92 research outputs found

    Toward the Cross-Institutional Data Integration From Shibboleth Federated LMS

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    Through this study, we aim to examine a method for data integration in shared Learning Management System (LMS) in authentication federation. We proposed a method of transmitting ePTID and learning data with user’s consent as a method for data integration across institutions. The method is compared with the other existing methods to realize the shared LMS. We discuss the suitable method for next version of GakuNinMoodle and conclude that our requirements are not fully satisfied by a single method

    A Radial Sclerosing Lesion Mimicking Breast Cancer on Mammography in a Young Woman

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    A spiculated mass on a mammogram is highly suggestive of malignancy. We report the case of a 32-year-old woman with a radial sclerosing lesion that mimicked breast cancer on mammography. She visited her physician after palpating a lump in her left breast. Mammography showed architectural distortion in the upper inner quadrant of the left breast. Ultrasonography showed a low echoic area with an ambiguous boundary. Core needle biopsy was performed because of the suspicion of malignancy. Histological examination did not reveal any malignant cells. After 6 months, the breast lump became larger and the patient was referred to our hospital. Mammography performed in our hospital showed a spiculated mass, and therefore mammotome biopsy was performed. Histological examination revealed dense fibroelastic stroma with a wide variety of mastopathic changes, leading to a diagnosis of a radial sclerosing lesion. One year after the biopsy, the lump on her left breast had disappeared and mammography showed no spiculated mass

    Prevalence of gambling disorder and its correlates among homeless men in Osaka city, Japan

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    Internationally, the prevalence of gambling disorder has been reported to be higher among homeless people than the general population; however, little is known about the factors associated with gambling disorder in this population. The present study aimed to investigate the prevalence of gambling disorder and its associated factors among homeless men using shelters in Osaka City. A cross-sectional survey was conducted from 30 to 2018 to 4 January 2019, using the 2017 Japanese National Survey of Gambling (JNSG) questionnaire, supplemented with questions about homeless experiences, drinking, and smoking. Using the South Oaks Gambling Screen, the presence of gambling disorder was determined by a score ≥ 5 out of 20. Multivariate logistic regression was conducted to explore factors associated with lifetime gambling disorder. Lifetime and past-year prevalence of gambling disorder among 103 participants was 43.7% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 34.5–53.3) and 3.9% (95% CI: 1.5–9.6), respectively, which are higher than the 6.7% and 1.5% found among men in the 2017 JNSG. Reasons reported for currently gambling less were primarily financial. Factors associated with lifetime GD included “more than 20 years since the first incidence of homelessness” (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 4.97, 95% CI: 1.50–16.45) and “more than five incidences of homelessness” (AOR: 4.51, 95% CI: 1.06–19.26). When homeless individuals with gambling disorder try to rebuild and stabilize their lives, the presence or resurgence of gambling disorder may hinder the process and pose a risk of recurring homelessness. Comprehensive support services for homeless individuals with gambling disorder are required. (250 words

    Pre-post changes in psychosocial functioning among relatives of patients with depressive disorders after Brief Multifamily Psychoeducation: A pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Depressive disorder is often chronic and recurrent, and results in a heavy psychosocial burden on the families of patients with this disorder. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of brief multifamily psychoeducation designed to alleviate their psychosocial burden.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirty-two relatives of patients with major depressive disorder participated in an open study testing the effectiveness of brief multifamily psychoeducation. The intervention consisted of four sessions over the course of 6 weeks. Outcome measures focused on emotional distress, care burden and Expressed Emotion (EE).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The emotional distress, care burden and EE of the family all showed statistically significant improvements from baseline to after the family intervention. The proportion of relatives scoring 9 or more on K6, which indicates possible depressive or anxiety disorder, decreased from sixteen relatives (50.0%) at baseline, to only 3 relatives (9.3%) after the intervention.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study suggests that brief multifamily psychoeducation is a useful intervention to reduce the psychosocial burden of the relatives of patients with depressive disorder. Further evaluation of family psychoeducation for relatives of patients with depressive disorder is warranted.</p

    Sensitization of catastrophic cognition in cognitive-behavioral therapy for panic disorder

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cognitive model of panic disorder have proposed that panic attacks result from the catastrophic misinterpretation of certain bodily sensations. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for panic disorder aims to change these catastrophic cognitions. CBT intervention successfully caused reduction of catastrophic cognitions and symptomatic improvement in the majority of cases. However there are some patients who fail to modify their catastrophic cognitions or rather experience an increase in them during CBT treatment. It is clinically and theoretically important to understand about cognitive sensitization of panic disorder during CBT sessions. The purpose of the present study is 1) to clarify the baseline characteristics of panic patients who would experience sensitization of their catastrophic cognitions through the CBT treatment, and 2) to examine the course of symptomatic changes for them.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Of ninety-five outpatients with panic disorder started the group CBT program for treatment of panic disorder, seventy-nine completer were classified as "cognitively sensitized (CS)" or "cognitive responding (CR)" or "no-responder" according to the difference of the Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire score across treatment. We compared the CS and CR patients in terms of their baseline clinical characteristics. Then we assessed the symptomatic and functional changes for both groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At the start of the CBT program, despite of the same degree of panic disorder severity, CS scored significantly lower on ACQ score than CR. CS also showed significantly lower score on anticipatory anxiety compared to CR. At the end of treatment CS showed significant improvement in severity of panic disorder, although the degree of improvement was smaller than that for CR. Then CS would progressively reduce their agoraphobic fear and avoidance, and would improve their functional impairment up to three month of follow-up.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Panic patients who would experience sensitization of their catastrophic cognitions through the CBT treatment could nonetheless gradually improve. They showed a relatively low level of catastrophic cognition and anticipatory anxiety before starting the CBT program. We might conclude that temporary sensitization of catastrophic cognition may be necessary before improvement especially among those with initially low catastrophic body sensation fears and that we need not be concerned too much with temporary increase in catastrophic cognition in the process of CBT for panic disorder.</p

    Therapeutic drug monitoring of ganciclovir for postnatal cytomegalovirus infection in an extremely low birth weight infant: a case report

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    Background: Ganciclovir is a therapeutic choice for extremely premature infants with severe postnatal cytomegalovirus disease, but little is known about its optimal dose size and dosing interval for them. Case presentation: We treated an extremely premature female infant with postnatal cytomegalovirus infection with intravenous administration of ganciclovir since 49 days of life (postmenstrual age of 31 weeks). After ganciclovir treatment was initiated at a dose of 5 mg/kg every 12 h, cytomegalovirus loads in the peripheral blood were markedly decreased. However, since plasma ganciclovir trough level was too high, the interval was extended to every 24 h. Subsequently, the trough level and the estimated 12-h area under the concentration-time curve (AUC0-12) were decreased from 3.5 mg/L to 0.3 mg/L and 53.9 mg ・ h/L to 19.2 mg ・ h/L, respectively, resulting in an exacerbation of viremia and clinical condition. Adjustment of dosing interval from 24 h to 12 h led to a peak level of 4.2 mg/L, trough level of 1.1 mg/L, and AUC0-12 of 31.8 mg ・ h/L, resulting in a marked suppression of viral load. Conclusions: Monitoring the therapeutic drug levels and cytomegalovirus loads is useful in obtaining a proper treatment effect and preventing overdosage during ganciclovir therapy in premature infants with postnatal cytomegalovirus infection

    ショチュウトウ キョウイク ニホンゴ キョウシ ケンシュウ ニ オケル キョウジュホウ ジュギョウ ニ ツイテ

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    初・中等教育段階の日本語教育は、各国・地域の外国語教育政策に基づいて展開されており、シラバス、カリキュラム、教材もそれぞれの国・地域で統一されている場合が多く、学習者の発達段階など多くの要因を考慮しながら授業を組み立てていく必要がある。初・中等教育の教師を対象とした研修の教授法授業では、このような背景を考慮した実践的な教授活動を取り入れていくことが重要である。2003年度海外日本語教師短期研修(春期)(以下、春短期研修)における教授法授業では以下の試みを行った。できる限り教授環境を共有する国・地域別のクラス編成を重視し、多国籍のクラスの人数を少数になるようにした。さらに、それぞれの教授環境を重視し、その一方で国・地域を超えた初・中等教育に共通する課題をその枠組みの中で取り上げることとした。 共通に扱う項目としては、それぞれの教師が普段行っているであろう教授活動の流れ、「教授目標設定→授業設計→授業準備・教材作成→授業実施→授業に対する評価」の流れを教授法授業で経験させること、コンピュータの利用、高校訪問という要素を、それぞれの教師の望む程度に応じて教授活動の中に織り込ませることであった。 本稿では、5クラスそれぞれの教授法授業の実際を報告し、コンピュータ利用、高校訪問については全体について報告した。研修に参加したほとんどの教師は、教授法授業のクラス分け、扱った内容について役立ったとしているが、違う国・地域の教師との情報交流の機会をより増やすことを望む声が多かった。さらに、コンピュータ利用を勧めたことについては、IT普及の如何に関わらず好評であった。高校訪問については、半数程度が役立つとしているが、問題があったとする意見もあり、教授法授業への取り入れ方については検討を要する。今後も、初・中等教育に携わる日本語教師への研修を改善していくためには、実践に根ざした情報の蓄積が必要である


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     2020年度、日本は学校教育の一つの大きな転換期を迎えた。小学校から順次完全実施される改訂学習指導要領のスタート期であり、また、学校組織とともに教員の職務遂行のあり方そのものも変えていく「学校の働き方改革」の推進の渦中である。さらに、新型コロナウイルス感染症による未曾有の事態に直面し、「学校の新しい生活様式」を模索しながら教育課程のあり方そのものを抜本的に見直すことを迫られた。 そうしたなか、本稿執筆者の一人が、米国大学 “William & Mary School of Education”のJames H. Stronge教授から“International Beliefs and Practices of Teacher Effectiveness”のタイトルでの出版企画への参加依頼を受けた。米国、日本、中国など10か国の教員養成機関の関係者が参加し、各国の教員養成における質保証や教育施策の実際、またそれらが依拠する理念等について、それぞれの国の教育・文化的土壌や背景を含意しつつ検討を進めるとの趣旨であった。同書のテーマは2020年度に教職大学院に在籍した現職教員学生(リーダーコース)にとっても重要な関心事であった。そこで2 名の所属教職大学院の教員、5 名の現職教員学生によってプロジェクトチームが立ち上げられ、日本のチャプターを引き受けることになった。本稿はそれを大幅に加筆・修正したものである


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