41 research outputs found

    Non-expander Cayley graphs of simple groups

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    For every infinite sequence of simple groups of Lie type of growing rank we exhibit connected Cayley graphs of degree at most 10 such that the isoperimetric number of these graphs converges to 0. This proves that these graphs do not form a family of expanders

    Spectral sets in Zp2qr

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    We prove the every spectral set in Zp2qr tiles, where p, q and r are primes. Combining this with a recent result of Malikiosis we obtain that Fuglede's conjecture holds for Zp2qr

    Non-expander Cayley graphs of simple groups

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    For every infinite sequence of simple groups of Lie type of growing rank we exhibit connected Cayley graphs of degree at most 10 such that the isoperimetric number of these graphs converges to 0. This proves that these graphs do not form a family of expanders

    Cayley graphs

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    Decompositions of the positive real numbers into disjoint sets closed under addition and multiplication

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    The main purpose of this paper is to prove that the positive real numbers can be decomposed into finitely many disjoint pieces which are also closed under addition and multiplication. As a byproduct of the argument we determine all the possible decompositions of the transcendental extension of the rational field of rank one into two pieces. Further, we prove that the positive elements of a real algebraic extensions of the rational numbers are indecomposable into two pieces

    Minimum area isosceles containers

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    We show that every minimum area isosceles triangle containing a given triangle TT shares a side and an angle with TT. This proves a conjecture of Nandakumar motivated by a computational problem. We use our result to deduce that for every triangle TT, (1) there are at most 33 minimum area isosceles triangles that contain TT, and (2) there exists an isosceles triangle containing TT whose area is smaller than 2\sqrt2 times the area of TT. Both bounds are best possible