226 research outputs found

    Agressivité du Simulium du complexe ornatum (Diptera, Simuliidae) en Catalogne (Espagne). Premiere mention

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    A l'heure actuelle, en Espagne, même si des Simulies sont incriminées chez l'homme, dans des lésions dues à des insectes hématophages, le lien direct entre ces piqûres et une espèce donnee de Simulie n'avait pas encore été éetabli pour ce pays. Une invasion récente (1993) de ces insectes dans la région de l'Alt Penedès, au nord-est de la province de Tarragone, permet aujourd'hui de combler cette lacune

    First cases of gynandromorphism in Phlebotomus perniciosus Newstead, 1911 (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae)

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    Two gynandromorphic specimens of Phlebotomus perniciosus Newstead, 1911 are described and illustrated for the first time The specimens were collected in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain)

    Es descobreix un patró d'ossificació comú en els ungulats

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    Tots els vertebrats tenim un esquelet ossi. Però la formació dels ossos varia entre individus i entre espècies. Investigadors de la UAB han trobat un patró d'ossificació en els Ungulats, nom genèric de qualsevol mamífer les extremitats del qual acaben en peülles, diferent en funció de si els ossos estan sotmesos a tensions o a pressions. Aquesta nova aproximació pot ser aplicada a l'estudi de fòssils de mamífers extints i ser útil tant per establir relacions filogenètiques de parentiu com per conèixer aspectes funcionals de l'evolució dels vertebrats.Todos los vertebrados tenemos un esqueleto óseo. Pero la formación de los huesos varía entre individuos y entre especies. Investigadores de la UAB han encontrado un patrón de osificación en los Ungulados, nombre genérico de cualquier mamífero cuyas extremidades terminan en pezuñas, diferente en función de si los huesos están sometidos a tensiones o presiones. Esta nueva aproximación puede ser aplicada al estudio de fósiles de mamíferos extintos y ser útil tanto para establecer relaciones filogenéticas de parentesco como para conocer aspectos funcionales de la evolución de los vertebrados

    Isoenzymatic characterization of Phlebotomus ariasi and P. perniciosus of canine leishmaniasis foci from Eastern Pyrenean regions and comparison with other populations from Europe.

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    An entomological survey was carried out in 2007 in two Pyrenean counties of Lleida province (northeastern Spain), where cases of autochthonous canine leishmaniasis have been recently reported. Phlebotomus ariasi and P. perniciosus, vectors of Leishmania infantum in the Mediterranean area, were captured. The aim of the present study was to compare these phlebotomine populations with others captured in known leishmaniasis foci in Europe. Populations of these species were studied by analysing the polymorphism of seven enzymatic systems (HK, PGI, PGM, MDH, 6PGD, FUM and ACO) and compared with other specimens from endemic regions of France, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain captured in other campaigns, and also with previously published results. Phlebotomus ariasi was more polymorphic than P. perniciosus. Only the ACO locus had diagnostic alleles, but some other alleles show high characteristic frequencies for each species. The neighbourjoining trees separated two population groups in both species. On the basis of the isoenzyme study results, sand fly populations of the Pyrenean region in Lleida province are closely related to those of other nearby leishmaniasis endemic regions in France and Spain

    Influencia de los ácaros en la vehiculación de micosis cutáneas en micromamíferos

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    Tesi de Llicenciatura per a la obtenció del Grau de Farmàcia. Facultat de Farmàcia. Universitat de Barcelona. Director: Montserrat Portús Vinyeta. 1981

    Is leishmaniasis endemic on the island of Minorca (Spain)?. A human visceral case after living 13 years in Minorca

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    Ecoepidemiologica studies performed in Minorca (Balearic Islands) seem to show that leishmaniasis is not endemic in this island, even in the presence of the vector. All cases of leishmaniasis in man or dog diagnosed in the island seem to come from other Spanish regions. A recent case of human visceral leishmaniasis in a man who had not left Minorca for 13 years calls into question this assumption or the time that Leishmania may persist asymptomatic in the host

    El diagnóstico serológico de la leishmaniosis canina en la comarca del Priorat (Tarragona)

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    Se investiga la presencia de anticuerpos anti-Leishmania mediante una técnica de «Dot-ELISA» en 1.328 muestras de sangre procedentes de 902 perros de la comarca del Priorat (Cataluña), importante foco de leishmaniosis canina. El umbral de positividad para la mencionada técnica (11800) se establece a partir de los datos obtenidos al realizar en paralelo cultivo y serología. Los resultados serológicos obtenidos permiten observar una tasa de prevalencia de la infección de 10,2%. Tan sólo el 49,8 % de los sueros estudiados son totalmente negativos. Al 40 % restante se le detecta anticuerpos anti-Leishmania a títulos inferiores al umbral establecido cuyo posible significado se discute.The presence of anti-Leishmania antibodies is studied in 1328 blood samples from 902 dogs from the Priorat region (Catalonia), an important focus of canine leúhmaniosú, by a Dot-ELISA technique. The cut-off (1/800)is established through the data obtained by serology and culture in parallel. The prevalence of seropositives observed was 10,2 %. Only 49,8 % of sera were completely negative. The remaining 40% had anti-Leishmania antibodies at titres below the cut- off, the possible significance of which is discused

    Is leishmaniosis spreading to northern areas of the Iberian Peninsula? The examples of Lleida (NE Spain) and Andorra

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/46988The entomological and canine leishmaniosis surveys carried out in the northwest of Catalonia and in Andorra in the context of the European project Emerging Diseases in a changing European eNvironment (EDEN) are summarized. The aim of the study was to obtain data on the presence of leishmaniosis in these areas and the spatial distribution of their vectors

    Microestructura del esmalte de los incisivos de roedores (Mammalia, Rodentia)

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    Products of finite connected subgroups

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    For a non-empty class of groups L\cal L, a finite group G=ABG = AB is said to be an L\cal L-connected product of the subgroups AA and BB if a,bL\langle a, b\rangle \in \cal L for all aAa \in A and bBb \in B. In a previous paper, we prove that for such a product, when L=S\cal L = \cal S is the class of finite soluble groups, then [A,B][A,B] is soluble. This generalizes the theorem of Thompson which states the solubility of finite groups whose two-generated subgroups are soluble. In the present paper our result is applied to extend to finite groups previous research in the soluble universe. In particular, we characterize connected products for relevant classes of groups; among others the class of metanilpotent groups and the class of groups with nilpotent derived subgroup. Also we give local descriptions of relevant subgroups of finite groups