11,851 research outputs found

    Stellar Orbits and the Interstellar Gas Temperature in Elliptical Galaxies

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    We draw attention to the close relationship between the anisotropy parameter beta(r) for stellar orbits in elliptical galaxies and the temperature profile T(r) of the hot interstellar gas. For nearly spherical galaxies the gas density can be accurately determined from X-ray observations and the stellar luminosity density can be accurately found from the optical surface brightness. The Jeans equation and hydrostatic equilibrium establish a connection between beta(r) and T(r) that must be consistent with the observed stellar velocity dispersion. Purely optical observations of the bright elliptical galaxy NGC 4472 indicate beta(r) < 0.35 within the effective radius. However, the X-ray gas temperature profile T(r) for NGC 4472 requires significantly larger anisotropy, beta = 0.6 - 0.7, about twice the optical value. This strong preference for radial stellar orbits must be understood in terms of the formation history of massive elliptical galaxies. Conversely, if the smaller, optically determined anisotropy is indeed correct, we are led to the important conclusion that the temperature profile T(r) of the hot interstellar gas in NGC 4472 must differ from that indicated by X-ray observations, or that the hot gas is not in hydrostatic equilibrium.Comment: 6 pages (emulateapj5) with 4 figures; accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Spatially resolved spectroscopy of Coma cluster early-type galaxies IV. Completing the dataset

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    The long-slit spectra obtained along the minor axis, offset major axis and diagonal axis are presented for 12 E and S0 galaxies of the Coma cluster drawn from a magnitude-limited sample studied before. The rotation curves, velocity dispersion profiles and the H_3 and H_4 coefficients of the Hermite decomposition of the line of sight velocity distribution are derived. The radial profiles of the Hbeta, Mg, and Fe line strength indices are measured too. In addition, the surface photometry of the central regions of a subsample of 4 galaxies recently obtained with Hubble Space Telescope is presented. The data will be used to construct dynamical models of the galaxies and study their stellar populations.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Universality in Random Walk Models with Birth and Death

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    Models of random walks are considered in which walkers are born at one location and die at all other locations with uniform death rate. Steady-state distributions of random walkers exhibit dimensionally dependent critical behavior as a function of the birth rate. Exact analytical results for a hyperspherical lattice yield a second-order phase transition with a nontrivial critical exponent for all positive dimensions D2, 4D\neq 2,~4. Numerical studies of hypercubic and fractal lattices indicate that these exact results are universal. Implications for the adsorption transition of polymers at curved interfaces are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, 2 postscript figure

    Pairing gaps from nuclear mean-field models

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    We discuss the pairing gap, a measure for nuclear pairing correlations, in chains of spherical, semi-magic nuclei in the framework of self-consistent nuclear mean-field models. The equations for the conventional BCS model and the approximate projection-before-variation Lipkin-Nogami method are formulated in terms of local density functionals for the effective interaction. We calculate the Lipkin-Nogami corrections of both the mean-field energy and the pairing energy. Various definitions of the pairing gap are discussed as three-point, four-point and five-point mass-difference formulae, averaged matrix elements of the pairing potential, and single-quasiparticle energies. Experimental values for the pairing gap are compared with calculations employing both a delta pairing force and a density-dependent delta interaction in the BCS and Lipkin-Nogami model. Odd-mass nuclei are calculated in the spherical blocking approximation which neglects part of the the core polarization in the odd nucleus. We find that the five-point mass difference formula gives a very robust description of the odd-even staggering, other approximations for the gap may differ from that up to 30% for certain nuclei.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in EPJ

    Consequences of the center-of-mass correction in nuclear mean-field models

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    We study the influence of the scheme for the correction for spurious center-of-mass motion on the fit of effective interactions for self-consistent nuclear mean-field calculations. We find that interactions with very simple center-of-mass correction have significantly larger surface coefficients than interactions for which the center-of-mass correction was calculated for the actual many-body state during the fit. The reason for that is that the effective interaction has to counteract the wrong trends with nucleon number of all simplified schemes for center-of-mass correction which puts a wrong trend with mass number into the effective interaction itself. The effect becomes clearly visible when looking at the deformation energy of largely deformed systems, e.g. superdeformed states or fission barriers of heavy nuclei.Comment: 12 pages LATeX, needs EPJ style files, 5 eps figures, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    PT-Symmetry Quantum Electrodynamics--PTQED

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    The construction of PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric quantum electrodynamics is reviewed. In particular, the massless version of the theory in 1+1 dimensions (the Schwinger model) is solved. Difficulties with unitarity of the SS-matrix are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, contributed to Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physic

    Kinematic Structure of Merger Remnants

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    We use numerical simulations to study the kinematic structure of remnants formed from mergers of equal-mass disk galaxies. In particular, we show that remnants of dissipational mergers, which include the radiative cooling of gas, star formation, feedback from supernovae, and the growth of supermassive black holes, are smaller, rounder, have, on average, a larger central velocity dispersion, and show significant rotation compared to remnants of dissipationless mergers. The increased rotation speed of dissipational remnants owes its origin to star formation that occurs in the central regions during the galaxy merger. We have further quantified the anisotropy, three-dimensional shape, minor axis rotation, and isophotal shape of each merger remnant, finding that dissipational remnants are more isotropic, closer to oblate, have the majority of their rotation along their major axis, and are more disky than dissipationless remnants. Individual remnants display a wide variety of kinematic properties. A large fraction of the dissipational remnants are oblate isotropic rotators. Many dissipational, and all of the dissipationless, are slowly rotating and anisotropic. The remnants of gas-rich major mergers can well-reproduce the observed distribution of projected ellipticities, rotation parameter (V/\sigma)*, kinematic misalignments, Psi, and isophotal shapes. The dissipationless remnants are a poor match to this data. Our results support the merger hypothesis for the origin of low-luminosity elliptical galaxies provided that the progenitor disks are sufficiently gas-rich, however our remnants are a poor match to the bright ellipticals that are slowly rotating and uniformly boxy.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures, accepted to Ap

    PT-symmetry and its spontaneous breakdown explained by anti-linearity

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    The impact of an anti-unitary symmetry on the spectrum of non-Hermitian operators is studied. Wigner's normal form of an anti-unitary operator accounts for the spectral properties of non-Hermitian, PE-symmetric Harniltonians. The occurrence of either single real or complex conjugate pairs of eigenvalues follows from this theory. The corresponding energy eigenstates span either one- or two-dimensional irreducible representations of the symmetry PE. In this framework, the concept of a spontaneously broken PE-symmetry is not needed

    The Z=82 shell closure in neutron-deficient Pb isotopes

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    Recent mass measurements show a substantial weakening of the binding energy difference delta_{2p} (Z,N) = E(Z-2,N) - 2 E(Z,N) + E(Z+2,N) in the neutron-deficient Pb isotopes. As delta_{2p} is often attributed to the size of the proton magic gap, it might be speculated that the reduction in delta_{2p} is related to a weakening of the spherical Z=82 shell. We demonstrate that the observed trend is described quantitatively by self-consistent mean-field models in terms of deformed ground states of Hg and Po isotopes.Comment: submitted to Eur. Phys. J.