112 research outputs found

    Product management, controlling and logistics at agriculture and food manufacturing companies

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    How to understand logistics in agro-food business? Logistic activities considerably changed in the last few years. The original aim of satisfying quantity needs has been followed by the logistic activity which meets the market's requirements, aims at satisfying the individual needs instead of standardized solutions, maximal the additional values, and finally, which gives a complex service. You can find special process of it in agriculture and food industry. These together mean a significant challenge for this profession. In our paper we try to understand methodology of logistics in agro-food business

    Connecting points of logistics, product management and controlling at manufacturing companies

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    Logistic activities considerably changed in the last few years. The original aim of satisfying quantity needs has been followed by the logistic activity which meets the market's requirements, aims at satisfying the individual needs instead of standardized solutions, maximal the additional values, and finally, which gives a complex service. These together mean a significant challenge for this profession

    10-Etil-3-karboxi-fenotiazin sóinak az előállítása és optikai tulajdonságaik vizsgálata: Preparation of 10-Ethyl-3-carboxy-phenothiazine Salts and Investigation of their Optical Properties

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    The main research topic of this work was the preparation of some: alkaline and alkaline earth metal salts of 10-ethyl-10H-phenothiazine-3-carboxylic acid by green chemistry methods, using metal hydroxides and metal carbonates. The optical properties of the products were tested by UV-VIS and Fluorescence spectroscopy. The composition and purity of the salts were analyzed by: FT-IR, NMR, XRD, TG and EA. The second aim of the research was to investigate the integration of the obtained salts into the DNA chain and examination of the corrosion prevention properties of these compounds. Kivonat A kutatás témája a 10-etil-3-karboxi-fenotiazin alkálifém és alkákiföldfém sóinak előállítása volt, zöld kémiai módszerrel, fém-hidroxidok illetve fém-karbonátok felhasználásával, továbbá az előállított sók optikai tulajdonságainak vizsgálata. A sók összetételének és tisztaságának igazolása IR, XRD, NMR, TG, EA analízisekkel történt.A kutatás másik célja az előállított sók DNS láncba való interkalálásának, illetve ezen sók korrózió megelőző tulajdonságainak vizsgálata volt

    Electrophysiological Correlates of Learning-Induced Modulation of Visual Motion Processing in Humans

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    Training on a visual task leads to increased perceptual and neural responses to visual features that were attended during training as well as decreased responses to neglected distractor features. However, the time course of these attention-based modulations of neural sensitivity for visual features has not been investigated before. Here we measured event related potentials (ERP) in response to motion stimuli with different coherence levels before and after training on a speed discrimination task requiring object-based attentional selection of one of the two competing motion stimuli. We found that two peaks on the ERP waveform were modulated by the strength of the coherent motion signal; the response amplitude associated with motion directions that were neglected during training was smaller than the response amplitude associated with motion directions that were attended during training. The first peak of motion coherence-dependent modulation of the ERP responses was at 300 ms after stimulus onset and it was most pronounced over the occipitotemporal cortex. The second peak was around 500 ms and was focused over the parietal cortex. A control experiment suggests that the earlier motion coherence-related response modulation reflects the extraction of the coherent motion signal whereas the later peak might index accumulation and readout of motion signals by parietal decision mechanisms. These findings suggest that attention-based learning affects neural responses both at the sensory and decision processing stages

    Neural basis of identity information extraction from noisy face images

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    Previous research has made significant progress in identifying the neural basis of the remarkably efficient and seemingly effortless face perception in humans. However, the neural processes that enable the extraction of facial information under challenging conditions when face images are noisy and deteriorated remains poorly understood. Here we investigated the neural processes underlying the extraction of identity information from noisy face images using fMRI. For each participant, we measured (1) face-identity discrimination performance outside the scanner, (2) visual cortical fMRI responses for intact and phase-randomized face stimuli, and (3) intrinsic functional connectivity using resting-state fMRI. Our whole-brain analysis showed that the presence of noise led to reduced and increased fMRI responses in the mid-fusiform gyrus and the lateral occipital cortex, respectively. Furthermore, the noise-induced modulation of the fMRI responses in the right face-selective fusiform face area (FFA) was closely associated with individual differences in the identity discrimination performance of noisy faces: smaller decrease of the fMRI responses was accompanied by better identity discrimination. The results also revealed that the strength of the intrinsic functional connectivity within the visual cortical network composed of bilateral FFA and bilateral object-selective lateral occipital cortex (LOC) predicted the participants' ability to discriminate the identity of noisy face images. These results imply that perception of facial identity in the case of noisy face images is subserved by neural computations within the right FFA as well as a re-entrant processing loop involving bilateral FFA and LOC. © 2015 the authors

    Egyetemi tanulmányaikat megkezdő hallgatók tanulási mintázata és tanulói profilja

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    A number of international studies focus on identifying the characteristics of university dropouts. In order to better understand the phenomenon of university dropouts, most of the studies examines students’ learning strategies, habits, learning patterns, motivation, and attitudes toward learning. In our study, we focused on these individual characteristics of 1359 first-year students at University of Szeged. We developed a questionnaire – LAMS (Learning Attitudes, Motives and Strategies) in order to assess students’ learning strategies, motivation and attitudes. According to our results, students mostly use the memorization strategy (74%) at a high level. However, we found the help-seeking (69%), planning (60%), and positive motivational patterns (mastery motivation 86%, academic self-efficacy 71%, cooperation with others 82%) also common among university students. Self-confidence-based development has positive correlations with the measured cognitive abilities and the university entry scores. On the basis of student patterns, students, who have poor learning pattern (with high maladaptive learning attitudes while having low level of efforts for learning, development and cooperation) could be at risk of university drop-outs. In addition, 20% of the students, the ‘loiterers’ also need special attention, who are motivated by social interaction and good relationships with others, and not motivated by learning. In accordance with the purpose of our research, we have examined the learning and student patterns of first-year university students, identified groups at risk of dropping out, which could assign tasks in the future for learning development.Nagy felelősség új Nemzeti Alaptantervet készíteni. Nem változik meg tőle egészen a magyar iskolaügy, de azért nagy a hatása, s az oktatás minden szereplőjének munkájára hatással van. Ezért nagy a felelőssége annak is, aki egy, a Nemzeti Alaptantervről szóló vitához hozzászól, aki véleményét, elképzeléseit érvényesíteni akarja. Nem is egyetlen szakma belügye az alaptanterv tartalma, hanem sok egymásra épülő vagy egymástól külön-külön fejlődő és vizsgáló diszciplína előmunkálatainak közös eredője lehet a majdani végeredmény. Tanulmányomban már csak ezért is nemcsak az irodalomtudomány tudására hivatkozom, de különböző szociológiai, pedagógiai, didaktikai, oktatáskutatási, olvasáskutatási eredményekre is. Mert miképp a vizsgált és befolyásolni kívánt jelenség – nevezetesen az iskolaügy – rendkívül összetett, úgy vizsgálata is szükségképpen ilyen kell legyen, s amikor egy hozzászólás az iskolarendszer egy szegmensének jogi eszközökkel történő módosítására, befolyásolására vagy megváltoztatására kíván érveket felhozni, akkor bizony mindezen aspektusok közül minél többre kell, hogy a figyelme kiterjedjen

    Geochemical modeling possibilities of CO<sub>2</sub> and brine inflow to freshwater aquifers

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    In worst-case leakage scenarios of CO2 geological storage, CO2 or brine may contaminate shallower drinking water aquifers. This work applies an advanced geochemical modeling methodology to predict and understand the effects of the aforementioned contamination scenarios. Several possibilities, such as equilibrium batch, kinetic batch, and 1D kinetic reactive transport simulations, were tested. These have all been implemented in the widely applied PHREEQC code. The production of figures and animations has been automated by R programming. The different modeling levels provide complementary information to each other. Both scenarios (CO2 or brine leakage) indicate the increase of ion concentrations in the freshwater, which might exceed drinking water limit values. The dissolution of CO2 changes the pH and induces mineral dissolution and precipitation in the aquifer and therefore changes in solution composition. Brine replacement of freshwater due to the pressure increase in the geological system induces mineral reactions as well

    Impact of copper and iron binding properties on the anticancer activity of 8-hydroxyquinoline derived Mannich bases.

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    The anticancer activity of 8-hydroxyquinolines relies on complex formation with redox active copper and iron ions. Here we employ UV-visible spectrophotometry and EPR spectroscopy to compare proton dissociation and complex formation processes of the reference compound 8-hydroxyquinoline (Q-1) and three related Mannich bases to reveal possible correlations with biological activity. The studied derivatives harbor a CH2-N moiety at position 7 linked to morpholine (Q-2), piperidine (Q-3), and chlorine and fluorobenzylamino (Q-4) substituents. Solid phase structures of Q-3, Q-4·HCl·H2O, [(Cu(HQ-2)2)2]·(CH3OH)2·Cl4·(H2O)2, [Cu(Q-3)2]·Cl2 and [Cu(HQ-4)2(CH3OH)]·ZnCl4·CH3OH were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. In addition, the redox properties of the copper and iron complexes were studied by cyclic voltammetry, and the direct reaction with physiologically relevant reductants (glutathione and ascorbic acid) was monitored. In vitro cytotoxicity studies conducted with the human uterine sarcoma MES-SA/Dx5 cell line reveal the significant cytotoxicity of Q-2, Q-3, and Q-4 in the sub- to low micromolar range (IC50 values 0.2-3.3 μM). Correlation analysis of the anticancer activity and the metal binding properties of the compound series indicates that, at physiological pH, weaker copper(ii) and iron(iii) binding results in elevated toxicity (e.g.Q4: pCu = 13.0, pFe = 6.8, IC50 = 0.2 μM vs.Q1: pCu = 15.1, pFe = 13.0 IC50 = 2.5 μM). Although the studied 8-hydroxyquinolines preferentially bind copper(ii) over iron(iii), the cyclic voltammetry data revealed that the more cytotoxic ligands preferentially stabilize the lower oxidation state of the metal ions. A linear relationship between the pKa (OH) and IC50 values of the studied 8-hydroxyquinolines was found. In summary, we identify Q-4 as a potent and selective anticancer candidate with significant toxicity in drug resistant cells