10 research outputs found

    Növényvédő szerek értékesítése 2009. év

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    A kiadvány az OSAP-ban 1271 nyilvántartási számon kötelezően elrendelt jelentés alapján készült. Az adatszolgáltatók a mezőgazdasági termelőeszköz kereskedelemmel foglalkozó vállalkozások

    Az élelmiszergazdaság külkereskedelme 2010. I-V. hónap

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    Az élelmiszergazdaság külkereskedelm

    Early Warning of Rainfall-induced Landslides and Debris Flows on Mt. Bawakaraeng, South Sulawesi,Indonesia

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    Rainfall thresholds that form the basis of the landslide warning systems now exist for a few areas in Indonesia. Based on analysis of historical data, threshold performance varies according to precipitation characteristics, and threshold exceed corresponds to a given probability of landslide occurrence. Early warnings of landslides and debris flows that include specific information about affected areas, probability of landslide and debris flow occurrence, and expected timing are technically feasible as illustrated by a case study made on Mt. Bawakaraeng, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Records from 1997 to 2007 of rainfall data and history of landslides and debris flows were collected from the Ministry of Public Works of the government of Indonesia. The threshold, as defined by the lower boundary of the points representing landslides and debris-triggering rainfall events, is expressed by the equations I= 41.85D-0,85 before the large scale landslide on March 26, 2004 and I = 37.71D-0,90after the large scale landslide, where I is the rainfall intensity (mm/hr) and D is the duration of rainfall (hr). According to empirical threshold analysis, the regression curve can be considered as a reliable rainfall intensity- duration threshold for the study area, above which, landslide or debris flow event may occur

    Az élelmiszergazdaság külkereskedelme 2010. I-VIII. hónap

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    Oppgavens tittel «Kan kompetanseutvikling serveres på fat?» tar utgangspunkt i begrepet «matnyttig» som vi hører lærere bruke i sin omtale av utviklingstiden, og deretter hvordan skoleledelsen kan legge til rette for utviklingsprosesser som oppleves relevant for profesjonsutvikling. Vår forskerinteresse er knyttet opp til arbeidet med skolebasert kompetanseutvikling på skoler der vi selv er ledere. Studien er et aksjonsforskningsprosjekt som tar utgangspunkt i vår undring over hva lærere legger i begrepet «matnyttig». Vi hadde en forforståelse at de ønsket tips og ideer, og gjerne i form av ferdige undervisningsopplegg. Forskningen viste imidlertid at våre lærere hadde en mye mer nyansert og utvidet forståelse. For dem var det matnyttig når det førte til læring og utvikling for dem selv, for det kollektive på skolen og når det hadde overføringsverdi til klasserommet. Våre funn står i kontrast til rapporten fra Ungdomstrinn i Utvikling (Postholm, Normann, Dehlin, Engvik, & Irgens, 2017), der det hevdes at lærere i all hovedsak er opptatt av å få tilført metoder og verktøy som «matnyttig leveranse». Gjennom intervju i etterkant av en utviklingstid på de tre skolene ble lærere bedt å vurdere møtets «matnyttighet», og sammen med vår logg utgjør dette empirien i vår studie. I drøftingen ser vi på hva som kan ha vært med på å skape lærernes nyanserte og utvidede syn på skolebasert kompetanseutvikling. Vi ser også på ulike faktorer som kan være med på å påvirke utviklingsprosesser, og hvordan vi som skoleledere kan legge til rette for at arbeid skal oppleves nyttig og relevant for lærerne. Forutsetningen for Skolebasert kompetanseutvikling er engasjerte lærere og skoleledere som sammen skaper en kultur for læring

    Implementasi Program Pengembangan Desa Pesisir Tangguh (PDPT) Dalam Upaya Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir (Studi Di Desa Tambakrejo, Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan, Kabupaten Malang)

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    : The Implementation of Program Pengembangan Desa Pesisir Tangguh (PDPT) for the Development of Coastal Region (Study at Desa Tambakrejo, Sumbermaning Wetan, Malang). Indonesia is a country of the sea that accouns compared to the land. However this high potential sector is inversely related to the condition of coastal communities.These communities live below proverty line and remain in scarcity. The government attempts to resolve this coastal problem with Program Pengembangan Desa Pesisir Tangguh (PDPT) to 38 area. Malang is one of the district that appointed for this program by Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Indonesia. Persuant to the results of data analysis, the conclusion is elucidated as follows. The implementation of Program Pengembangan Desa Pesisir Tangguh in Tambakrejo, Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan, Kabupaten Malang show that three focuses of this program are well executed whereas two other focuses are not implemented. The implemented fostering activity is concerning with resources, environment/infrastructure, and disaster alert. The unimplemented fostering activity include those related with human and business. It is than recommended that the implementation of program must be consistent with the reliable fund, there shall be cooperation and coordination with the related parties to resolve the regulation and there must be an improvement in the monitoring and evaluation program

    Az élelmiszerfeldolgozó kis- és középvállalkozások helyzete, nemzetgazdasági és regionális szerepe = The Position, National Economic and Regional Role of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Food Processing Sector

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    A magyar élelmiszeripar az EU csatlakozás után vesztett dinamizmusából és napjainkra mély válságba került. Felvetődik a kérdés, van-e kitörési lehetőség a reménytelennek tűnő helyzetből? A tanulmányt megalapozó kutatás azt volt hivatott feltárni, hogy az élelmiszeripari kis- és középvállalkozások milyen szerepet játszhatnak a kilábalásban. A szerzők interjú módszerre alapozott primer kutatás és statisztikai adatok feldolgozása alapján megállapítják, hogy az élelmiszer-feldolgozó kkv-knak van jövőjük, eszközei (de nem kizárólagoső) lehetnek az élelmiszeripar jelenlegi válságából való kitörésnek. A globális élelmiszergazdaság mellett(ő) jóval nagyobb figyelmet kell fordítani a helyi és regionális élelmiszergazdaság fejlődésére (fejlesztésére). A kkv-k a multinacionális élelmiszer-feldolgozóknál nagyobb hosszú távú stabilitást jelentenek, és társadalmi hatásai is kedvezőbbek. = Following the EU accession, the dynamism of the Hungarian food declined and it is now in a critical condition. The question arises as to whether there is a possibility to break out from this apparently hopeless situation. The research underpinning this study was intended to reveal the role of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the emergence from the crisis. Based on primary research performed through interviews and the processing of statistical data, the authors established that the food processing SMEs have a future, and that they may serve as instruments (though not alone) for allowing the food industry to break out from the crisis. Beside the global food economy, much more attention has to be paid to the development of the local and regional food economy. The SMEs may grant stability for a longer term than multinational food processing companies and their social impacts are more favourable too