38 research outputs found

    Kinetics of crystallization of FeB-based amorphous alloys studied by neutron thermo-diffractometry

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    Kinetics of crystallization of two amorphous alloys, Fe70Cr10B20 and Fe80Zr10B10, have been followed up by neutron thermodiffractometry experiments performed in the two axis diffractometer D20 (ILL, Grenoble). The structural changes are directly correlated with the temperature dependence of the magnetization. Fe70Cr10B20 crystallizes following a two-step process: an eutectic crystallization of alfa-Fe (bcc) and the metastable tetragonal phase (Fe0.8Cr0.2)3B followed by another eutectic transformation to the stable phase (Fe0.75Cr0.25)2B and more segregation of alfa-Fe. These tetragonal phases are magnetically anisotropic, giving rise to a large increase of the coercivity. This behaviour is similar to that of Fe80B20 alloys, with Cr atoms replacing the Fe positions in both crystalline phases. Fe80Zr10B10 shows also a two-step process in which two polymorphic transformations take place.Comment: 3 pages. Proceedings International Workshop Non-Crystalline Solids 2006, Gijon (Spain

    Calcification in free‑living coralline algae is strongly influenced by morphology: Implications for susceptibility to ocean acidification

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    Rhodolith beds built by free-living coralline algae are important ecosystems for marine biodiversity and carbonate production. Yet, our mechanistic understanding regarding rhodolith physiology and its drivers is still limited. Using three rhodolith species with different branching morphologies, we investigated the role of morphology in species’ physiology and the implications for their susceptibility to ocean acidification (OA). For this, we determined the effects of thallus topography on diffusive boundary layer (DBL) thickness, the associated microscale oxygen and pH dynamics and their relationship with species’ metabolic and light and dark calcification rates, as well as species’ responses to short-term OA exposure. Our results show that rhodolith branching creates low-flow microenvironments that exhibit increasing DBL thickness with increasing branch length. This, together with species’ metabolic rates, determined the light-dependent pH dynamics at the algal surface, which in turn dictated species’ calcification rates. While these differences did not translate in species-specific responses to short-term OA exposure, the differences in the magnitude of diurnal pH fluctuations (~ 0.1–1.2 pH units) between species suggest potential differences in phenotypic plasticity to OA that may result in different susceptibilities to long-term OA exposure, supporting the general view that species’ ecomechanical characteristics must be considered for predicting OA responses

    Cladocera Chydoridae of high altitude water bodies (Serra da Mantiqueira), in Brazil

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    The diversity of species of Cladocera, Chydoridae in the water bodies belonging to the water management unity of Serra da Mantiqueira, was studied inside the BIOTA/FAPESP Program. A total of 21 water bodies were analyzed and the sampling was carried out between 9th and 11th September, 1999. Horizontal and vertical net hauls were taken at littoral and limnetic region in each lake. Most water bodies in Serra da Mantiqueira unity are small, shallow, and densely colonized by macrophytes. Most species of Cladocera found belong to the Chydoridae family, being typical inhabitants of the littoral zone, living associated with macrophytes. A total of 12 species were found, 9 of the subfamily Aloninae and 3 Chydorinae. In more than half of the water bodies the relative abundance of chydorids reached 100%, and they were dominant in most of the others, with few exceptions. Alona rustica was the most frequent species, occurring in 62% of the water bodies. The results evidenced the importance of the littoral zone as propitious habitats for the species of Chydoridae and contributing significantly to the diversity of Cladocera as a whole

    Ethanolic extract of Casearia sylvestris Sw exhibitsin vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities andin vivo hypolipidemic effect in rats

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    ABSTRACT:The Casearia sylvestris Sw (Flacourtiaceae) is a shrub that occurs in forests of Southern Brazil; its leaves are widely used in folk medicine as a depurative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiulcerogenic agent. The objective of this study was to perform the phytochemical description and to evaluate the pharmacological activities (antimicrobial, antifungal, antioxidant and toxicity) of the ethanolic extract (EE) of C. sylvestris Sw. In addition, we also evaluated the effect of the EE ofC. sylvestris Sw on the glucose levels and lipid profile in blood serum of rats submitted to a model of streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Material and Methods: In vitro assay: the detection of chemical groups was done through chemical reactions with the development of color or precipitate and by chromatographic profile; the antioxidant activity was measured by the method of reduction of DPPH free radical (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl); the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration was evaluated by the broth microdilution method, and the Minimum Bactericide Concentration and the Minimum Fungicide Concentration were performed in Petri dishes; the cytotoxic activity was measured by the Artemia salina test. In vivo assay: diabetic and non-diabetic rats were treated with EE of C. sylvestris Sw (300 mg/kg) for 45 days, and the glycaemia and lipid profile were analyzed. Results: The EE showed a Lethal Dose50 of 724.76 μg.mL-1 and important antioxidant, fungicide and fungistatic activities. The EE showed better antimicrobial activity regarding the microorganismsStaphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli andSalmonella setubal. Conclusion: The EE of C. sylvestris Sw produces a significant decrease in triglycerides, total cholesterol and VLDL levels without any significant alteration in the glycaemia. The EE of C. sylvestris Sw presents antioxidant and antimicrobial activities and it exhibits a potent hypolipidemic effect