6 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Factors Influencing the Infection Control Nurses' Educational Activities

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    Giriş: Hastane enfeksiyonlarını önleme çalışmalarında rutin uygulamalar, enfeksiyon kontrol ekibi ve bu ekibin anahtar üyesiolan enfeksiyon kontrol hemşiresi tarafından yürütülmektedir. Enfeksiyon kontrol hemşiresinin temel görevleri; sürveyans,eğitim, haberleşme ve rapor etmedir. Amaç: Bu çalışma, enfeksiyon kontrol hemşirelerinin katıldıkları ve uyguladıklarısürekli eğitim faaliyetlerini etkileyen faktörleri incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yöntem: Araştırmanın örneklemini İstanbulilindeki 50 ve daha fazla yatak kapasitesine sahip kamu, üniversite ve özel hastanelerde görev yapan 115 enfeksiyon kontrolhemşiresi oluşturmuştur. Veriler; hemşirelerin sosyodemografik ve mesleki özellikleri, katıldıkları eğitim faaliyetleri ilekurumda uyguladıkları eğitim faaliyetlerini içeren 18 soruluk anket formu kullanılarak gündüz mesaisi içinde toplanmıştır.Verilerin analizinde, yüzdelik, frekans, ortalama, Pearson ki kare, Student t testi uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Enfeksiyon kontrolhemşirelerinin %43.4'ünün bir yıldan beri enfeksiyon kontrol hemşiresi olarak çalıştığı, yarısının lisans ve lisansüstü öğrenimgördüğü, %84'ünün hastane enfeksiyonlarına yönelik eğitim programına katıldığı, ancak %57.3'ünün aldığı eğitimleri yeterlibulmadığı belirlenmiştir. Hemşirelerin çoğunluğunun, kendilerini geliştirmek için bilimsel etkinliklere katıldığı; öğrenimdüzeyi yükseldikçe derneklere üyelik, kongre ve eğitim toplantılarına katılımın arttığı belirlenmiştir. Hemşirelerin çoğunluğu,kurumlarında yaptığı eğitimlerde sıklıkla anlatım yöntemi ve bilgisayar projeksiyonu kullandığını ve eğitim yaparkenzorlandığını (%63) ifade etmiştir. Sonuç: Hemşirelerin öğrenim düzeyi yükseldikçe kurumda uyguladıkları eğitimlerdeyaşadıkları sorunlar azalmaktadır. Enfeksiyon kontrol hemşirelerinin eğitim faaliyetlerinin niteliğini arttırmak ve yaşadıklarıgüçlükleri azaltmak için eğitim programlarının geliştirilmesi ve eğitici eğitimlerinin düzenlenmesi önerilmiştir. Background: Routine procedures for the prevention of hospital infections are performed by the infection control team and infection controlnurse having the key member of this team. The main tasks of the infection control nurse are surveillance, training, communication andreporting. Objectives: This study aims to investigate the factors influencing the ongoing educational activities that infection control nursesboth participate and perform. Methods: The sample of the study included 115 infection control nurses who worked in ≥50 bed capacitystate,university and private hospitals located in Istanbul. The data was collected using an 18-item questionnaire of infection control nurseson the socio-economical and occupational characteristics, training activities which they are attended and applicated in their hospitals. Thedata were collected by an 18-item questionnaire filled via interview. For the analysis of the data, percent, frequency, mean, Pearson chisquareand Students t-tests were used. Results: 43.4% of nurses worked for one year as an infection control nurses, half had completedbachelor of sciences or post-graduate education, 84% had attended to training programs on hospital infections, but 57.3 % were not satisfiedof their trainings. It has been reported that the majority of the nurses attended the scientific courses to improve themselves; and as theeducational level increased, the attendance to scientific activities and getting memberships in societies, congresses and educational meetingswere accelerated. Most of the nurses give trainings in their institutes by using some training techniques computer projections. Most 63% ofthe nurses have difficulty during training. Conclusion: As the educational level of the infection control nurses rises, problems regardingtrainings decrease. It is suggested that, in order to increase the quality of the training activities of the infection control nurses and to decreasethe difficulties continual, training programs should be improved and train-the- trainer activities should be redesigned

    Difficulties Encountered by Infection Control Nurses

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    Introduction: This study was performed to evaluate the difficulties encountered during infection control practice by infection control nurses and to propose possible solutions. Materials and Methods: The sampling of the survey included 115 infection control nurses working in community, private and university hospitals in Istanbul with more than 50-bed capacities. Data regarding sociodemographic and professional features, difficulties encountered in their work and proposed solutions were collected via a questionnaire consisting of 19 questions and results were evaluated with statistical tests. Results: The mean age of the infection control nurses was 33 (± 5.99). Half of them had baccalaureate and master’s and doctorate’s degree(s). 43.4% of the infection control nurses had been performing this duty for 1 year or less and 44.3% of them had an extra duty. As the education level of the nurses increased, the extra duties decreased. 98.3% of the nurses stated that they liked their job and 44.3% reported having job satisfaction. 42% of nurses had difficulties in doing surveillance, 44% had difficulties in communication with the doctors and 72% stated that they experienced more satisfaction in their work when they worked more independently. Nurses wanted health care workers to have a more serious attitude towards infection control, an increase in the scientific literature, a decrease in workload, and a raise in income. Conclusion: It is believed that organizing occupational and scientific thematic courses and preparing a periodical publication about the work of infection control nurses would be highly beneficial towards minimizing the difficulties they face in the conduct of their duties