72 research outputs found

    Biomedical ethical evaluation of Turkish newspaper articles on face transplants

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    The use of face transplants has become possible in Turkey and the world in recent years. Face transplants are not just an exchange of tissue between the donor and the recipient and are social and ethical issues concerning the health care institutions, health care team and the public. The interest and criticism of the health care professionals, institutions, public and media regarding the transplants have led to various ethical problems.This study aimed to perform an biomedical ethical evaluation of the newspaper articles on face transplant cases. The study used retrospective, descriptive, qualitative and quantitative data. The study scope included news from the three highest-selling newspapers published in Turkey with Internet archives that were accessible online. An evaluation form developed by the investigators after a literature review was used for evaluation of the articles.According to the study data, we found that the articles focused mostly on benefits such as the positive changes in the individual patient and the relatives, the decreased or eliminated psychological pain of the patient, the importance of organ transplants, and increased trust in the health care team. The most common violations in the articles were regarding protection of privacy and confidentiality by announcing the names of the donor and recipient, and sharing the treatment process.In conclusion, the necessary training must be provided to ensure health care staff, health care institutions and journalists possess the necessary ethical sensitivity and act according to professional ethical principles

    Investigation of antioxidant and anticonvulsant activity of Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra

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    Epilepsy is a state characterized by sudden, recurrent epileptic seizures that are not initiated by an identifiable event. There are various studies has been shown that Hypericum species may be used for their anticonvulsant potentials. Besides, the relationship between anticonvulsant activity and antioxidant effect has already been shown in the literature. In the current study, H. triquetrifolium was investigated for the first time for its potential antioxidant and anticonvulsant potential using in vitro and in vivo test models. H. triquetrifolium extracts were tested with DPPH assay, FRAP assay, copper (II) ion reducing antioxidant capacity assay, and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity assay to understand their antioxidant potential. Especially, methanolic extract of H. triquetrifolium was shown the highest antioxidant activity. Moreover, a pentylenetetrazole (PTZ, 80 mg/kg, i.p.)-induced seizure model was conducted to analyze the anticonvulsant activities of H. triquetrifolium extracts in mice. In addition, this study revealed that H. triquetrifolium decreased the ratio of severe seizures and increased the mean onsite of mortality and survival rate in a dose-dependent manner. It is thought that the anticonvulsant effect may be either related to the antioxidant potential of H. triquetrifolium or its interference in the GABAergic system

    Using complementary and alternative medicine in patients with breast cancer diagnosis at Afyon Kocatepe University

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    AMAÇ: Bu çalışmada Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi’nde meme kanseri nedeniyle takip edilmekte olan hastalarda tamamlayıcı ve alternatif tedavi (TAT) kullanım sıklığının ve TAT ile ilgili uygulamaların belirlenmesi ve incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çalışmamıza Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi, Tıbbi Onkoloji Polikliniği ile Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Ana Bilim Dalı’na başvuran toplam 70 meme kanserli hasta dahil edilmiştir. Hastaların sosoyodemografik özellikleri ile, kullanılan TAT yöntemlerine yönelik sorgulamayı içeren 44 soruluk bir form doldurulmuştur. BULGULAR: Ortalama yaşları 57.5 ± 11.2 yıl olan hastaların en az bir TAT yöntemi kullanma oranı %85.7 (60 kişi) olarak belirlenmiştir. TAT yöntemi olarak en çok dua etmenin (%85.7) ve bitkilerin (%30) tercih edildiği saptanmıştır. TAT yöntemi kullanan meme kanserli hastaların %55’i TAT kullanmaya kendisi karar verirken, %13.3’ü ailesinin etkisiyle TAT kullanmaya başlamış. Çalışmamızda TAT kullanan hastaların sadece %35’inin bu konuda doktoruna bilgi verdiği görülmüştür. TAT kullanan hastaların %32.9’u çok fayda gördüğünü belirtirken, bu hastaların %44.3’ü tanı aldıktan hemen sonra tedavi süreci başlamadan bu yöntemlere başvurduğunu ifade etmiştir. SONUÇ: Hastalarımızın TAT yöntemlerini sık olarak kullandıkları, çoğunlukla da dua ve bitkisel yöntemleri tercih ettikleri saptanmıştır. Ayrıca meme kanserli kadınların TAT kullanımı ile ilgili sağlık çalışanlarına bilgi vermediği, özellikle kemoterapi, radyoterapi/ hormon tedavisi devam edenlerin büyük çoğunluğunun beraberinde TAT kullandığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca; sağlık çalışanlarının hastaları TAT kullanma yönünden sorgulamaları, böylelikle bu yöntemlerin kullanımı ile ilgili oluşabilecek yan etkilerin önlenmesine de yardımcı olunabileceğini düşünmekteyiz.OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine the frequency of complementary and alternative therapy (CAM) usage and CAM related applications in patients with breast cancer at Afyon Kocatepe University. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Our study included a total of 70 patients with breast cancer who applied to the Afyon Kocatepe University Medical Faculty Hospital, Medical Oncology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation outpatient clinics. A 44-question form including questionnaires on the sociodemographic characteristics of the patients and the CAM methods used were filled out. RESULTS: Patients with a mean age of 57.5 ± 11.2 years were assigned at least one CAM method as 85.7% (60 people). It was determined that; praying (85.7%) and plants (30%) were as the most preferred CAM method. While 55% of breast cancer patients using the CAM method decided to use oneself, 13.3% of them started to use CAM due to the influence of their family. In our study, only 35% of the patients using CAM were informed about this issue by their doctor. While 32.9% of patients using CAM indicated that they were very beneficial, 44.3% of the patients stated that they applied to these methods immediately after the diagnosis was started. CONCLUSIONS: It has been determined that our patients use CAM methods frequently, mostly they prefer prayer and herbal methods. In addition, breast cancer patients do not inform health workers about the use of CAM, especially the majority of those continuing with chemotherapy, radiotherapy / hormone therapy were using CAM together. As a result; we also think that health professionals can also interrogate patients in terms of using CAM so that they can also help prevent side effects from using these methods

    Farklı materyallerden üretilen kılıf çeşitlerinin olgunlaşma sırasında sucukların uçucu bileşenleri üzerine etkileri

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    Aims: Sucuk is one of the most popular traditional dry-fermented sausages in Turkey. The most volatile compounds (VCs) formed by biochemical pathways or derived directly from spices are essential for sucuk flavor. The object of this study was to make a comparison between sucuks produced using natural casing (S-NC) or synthetic casing (S-SC), in terms of VCs. Methods and Results: The VCs were analyzed using solid-phase-microextraction (SPME) technique with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The common VCs identified in sucuks were methyleugenol (14 %), 4-(1-methylethyl)-benzenmethanol (11 %), γ-terpinene (11 %), transcaryophylene (10 %), cumin aldehyde (9 %), p-cymene (7 %), diallyldisulphide (7 %), 3-hydroxy-2-butanone (4 %), eugenol (3 %), α-thujenal (2 %) and β-pinene (2 %), accounted for approximately 80 % of total VCs. Of these VCs, 4-(1-methylethyl)-benzenmethanol, cumin aldehyde, γterpinene, p-cymene, α-thujenal, β-pinene, eugenol, and 3-hydroxy-2-butanone were significantly influenced by the ripening period. S-NC hadn significantly the higher percentages of cumin aldehyde, α-thujenal and lower percentages of 4-(1-methylethyl)-benzenmethanol than those in SSC. Conclusions: Sucuks with synthetic or natural casing had a similar volatile compound profile but there were observed differences at the proportions of the most VCs between sucuks. The terpenes except for limonene were not influenced by the types of casing. When compared with natural casing, use of synthetic casing resulted in a decrease in total ketones, total aldehydes and total sulfur compounds, especially at the end of ripening. The synthetic casing may be used for sucuk-making at the under shortterm storage conditions due to increases in the reduction products such as alcohols. Significance and Impact of the Study: Principle component analysis based on VCs differentiated sucuks according to their ripening times and their casings. S-SC at Day 11 was completely different from the other sucuks. Furthermore, a long-term goal of this research is to determine the detailed biochemical and physical changes and also sensory characteristics during the storage.Amaç: Sucuk, ülkemizde en yaygın üretilen geleneksel kuru fermente et ürünlerinden biridir. Sucuk üretiminde kullanılan baharatlar ve olgunlaşma sırasında meydana gelen biyokimyasal reaksiyonlardan oluşan uçucu bileşenler sucuk aroması için önemlidir. Çalışmada, hem doğal bağırsak (S-DK) hem de sentetik kılıf (S-SK) kullanılarak üretilen sucukların uçucu bileşenlerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem ve Bulgular: Uçucu bileşenler, katı-faz mikroekstraksiyon tekniği (KFME) kullanılarak gaz kromatografisi-kütle spektrofotometresinde (GK-KS) analiz edilmiştir. Sucuklarda en fazla oranda belirlenen uçucu bileşenler metilöjenol (% 14), 4-(1-metiletil)-benzenmetanol (% 11), γ-terpinen (% 11), transkaryofilen (% 10), kumin aldehit (% 9), p-simen (% 7), diallildisülfit (% 7), 3-hidroksi-2-bütanon (% 4), öjenol (%3), α-tujenal (% 2) ve β-pinen (% 2) olup; toplam uçucu bileşenlerin yaklaşık % 80’ini oluşturmuşlardır. Anılan bileşenler arasında, 4-(1-metilletil)-benzenmetanol, kumin aldehit, γ-terpinen, p-simen, α-tujenal, β-pinen, öjenol, and 3-hidroksi-2-bütanon oranları olgunlaşma süresi boyunca önemli farklılıklar göstermiştir. S-SK ile karşılaştırıldığında, S-DK istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek oranda kumin aldeit, α-tujenal; daha düşük oranda 4-(1-metilletil)-benzenmetanol içermiştir. Genel Yorum: Doğal bağırsak ya da sentetik kılıf ile üretilen sucuklar, benzer uçucu bileşen profili göstermesine rağmen sucuklar arasında çoğu uçucu bileşenlerin oranlarında farklılıklar gözlemlenmiştir. Kullanılan kılıflar limonen hariç diğer terpen bileşenlerinin oranlarını etkilememişlerdir. Ancak doğal kılıf ile karşılaştırıldığında, sentetik kılıf sucuklarda keton, aldehit ve sülfür bileşenlerinde özellikle olgunlaşmanın sonunda önemli bir azalmaya neden olmuştur. Sentetik kılıf ise, alkoller gibi indirgenme ürünlerinde bir artış meydana getirmesi nedeniyle kısa süreli depolanan sucukların üretiminde kullanılabilir. Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Uçucu bileşenler ile gerçekleştirilen temel bileşen analizinde, sucuklar olgunlaşma dönemi ve kılıflara göre ayrılmıştır. Sentetik kılıflarda üretilen sucukların olgunlaşmanın 11. gününde diğer sucuklardan tamamen ayrıldığı belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın uzun dönemdeki diğer bir amacı da, sucuğun depolanma süresince daha detaylı biyokimyasal ve fiziksel aynı zamanda duyusal niteliklerindeki değişimlerin belirlenmesidir

    Irak'ın idari ve sosyal yapısı (661-750)

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    Devletleri sadece siyasi ve askeri teşkilatlar ayakta tutmamaktadır. Bunların yanı sıra idarî yapı ve devletin içinde yaşadığı milletlerin özellikleri de devletlerin bekası için oldukça önemlidir. Irak’ta VII. ve VIII. yüzyıllarda oldukça önemli bir mevkideydi. Dicle ve Fırat nehirlerinin ortasında Mezopotamya bölgesinde yer alan Irak, gerek bulunduğu konumun önemliliği ve gerekse Emevî devletine karşı isyankâr halleriyle araştırılmaya değer bir konudur. Emevîler Irak’ı hâkimiyetleri altına aldıktan sonra bölgede birçok ayaklanmalar meydana gelmiştir. Bu ayaklanmalar neticesinde Irak bölgesini yönetmek güç bir hale gelmekteydi. Emevîler buna çare olarak Hulefâ-yi Râşidîn döneminde olduğu gibi eyaletlere geniş yetkilerle donatılmış valiler göndererek bölgeleri baskı altına almaya çalışmışlardır.Irak valileri, Emevîlere muhalif olan halkı yola getirmek için büyük çaba göstermişlerdir. Irak toplumu çeşitli milletlerden meydana gelmekteydi. Özellikle bu dönemde devletin Arap kökenli olması nedeniyle Araplar oldukça fazlaydı. Bu yüzden valiler de Arapların yaptığı gibi kabilecilik yani ırkçılık politikası gütmüşlerdir. Kabilecilik politikasının bir sonucu olarak mevâliyi bürokrasiden uzak tutmuşlardır. Bunların sonucu olarak, Irak halkı, Emevî otoritesini tanımamış ve devlete karşı Abbâsi ihtilaline destek vererek Emevîlerin sonunu hazırlamışlardır. Valiler, Irak’ı bayındır hale getirmiş ve tarımın ıslah olması için kanallar, bentler, barajlar inşa ederek bölgenin kalkınmasını sağlamışlardır. Irak’ta yeni şehirler inşa edilmiş, dinî ve sivil mimarinin en güzel örnekleri verilmiştir. Valiler bu görevlerini yaparken şehirdeki tüm kurumları organize etmiştir. --------------------States exist with not only their political and military organizations, but their administrative structures and the characteristics of the nations which live in that state are very important for states survival. Iraq, in 8th and 9th centuries was in a very important position. Iraq, located in the Mesopotamian region in the middle of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, is worth to study because of the importance of its location and the rebellious acts against the Umayyad state. There were many riots in the region after Umayyads took control of Iraq. As a result of these riots, it was difficult to rule Iraq region. The Umayyads sent governors, who were equipped with great authority, to the states and tried to suppress the regions as in the period of Hulefa-yi Rashidin. The governors of Iraq made a great effort to discipline the people who opposed the Umayyads. They to caused a lot of blood to spill accordingly. Iraqi society was composed of various nations. Particularly in this era, as a result of government being Arabic, most of the population was consist of Arabs. Therefore, the governors pursued a policy of tribalism, in other words racism, like Arabs. As a result of their tribalism policy, they did not give enough importance to Mevalies, and this let Mevalies to support Abbasid revolution. Despite of all these, people of Iraq did not recognize authority of the Umayyad and supported the Abbasid revolution against the government and brought an end to the Umayyad’s authority. The governors made their regions cultivated and built canals, dams and barrages to improve the agriculture and provided development of their regions. In Iraq, new cities were built and construction of structures such as palaces and masjids ensured the development of the region. The governors also used the benefits of auxiliary foundations. These officers were assigned by the governer and the caliph. These were the protectors of the state for the peace of the people and the state

    The chemical and sensory properties of honeys produced in the east Blacksea Region

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    Bal, başlıca karbonhidrat (glikoz ve früktoz) ve sudan oluşan doğal bir üründür. Bu bileşenlerin yanı sıra protein, enzimler, organik asitler, mineral maddeler ve polen de içermektedir. Bal bileşimini ve özellikle de duyusal niteliğini üretildiği bölgenin florası önemli düzeyde etkilemektedir. Bu nedenle çalışmamız farklı florası ile bilinen Karadeniz bölgesinde (özellikle Hemsin) üretilen ballar üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Üç yıl süresince her yıl Ağustos ayının son haftasında 10 adet bal örneği alınarak toplam 30 adet balın kimyasal ve duyusal nitelikleri incelenmiştir. Ballarda rutubet, invert şeker, sakka-roz, hidroksi metil furfural ve pH gibi nitelikler ortalama olarak sırasıyla % 18,90; % 68,42; % 1,54; 3,83 mg/kg ve 4,96 belirlenmiş ve yalnızca 1 örnekte ticari glikoz varlığına rastlanmıştır. Duyusal nitelikler bakımından ballar, açık sarı renkten-kah-verengi ya da kahverengi-kırmızı renge, tat ve kokusu ise yavan bir aroma ve tat'dan çiçek kokusu, tatlı ve kinin acılığı benzeri bir tada kadar değişim göstermiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, bal örnekleri arasında kimyasal niteliklerin büyük farklılıklar göstermediği ancak duyusal bakımından belirgin bir değişim ortaya koydukları belirlenmiştir.Honey is a complex natural product, formed mainly from carbohydrates and water. Besides it is contained nitrogen, enzymes, organic acids, minerals and pollen. The composition and sensory properties of honey are showed a wide variation according its production region. Therefore, in this study, the chemical and sensory properties of the honeys produced in the East- Blacksea region which had different flora, especially Hemsin, have been evaluated during three years and at the same time of year (in August month). The present study was carried out on the thirty honeys samples and the mean value for chemical properties of honeys were: moisture 18.90%; invert sugar 68.42%; saccarose 1.54%; hydroxymethylfur-fural 3.83 mg/ kg honey; pH 4.96, and only one sample was contained technical glucose syrup. Regarding sensory properties, the color of honeys were varied from light yellow to nearly dark brown or red-brown. The flavor of honeys varied even more than the color, some honeys appeared to have only a simple sweetness and attenuated aroma, others were fragrant, aromatic, bitter like quinine or occasionally objectionable. As a result, chemical properties were not showed a wide variation amoung honey samples;, however, sensory properties of honeys were markedly changed

    Irak'ın idari ve sosyal yapısı (661-750)

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    Devletleri sadece siyasi ve askeri teşkilatlar ayakta tutmamaktadır. Bunların yanı sıra idarî yapı ve devletin içinde yaşadığı milletlerin özellikleri de devletlerin bekası için oldukça önemlidir. Irak’ta VII. ve VIII. yüzyıllarda oldukça önemli bir mevkideydi. Dicle ve Fırat nehirlerinin ortasında Mezopotamya bölgesinde yer alan Irak, gerek bulunduğu konumun önemliliği ve gerekse Emevî devletine karşı isyankâr halleriyle araştırılmaya değer bir konudur. Emevîler Irak’ı hâkimiyetleri altına aldıktan sonra bölgede birçok ayaklanmalar meydana gelmiştir. Bu ayaklanmalar neticesinde Irak bölgesini yönetmek güç bir hale gelmekteydi. Emevîler buna çare olarak Hulefâ-yi Râşidîn döneminde olduğu gibi eyaletlere geniş yetkilerle donatılmış valiler göndererek bölgeleri baskı altına almaya çalışmışlardır. Irak valileri, Emevîlere muhalif olan halkı yola getirmek için büyük çaba göstermişlerdir. Irak toplumu çeşitli milletlerden meydana gelmekteydi. Özellikle bu dönemde devletin Arap kökenli olması nedeniyle Araplar oldukça fazlaydı. Bu yüzden valiler de Arapların yaptığı gibi kabilecilik yani ırkçılık politikası gütmüşlerdir. Kabilecilik politikasının bir sonucu olarak mevâliyi bürokrasiden uzak tutmuşlardır. Bunların sonucu olarak, Irak halkı, Emevî otoritesini tanımamış ve devlete karşı Abbâsi ihtilaline destek vererek Emevîlerin sonunu hazırlamışlardır. Valiler, Irak’ı bayındır hale getirmiş ve tarımın ıslah olması için kanallar, bentler, barajlar inşa ederek bölgenin kalkınmasını sağlamışlardır. Irak’ta yeni şehirler inşa edilmiş, dinî ve sivil mimarinin en güzel örnekleri verilmiştir. Valiler bu görevlerini yaparken şehirdeki tüm kurumları organize etmiştir. -------------------- States exist with not only their political and military organizations, but their administrative structures and the characteristics of the nations which live in that state are very important for states survival. Iraq, in 8th and 9th centuries was in a very important position. Iraq, located in the Mesopotamian region in the middle of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, is worth to study because of the importance of its location and the rebellious acts against the Umayyad state. There were many riots in the region after Umayyads took control of Iraq. As a result of these riots, it was difficult to rule Iraq region. The Umayyads sent governors, who were equipped with great authority, to the states and tried to suppress the regions as in the period of Hulefa-yi Rashidin. The governors of Iraq made a great effort to discipline the people who opposed the Umayyads. They to caused a lot of blood to spill accordingly. Iraqi society was composed of various nations. Particularly in this era, as a result of government being Arabic, most of the population was consist of Arabs. Therefore, the governors pursued a policy of tribalism, in other words racism, like Arabs. As a result of their tribalism policy, they did not give enough importance to Mevalies, and this let Mevalies to support Abbasid revolution. Despite of all these, people of Iraq did not recognize authority of the Umayyad and supported the Abbasid revolution against the government and brought an end to the Umayyad’s authority. The governors made their regions cultivated and built canals, dams and barrages to improve the agriculture and provided development of their regions. In Iraq, new cities were built and construction of structures such as palaces and masjids ensured the development of the region. The governors also used the benefits of auxiliary foundations. These officers were assigned by the governer and the caliph. These were the protectors of the state for the peace of the people and the state

    Volatile compounds in the leaf of plane tree (Platanus orientalis) with solid phase microextraction (SPME) technique

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    Plane tree belongs to Platanaceae family. There is a widespread belief that Platanus orientalis leaves (POLs) have beneficial effects on joint disorders. Therefore, many people consume POLs as tea. To our knowledge, as there is no study on volatile compounds (VCs) of POLs, we objected to determine the VCs in POLs obtained from Platanus orientalis trees grown in Hatay province, Turkey. The VCs were extracted using solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A total of 140 VCs were found in POLs. Aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, terpenes and alkenes were determined in POLs as major VCs groups, which accounted for 32.40 %, 23.51 %, 18.08 %, 10.24 % and 4.82 % of total VCs identified, respectively. Trans, trans-2,4-heptadienal (6.62 %), nonanal (6.46 %), benzaldehyde (6.42 %), cis-3-hexen-1-ol (6.32 %), benzenemethanol (6.13 %) were the most abundant VCs identified in POLs. Trans-2-hexenal (3.46 %), 3-phenyl-2-butanone (2.87 %), trans-3,5-dimethyl-1,6-octadiene (2.80 %), 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (2.56 %), octan-1-ol (2.43 %), trans-geranyl acetone (2.17 %), trans-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (1.98 %), phenyl methyl ketone (1.69 %), 6-methyl-3,5-heptadiene-2-one (1.57 %) were the second most plentiful compounds found in POLs. 11H-dibenzo[b,e][1,4]diazepin-11-one,5,10-dihydro-5-[3-(methylamino)propyl] (1.38 %), benzeneethanol (1.36 %) and ?-ionone (1.02 %) were found as the third most abundant VCs. The above-mentioned VCs were accounted for about 57 % of total VCs identified in POLs. The remaining VCs were below 1.00 % that is, found at trace levels. According to the VCs profiles of POL, its beneficial effects on health may be due to aldehydes, alcohols, ketones and terpenes.Plane tree belongs to Platanaceae family. There is a widespread belief that Platanus orientalis leaves (POLs) have beneficial effects on joint disorders. Therefore, many people consume POLs as tea. To our knowledge, as there is no study on volatile compounds (VCs) of POLs, we objected to determine the VCs in POLs obtained from Platanus orientalis trees grown in Hatay province, Turkey. The VCs were extracted using solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A total of 140 VCs were found in POLs. Aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, terpenes and alkenes were determined in POLs as major VCs groups, which accounted for 32.40 %, 23.51 %, 18.08 %, 10.24 % and 4.82 % of total VCs identified, respectively. Trans, trans-2,4-heptadienal (6.62 %), nonanal (6.46 %), benzaldehyde (6.42 %), cis-3-hexen-1-ol (6.32 %), benzenemethanol (6.13 %) were the most abundant VCs identified in POLs. Trans-2-hexenal (3.46 %), 3-phenyl-2-butanone (2.87 %), trans-3,5-dimethyl-1,6-octadiene (2.80 %), 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (2.56 %), octan-1-ol (2.43 %), trans-geranyl acetone (2.17 %), trans-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (1.98 %), phenyl methyl ketone (1.69 %), 6-methyl-3,5-heptadiene-2-one (1.57 %) were the second most plentiful compounds found in POLs. 11H-dibenzo[b,e][1,4]diazepin-11-one,5,10-dihydro-5-[3-(methylamino)propyl] (1.38 %), benzeneethanol (1.36 %) and ?-ionone (1.02 %) were found as the third most abundant VCs. The above-mentioned VCs were accounted for about 57 % of total VCs identified in POLs. The remaining VCs were below 1.00 % that is, found at trace levels. According to the VCs profiles of POL, its beneficial effects on health may be due to aldehydes, alcohols, ketones and terpenes