover, considering the relative changes of the zones, larger values appear in sparsely built-up zones and natural surfaces

    Evaluation and modelling the micro-bioclimatological conditions of a popular playground in Szeged, Hungary

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    Abstract This paper presents a thermal comfort study of a popular playground in Szeged, Hungary in order to find its optimal land cover and vegetation options. For this assessment simulated micro- and bioclimatological conditions recorded on a typical summer day (12th July 2011) were analysed. The thermal and radiation features of the study area were quantified by two biometeorological indices, Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Mean Radiant Temperature (Tmrt). For the simulation of the meteorological parameters and the bioclimate indices, ENVI-met microclimate model was used. The results confirmed that the modelled areas with different land cover provide a variety of thermal conditions for the visitors; moreover, human thermal sensation was significantly affected by the change of the radiation environment.</jats:p

    A városi hőmérsékleti többlet területi eloszlásának statisztikus modellezése a beépítettségi paraméter alapján, Szegeden és Debrecenben

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    A városi települések leginkább kutatott éghajlati sajátossága az ún városi hősziget (Urban Heat Island, UHI), mely az erősen urbanizált részek és a külterületek között kimutatható jelentős hőmérsékleti különbségben realizálódik. A hősziget intenzitása a városi területek esetében szignifikáns időbeli és térbeli változást mutat (Oke, 1997; Kuttler, 1998). Általánosságban elmondhatjuk, hogy a hősziget markáns kifejlődéséhez kedvező időjárási helyzetet a csapadék hiánya, a szélcsend vagy gyenge szél és a kevés felhőzet jellemzi. A kialakult hősziget intenzitásának maximumát leggyakrabban néhány órával napnyugta után tapasztalhatjuk (Oke and Maxwell, 1975). A városi hőmérsékleti többlet – a hősziget – kialakításában meghatározó szerepet játszó fizikai folyamatok rendkívül bonyolultak, hiszen időbeli lefutásuk gyors és egy erősen változó geometriájú és sokféle anyagminőségű városi felszínen keresztül fejtik ki hatásaikat. Ennek ellenére, a szakirodalomban fellelhetőek az UHI intenzitás becslésére statisztikus modellek: pl. szélsebesség, területhasznosítási típusok, népesség alapján (Park, 1986); rövidhullámú besugárzás, szélsebesség és felhőzet mennyisége alapján (Chow et. al., 1994); beépítettségi arány, magasság, szélsebesség, idő, hőmérsékleti amplitudó alapján (Kuttler et. al., 1996); beépítettségi arány, égbolt-láthatósági index, épületmagasság, vízfelszín arány alapján (Bottyán and Unger, 2003). Munkánk során – a fentiekből kiindulva – statisztikus modellek segítségével adunk becslést az átlagos maximális UHI intenzitás területi eloszlására Szegeden és Debrecenben, figyelembe véve a városi felszínek eltérő beépítettségi tulajdonságát, valamint az évszakos változékonyságot

    A statistical approach for estimating mean maximum urban temperature excess

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    Investigations concentrated on the urban heat island (UHI) in its strongest development during the diurnal cycle in Szeged, Hungary. Task includes development of statistical models in the heating and non-heating seasons using urban surface parameters (built-up and water surface ratios, sky view factor, building height) and their areal extensions. Model equations were determined by means of stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. As the results show, there is a clear connection between the spatial distribution of the UHI and the examined parameters, so these parameters play an important role in the evolution of the UHI intensity field. Among them the sky view factor and the building height are the most determining factors, which are in line with the urban surface energy balance

    Urban heat island patterns and their dynamics based on an urban climate measurement network

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    In this paper the spatial pattern of Urban Heat Island (UHI) and its dynamical background are analysed. Furthermore, we examined the annual, seasonal and diurnal characteristics of UHI according to the Local Climate Zones (LCZs). The analysis was performed using one year (between June 2014 and May 2015) dataset from the measurement network of Szeged (Hungary). This network consists of 24 stations measuring air temperature and relative humidity. In the installation of the network the representativeness played an important role in order to that the stations represents their LCZs. We examined the thermal reactions during average and ideal conditions using the so-called weather factor. Our results show that the UHI is stronger in the compactly built zones and there are great differences between the zones. The greatest values appear in summer, while the difference is small in winter. The UHI starts to develop at sunset and exists through approximately 9-10 hours and differences are about 2 °C larger in case of ideal days, when the conditions (wind, cloud cover) are appropriate to the strong development of the UHI. The cooling rates show that the first few hours after sunset are determinative for the developing of UHI. In addition, the effect of UHI on annual mean temperature is also significant

    Urban heat island research of Novi Sad (Serbia): A review

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     Today 29.3% of all newborns in Sweden are second-generation immigrants. Studies on mental health among these children are few, inconclusive and vary widely with regard to the informant used and the age of the immigrant. The majority of previous studies focus on study groups that cover a wide age span but since mental health varies considerably during the pre-adolescent and adolescent years, more age-specific studies are needed. Additional focus on the health and well-being of these children is necessary if a well-functioning society is to develop. Aim: To investigate whether and how second-generation immigrant children in Sweden differ from non-immigrant children in their presentation of self-reported mental health at the age of 12. Methods: Second-generation immigrant children (n = 142) from a birth cohort in southern Sweden, subjects of the SESBiC-study (the South East Sweden Birth Cohort-study) were compared with non-immigrant children (n = 1036) from the same cohort in their presentation of self-reported mental health at the age of 12 using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Gender, family structure and parents educational level were controlled for. Results: Second-generation immigrant children did not differ from the non-immigrant children in their own presentation of mental health at the age of 12 in any of the categories of immigrant groups. Conclusion: It is a promising sign for future integration that second-generation immigrant childrens self-reported mental health at the age of 12 was quite similar to that of non-immigrant children.Funding Agencies|Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research||May Flower of Charity||</p