247 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Research on Administration Ethics at School

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    The aim of the research is to reveal the opinions of the school administrators about the administration ethics. In this study, 30 administrators working in the middle schools of Eskişehir province center in the 2016–2017 academic year were reached. In the study, data were gathered by interview technique which is one of the qualitative research methods. All of the interviews were conducted by the researcher individually. During the interviews, voice recordings were made with the interviewers who consented to this and note-taking system was used with the interviewers who did not consent to voice recording. Data were analyzed by content analysis method. Analyzing the content of the interview, themes and sub-themes were created according to thematic coding. According to the results of the research, the administrators stated that there was no written professional ethical principles in the school and they did not need them. However, there are officially written professional ethical principles. According to school administrators, the source of unethical behavior is inadequacy and being under pressure by many factors. However, some administrators can ignore unethical behavior. School administrators prefer to give punishment to the staff directly who will act unethically. Ethical practices in school administrators' schools are not at the level as it is supposed to be and are not functional. School administrators indicate that there is a professional difference between men and women. It is obvious that school administrators who participated in this study have deficiencies in ethics in school administration

    Grenzüberschreitender Handel mit Medien : Methodik und Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie auf Basis der amtlichen Wirtschaftsstatistik

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    Grenzüberschreitender Handel mit medialen Gütern ist nicht nur ein Wirtschaftsfaktor, er verweist auch auf kulturelle Nähe zwischen den Märkten. Anhand der Darstellung internationaler amtlicher Wirtschaftsdaten ist es möglich, das Volumen des Handels mit medialen Gütern darzustellen und damit verbundene kulturelle Vernetzungen aufzuzeigen. Der Handel mit Mediengütern geht dabei über den Austausch physisch greifbarer Endprodukte hinaus. Er umfasst sowohl physische Güter – wie gedruckte Zeitungen – als auch immaterielle Güter, worunter zum Beispiel Filme und Fernsehsendungen oder der Handel mit Sendungskonzepten und Informationen fallen, die aus ökonomischer Perspektive als Dienstleistungen gelten. Um internationale Handelsströme zu erfassen, nutzen die Länder harmonisierte amtliche Codiersysteme, die unter der Schirmherrschaft der Vereinten Nationen entwickelt wurden und Eingang in die Erfassung ökonomischer Wirtschaftsströme auf regionaler (z. B. europäischer) und nationaler Ebene gefunden haben. Im Handel mit film- und fernsehbezogenen Gütern erweist sich Deutschland als Importland. Das Volumen der Importe übersteigt das der Exporte um das Doppelte. Die USA sind die wichtigste Bezugsquelle für den deutschen Film- und Fernsehmarkt und unter den untersuchten Ländern auch der wichtigste Absatzmarkt für deutsche Film- und Fernsehgüter. Daneben sind Österreich, Großbritannien und die Niederlande wichtige deutsche Handelspartner im Bereich der „audiovisual services“. Auf dem Gebiet des Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenmarktes zeigt sich ein gegenläufiges Bild. Hier übersteigen deutsche Exporte die Einfuhren um das Doppelte. Aufgrund der gemeinsamen Sprache sind Österreich und die Schweiz die wichtigsten deutschen Handelspartner. Aufgrund günstiger Produktionsbedingungen bestehen auch zu Polen umfassende Handelsbeziehungen, die sich allerdings eher in einer ökonomischen (Import von Druckereierzeugnissen) als in einer publizistischen Austauschbeziehung äußern. Knapp die Hälfte aller deutschen Importe stammt aus Polen, während der Anteil deutscher Printexporte nach Polen bei unter 1 Prozent liegt. Die Außenhandelsstatistik allein kann keine detaillierte Analyse der grenzüberschreitend aktiven Unternehmen ersetzen. Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts „cross-border media communication“ werden daher in einem weiteren Schritt typische Muster des grenzüberschreitenden Handelns von Medienunternehmen identifiziert werden

    The efficacy of cinacalcet in the treatment of hyperparathyroidism in Turkish hemodialysis patient population

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    WOS: 000393291900012OBJECTIVE: Cinacalcet reduces parathyroid hormone levels by increasing the sensitivity of the parathyroid gland to calcium. in this study, we firstly aimed to evaluate the efficacy of cinacalcet in Turkish hemodialysis patients. MATERIAL and METHODS: 4483 hemodialysis patients were screened and 469 patients who had used cinacalcet were included in the study. the patients were divided into 4 groups according to drug usage durations (Group 1: 3 months, Group 2: 6 months, Group 3: 9 months and Group 4: 12 months). the patients' Parathormone, Ca, P and CaxP levels at the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th months were compared to the start of treatment and previous months. RESULTS: the levels of Parathormone, Ca, P and CaxP significantly decreased compared to their initial levels in all groups (from 1412 pg/ml to 1222 pg/mL for Parathormone, p< 0,001) in the 3rd month. However, this reduction was not continued in the subsequent months (Parathormone: 1381 pg/ml for the 12th month). CONCLUSION: Cinacalcet may not provide adequate benefit in control of hyperparathyroidism in Turkish hemodialysis patient population

    Biliş yönlendirici stratejilerin mesleki ortaöğretim kurumlarında öğrenim gören öğrencilerin meslek derslerindeki başarılarına etkisi

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    BİLİŞ YÖNLENDİRİCİ STRATEJİLERİN MESLEKİ ORTAÖĞRETİM KURUMLARINDA ÖĞRENİM GÖREN ÖĞRENCİLERİN MESLEK DERSLERİNDEKİ BAŞARILARINA ETKİSİ Mesleki Ortaöğretim Kurumlarında uygulanan Meslekî Eğitim ve Öğretim Sisteminin Güçlendirilmesi Projesi kapsamında amaçlanan hedeflere ulaşmak için meslek derslerindeki öğrenmenin başarıyla yerine getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu araştırma ile de Biliş Yönlendirici Stratejilerin mesleki ortaöğretim kurumlarında öğrenim gören öğrencilerin meslek derslerindeki başarılarına etkilerini saptamak amaçlanmaktadır. Yapılan araştırma, var olan bir durumu betimlediği için tarama modelindedir. Araştırma, 2011–2012 eğitim-öğretim yılında, Edirne Merkez ilçesinde bulunan 4 meslek lisesinin 10. ve 11. sınıflarında öğrenim gören toplam 460 öğrenci üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan öğrencilerden elde edilen verilerin çözümlenmesinde SPSS-17 istatistik programı kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizlerde biliş yönlendirici stratejilerin mesleki ortaöğretim kurumunda öğrenim gören öğrencilerin meslek dersleri başarılarına etkileri “cinsiyet”, “alan”, “sınıf”, “çalışma odalarının bulunup bulunmama durumu”, “ailelerinin derslerle ilgilenme durumu”, “okul dışında derslerine özel ders, dershane gibi yardımcıları olup olmama durumu”, “hangi derse nasıl çalışacağını bilip bilmeme durumu” değişkenlerine göre incelenmiştir. Bu incelemeler sonucunda; - “Cinsiyet” değişkenine göre biliş yönlendirici stratejilerin meslek dersleri başarılarına etkileriyle ilgili ifadelere kız öğrencilerin erkek öğrencilere göre daha fazla katıldığı görülmüştür. - “Alan” değişkenine göre elde edilen sonuçlarda elde edilen farklılığın tesadüfi bir farklılık olduğu görülmüştür. - “Sınıf” değişkenine göre elde edilen sonuçlarda anlamlı bir farklılığa rastlanmamıştır. - Öğrencilerin “çalışma odalarının bulunup bulunmama durumu” değişkenine göre elde edilen sonuçlarda, çalışma odası bulunmayan öğrencilerin biliş yönlendirici stratejilerden anlamaya hazırlanma aşamasıyla ilgili ifadelere daha fazla katıldığı görülmüştür. - “Ailelerinin derslerle ilgilenme durumu” değişkenine göre elde edilen sonuçlarda, aileleri hiç ilgilenmeyen öğrencilerin anlamayı yönlendirme aşamasıyla ilgili ifadelere daha çok katıldığı görülmüştür. - “Okul dışında derslerine özel ders, dershane gibi yardımcıları olup olmama durumu” ve “Hangi derse nasıl çalışacağını bilip bilmeme durumu” değişkenlerine göre biliş yönlendirici stratejilerin okul dışında derslerine yardımcıları olan ve hangi derse nasıl çalışacağını bilen öğrencilerin ders başarılarına daha çok etki ettiği görülmüştür. ABSTRACT THE EFFECTS OF COGNITIVE STRATEGIES ON VOCATIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ SUCCESS IN VOCATIONAL COURSES Learning process in vocational courses should be conducted successfully in order to achieve the goals that are in the scope of ‘the Project of Strengthening the Vocational Education and Training System’, applied in vocational secondary schools. In this study it is aimed to identify the effects of Cognitive Strategies on vocational secondary school students’ success in vocational courses. The current study is in a descriptive survey model as it describes an existing situation. The research was conducted in 2011-2012 academic year with totally 460 students studying at 10th and 11th grades of 4 vocational schools in Edirne Central District. SPSS-17 was used to analyze data obtained from the students participating in the study. In the analysis, the effects of cognitive strategies on vocational secondary school students’ success in vocational courses were examined in terms of some variables including “gender”, “field”, “grade”, “whether students have a studying room”, “parents’ support on students’ courses”, “whether students achieve any help such as private courses and training centre”, “whether students know how to study”. As a result of these investigations; - According to “gender” variable, female students agree more with the statements related to the effects of cognitive strategies on their success in vocational courses. - In the results, obtained according to “field” variable, it was seen that the difference is random. - There was not a significant difference in the results, obtained according to “class” variable. - In the results, obtained according to “whether students have a studying room” variable, it was seen that students who do not have a study room agree more with the statements related to the stage of preparing to understand in cognitive strategies. - In the results, obtained according to “parents’ support on students’ courses” variable, it was seen that students, whose parents are not interested in students’ courses, agree more with the statements related to the stage of preparing to understand in cognitive strategies. - According to “whether students achieve any help such as private courses and training centre”, and “whether students know how to study” variables, cognitive strategies have more effects on the success of students who achieve help in their studies outside the school and know how to study

    Pratik Ürodinami

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    Ürojinekolojide Tanı Tedavi

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    Ürojinekolojide Tanı Tedavi

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    Jinekoloji El Kitabı

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