350 research outputs found

    Phase Field Model for Dynamics of Sweeping Interface

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    Motivated by the drying pattern experiment by Yamazaki and Mizuguchi[J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. {\bf 69} (2000) 2387], we propose the dynamics of sweeping interface, in which material distributed over a region is swept by a moving interface. A model based on a phase field is constructed and results of numerical simulations are presented for one and two dimensions. Relevance of the present model to the drying experiment is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Hematological derangement patterns in Nigerian dogs infected with Trypanosoma brucei: A simple prototype for assessing tolerance to trypanosome infections in animals

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    The haematology of Nigerian local puppies experimentally infected with the Federe strain of Trypanosoma brucei was studied in a total of six 9-weeks old puppies born to two local bitches. Four were randomly selected and inoculated with about 0.8 x 106 of T .brucei subcutaneously and the remaining two served as the uninfected control. The parasitaemia was monitored daily using wet mount microscopy. The packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC) counts, total and differential white blood cell (WBC) counts and rates of both red blood cell and white blood cell loss per day and per parasitaemia log equivalent value(LEV) were monitored twice in a week . Parasitaemia was detected in the infected group four days after infection which was followed by an acute disease course, though with low fatality rate in the dogs. The anemia was characterized by a fluctuating PCV decrease from the pre-infection value of 29.5±4.5% and 15.3±3.3% at two weeks after infection when one of the dogs died. There was a mild decrease in the overall erythrocyte values which was attributable to trypanotolerance in the local breed of dogs. The post infection hematological derangement pattern was characterized by an overall post-infection RBC count drop of 1.92+0.23(x 1012/μ) (39.0%), mean daily drop of 0.07+0.05 (x 1012/μ) and an overall drop per LEV of 0.69(x 1012/μ). The overall mean postinfection total WBC count drop was 0.61±0.15(x109/μ)(43.6%) with a mean daily drop of 0.02±0.14(x109/μ), and an overall drop per LEV of 0.22±0.44(x109/μ). There was an overall higher post infection leukocyte drop compared to erythrocyte. The result poses fundamental research questions on the likelihood of differential surface sialic acid contents of erythrocytes and leukocytes and the possible roles of trypanosome sialidase in creating this difference as well as enhancing pathogenesis of leucopenia in the dogs . It was concluded that the patterns of hematological derangements demonstrated as erythrocyte and leukocyte drop (loss) rates and drop per parasitaemia Log Equivalent Values could serve as a prototype for comparing susceptibility to animal and human T. brucei infections and, other trypanosome species.Keywords: Federe, Trypanosoma brucei, haematology, derangement, pattern

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Pakaian Bekas Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Bagi Konsumen (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kualitas produk berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian pada pakaian bekas. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif pendekatan asosiatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi angkatan 2019-2022. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling yakni penetapan sampel berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan yaitu konsumen yang sering berbelanja pakaian bekas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah, uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji analisis regresi sederhana dan uji parsial (uji t). berdasarkan hasil yang di peroleh dalam penelitian ini, kualitas produk berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Kualitas produk berpengaruh sebesar 56,0% terhadap keputusan pembelian sedanglan sisanya 44,0% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak di teliti dalam penelitian in


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    KM. Harapan Mujur 04 dalam pengoperasiannya memiliki tactical diameter yang sangat besar yang menimbulkan kesulitan olah gerak pada daerah yang padat transportasinya, sehingga pemilik ingin memodifikasi kemudi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perbandingan kemampuan olah gerak kapal dengan berpatokan pada Turning Circle Test. Melalu uji coba di Towing tank Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pattimura dengan memvariasi bentuk kemudi plat dan kemudi NACA 0010. Hasil yamg diperoleh yaitu turning circle kemudi plat start kanan memperoleh nilai advance 198,99 m tactical diameter 181,08 m dan transfer 90,54 m untuk start kiri memperoleh nilai advance 198,99 m tactical diameter 181,08 m dan transfer 90,54 m. Sedangkan uji turning circle kemudi NACA 0010 memperoleh start kanan advance 151,33 m atau lebih efektif 31% dari kemudi plat, tactical diameter 107,15 m atau lebih efektif 60% dari kemudi plat dan transfer 45,08 m atau lebih efektif 50% dari kemudi plat. Sedangkan hasil uji dengan start kiri advance = 151,71 m atau lebih efektif 31%, dari kemudi plat tactical diameter = 107,36 m atau lebih efektif 60% dari kemudi plat dan transfer = 45.30 m atau lebih efektif 50% dari kemudi plat, sehingga demikian kemudi NACA 0010 lebih efisien dari kemudi plat

    Infection risk in Gustilo and Anderson type III tibia and fibular fractures treated with external fixation in a tertiary hospital of a developing country

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    Background: Open fractures of the tibia and fibula present with multiple management challenges of wound care, bone stabilization, potential risk of infection and its control. Attempt to resolve this problem, stabilization of the fracture with external fixators was introduced. However, this procedure predisposes infection too. This was an overview of the disposition of infection in the course of managing type III fractures in our center.Methods: This was a retrospective study of disposition of infection in Gustilo and Anderson type III open fractures of the tibia and fibula treated with external fixation device over ten years in Jos university teaching hospital. Data extracted from patients records and operation notes included age, sex, nature of open fracture with respect to Gustilo and Anderson classification in theater. Wound culture reports extracted early and weeks after commencement of treatment. The findings were analyzed using Epi info statistical software version 3.5.3.Results: A total of 74 patients, 63 (85.1%) males and 11 (14.9%) females (M:F=5.7:1) with mean age of 37.97±13.57 years. The mean duration of injury-presentation time was 13.48±38.73 days, 41 (55.4%). Patients that present with clinical infection were 40 (54.1%) among which staphylococcus aureus was isolated in 21 (28.3%). While treatment was on, the flora became altered. Motor cycles were responsible for 25 (33.7%), gunshots 20 (27%), motor vehicle injuries 19 (25.6%) while pedestrians accounted for 9 (12.2%).Conclusions: Type III fractures sustained from high energy risk of infections due to late presentation in our setting. Bacterial isolates tend to alter in course of hospitalization

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas Tinggi Secara Daring dimasa Pandemi Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Matematika adalah salah satu ilmu pengetahuan yang berperan penting dalam kehidupan manusia yang mampu membentuk karakter siswa. Dengan pembelajaran matematika siswa diharapkan mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan dan melatih kemampuan berpikir kreatif mereka penyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi. Pada saat pembelajaran daring, banyak siswa merasa kesulitan dalam pelaksanaannya, khususnya pada pelajaran matematika. Oleh karena hal tersebut, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika kelas kelas tinggi secara daring dimasa pendemi pada siswa sekolah dasar. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah siswa kelas tinggi (IV,V,VI) di Sekolah Dasar Kota Baubau melalui teknik sampling jenuh dimana semua anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitain yang diperoleh dari angket yang dibagikan adalah pendapat mengenai pembelajaran daring sebayak 17%, Kemampuan siswa memahami materi pembelajaran yang diajarkan secara daring 24%, Efektifitas penyampaian materi dalam pembelajaran matematika secara daring 19%, Kendala yang dialami siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran matematika secara daring 22% dan Harapan siswa terhadap pelakasanaan pembelajaran matematika secara daring. Pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika secara daring dapat terlihat keaktifan belajar siswa tidak sama seperti pembelajaran dilaksanakan secara langsung (tatap muka) di sekolah, siswa cenderung kurang akti

    Karakteristik Ikan Pelagis Kecil Yang Dipasarkan Di Pasar Arumbai, Kota Ambon

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    Small pelagic fish play a crucial role in the marine food chain and have significant economic value, yet information about them remains scarce. This research aims to map the origin and characteristics of small pelagic fish marketed at Arumbai Market in Ambon City. The study was conducted over six months, from May to October 2023, at Arumbai Market. The research utilized survey methods and interviews, and the data were analyzed descriptively. Observations were made on the quantity and size structure of four dominant fish species from five different fish landing locations: Hila, Tulehu, Laha, Hitu, and Latuhalat. The results of this research revealed variations in the composition of dominant small pelagic fish species sold, from the highest to the lowest, namely Decapterus sp, Rastreligger sp, Selar sp, and Auxis sp. The contribution of the five fish landing locations is as follows: Hila (31%), Hitu (24%), Tulehu (18%), Laha (15%), and Latuhalat (12%). Differences in the composition of the quantity and size marketed are suspected to be due to variations in seasons, fishing tools, and capture areas

    Uptake of Antenatal Care Among Pregnant Women in Plateau State Nigeria

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    Background-Antenatal care offers pregnant women promotive, preventive and curative services. Despite this, some pregnant women still donrsquot access ANC at all while others donrsquot have access to ANC by skilled health care professionals. This increases the risk of maternal morbidity and mortality. This study therefore aims to determine the predictors of ANC attendance among in Plateau State. Methodology-A community based cross sectional study,400 study participants across six communities in the three senatorial zones in Plateau State were selected. Focused Group Discussion was conducted among study participants. Data was analysed using SPSS version 23. Results- 90.8% of respondents booked their last pregnancy out of which 55.8% had more than four ANC visits. Only 52.9% of the women had ANC by skilled health care providers. 69.7% of women who did not book their pregnancy delivered at home. Educational status, marital status and marital setting were predictors of ANC attendance among the study population. Women who had formal education were 1.7 times more likely to attend ANC compared to those with non-formal or no education at all. (P-value lt0.001 CI 1.267-2.321). Also, women in monogamous settings were more likely to attend ANC compared to those in polygamous setting (P-value 0.015 CI 0.162-0.822). Conclusion-Many of the respondents did not have the required number of ANC visits.nbsp More targeted interventions should be implemented in order to ensure that women have access to skilled care during pregnancy as this will reduce the risk of complications in pregnancy and delivery

    Analisa Performa Pembangkit Berdasarkan Tingkat Kevakuman Kondensor Pada PLTU Barru Unit 2

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    Vacuum condenser is one of the parameters that affect the performance of the plant. To keep the plant's performance remains stable then it takes a good degree of vacuum in the condenser. This final project aims to determine the performance of plants based on the level of vacuum condenser different. The method used is collecting data on the actual load conditions 50%, 75% and 100% and then perform data analysis. The results will be presented in tables and graphs then be deduced. Based on data and analysis that has been carried out, the results obtained are better condenser vacuum pressure, the specific steam consumption, specific fuel consumption and turbine heat rate (heat rate) will decrease, while the efficiency of the turbine will increas

    Class Position of Immigrant Workers in a Post-Industrial Economy: The Dutch Case

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    In this paper, the issue of changing labour-market opportunities and the position of members of minority groups in advanced service economies is addressed, focusing on the Dutch case. We distinguish between two social hierarchies, one of traditional ‘fordist’ occupations and one of post-fordist occupations. Compared to the native Dutch, all immigrant groups are over-represented at the bottom of the labour market, both in the fordist and in the postindustrial hierarchy. Increased immigrant labour-market participation in the 1990s was accompanied by a strong rise in the number of flexible labour contracts. Native Dutch also work more frequently on flexible labour contracts, but not to the same extent as immigrants. The lower occupational level of the Surinamese, Antilleans and other non-Western immigrants employed in post-industrial occupations can be attributed to their low educational level. This is not true, however, for Turks, Moroccans and other non-Western immigrants employed in fordist occupations. Their low occupational level can not be completely explained by their low educational level. The effects of changes in the economic structure differ for ethnic groups, depending on their past employment, their cultural capital and the institutional framework in which they have to operate
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