360 research outputs found

    A perioperatív medicina szülészeti aspektusai

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    Napjainkban a világon a leggyakrabban végzett sebészi beavatkozás a császármetszés. Alapvető feltétel, hogy a műtétet szövődménymentesen lehessen végezni és a gyermekágyasok gyors posztoperatív felépülése biztosítható legyen, hiszen az anya–újszülött kapcsolatot már a műtét napján lehetővé kell tenni. A császármetszések mortalitása az elmúlt évtizedekben lényegesen csökkent, ez jelentős teammunka eredménye, valamint köszönhető a széles körben elterjedt gerincközeli érzéstelenítő eljárásoknak. A perinatológusteam tagja a szülészen és a neonatológuson kívül az aneszteziológus is, aki a páciens perioperatív ellátásáért felel. A szövődmények megelőzésének és korai eredményes kezelésének a feltétele, hogy az aneszteziológus már a terhesség során ismerkedjék meg a várandós nő állapotával, hogy megtervezhesse a perioperatív ellátást. A szerzők ismertetik a nagy kockázatú szülőnők csoportjait, a leggyakoribb anyai halálokokat és a preventív, valamint terápiás lehetőségeket. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(29), 1147–1151. | Recently the most frequently applied surgical procedure worldwide has been Cesarean section. It is essential to perform the operation without any complication. In addition, a fast postoperative recovery must be provided, because all mothers must have the chance for being together with their newborn infant even on the first day. The maternal mortality rates of Cesarean section significantly decreased in the last decades due to the planned team work as well as the widely applied regional (spinal and epidural) anesthetic procedures. Apart from the obstetrician and neonatologist the anesthesiologist is the member of the perinatal team, too, who is responsible for the patient’s perioperative care. To prevent complications and have an early successful treatment the anesthesiologist should be informed by the pregnant woman’ s health status in time in order to be able to plan the perioperative management. The high-risk groups of pregnant women, the most common causes of maternal death and possibilities of prevention and treatment are discussed. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(29), 1147–1151

    Természetközeli erdőnevelési eljárások faterméstani alapjainak vizsgálata = Investigation of growth and yield foundations of close-to nature silvicultural treatments

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    Fatermési szempontból igen fontos a fatérfogat növedékének a meghatározása. A jelen kutatás keretében megvizsgáltuk, hogy a természetközeli kezelésű faállományokban miképpen alakul az egyes fák (és a faállományok) növedéke, illetve ez a növedék milyen tényezőktől és milyen mértékben függ. A Soproni Tanulmányi Erdőgazdaság ZRt (TÁEG) Hegyvidéki Erdészetének területén 4-szer 12 db, egyenként 0,25 hektár területű (összesen: 12 hektár) elegyes fafajösszetételű mintaterületet újítottunk fel. A mintaterületek természetvédelmi, illetve rekreációs funkciójú faállományokban kerültek kialakításra. A fenti erdőrészletekben összesen 4682 db mintafa újrafelvételét végeztük el, illetve e mintaterületek korábbi felvételi adatainak újrafeldolgozásakor 8745 db mintafával végeztük el az újraszámításokat. A felvételek közben eltelt évek figyelembe vételével kiszámítottuk minden mintafa fatérfogat- és átmérő korszaki átlagnövedékét, amelyet az adott időszakra vonatkoztatott éves folyónövedéknek tekintettünk. Kiszámítottuk továbbá azokat a tényezőket, amelyek függvényében elemezni kívántuk az egyes fák növedékének alakulását. Ezek: az egyes fák közötti, körlappal súlyozott átlagos távolság; az egyes mintafák növőtere; a növőtér index; a Hegyi-index. Az adatok kiértékelése során bebizonyosodott, hogy az egyes mintafák fatérfogatának éves folyónövedéke a körlappal súlyozott átlagos távolsággal, illetve az ebből számított növőtér-értékkel áll a legszorosabb összefüggésben. | In forest growth and yield studies it is important to determine the volume increment. Based on the methodology applied in the research single tree increment data were available for three remeasurement periods in two sample plots and for two periods in three sample plots. In these project we investigated what is the increment of single trees (and stands) using close-to-nature treatment, and what are the factors influencing this increment. We renewed 4 times 12 sample plots, 0.25 ha each, (total 12 ha) established in mixed stands. The sample plots were established - as indicated in the title - partly in nature protection areas and partly in recreational forests. On the plots we remeasured a total number of 4682 trees, and with recalculating old measurements we processed the data of 8745 trees. We calculated the mean periodic increment considering the time elapsed between the measurements for single stem volume and DBH, and this increment was considered as the current annual increment for the respective period. We also calculated factors we wanted to use to analyze increment such as average distance between trees weighted by the basal area of the stems, the growing space of the trees, the growing space index, and the Hegyi-index. In the analyses it turned out that average distance weighted by the basal area and the growing space index calculated from this has the closest relation to the current annual increment of the trees

    The economic and political consequences of the activity of the Bajnai-government

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    The international financial and real economy crisis reached Hungary in the autumn of 2008. The crisis made the completion of the state budget and the convergence for the year 2009 very difficult and the continuation of the program according to the plan because the economic recession spoilt the budget After Gyurcsany Fcrcnc's resignation, on 16 April, 2009, the new government was established led by Bajnai Gordon. The main task of the Bajnai-government was to carry out the 20 billion Euros credit conditions receiving it from the IMF and the EU, so despite of the 6-7% economical reduction of the year 2009. which meant that the GDP-proportional budget deficit should stay under 4% in the years of 2009 and 2010, too. The Bajnai-govemment reduced the budget expenditures with 400 billion HUF in 2009, and in 2010 reduced with 900 billion HUF. and started to rationalize the tax system

    Synthesis of Zinc Ferrites in RF Thermal Plasma Reactor

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    Formation of nanosized zinc ferrite spinels was studied from iron- and zinc oxide powders and corresponding nitrate solutions, respectively in a radiofrequency thermal plasma reactor. From the viewpoint of applications, the research was motivated by the potential use of these materials in advanced magnetic devices on the one hand, and by their biomedical applications such as drug carriers or agents for cancer treatment by hyperthermia on the other. In this work effects of synthesis conditions on properties of products were studied in details. The products were characterised for chemical composition, phase conditions, particle size distribution, morphologies and saturation magnetisation. Most products exhibited ferrimagnetic behaviour. Correlations among domain- and particle sizes were also investigated. Conditions for the synthesis of nanosized, inverse zinc ferrites of high saturation magnetisation were established. It was proved that in thermal plasma conditions normal and inverse ferrites could be produced in a single step process

    Synthesis of Spinel Ferrites in Radiofrequency Thermal Plasma Reactor

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    Formation of nanosized zinc-ferrites and nickel-zinc ferrites from iron- and zinc oxide powders and corresponding nitrate solutions, respectively, was studied in RF thermal plasma conditions. The products were characterized for chemical composition, phase conditions, particle size distribution, morphologies and saturation magnetization. Effects of synthesis conditions on properties of products were studied in details

    Renewal of a Housing District from the sixties in Budapest

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    At the time of its construction the housing estate József Attila (1956-1963) in Budapest was a sample project (installation, interior spaces, new structures and materials) which has been obsoleted in the last 50 years. After winning the architectural and urban competition using open-minded architectural thinking that can make the housing estate a new role model again - increasing existing values and give new ones, the paper presents the principles of design which could be standard for neighborhoods of similar history

    Current concept on the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease-crosstalk between genetic and microbial factors: Pathogenic bacteria and altered bacterial sensing or changes in mucosal integrity take "toll"?

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    The pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is only partially understood. Various environmental and host (e.g. genetic-, epithelial-, immune and non-immune) factors are involved. It is a multifactorial polygenic disease with probable genetic heterogeneity. Some genes are associated with IBD itself, while others increase the risk of ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohn's disease (CD) or are associated with disease location and/or behaviour. This review addresses recent advances in the genetics of IBD. The article discusses the current information on the crosstalk between microbial and genetic factors (e.g. NOD2/CARD15, SLC22A46A5 and DLG5). The genetic data acquired in recent years help in understanding the pathogenesis of IBD and can identify a number of potential targets for therapeutic intervention. In the future, genetics may help more accurately diagnose and predict disease course in IBD

    Modelling the maximum development of urban heat island with the application of gis based surface parameters in Szeged : Part 2 : stratified sampling and the statistical model

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    Our investigations concentrated on the urban heat island (UHI) in its strongest development during the diumal cycle in Szeged, Hungary. In order to quantify the effect of the peculiar urban structure on the development of the mean annual urban heat island we determined a new surface parameter (weighted volumetric compactness) which characterises the volume, the building plan area and the thermodynamic role of the buildings at the same time. The calculation of this new parameter required a large-sized digital database that includes more than 22,000 building's 3 dimensional measurement. Because this would take a long time, we concentrate the investigation on a smaller but representative sample area, as the first step of our research. Our task included the development of statistical models using urban surface parameters (built-up and water surface ratios, sky view factor, building height, weighted volumetric compactness). Model equations were determined by means of stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. As the results show, there is a clear connection between the spatial distribution of the UHI and the examined parameters (built-up and water surface ratios and weighted volumetric compactness), so these parameters play an important role in the evolution of the UHI intensity field. The distribution of the difference between the modelled and the (independent) annual mean maximum heat island intensity show that we could calculate the heat island's spatial distribution properly from the sample area's dataset