29 research outputs found

    Renewal of a Housing District from the sixties in Budapest

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    At the time of its construction the housing estate József Attila (1956-1963) in Budapest was a sample project (installation, interior spaces, new structures and materials) which has been obsoleted in the last 50 years. After winning the architectural and urban competition using open-minded architectural thinking that can make the housing estate a new role model again - increasing existing values and give new ones, the paper presents the principles of design which could be standard for neighborhoods of similar history

    The way of the pharmaceutical ingredients to the finished pharmaceutical form

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    The modern pharmaceutical industry is a strictly controlled area. Both national and international rules apply, but none of these deals with logistical issues arising from the manufacture of the product. Following the path of a drug, it is possible to get acquainted with the problems that arise and their solution. The drug is much more than a common product. The drug is a product of confidence, which is provided with information. It defines its quality as well, to comply with the relevant directives and standards in the manufacture of, and that the enclosed information is sent to the user. This requires the manufacturer, the distributor and the user to comply with it. There is no production without material handling, but GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) does not yet have a chapter on logistics. References to handling raw materials and finished products can be found in the corresponding GMP chapters, the responsibility of the correct execution are borne by the manufacturer. In this case, the effect of the common sense prevails exponentially, keep the medicine in mind and it has to be done, that no loss, no quality deterioration is not caused by the transport, handling of such loads, storage. It is typical that the raw material and the finished product are going through the entire site during the pharmaceutical manufacture. Starting from the warehouse, it runs through the manufacturing facilities, on the packaging, and some units go to the lab, so that eventually, in medicine form returns to the warehouse, from where it goes further in the supply chain through the pharmacies to the patients. In our study we examine the logistics activity and problems of a small pharmaceutical company and tasks to be solved presented in the light of the theory

    Pre-Calculations Relating to the Establishment of a Fruit Processing Plant

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    The way of the pharmaceutical ingredients to the finished pharmaceutical form

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    The modern pharmaceutical industry is a strictly controlled area. Both national and international rules apply, but none of these deals with logistical issues arising from the manufacture of the product. Following the path of a drug, it is possible to get acquainted with the problems that arise and their solution. The drug is much more than a common product. The drug is a product of confidence, which is provided with information. It defines its quality as well, to comply with the relevant directives and standards in the manufacture of, and that the enclosed information is sent to the user. This requires the manufacturer, the distributor and the user to comply with it. There is no production without material handling, but GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) does not yet have a chapter on logistics. References to handling raw materials and finished products can be found in the corresponding GMP chapters, the responsibility of the correct execution are borne by the manufacturer. In this case, the effect of the common sense prevails exponentially, keep the medicine in mind and it has to be done, that no loss, no quality deterioration is not caused by the transport, handling of such loads, storage. It is typical that the raw material and the finished product are going through the entire site during the pharmaceutical manufacture. Starting from the warehouse, it runs through the manufacturing facilities, on the packaging, and some units go to the lab, so that eventually, in medicine form returns to the warehouse, from where it goes further in the supply chain through the pharmacies to the patients. In our study we examine the logistics activity and problems of a small pharmaceutical company and tasks to be solved presented in the light of the theory

    Gyógyszertári készlet optimalizálás a fogyásadatok függvényében

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    Absztrakt: Napjainkban Magyarországon több mint 5000 törzskönyvezett gyógyszer van forgalomban, emellett a gyógyszernek nem minősülő egyéb termékek száma naponta folyamatosan növekszik. A készítmények között van olyan, amit egy átlagos patikában naponta több tucatszor keresnek, de olyan termékre is akad példa, amire évi egyszer lenne csak igény. A heterogén fogyási adatok, valamint a forgalmazott szerek robbanásszerű növekedésének köszönhetően a gyógyszertáraknak egyre nagyobb logisztikai kihívást jelent, hogy a fogyasztói igényeket teljes mértékben, azonnal ki tudják elégíteni. A szektorra jellemző élesedő versenyhelyzet, patikák közötti konkurenciaharc azonban mindinkább kikényszeríti a gyógyszertáraktól a lehető legracionálisabb készlettervezést, ami figyelembe veszi az aktuális keresletet, de kerüli a gazdaságilag veszélyes felesleges készlethalmozást. Abstract: Nowadays there are more than 5,000 registered medicine in Hungary and the number of other medicinal products every day is more average 20 than previous day. The consumer's data of products are very heterogeneous. It is an important logistics task to satisfy the demands of consumers immediately. Increasing competition in the drug sector, competition between pharmacies forces the most rational pooling, avoiding the unnecessary pool stacking

    Gyógyszertári készlet optimalizálás a fogyásadatok függvényében

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    Nowadays there are more than 5,000 registered medicine in Hungary and the number of other medicinal products every day is more average 20 than previous day. The consumer's data of products are very heterogeneous. It is an important logistics task to satisfy the demands of consumers immediately. Increasing competition in the drug sector, competition between pharmacies forces the most rational pooling, avoiding the unnecessary pool stacking.Napjainkban Magyarországon több mint 5000 törzskönyvezett gyógyszer van forgalomban, emellett a gyógyszernek nem minősülő egyéb termékek száma naponta folyamatosan növekszik. A készítmények között van olyan, amit egy átlagos patikában naponta több tucatszor keresnek, de olyan termékre is akad példa, amire évi egyszer lenne csak igény. A heterogén fogyási adatok, valamint a forgalmazott szerek robbanásszerű növekedésének köszönhetően a gyógyszertáraknak egyre nagyobb logisztikai kihívást jelent, hogy a fogyasztói igényeket teljes mértékben, azonnal ki tudják elégíteni. A szektorra jellemző élesedő versenyhelyzet, patikák közötti konkurenciaharc azonban mindinkább kikényszeríti a gyógyszertáraktól a lehető legracionálisabb készlettervezést, ami figyelembe veszi az aktuális keresletet, de kerüli a gazdaságilag veszélyes felesleges készlethalmozást.&nbsp